Spike and Jinks,

There are 3 trolls who are ruining this forum - their presence being obvious to all. It's time to show them the door. Yes, they will re-appear with new handles, but will find it impossible to conceal themselves - which is when you ban them again and again, and again if necessary. By doing this you can possibly save our forum - with the full support of the overwhelming majority of good members we do have. By ignoring this, I truly believe that the days of SGT are limited.

Ask Smiles to show you his "ignor list" if there's any confusion regarding their identity.

It's not my nature to complain about things like this - and can usually hold my own during troll attacks, but it's simply not fare to the overwhelming majority of forum members who would like to actively participate in our discussions, although don't because of their fear of being attacked and ridiculed by these idiots. Every single time I post a trip report I receive PM's from this silent majority - who always go on to say that they are sending me a PM because they are afraid to post their comments publically. These are guys I've never heard of...total strangers...but have to hide their heads in the sand because of a few mental cases who have figured out how to operate a keyboard...what gives?

I've never once read the forum policies - but don't have to. Any time a person joins a public forum for the sole purpose of insulting, ridiculing and baiting its members into fights is grounds to ban him. If that's not in this forums poilicy -then I suggest you get your pens out and start writing.

Enough is enough.

It's times like this that I find myself really missing the old Pattaya Gay Forum days. I would take Hedda back in a minute as compared to some of the numb sculls we have to deal with now....even Thai Boxer had more substance- and that's reaching deep in the barrel...hehehehehe