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July 7th, 2009, 18:49
Well, here I am, back in the LOS (Land of Scams??) I arrived Sunday night and headed off to Solid. Unfortunately, the guy I saw back in April was no longer working. There was only one other handsome guy there. The mamsan is still as nice (and bored) as ever. "Hab no customer." Just then 6 others walked in. I headed off to Boys Bangkok for the show. Only a few hard-ons were visible and no fucking show. I then went across the street to Screwboys and again, it was fairly quiet. I was considering offing the gogo boy I offed back in April, and the pressure was on for me to take him. While I was making up my mind I suddenly saw him disappear out the door with another farang. Oh, well...it's the quick and the dead. I made eye contact with one of the "dancers" and he came over and asked if he could sit down. In the end, I offed him but he just wanted to get things over and done with as quick as possible and head back to the bar. He came very quickly then left. Quite a disappointing 20 minutes.
Last night, while walking along the street I came across the German (?) owner of Boys Bangkok and asked him what happened to the fucking shows. He just said that the police were causing problems and he didn't know when they could start up again. I gave his bar a miss and was herded into another bar - Xboys, I think (or was it Future Boys??). There were opnly 10 boys on stage; the others had gone home for the holiday. The show was very entertaining as 4 young Japanese couples - totally pissed - turned up and put on their own show. Of course, they were encouraged to get up on the stage by the ladyboys. 2 guys stripped down to their jocks and danced around like idiots. The ladyboys pretended to give them a blowjob. Their mates could not resist pulling their jocks down, and they were all taking the inevitasble souvenir photos of their foolery. When the show recommenced, they were VERY free with their money, throwing 100 baht bills around like confetti. The girls were placing the notes on the boys' cocks. When they did that thing using their cocks as putters, the Japanese stuffed 100 baht bills into the holes. God only knows how much they spent. One of the guys in the show was STUNNINGLY HANDSOME!!!! Anyone who has been there will know who I mean. Just awesome - and he was in the big cock show as well. I decided I was going to off him but he never reappeared. :(
I then headed back to Screwboys but my gogo dancer was sitting with another customer. I was approached by a handsome guy with a little goaty beard and moustache and quite a large appendage. He agreed to spend the night with me, and I confirmed this with the mamasan. On the way to the hotel I reconfirmed with him. "Sure, can do. No probrem." However, after the deed he said he was going back to the bar. And off he went.
Tonight all the bars are closed, although Screwboys said they would be open. Could be a quiet night in BKK.
Off to Pattaya tomorrow.

July 7th, 2009, 18:55
Thanks for the review.

July 7th, 2009, 19:47
I came across the German (?) owner of Boys Bangkok and asked him what happened to the fucking shows. He just said that the police were causing problems and he didn't know when they could start up again.

The police were causing problems...so that's what a pimp calls it when laws are enforced. Now we know.

July 7th, 2009, 19:54
Interesting post a447, so well done.
Will look forward to your Pattaya report.

July 7th, 2009, 22:51
As Mr Dream Transport said it would be, Patpong is dead tonight. While the vendors' carts are open for business, the pussy bars on Patpong 1 and 2 are all closed. The boy bars too, except for one which had two discrete doormen whispering to anyone who looks interested that there is life behind the closed door. I looked in and saw about 10 boys dressed in sleeveless tees and shorts sitting about. No one on stage, and of course, there was no music at all. I suppose a soft drink could be had, but I wasn't interested in staying. I don't know if it is safe to name the bar; in any case, it won't help them get more business at this late hour. I don't want their risk-taking to be rewarded with closer police scrutiny.

The massage places are open though, except for Bonny Massage. I walked past Red Massage, Bangkok Massage, Indra, Mantra and they were all eagerly canvassing for punters. Many boys on the streets too, a few of them I recognise as gogo boys from the not-open bars, tonight trying their luck to get a trick from horny, desperate tourists caught unawares by the sudden lights out, strolling about not knowing what else to do.

July 7th, 2009, 23:53
I went down Silom and its all very quiet. Soi 4 has Telephone, Balcony and and a few others open but not serving booze and so its not that busy. So its back to the Malaysia and a few drinks there with the totty that hangs in the carpark.
They say its better tomorrow in soi 4, wensday, and may be serving beers later near midnite.

July 8th, 2009, 02:49
a447, I hope you only paid that guy from Screwboys short-time money. What a cheek. It happened to me about 3 years ago on Patong. I gave him 500 baht and said I would give him the other 500 when I saw the mamasan to complain the next day. The lesson ... Don't try and jip me ... I won't go quietly.


July 8th, 2009, 11:34
all closed. The boy bars too, except for one which had two discrete doormen whispering to anyone who looks interested that there is life behind the closed door. I looked in and saw about 10 boys dressed in sleeveless tees and shorts sitting about. No one on stage, and of course, there was no music at all

It was Screwboys, most likely. The mamsan told me the night before they would be open, so I strolled down there about 9:30. One of the guys sitting outside (who I'd sat with the previous night) said "We open now. Sure. Come in." He pushed me through the door and I was confronted with a whole group of guys in street clothes. I thought maybe it was a private party. I sat down with the guy and asked him what was going on. He said: "Police here now."
"Where?" I asked.
"Ssshh....slowly'" he said.
I rushed out the door with indecent haste (is there any other kind?) and him chasing me calling for me to come back. An hour or so later I saw him outside Family Mart. He told me the bar was closed by the police.
I was really pissed off that he put me in a dangerous situation like that. MInd you, maybe I should not have been going to a bar when they are supposed to be closed.
With nothing to do I wandered down near Nature Boy knowing, of course, it was closed. But I was accosted by a 12 year old kiddie from Twinks bar.
"We open. No probrem."
Yeah, right.
One of the food sellers on the street near Soi Twighlight asked me if I wanted to fuck him (!) but I just retired gracefully to my hotel.
Anyway, I'm now off to Pattaya. Hope things are better there.

July 8th, 2009, 11:51
a447, I hope you only paid that guy from Screwboys short-time money. What a cheek. It happened to me about 3 years ago on Patong. I gave him 500 baht and said I would give him the other 500 when I saw the mamasan to complain the next day. The lesson ... Don't try and jip me ... I won't go quietly.


so you had an agreement of 1000 bath long time when you offed him?

July 8th, 2009, 12:20
a447, I hope you only paid that guy from Screwboys short-time money. What a cheek. It happened to me about 3 years ago on Patong. I gave him 500 baht and said I would give him the other 500 when I saw the mamasan to complain the next day. The lesson ... Don't try and jip me ... I won't go quietly.


so you had an agreement of 1000 bath long time when you offed him?

Yeah, the mystery deepens. Why would someone promised a whole B1000 (for short time or long time) want to hit the road as soon as possible?

The boys seem to know who the cheap shits are even without the amount being stated explicitly.

Some (cheap shits) complain that those of us who tip generously "ruin it" for everyone. Actually it's the other way around. The cheap shits ruin it by making the boys all the more cynical and distrusting. Fortunately the boys can still tell the difference usually before anything specific is mentioned, just by the way the customer acts.

Still, once we've "got to know each other" better back at the hotel and I'm sure I want him to stay longer/ all night (or not), I tell the boy clearly, in Thai, how much he'll be paid for each possibility. Never had anyone want to walk away once that was clear.

July 8th, 2009, 16:26
Why would someone promised a whole B1000 (for short time or long time) want to hit the road as soon as possible?

The boys seem to know who the cheap shits are even without the amount being stated explicitly

I sure hope you guys are not referring to me. I did NOT mention any money in my post.

July 8th, 2009, 19:41
Why would someone promised a whole B1000 (for short time or long time) want to hit the road as soon as possible?

The boys seem to know who the cheap shits are even without the amount being stated explicitly

I sure hope you guys are not referring to me. I did NOT mention any money in my post.[/quote:334pj25q]

There's a clue here somewhere:

[quote=krobbie] It happened to me about 3 years ago on Patong. I gave him 500 baht and said I would give him the other 500

July 9th, 2009, 00:04
It was Screwboys, most likely.

Oh well, I had wanted not to name the bar in case the police might find out, but since (a) you named it, and (b) the police evidently knew about it...Oh well.

The police were in around 9:30, you said? I think I was walking past it closer to eleven, and it was open, or rather, openable if the doormen thought it was safe. It seems then that the matter with the police was either "solved" Thai-style, or after the cat left, the mice came out to play again. The wonders of Amazing Thailand.

July 9th, 2009, 02:06
a447, I hope you only paid that guy from Screwboys short-time money. What a cheek. It happened to me about 3 years ago on Patong. I gave him 500 baht and said I would give him the other 500 when I saw the mamasan to complain the next day. The lesson ... Don't try and jip me ... I won't go quietly.


so you had an agreement of 1000 bath long time when you offed him?

No. There was no agreement at all when we went to my hotel although I had paid the beer bar 200bht off fee. After the act where he had come and I had not at this point he said he was going back to the bar and tip "up to you". So that's the way it went. The going rate at the time was for 1000 bht short time and that is what he got in the finish.

I will add at this time he also got around 300,000bht to finish his house in Isaan eventually. He certainly saw me coming. I must have had my "dumbass sucker" sticker on my forehead that year.

Must pay him a visit sometime.

