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x in pattaya
July 16th, 2009, 10:30
I know the Heddas and BitchBunnies of this world are consumed with seething, incendiary anger because theyтАЩve felt deceived financially and/or in matters of тАЬL :sunny: VEтАЭ by some wily, clever Thai boys who outsmarted them (no real feat), but it might be of interest to note that itтАЩs not only gullible, clueless farang who are duped.

I have a Thai acquaintance of middle-class origins, weтАЩll call him Tom, (Yes, alaan, IтАЩm sure that makes me sound like a pompous prick because I apparently think IтАЩm the only person on the planet with a middle-class Thai friend). HeтАЩs well-educated, drives a fairly new car and has a generous farang boy-friend (ye gads, romania, I donтАЩt think IтАЩm the only generous, caring farang in the world!) тАж but as Tom has admitted to me on several occasions, he REALLY loves Thai boys.

So ToyBoy1 who has captured TomтАЩs heart decides he wants to open a bar and needs a little financial backing. Tom doles out the cash. I was taken there for a visit and drink. ItтАЩs conveniently located in a surprisingly desolate area of Pattaya, down a dark deserted soi and then off that on a sub-soi. Basically you sit in plastic furniture on a gravel strewn front тАЬgardenтАЭ of a two storey house behind which is a vacant overgrown bit of land occupied by street dogs. Across the street is a chain-link enclosure housing derelict vehicles. Aside from a few lorries or motorcycles passing by at speed, raising a cloud of dust, there is no traffic. Yes, this has success written all over it. At last report, my Thai acquaintance has dumped over B 100,000 into this enterprise (apparently plastic chairs are very dear) and several due dates for repayment have slipped by without notice. Given the financial strain, I canтАЩt believe Tom is getting anything else from ToyBoy1 either. I havenтАЩt been to the bar since it opened, but something tells me that calling ahead to make reservations isnтАЩt absolutely necessary.

Debunking the once burned, twice shy theory, a couple of months ago Tom picked me up at Bangkok Hospital, with ToyBoy2 at the wheel. Tom sat in the front with me in the back while TB2 drove, and to say Tom only had eyes for the boy would be an understatement. The boy was sort of attractive in a lean, edgy, non-gay-street-tough sort of way and didnтАЩt seem to be having any difficulty suppressing any obvious interest in Tom although he seemed quite enthused about driving a real in car on real streets as we wove through heavy traffic on Sukhumvit and I toyed with the seat belt.

Surprise, surprise Tom came to see me and my friend to see if he knew of any schools in Bangkok where ToyBoy2 could learn to fix mobile phones. They were going to start up a mobile shop at TukCom. I slipped in a mention that there certainly were a lot of mobile shops at TukCom and these certainly are rough times for any business, but was ignored and thus I tactfully withdrew from any further involvement.

I met Tom by chance a few days ago and asked how the shop at TukCom was coming along. Tom is totally immune to hints of sarcasm. Apparently, and this came as quite a shock to me, the boy debunked with whatever investment had been made and announced he wanted to open this shop in some village up north. Tom opined that that was probably not a good idea since he would have no control over operations. Mai bpen rai, eh Tom?

I will say Tom is remarkably forthcoming in sharing news of his disasters, appears fairly unfazed by them and IтАЩm guessing that he is poorer but no wiser from the experiences.

Not sure how typical Tom is, but at least some Thais are as susceptible & vulnerable to the lure of (other) sexy Thai males as are some clueless farang тАж though evidently it doesnтАЩt reduce them to quivering, bitter old crones trolling the message boards.

July 16th, 2009, 10:50
I know the Heddas and BitchBunnies of this world are consumed with seething, incendiary anger because theyтАЩve felt deceived financially and/or in matters of тАЬL :sunny: VEтАЭ by some wily, clever Thai boys who outsmarted them (no real feat), but it might be of interest to note that itтАЩs not only gullible, clueless farang who are duped.

Moi? You must have me confused with someone else. Since I've never fallen in love with a prostitute, I have thus never been "duped" by one in any way, shape, or fashion.

Khor tose
July 16th, 2009, 19:52
[quote="x in pattaya":25fss0sv]I know the Heddas and BitchBunnies of this world are consumed with seething, incendiary anger because theyтАЩve felt deceived financially and/or in matters of тАЬL :sunny: VEтАЭ by some wily, clever Thai boys who outsmarted them (no real feat), but it might be of interest to note that itтАЩs not only gullible, clueless farang who are duped.

Moi? You must have me confused with someone else. Since I've never fallen in love with a prostitute, I have thus never been "duped" by one in any way, shape, or fashion.[/quote:25fss0sv]

Yes, X you are completely wrong on the first point and sort of wrong on the second. Bunny has never been in love with anyone but himself in his whole life, and the only way he has been duped is to believe his self-love is justified.

July 16th, 2009, 20:51
Well, I am pretty lovable. At least, my lover of 20+ years thinks so...

July 16th, 2009, 22:21
[quote="x in pattaya"]
(Yes, alaan, IтАЩm sure that makes me sound like a pompous prick because I apparently think IтАЩm the only person on the planet with a middle-class Thai friend)

Your conceit knows no bounds mr.x.......the very fact you think you are important enough that I could give a flying fig if you have a middle class Thai friend or not.....does not only make you 'sound' pompous......but in fact elevates you a notch slightly higher......to actually 'being' pompous AND arrogant......

The 'prick' part is something I have never accused you of being.......as i am a nice polite chap it is not my style of langauge under normal circumstances......but.....yes...on this occassion i find myself agreeing with you wholeheartedly that 'prick' suits you perfectly......

July 16th, 2009, 22:29
" ... i find myself agreeing with you wholeheartedly that 'prick' suits you perfectly ... "
At least you didn't call him 'prissy'. That really sets him off ... has to travel all the way to Bangkok for a bit of the old in-out just to recover.

(ASIDE: Alaan could you please learn how to use the 'quote' feature properly. It's quite easy really, and helps us old fucks to make heads or tails .... )

July 16th, 2009, 23:16
Well, I am pretty lovable.
┬╗True. Appearances are deceptive. But not yet proven here.┬л


c.1175, "sufferings of Christ on the Cross," from O.Fr. passion, from L.L. passionem (nom. passio) "suffering, enduring," from stem of L. pati "to suffer, endure," from PIE base *pei- "to hurt" (cf. Skt. pijati "reviles, scorns," Gk. pema "suffering, misery, woe," O.E. feond "enemy, devil," Goth. faian "to blame"). Sense extended to sufferings of martyrs, and suffering generally, by 1225; meaning "strong emotion, desire" is attested from c.1374, from L.L. use of passio to render Gk. pathos. Replaced O.E. ├╛olung (used in glosses to render L. passio), lit. "suffering," from ├╛olian (v.) "to endure." Sense of "sexual love" first attested 1588; that of "strong liking, enthusiasm, predilection" is from 1638. The passion-flower so called from 1633.
(Online Etymology Dictionary, Harper) http://www.fisheaters.com/passionflower.html

x in pattaya
July 16th, 2009, 23:18
Your conceit knows no bounds mr.x.......the very fact you think you are important enough that I could give a flying fig if you have a middle class Thai friend or not.....does not only make you 'sound' pompous......but in fact elevates you a notch slightly higher......to actually 'being' pompous AND arrogant......

I agree with you sweetie, very little that I say ought to merit a response from such an austere person such as yourself, especially considering how overwhelmed you seem to be dealing with the high-tech features of the message board ... and yet, against all reason, you snivel forth and make comments gratuitously. Go figure, eh.

I blame BeachBuggy who has created an atmosphere of cretinism that pervades the message board and inspires the insipid to feel qualified to speak up on any subject despite a woeful lack of qualifications.

" ... i find myself agreeing with you wholeheartedly that 'prick' suits you perfectly ... "
At least you didn't call him 'prissy'. That really sets him off ... has to travel all the way to Bangkok for a bit of the old in-out just to recover.

Considering that they're still mopping up after your last visit to Soi Twilight, not to mention that highly embarassing incident with someone called Bubble Butt who's currently in therapy as a consequence, you're in no position to hurl accusations.

Let's not mislead the slow-witted who might mistakenly assume that you are the ├йminence grise of SGT and a reliable source of information. London Laddie, one of the most inspiring posters that I have ever come across here, accused YOU of being prissy. As much as I loathe name-calling, his arrow struck closed to the bullseye with that comment.

July 16th, 2009, 23:27
I blame BeachBuggy who has created an atmosphere of cretinism that pervades the message board and inspires the insipid to feel qualified to speak up on any subject despite a woeful lack of qualifications.

Though I'm flattered, I'm quite sure the atmosphere of cretinism of which Smiles must be so proud long preceded my arrival here.

And as for the "insipid feeling qualified to speak up on any subject despite a woeful lack of qualifications", quite the opposite: I fancy myself something like the patron saint of smacking down such members, such as Dodger "Mr. Miramar", Bob the visa expert, and LMTU who oddly seems to be able to speak no language as a native and believes that Google delivers inscrutable English to Thai translations.

July 17th, 2009, 03:11
Sorry.........but no Smiles...i won't be learning to use...or demonstrate any competence in the use of the quotes feature any time soon...... non-proper use is now my preferred style in a reply to mr.x... he has already informed me that the quotes feature 'is a mystery to me' on a previous thread and AGAIN how 'overwhelmed i am'.... and as you must be well aware by now......he always has to be right on just about EVERYTHING......

So who Mr.x, can be blamed for the proliferation of self-obsessed rants and egoistic ramblings on all subjects from the likes of you......

It is interesting however that you brought up the matter of those who 'feel qualified to speak up on any subject despite a woeful lack of qualifications'......in that you spluttering on arrogantly pointing the accusing finger at everyone else...... is indeed ironic given that you sunshine, are the VERY EMBODIMENT of such....

.............................a few years as a foreign day tripper in the land of smiles chasing bar boys surely does make you the high and mighty, all knowing self appointed expert on things Thai.....eminently more 'qualified' than the rest of us who actually reside in the more realistic land of 'down to earth'.....

And......... 'gratuitously making comments against all reason' ?? ........in your capacity as puffed up egoistic bag of wind...you babble on so much about your feats of humble generosity etc.etc.ad nauseum....versus everyone else's inadequancies ..........you positively invite it...

Maybe if you injected a little humility in amongst your bombastic rants at others .....you wouldn't be taken for the vain hypocrite that you, on many occasions, actually are......but i won't hold my breath given that the concept of 'humble' would be a complete mystery to one so..........full of himself......

July 17th, 2009, 03:34
You guys are too much. I think if you all met in person and had a drink together,you would all get along famously. Its my unscientific observation that asians are very "sticky rice". And why not,with their silky smooth skin and uncut c***s. Given a choice a Thai will choose a Thai,thats a given. Unless theres a financial or some such other motivation involved.It is what it is. And its nice to see that being "taken" by a Thai is not the sole province of farangs.

July 17th, 2009, 04:29
You guys are too much. I think if you all met in person and had a drink together,you would all get along famously. Its my unscientific observation that asians are very "sticky rice". And why not,with their silky smooth skin and uncut c***s. Given a choice a Thai will choose a Thai,thats a given. Unless theres a financial or some such other motivation involved.It is what it is. And its nice to see that being "taken" by a Thai is not the sole province of farangs.

Oh dear don't you realise that x in pattaya makes up little threads like this so people like you will actuallly think he has a life.

Brad the Impala
July 17th, 2009, 04:34
.............................a few years as a foreign day tripper in the land of smiles chasing bar boys surely does make you the high and mighty, all knowing self appointed expert on things Thai.....eminently more 'qualified' than the rest of us who actually reside in the more realistic land of 'down to earth'.....

One of you lives in Pattaya, the clue is in the name, quite apart from being obvious from the posts and posting history, and the other, Alaaaan, notes his own home as Scotland but is calling, if I understand correctly, the resident a "foreign day tripper"...................

One foreskin short of a haggis I fear.

July 17th, 2009, 06:11
Foreskin...haggis....well at least you didn't fall into any stereotypical Scottish 'joke' traps did you Brad....split my sides with this one.....oh! and you missed the inclusion of 'bagpipes'........ surely you could have managed to fit that in somewhere...........maybe u can save that for your next reply to a poster based in Scotland.....can't wait.....

......my evidently light, over-simplified sarky comment was obviously not intended to be taken as an actual statement of fact ... as i expect most will grasp.....i presume the 'expert' on things Thai spent a few years visiting or what would be the equivalent to day-tripping when compared to someone born or who have spent their whole life in Thailand......whether he is now resident in Thailand or not..... comes to the same thing in my humble opinion....just because one has skipped back and fore or resided for a few years in the Kingdom.........it doesn't make you an 'expert' on things Thai.....anymore than any other foreigner/alien who has done or is doing the same.

To those who might have noticed the thread has veered somewhat off topic...i apologise.

Khor tose
July 17th, 2009, 07:42
Well, I am pretty lovable. At least, my lover of 20+ years thinks so...

If this statement is true, and I think that it is, then I am impressed. That would be quite an accomplishment anywhere in the world, and I think it is remarkable for Thailand. However, I suspect you are a nice guy with him and make up for it by being---to be kind--less then nice here. Nevertheless, congradulations.

Khor tose
July 18th, 2009, 01:44
Now, I feel the need to get back to the subject of your disdain for everyone else on this board. What is really sad is that you will eventually grow tired of this sick game that you are playing, and start directing your anger towards those who do care about you, or at yourself. I have no idea why, but what I feel is that you losing what little ability you have to connect with others.
It is not to late to try a new approach to life by sharing (with someone you trust) whatever it is that is making you this way. Other people would, and will help you if you give them a chance.
You will of course make my advice into a joke or put-down, but it is heartfelt. That you lack the ability to see when others with good intentions are trying to be helpful, is just one more sign that I am probably correct about you.