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View Full Version : Straight Man - Sexy Man Barcrawl Challenge!!!

July 3rd, 2009, 01:42
For those of you who have been keeping up with my thread for my business, you already have a rough idea what this is going to be about. For those who have not, the question was put to me, as I am straight, how would I be able to pick sexy men that gay men would find sexy??

Since I have not really spent any time in the gay bars and gogo's or massage parlors in Pattaya, I think it would be great to make this a group function, and to have a little bit of fun with it. Firstly, we would need to set a date that works for everyone, ideally a date when many members from the SGT forum are in town, and a day where my obligations are finished prior to the afternoon.

Now I don't know how this would work exactly, I do know I will be recruiting guys for our VIP massage pickups for sure though. I propose that for every forum member that comes along, I have to choose 2 boys, that each member would find sexy. We would meet up first and have a bite to eat at somewhere like the Beer Garden so I can get to know everyone and a bit of their personalities, then off to Boyztown!!!

As to working something out for prize give-aways, maybe some charitable donations for the Father Ray Foundation & Human Help Network. All that has to be figured out, so maybe someone that is used to organizing these kind of things, maybe even a fellow business owner that has a bar or gogo in Pattaya that would like to host the event, would be fantastic as well I think.

So fire the ideas away, as I am all ears, and ultimately we'll take a vote to see what ideas are liked the best.

Cheers Guys!!!

July 3rd, 2009, 02:01
these 2 look cute..you might find them sometimes in cafe royal..i'm not sure if they will be cheap,,but if you want the best ??


July 3rd, 2009, 06:08
Whoever goes, make sure you get him drunk enough to sleep with some of the boys LOL

July 3rd, 2009, 09:04
Mr Dream's enterprise amounts to promoting sex tourism in Thailand - and quite a few people in the past have ended up in jail for that.

I have never come across a straight farang in Pattaya trying to do so much to get gay crowd to use his services.
Very strange indeed! Maybe he is a cop in disguise.

July 3rd, 2009, 09:06
A pillow muncher in disguise, more likely.

July 3rd, 2009, 13:07
Blueboy, if you read any of my posts regarding my business, you will actually see where I list that our company in no way offers any kind of sexual services. I also impressed upon other board members that it is illegal to post sexual services offered in Thailand by any kind of company, and that I would never post anything along those lines. So that theory is out the door already.

As to the reason for this post, someone had actually asked how it would be possible that since I am a straight man, I would be able to determine what gay men would describe as attractive. Jokingly I said we should make an event out of it, and it seems that the interest is there to do so, so thats why this post has arisen.

Also if I am a cop in disguise, you must not have read my post about the BIB stopping me on the street for tea money that did not work out for them.

As for a straight man working hard to get gay customers, I work just as hard to get my straight customers. Same as you should not be judged on who you or your intentions based solely on your sexual orientation, I think that even though I openly admit I am straight, its wrong to judge me based solely on that fact.

July 3rd, 2009, 13:50
...and a day where my obligations are finished prior to the afternoon.

Maybe if you swept faster and didn't just lean on the broom you could get done before noon. By the way, you look quite fetching in orange.


July 3rd, 2009, 14:12
Thats a great pic soi 69, not only is it falang cleaning, but it has to be the only picture I have ever seen of anyone cleaning the streets of Pattaya lol.

As far as a date where my obligations are concluded, I would just need to know far enough in advance to make sure my dispatcher was able to handle everything for the night so me and my missus could come out and spend the night hanging out with everyone from the board. I really would like to head out to party one night with a bunch of the bm's here, I like getting to meet people, not just customers and have a fun time. I am sure it would be a fun night for everyone, and there would be many pictures taken of me by other forum members no doubt lol.

July 4th, 2009, 00:26
Even straight men know when another guy is good looking or not. I'm gay but can spot a pretty woman.

July 4th, 2009, 04:22
I would be prepared to pay as much as 2000 baht on top of your normal fare if you could arrange to have these 2 waiting for me in the back of your taxi for the journey to pattaya. the driver could take as long as he wanted and even go on a detour for a couple of hours if he wanted.


July 4th, 2009, 08:22
lol, giggsy.... in Australia we have a saying, "tell 'im he's dreamin..."

July 4th, 2009, 09:03
Mr Dreamtransport says:
Now I don't know how this would work exactly, I do know I will be recruiting guys for our VIP massage pickups for sure though. I propose that for every forum member that comes along, I have to choose 2 boys, that each member would find sexy. We would meet up first and have a bite to eat at somewhere like the Beer Garden so I can get to know everyone and a bit of their personalities, then off to Boyztown!!!

Recruiting guys for our VIP Massage - what body part will they be massaging as you did say no sex, sorry you said:

I also impressed upon other board members that it is illegal to post sexual services offered, so not illegal to offer or just do it. To me it is still blatantly offering sexual services, so sex tourism it is as per my previous post.[/color]

Furthermore, why do you think anyone on this board would go out to a BEER GARDEN (I thought these were places were straight Germans went) with a straight guy, and then escort you to Boyztown and help you recruit boys. You must think we gays are completely stupid.

July 6th, 2009, 22:20
You really try to read into things too much blueboy. I'm capable of taking care of employees for a legitimate service on my own. I don't think there is any misconception in the 1hr. Thai massage in your hotel, as well as the company during the ride into town. Thats pretty straight-forward, pardon the pun.

The beer garden in Pattaya, is actually quite a good restaurant as well. I would be driving everyone over to Boyztown, so not seeing how anyone would be escorting me. Thought it would just be a fun opportunity to meet some other BM's and have some joking fun taking the piss out of each other. If you think I am uncomfortable or something about going into gay areas by myself, you got the wrong guy. First and foremost, ever person is considered a person in my eyes, doesn't matter color, race, sex, orientation, or anything. The fact that some gay BM's would knowingly be going out with someone admittedly straight to Boyztown, sounds like a bit of fun to me, maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure some of the guys here would have a bit of fun trying to get me outside my comfort level.

Finally, by categorizing your opinion as "we gays", in an attempt to show that I hold some kind of despise towards gays, you are a much more narrow minded person then myself. I wouldn't attempt to say that all of us straight people felt a certain way, if that was just my opinion.

July 7th, 2009, 05:27
Mr Dreamtransport says:
Now I don't know how this would work exactly, I do know I will be recruiting guys for our VIP massage pickups for sure though. I propose that for every forum member that comes along, I have to choose 2 boys, that each member would find sexy. We would meet up first and have a bite to eat at somewhere like the Beer Garden so I can get to know everyone and a bit of their personalities, then off to Boyztown!!!

Recruiting guys for our VIP Massage - what body part will they be massaging as you did say no sex, sorry you said:

I also impressed upon other board members that it is illegal to post sexual services offered, so not illegal to offer or just do it. To me it is still blatantly offering sexual services, so sex tourism it is as per my previous post.[/color]

Furthermore, why do you think anyone on this board would go out to a BEER GARDEN (I thought these were places were straight Germans went) with a straight guy, and then escort you to Boyztown and help you recruit boys. You must think we gays are completely stupid.

Do you always look out for the negative in anything?....

July 9th, 2009, 12:16
Thats a great pic soi 69, not only is it falang cleaning, but it has to be the only picture I have ever seen of anyone cleaning the streets of Pattaya lol..

She's doing it for cummunity servits.

July 11th, 2009, 02:39
This is completely off topic - but did you get your kid a cat?
If so post pics..I am a bit cat nutty (well a bit off in general but that is another topic)
and would love to see pics...
For those of you who are not cat people..well don't look at the pics.

July 13th, 2009, 01:32
MrDreamTransport -

I have a feeling that by now you've has just realised how difficult it is to get positive help from anyone on this board. I kind of knew when I saw your first post a few days back that the idea was unlikely to work out. I'm afraid that since I don't live in Thailand, I doubt if I can be of any help, though I'm always sympathetic to those who try to run a business, since I too have a business.

I am confused though - If you are running a transportation service, why is it necessary to be able to spot who might be sexy to gay men's eyes? Surely you want good drivers, with a good service attitude, that's all? To add to my confusion, you mentioned a VIP (Thai) Massage service - which I assume is a completely separate business from the transportation service. Are you starting a new business?

Actually, Diec is right. Straight men can spot sexy-looking men who would be attractive to gay men's eyes. It's just that for most straight men, they don't need to in the course of their daily lives, so they neglect this acumen. But I've had straight supervisors come up to me to say, "Boss, that jobseeker is goodlooking, it'd be good for business, that's why I hired him as waiter", and then be proven right.

That said, it is perilous to assume that there is only one kind of sexy. A quick glance at various threads on this board will reveal endless debate about which bar has good looking or not good looking boys. Not only does taste vary from person to person, it is also cultural. Asian customers tend to prefer the bigger, more muscular boys - visit Jupiter2002 in Bangkok to get an idea - whereas Sunnee with its smaller, younger boys attract farangs nearly exclusively. Also, drop by Hero Massage in Sukhumvit Soi 11, and you'd notice that the clientele is almost 100% Asian, then look at the type of masseurs that Hero has. Of course one shouldn't over-generalise, for example, Tawan at the beefy end, attracts farang and Asian customers in equal measure. The reason I'm raising this at all is that what "sexy" must mean to you, must in the end be related to your target market.

If you're starting a massage business and you think I can help with any more guidance, please feel free to PM me.

July 14th, 2009, 05:26
Fair enough macaroni. The Vip pickups are just one service offered by the transport company, comparable to a guided tour, or a daily driver hire, just another facet to the business. I see how much many of these other companies are charging offering the same kind of service, and doing it in the 10-12k baht range. I've always been one to try and take down the prices of what I feel is a bit over the top, and of course make a profit myself. So being able to offer the same service for less then half the cost of course interests me.

As to your view on how people gauge attraction, you have pretty much nailed it head on. It doesn't matter, gay or straight, I don't doubt for a second that any guy here can spot what I would consider an attractive woman, as I can easily do the same with other men.