View Full Version : a note from my friend in Cebu,Philippines

July 11th, 2009, 23:18
t: 11. Jul. 2009 - 18:10
""you old fart what yo been up to?" checking out all the good looking guys here in Cebu! Did you know that, statistically speaking, there are some 3 MILLION gay guys between the ages of 15 and 24 in the Philippine population? Probably 2 MILLION 18-24 - AND MOST of them are here in this area? At least so this website would indicate. Talk about heaven con earth. I have three 20-somethings living with me now and could have 300 if I had the money - not to mention the stamina! Got to get the word out - spread the wealth, so to speak. M

July 12th, 2009, 04:34
Talk about heaven con earth. ... Got to get the word out - spread the wealth, so to speak. M

A voice crying in the wilderness. Not representative, but:
GayRomeo members 18-24 / All members (Population)
Kyrgyzstan: 4 / 14 (5 million)

Thailand: 3.311 / 12.129 (63 million)

Philippines: 41.089 / 74.367 (92 million)

July 12th, 2009, 05:30
t: 11. Jul. 2009 - 18:10
I have three 20-somethings living with me now and could have 300 if I had the money - not to mention the stamina!

WES I think your other friend has got at least 300 living with him now. unfortunatly its in the same cell.In the last couple of days there has been a few posts on how many under age boys there are working in bars in the sunee area. Was not you stopping in that area to "see for yourself" if it was true ? I do not recall you mentioning that you saw one..funny that..
How is your friend getting on ? Do you still keep in contact with him ? Did you contribute to the "kitty" to help him get off the charges ? Any up-dates on his health, court case and whereabouts ?

July 14th, 2009, 02:35
I have been updated. and likely more than most, unless you are living there. Have I been ask to help, yes 3 times by two separate people some from the forum. Needless to say I have confessed in private that I made some rather unremarkable mistakes in regards to the situation regarding one of our once most revered members, at least to some. I would say that if You PM me likely I will be more forthcoming in how I feel. As to whether I hve helped in any way at all I would say no, other than to believe that one is Innocent until proven guilty I have no empathy with the defendant in this matter. me nor my background or present status would not allow my personal integrity to be over come by my personal fondness for the former member of this forum, and I would assume if acquitted would remain a member. I would mention, I like many others who have been in personal contact with him are and have been looking over their own shoulders as to how this will eventually end and how it affects the people who trusted I him. I would say that I personally do regret not only that I was wrong in that area but in other area's as well. if the information that has been underlined to me there are more problems than just what he was arrested for. So, if you are asking if I have any empathy or support for him in any way, then I would say I have none and have offered none although, there has been some pressure for me to do so. It is my intent to keep as much distance from this situation as possible. Not that I have anything personal to hide. Anyone can tell you the boys when there ranged from 20 to 40. I have no need to play in the kindergarten so to speak. I do enjoy Gay life and to its fullest in every way. If my ability to enjoy life and life to its fullest makes some jealous of me , that I cannot help That I occasionally make mistakes in who I choose as friends , I would say this is not the first , nor likely to be the last of poor judgment in that particular area. I will say that it was on the way to the airport with him that I began to realize every thign was not as kosher As I hasd originally thought. I would think that is enough said on the subject from my part. I hope this is as public as I as I would like to get. If you PM or email me I will be happy to share exactly how I feel and why.

All the best,


July 14th, 2009, 06:50
Let me amend this statement by saying, all are considered innocent until proven guilty except here on this forum. I have often thought of switching to T&T for that reason and as boring as this forum has been of late it may be a good idea.

However, let me say from the outset, George has never done anything wrong to me, I cannot say that anything done or said was not with the greatest amount of integrity on his part. It would be unfair to say he is guilty until he is proven to be and even then, in Thailand it may well not be, i.e. the Kevin Quill situation.

Thus, it has been the duty intended or not for this forum to jump to conclusions that do not exist in the real world not should it. However, on the internet where anyone can say anything they like and not be held accountable. I am not sure this is the place to debate his quilt or innocence. I do think some of us and me included at times act like kids instead of adults at times and tend to say and do things like a kid throwing a tantrum to get his way no matter who it hurts including ones self at times.

Moralizing is not my job, When I say I have no empathy I am simply saying I would like to unequivocally move myself away from this situation as much as possible in as much as things like this tend to make everyone who knew Him to have the same proclivity. Nothing could be further from the truth in this matter. However the more said the worse it will get. Never theless, let me say it is not my place to hypocritically call him something I have no proof of and knowing Thailand and Pattaya especially that it is never good there to make enemies, as you can see two of the most outspoken people of the forum seem to be looking through steel bars at the time.

In my time with him, he has never told me encouraged me or implied in any way that I should join with him in anything illegal or lacking of integrity of the highest order. I can only say my statements above are to say that I do not wish to be associated with in any way with the outcome or involvement in this matter including helping him with money or other resources.

If he was involved in such things, he was fully aware of how I feel about it and I never assumed he was or was not involved in any way until I saw his face on the media photo. Although that can look extremely incriminating, it is by no means an indictment against him in any way only at this point an accusation which looked as though to me was a set up in as much as I never saw Him with any Swedish people while I was there nor heard anyone say he was before or after. Thus, in my humble opinion the less said about this particular situation the better for both him and the forum and the businesses in Sunee as well as Boyztown. I have met no man who is without sin and no business person who has not eaten out of his own garden. So, this is not a good way to start a thread that everyone was afraid to begin a new thread but cowardly mention it in passing after a statement of a guy I have never met makes a statement that could be seen as not entirely within the current thought of being politically correct.

I remind all to keep in mind who they are when and where they came from and but by the gift of destiny many of us could have easily have been put in the situation of him and Quill. Considering where they were living and how evil and mean queen can be.

All the best,


Khor tose
July 14th, 2009, 09:37
You liked him. You are keeping an open mind until he is convicted, but it is possible that he betrayed your trust by not being what he claimed to be. You are not helping him with money, but still kinda hoping it is not true, because it MAY make you look bad, even though you do not share his proclivity.

Admirable comments Wes, but can't you just TRY to use fewer words---please.

July 14th, 2009, 10:43
LOL I got the long posting from GF hehehe, He tole me what to say... Truth is maybe I do feel a bit that way. I can't quite remember being in this kind of situation before. I think honestly. I don't know how I should feel. maybe I should nto feel anything at all; Unfortunately I am not put together that way. At any rate I can keep it short and usually do. Guess this has been on my mind for a while now.


July 14th, 2009, 23:17
Admirable comments Wes, but can't you just TRY to use fewer words---please.
You can even try using more words if you always provide our hasty reader with a summary in the last sentence.

Bored boarders create the boring board. Then the next bore boards the board. SUI CIDE? SPAN KING? LADY BOYS? DREAM TRANSPORT? T H R I L L I N G ! Nothing is so hard as a gay man's ingratitude. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. SUI BOYS? SPAN TRANSPORT? KING DREAM? LADY CIDE? T H R I L L I N G ! Nothing is so hard as a gay man's ingratitude. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Extortion racket at the airport? B O R I N G ! SUI CIDE? SPAN KING? LADY BOYS? DREAM TRANSPORT? T H R I L L I N G !

as boring as this forum has been of late
What is your explanation? Any suggestions? Is there a forum not related to Thailand that is a shining example for you?

July 15th, 2009, 00:28
No its not all that bad on here just not as sparky as usual, I think it may be the lack of Homiturn and his hoard co-hosts. However you may well be able to take his place if this is an example of your usual post

July 20th, 2009, 07:00
Wesley et. al.
Can you please get back to Cebu???
Beautiful City and great place to meet gwapo guys!!
Tell us more...

July 28th, 2009, 09:22
There are a lot of Pictures on gay Ting Tong and better posts there as well. In addition, some posts on Pattaya Passion when they ask me to write something up I did. It was mainly in Manila though. I have a lot of pictures I cannot share because the guy I was with when there is not out and comes from one of the better families in Manila. Therefore, I had to post what I could without a lot of him in it.

However, Cebu is perfect for a person who likes sun and sea and a slow life. The Airport is small but large enough to land any size plane. I would say that life is slow but the boys are not. I get a lot of people that want me to come down and most are good looking and well hung if you are into that sort of thing. However, shopping there is a bit slow if you are looking for a mall you are in the wrong place but if a good guy and lots of them then it is the perfect place for you. It was obvious that my friend and I were gay and I was never looked at in a bad way. However, that was in the resort, I am not sure it would be taken so well in the countryside. I have yet to go to Boracay but I hear for a beach it is much better. However the water there in Cebu is so clear you can see 40 feet to the bottom snorkeling. If you are not with a local, they will take you for more money than you should spend. Nevertheless, if you go with a local or have a bf with you I would say that it is a cheap vacation spot but a bit more expensive than Pattaya. However, it offers a lot more. The one I was in had 6 different pools and they shut Down and cleaned one every day for cleaning and to put in the needed chemicals to keep the water clear and it was a place for a romantic night in the pools and with a bottle of wine and your bf. It is in an open restaurant for dinner and wine with some of the best steaks I have seen outside the USA. TGIF Friday offered some in Manila that were a bit better but it was hard to get out of there without spending 100 bucks as well. I would look under the posts in TT and Pattaya Passion there are some places there where I actual y spent some time trying to make a decent post. I would do the same here but here most people are more interested in Thailand and there they seem to be more open to gay Asia not just gay Thailand and specifically Pattaya.

if I could recommend a place to go where you can feel comfortable then I would say that is the place to go and if you are looking for guys you can let guys in Planet Romeo you are coming and you will be flooded with good looking guys who will want to meet you if you list it far enough ahead of time in the travel section. One person has said that the Philippines are sex crazed. However, he is a straight conservative. I would say I have been with more good looking well hung guys there than any country I have lived in. If you look in Planet Romeo you will see that 2/3 of the guys list people they would like to meet in the age group of 18 to 99. Some are money boys but 90% are not and after a while, you can tell who is who fairly easy.

As to Cebu itself, I would say it is likely the best-looking place I have ever visited and clean. The Philippines in my opinion are clean people and have a sense of pride in their looks. However, so do the Thai. The odds of finding a variety of different men are in the Philippines from those that look very Latino Spanish to those that are Korean and Chinese looking. I know several that go to Pattaya and pass as a Thai there as hustlers and make good money. It is harder in the Philippines because most are willing to give it away. They are overly romantic though almost all of them will say they are simple and looking for a LTR. However, I have personally seen the LTR is kept but they all will run around bit and some openly say they have open relationships and love to have three ways with older people. Orgies can be arranged for 2000 peso with six people. So its really up to you waht you want. If you want to sleaze it around then you can find that if you are looking for three cheep house boys to keep happy; you can do that or you can find a guy long term. Like I say there is a variety for things to do and in the type of person you can find including a lot who look quite American having had a relationship with Americans for some time you get a lot of guys that are half and half that look very nice.

I hope I hit on everything you are looking for if not then just ask and since I donтАЩt look here often in the any other country section you might want to PM me and let me know you have posted and hae a question

All the best,


July 31st, 2009, 09:38
t: 11. Jul. 2009 - 18:10
I have three 20-somethings living with me now and could have 300 if I had the money - not to mention the stamina!

WES I think your other friend has got at least 300 living with him now. unfortunatly its in the same cell.In the last couple of days there has been a few posts on how many under age boys there are working in bars in the sunee area. Was not you stopping in that area to "see for yourself" if it was true ? I do not recall you mentioning that you saw one..funny that..
How is your friend getting on ? Do you still keep in contact with him ? Did you contribute to the "kitty" to help him get off the charges ? Any up-dates on his health, court case and whereabouts ?

I missed those posts can you relate to me wht was said. Honestly as I said while I was there there was only one bar that had obvious underage kids. I dont think its right to damn everything in Sunnee because of one bar. No more than you hsould judge everything in Boystown by Boys Boys Boys. All of them are different. you already have my opinion of George


August 1st, 2009, 12:55
t: 11. Jul. 2009 - 18:10
I have three 20-somethings living with me now and could have 300 if I had the money - not to mention the stamina!

WES I think your other friend has got at least 300 living with him now. unfortunatly its in the same cell.In the last couple of days there has been a few posts on how many under age boys there are working in bars in the sunee area. Was not you stopping in that area to "see for yourself" if it was true ? I do not recall you mentioning that you saw one..funny that..
How is your friend getting on ? Do you still keep in contact with him ? Did you contribute to the "kitty" to help him get off the charges ? Any up-dates on his health, court case and whereabouts ?

Illegitimus non carborundum est.


August 1st, 2009, 12:57
Admirable comments Wes, but can't you just TRY to use fewer words---please.
You can even try using more words if you always provide our hasty reader with a summary in the last sentence.

Bored boarders create the boring board. Then the next bore boards the board. SUI CIDE? SPAN KING? LADY BOYS? DREAM TRANSPORT? T H R I L L I N G ! Nothing is so hard as a gay man's ingratitude. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. SUI BOYS? SPAN TRANSPORT? KING DREAM? LADY CIDE? T H R I L L I N G ! Nothing is so hard as a gay man's ingratitude. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Then the next bore boards the board. Extortion racket at the airport? B O R I N G ! SUI CIDE? SPAN KING? LADY BOYS? DREAM TRANSPORT? T H R I L L I N G !

as boring as this forum has been of late
What is your explanation? Any suggestions? Is there a forum not related to Thailand that is a shining example for you?

Illegitimus non carborundum est.
