Two friends who arrived back thursday from Pattaya made an interesting observation. They had been to the Xboys bar in soi1 pattayaland several times and noted that straight tourist both sexes arriving with coupons and were given personalized attention, including free drink[s]

Obviously some tie up with hotels or an intourist group but good marketing.
Prior to becoming Copa , it was not unusual to see straight tourist from hotels arrive for the G rated floor shows. Whether that has continued I have not heard. Those damned dog and monkey skits used the be popular with all bar the regulars .
Maybe Venue has a similar deal with hotels?.

I remember 10/15 years ago the 2 storied place in Sunni next to where Memories is now,used to have a procession of baht buses arrive to see live sex shows and reportedly paid huge entrance fees to do so. Hetro downstairs and gay upstairs with the boys rotating where needed. The baht bus drivers were paid the commission rather than travel agents.

That place looks like a bombsite now and apart from Krazy Dragon I dont think any bar in Sunni could tap into that market.

Id be interested to find out if Copa and BBB do anything similar.