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View Full Version : Allen Briggs...Posted with permission

July 10th, 2009, 23:52
Many of the posters may know Allen Briggs. Allen had a widely read web site and produced the Weekly Report until he had some major health problems. Even then he continued as a professor of law at Asian University until this year. It is very doubtful that he will be able to teach even a one hour course he was hoping to continue with. He is currently 78.

Allen has unfortunately become a "shut in" now as he has trouble walking. He has just purchased a wheel chair, but does not have the strength to push the wheels so he is still home bound.

Allen has a boy friend who tries to help him when he can, but much of the boy friend's time is spent at his restaurant "Little Mango". Many may know Ken, also. Ken has limited time because he has to shop for food, and open the restaurant which is open from late afternoon until late at night. This leaves Allen alone in his apartment all day and night by himself.

In talking with Allen today, he asked me to inquire through the boards, if anyone knew of a Thai person that would be willing to act as an attendant for Allen several days a week for a salary to be determined between Allen and the Thai. Here is what the attendant might do.

It would be great if the Thai had a driver's license. Allen owns a new model Fortuner (which he can no longer drive). The attendant would be able to chaperon Allen and his wheel chair to various places, so Allen would be able to get out of his apartment and eat, shop, meet with his friends in Boyztown or Sunee Plaza, or by the beach etc. It would need to be someone that is strong enough to help Allen stand and help him up the few steps he would need to climb to sit at some of the bars. The person would need to help him move about in his condo unit, etc.

The number of hours and salary is something that needs to be discussed. But the person would be justly compensated. This is not a live in arrangement, unless the person felt that was important. The most important thing is finding someone honest.

If anyone has a suggestion please PM to me and I will give you Allen's phone.

July 11th, 2009, 00:00
Best Wishes Allen, I have always valued your observations, and appreciated your work for the guys in Pattaya. Hope to hit the Mango when next in town.

July 11th, 2009, 02:53
all the best Allen, If you were in the Philippines I am sure I could help you, I am afraid there is not much I can do there. However, it was great to get to meet you and come out to Thailand on your forum. I still believe in Miracles.


July 11th, 2009, 05:27
There may be someone who is willing to help with the tasks mentioned but is not a nurse and really, seriously does not want to be a nurse under any circumstances.
So, a sincere question that may help to find someone suitable ...
Does the attendant need to take Allen to the bathroom and help him while he's there?

My best wishes to Allen and good luck in finding someone to help him.

July 11th, 2009, 09:07
If I ever find myself 78 years old and in his condition, I hope I have at least one friend kind enough to put a pillow over my face.

July 11th, 2009, 09:16
If I ever find myself 78 years old and in his condition, I hope I have at least one friend kind enough to put a pillow over my face.

I would have thought Ken would have got someone in to work the microwave at The Little Mango while he looked after him.

July 11th, 2009, 09:16
....Allen has unfortunately become a "shut in" now as he has trouble walking. ...

The attendant would be able to chaperon Allen and his wheel chair to various places, so Allen would be able to get out of his apartment and eat, shop, meet with his friends in Boyztown or Sunee Plaza, or by the beach etc. It would need to be someone that is strong enough to help Allen stand and help him up the few steps he would need to climb to sit at some of the bars. ....

Come on fellas. An Old Campaigner like that shouldn't be left in the lurch! Aren't there any Farangs in Pattaya who would chaperone an old friend a couple of times a week? Do we need the Thais to do everything for us when we retire?

If he's up to it when I visit in Dec/Jan I volunteer my services for a night out on the town. I'm sure I'm strong enough to handle helping him out.

....To sit at some of the bars.... :cheers:

July 11th, 2009, 09:18
If I ever find myself 78 years old and in his condition, I hope I have at least one friend kind enough to put a pillow over my face.

Don't worry Bunny. I'm sure they'll be lining up around the block to help you out. :albino:

July 11th, 2009, 09:19
As long as he's paying of course kenc

July 11th, 2009, 14:33
Come on fellas. An Old Campaigner like that shouldn't be left in the lurch! Aren't there any Farangs in Pattaya who would chaperone an old friend a couple of times a week? Do we need the Thais to do everything for us when we retire?

If he's up to it when I visit in Dec/Jan I volunteer my services for a night out on the town. I'm sure I'm strong enough to handle helping him out.

....To sit at some of the bars.... :cheers:

Exactly, what's wrong with you(s) Pattaya residents? Get out and set up a sign out list and take care of Alan. Pushing a wheel chair from where he lives to Sunee might be more of a task than you might think. Speed bumps, steps, irregular pavement, no sidewalks and traffic but I'll give it a go.

July 11th, 2009, 14:37
Allen is one of my favorite people who I have never actually met in person. I have many friends like that through this board and through other online media, but Allen is perhaps the most important one to me.

Allen pretty much anointed me as the heir apparent to lead the gay Thailand community on the web when he retired a few years ago. The amazing thing is that most of you followed me here based solely upon his endorsement. Such is his integrity.

Thank you, Allen, and may you have many good years to come!

July 11th, 2009, 18:54
Allen is one of my favorite people who I have never actually met in person. I have many friends like that through this board and through other online media, but Allen is perhaps the most important one to me.

Allen pretty much anointed me as the heir apparent to lead the gay Thailand community on the web when he retired a few years ago. The amazing thing is that most of you followed me here based solely upon his endorsement. Such is his integrity.

Thank you, Allen, and may you have many good years to come!

It's nice to know that we have a Leader of the Gay Thailand Community on the WEB, we look forward to your wise councel. Will Jinks be acting as your consort?

P.S Do you lead the Tourist, The Expats or just those who flaunt thier views on here.

July 11th, 2009, 18:58
If I ever find myself 78 years old and in his condition, I hope I have at least one friend kind enough to put a pillow over my face.

lol, many kind friends on this board would be kind enough to do you that favour now.

July 11th, 2009, 23:56
There may be someone who is willing to help with the tasks mentioned but is not a nurse and really, seriously does not want to be a nurse under any circumstances.
So, a sincere question that may help to find someone suitable ...
Does the attendant need to take Allen to the bathroom and help him while he's there?

My best wishes to Allen and good luck in finding someone to help him.

Remember that he has a boyfriend that is around at times to help Allen stand up when he has to sit and use the toilet.

July 11th, 2009, 23:59
....Allen has unfortunately become a "shut in" now as he has trouble walking. ...

The attendant would be able to chaperon Allen and his wheel chair to various places, so Allen would be able to get out of his apartment and eat, shop, meet with his friends in Boyztown or Sunee Plaza, or by the beach etc. It would need to be someone that is strong enough to help Allen stand and help him up the few steps he would need to climb to sit at some of the bars. ....

Come on fellas. An Old Campaigner like that shouldn't be left in the lurch! Aren't there any Farangs in Pattaya who would chaperone an old friend a couple of times a week? Do we need the Thais to do everything for us when we retire?

If he's up to it when I visit in Dec/Jan I volunteer my services for a night out on the town. I'm sure I'm strong enough to handle helping him out.

....To sit at some of the bars.... :cheers:

Thanks Kenc. Allen would appreciate having a drink. As many know Allen has been of great help yo many visitors of Pattaya for many years.

July 12th, 2009, 00:45
If I ever find myself 78 years old and in his condition, I hope I have at least one friend kind enough to put a pillow over my face.
__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

I do not know you (Beach Bunny )or anyone on this forum but I find Beach Bunny's comment rude.

I do not understand BB's humor :angryfire:

July 12th, 2009, 02:48
I'm just

It's nice to know that we have a Leader of the Gay Thailand Community on the WEB, we look forward to your wise councel. Will Jinks be acting as your consort?

P.S Do you lead the Tourist, The Expats or just those who flaunt thier views on here.

I'm just runnin' the engines.

July 12th, 2009, 07:14
If I ever find myself 78 years old and in his condition, I hope I have at least one friend kind enough to put a pillow over my face.
__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
I do not know you (Beach Bunny )or anyone on this forum but I find Beach Bunny's comment rude.
I do not understand BB's humor :angryfire:
I thought it was quite funny. And Rabbit Ears IS a troll, after all.
ThrillBill, are you American? Do you like Fawlty Towers?

July 12th, 2009, 23:44
First, I would like to thank everyone for responding so well to easrlier meessages about my condition and for you coninued intereest.

Although my method of getting around has changed drastically, at least I am starting to get some mobility and ability to get out of my condo and hopefully start meeting some of my many friends who have indicated ongoing help and support as ai battled a medical condition I still do not fully understand.

My first "outing" will be on Tuesday, July 14, 2009, when I will be drinking at Panorama from about 5:30 p.m. until probably 7 p.m. and then having dinner. I hear Amor has an early bird special and Amor is still one of my fav orites restaurants.

I hope to see some of my special friends and supporters who have stood by me through my incredible medical battle. It will be wonderful to be "out and about" in Pattaya again and maybe able to start reporting again on things of interest.

Look forward to seeing you the 14th, or in futute activities. ==Allen (G.P.)l

July 13th, 2009, 01:05
First, I would like to thank everyone for responding so well to easrlier meessages about my condition and for you coninued intereest.

Although my method of getting around has changed drastically, at least I am starting to get some mobility and ability to get out of my condo and hopefully start meeting some of my many friends who have indicated ongoing help and support as ai battled a medical condition I still do not fully understand.

My first "outing" will be on Tuesday, July 14, 2009, when I will be drinking at Panorama from about 5:30 p.m. until probably 7 p.m. and then having dinner. I hear Amor has an early bird special and Amor is still one of my fav orites restaurants.

I hope to see some of my special friends and supporters who have stood by me through my incredible medical battle. It will be wonderful to be "out and about" in Pattaya again and maybe able to start reporting again on things of interest.

Look forward to seeing you the 14th, or in futute activities. ==Allen (G.P.)l

Sorry m8t 5.30 is far too early for a piss up