him if he saw my later Id give him soNot bery well.
I was waking up after the bars closed.This went on for almost a week and I was getting very randy.As I was walking around Sunee this guy aproached me and offered cheap sex.This guy looked like the north vietnamese spy in the movie Good morning vietnam ,the 1987 movie featuring Robin Williams.In the movie his name was Phun duk Toe and he was really cute.His eyes had that kinda red yaba look but at this point I over looked this and decided I would take him up on his offer.
The sex wasnt bad,not great either,but I was satisfied just having someone to spend some time with.The next night he told me he left his neckless at my place,which was true.Another round of sex and the returning of his belongings and he was gone.Temporarily.
On subsequent nights I would see him and he would follow me around and just sit across from whatever bar I went to and wait for me,wanting to go to a short time room as I told him he wasnt allowed where I was staying.This guy was bad news.One day I gave a boi who I knew 100 baht for food and my stalker saw this. He insisted on money also.I walked almost to the end of soi 17 trying to get rid of him to no avail.Then he started yelling and pulled this threatening muay thai move on me. :violent1: IThe last thing I wanted was to get into a fight with this guy,in another country,so I told me money.
Then it never stopped.Every time he saw me ,the same thing,insisting on money and not leaving me alone until he got it.It was easier just giving into him than fighting him.One day he asked for 300 baht because he was going to Bangkok to see his mother,ha.I gave it to him in hopes it was true.Believe it or not I never saw him again.But one of his minions in the plaza took over for him,only asking for 20 baht,lol,what a bargain.I was so relieved not to see the first hoologan anymore.
So this is my little story of extortion in Pattaya.