View Full Version : Loy Krathong 2009

July 3rd, 2009, 06:23
Hi All
I know this subject perks its head up several times every year - but i think this is the first time its appeared this year!

Does anyone know what dates Loy Krathong will be celebrated in Pattaya/Bkk this year?

I think the official date is Mon November 2nd... but have read else where that it will be celebrated on Sun November 1st

Ref this thread: what-s-the-shortest-length-trip-you-have-ever-made-to-los-t17873.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/what-s-the-shortest-length-trip-you-have-ever-made-to-los-t17873.html)
I plan on making a very short trip to LOS at the end of Oct and i'm wondering if its worth extending the trip by 1 extra day to spend LK with my BF

We will be in either Bkk or Pattay for the night of Nov 1st... but i def have to fly home early on the morning of the 2nd

Thanks in advance!

July 3rd, 2009, 09:13
November 2.
Finally, we're going to go up north and spend Loi Kratong in Sukothai . . . apparently quite a beautiful night on the lake in the Sukhothai Park grounds.
Hotel prices in surrounding area inflate for a few days, and are hard to find if you don't book early.

July 3rd, 2009, 17:29
I have been to Sukothai and Chiang Mai for Loy Krathong. Chiang Mai was much better in my opinion. Parades, events and more activities. PJ's does not increase the prices for Loy Krathong and I am sure others don't either. Each year Chiang Mai seems to out do previous years. Who ever decided to have all the boys in the parade go topless last year (more traditional) should be given an award.

July 3rd, 2009, 20:10
Hey, I am going to Sukhothai for Loy Krathong too! Maybe I will see you there. It sounds like all of the pageants and "light show" stuff is pretty tourist-y, but I am a tourist after all. I have seen video of past celebrations there which look quite lovely.

As far as I know Nov 2 is the day in Thailand wherever you are. A look at TAT's website shows some listings as Nov 1-2. My guess is that the festival will happen pretty much everywhere on the 2nd but perhaps there are some preliminary festivities on Nov 1 in some places.

July 3rd, 2009, 22:54
I have been to Sukothai and Chiang Mai for Loy Krathong. Chiang Mai was much better in my opinion.

I've tried to tell that to the hussy from HH but he never listens; nevertheless, the denizens of Chiangmai, in their post-krathong daze (after the loss of digits and eardrums from the fireworks war on Narawat Bridge), will have the opportunity to meet with the hussy and some cool dude from the Surin area.

July 3rd, 2009, 23:10
" ... but he never listens ... "
. . . specially when the subject turns to Big Bangs, simple quantum physics, 'something from nothing' or whether Hedda is full of himself (or ... :blackeye: ).
What's up with the water in Michigan?

July 3rd, 2009, 23:22
What's up with the water in Michigan?

A hell of a lot colder than the soothing waters off of Hua Hin! On the other hand, we don't have a lot of foreign tourists here pissing in the water (or on the beach in front of two goofy looking falang*).

[Which raises the issue of the day - is the plural of "falang" simply "falang?" Like deer or moose? Or would I have been more correct by writing "falangs?"]

July 3rd, 2009, 23:31
It's 'Farang' not 'Falang'. You're using the 'L' instead of the 'R' because that's often the way Thais often pronounce it ... having trouble with 'r's in the middle of words. But you're not Thai.
Far(L)ang does unusual ~ in english ~ double duty: a BUNCH of Farang is OK and proper being 'S'-less, as is (for instance) a SINGLE, LONELY, BAR-HOPPING, BOY-DROOLING SLOB of a Farang who cruises every host bar in Hua Hin ... every night, at all hours.

July 4th, 2009, 05:08
It's 'Farang' not 'Falang'. You're using the 'L' instead of the 'R' because that's often the way Thais often pronounce it ... having trouble with 'r's in the middle of words. But you're not Thai.
Far(L)ang does unusual ~ in english ~ double duty: a BUNCH of Farang is OK and proper being 'S'-less, as is (for instance) a SINGLE, LONELY, BAR-HOPPING, BOY-DROOLING SLOB of a Farang who cruises every host bar in Hua Hin ... every night, at all hours.

I just write it the way they normally say it (although, as boringly restated on another forum, it's sorta half way between an "l" and a "r"). Come to think of it, HHH, I don't think I've ever heard a Thai say "falangs" or "farangs."

July 4th, 2009, 08:16
Booked flights this evening and return at 2.30am on Nov 2nd.... So i guess i'll just have to miss Loy Kratong or celebrate it with BF in Suvanarbumi before heading home!

July 7th, 2009, 08:19
. . . apparently quite a beautiful night on the lake in the Sukhothai Park grounds.....
And about 50,000 Thai and Farang tourists think so too! Its an absolute mob scene so be prepared.
The good news is the next day everyone clears out and the park goes right back to it's peaceful sleepy old self.

BTW, I found on the internet this nice little hotel right outside the city walls : http://www.tharaburiresort.com/

I don't know any other hotel nearby. There's a big resort down the road a ways but most stuff is in the town of "New Sukothai" which is 1/2 hour ride from the park.

Didn't someone do a big post on their Sukothai trip a while back?

July 7th, 2009, 08:43
I know it's going to be crowded. That's OK, I enjoy both Loi Kratong and Songkran when it's Thai folk coming out the woodwork and having a good time. Spent some time in Sukhothai a few years ago and had a good time . . . the park is very impressive, though we were lucky enough to visit when it was quiet and tourists were few and far between.

Last year we were way out in the boonies in Nangmud, Surin for Loi Kratong . . . a local village party at the lake, lots of excellent food and booze and pissing into the jungle darkness just a few steps off to the side where I'm told cobras and the like hang out ... as I was.

Book early if your going to Sukhothai for this festival, and be prepared for higher hotel rates for Nov 1-3. We're booked at a hotel just outside New Sukhothai called Ananda ( << http://www.ananda-hotel.com/facilities.htm >> ) which seems, well, typical. About 10K from the park, but have wheels. Parking will be interesting.

daa raa
July 7th, 2009, 09:04
I am going to Sukhothai as well for Loy Krathong. I am staying at the Ruean Thai Hotel. I have stayed there before with my bf and it was quite nice. Ruean Thai Hotel (http://www.rueanthaihotel.com/)