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View Full Version : Is this a sign of desperation ....

July 19th, 2009, 21:04
Got this newsmail from Thaiboy.net (the network of BBB-group in Bangkok).

"Everybody is seeking for love. The true love. The one and only. The boy of your dreams. Many people come to Thailand because here they find what they lack at home: People smile at you and respect you as you are.

Many visitors are rich. Some have average income but some come on their last Setang. But they all ask the same question: How much does a boy expect to go with me? How much should I tip him?

A relationship in Thailand is always a mixture of love, sexuality, beauty, adventure, fun for a night, some weeks, forever, last, not least, money. But the question resists: How much? There is no certain answer, because the question is wrong. There are some figures spreading: 1,000 or 1,500 Baht for short time, 2,000 Baht for more...

But... In Thailand it is the relationship that counts. If you are wealthy, Thais expect you to share and be generous. Do you have to think about every expense two times before you can afford it? Talk with the boy and surely he will understand and accept."

So guys, it's really up to you! Problem only that according to the discussions in this forum everyone consider themselfes in the last group so that will not give many pennies over for the boys, or ???????

x in pattaya
July 19th, 2009, 21:20
Is this something written by the farang bar owner out of the blue or in response to some questions, or is it some alleged message board? Context?

July 19th, 2009, 21:39
Is this something written by the farang bar owner out of the blue or in response to some questions, or is it some alleged message board? Context?

It was sent round in an email by BBB Group to everyone on their mailing list. I get two copies of every email this BBB Group sends out - does anyone know how I can get myself off the list? (They don't respond to email requests)

The emails are always signed by "Pan" but I'm told it's actually one of the Germans who sends it out. :salute: