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June 26th, 2009, 06:43
The news from Los Angeles is that pop star Michael Jackson is just pronounced dead found in his BelAire home. Many might remember he was in Bangkok during his most successful ever world tour (mid-nineties) when news in Los Angeles of the first lawsuit against him for child molestation arose, probably leading to his downfall. He was just now finally resurrecting his career with planned concerts in London.


Pop star Michael Jackson dead at 50

Paramedics arrived at his Bel-Air home today and found the singer in full cardiac arrest. A doctor was in the home performing CPR on him. LAPD has opened an inquiry.

June 26, 2009
Pop star Michael Jackson was pronounced dead today after paramedics found him in a coma at his Bel-Air mansion, city and law enforcement sources told The Times.

Los Angeles Fire Department Capt. Steve Ruda told The Times that paramedics responded to a 911 call from the home. When they arrived, Jackson was not breathing. The paramedics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center, Ruda said.

Hundreds of reporters gathered at the hospital awaiting word on his condition. The sources, who spoke on the condition that they not be named, said family members rushed to Jackson's bedside, where he was in a deep coma.

The circumstances of Jackson's death remain unclear. Law enforcement sources said that Los Angeles Police Department robbery-homicide detectives have opened an investigation into the death, though they stressed there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The detectives plan to interview relatives, friends and Jackson's doctors to try to figure out what happened. The L.A. County coroner's office will determine a cause of death.

A Los Angeles Fire Department source told The Times that Jackson was in full cardiac arrest when rescue units arrived on scene. A doctor was in the house performing CPR on him, said the source, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Paramedics were called to a home on the 100 block of Carolwood Drive off Sunset Boulevard. Jackson rented the Bel-Air home -- described as a French chateau built in 2002 with seven bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, 12 fireplaces and a theater -- for $100,000 a month.

The home is about a six-minute drive from UCLA Medical Center.

Jackson has three children -- sons Prince Michael 7, and Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., 12, and daughter Paris Michael Katherine, 11.

The news comes as Jackson, 50, was attempting a comeback after years of tabloid headlines, most notably his trial and acquittal on child molestation charges.

In May, The Times reported that Jackson was living in a Bel-Air mansion and rehearsing for a series of 50 sold-out shows in London's O2 Arena. Jackson had won the backing of two billionaires to get the so-called King of Pop back on stage.

The concerts had been scheduled to kick off July 13.

Johnny Caswell, a principal at Centerstaging, the Burbank soundstage where Jackson rehearsed for his London concerts, watched many of the run-throughs and said he was "absolutely shocked" by the performer's death.

Jackson, he said, was "very frail" but approached the rehearsals with boundless energy.

"He was working hard. Putting four days a week in here. Six hours a day. Working hard. Dancing," Caswell said. "We're in shock over here."

The performer moved from the Burbank facility to the Forum at the beginning of June, Caswell said.

His backers envisioned the London shows as an audition for a career rebirth that could ultimately encompass a three-year world tour, a new album, movies, a Graceland-like museum, musical revues in Las Vegas and Macau, and even a Thriller casino.

Such a rebound could wipe out Jackson's massive debt, estimated at $400 million.

Jackson needed a comeback to reverse the damage done by years of excessive spending and little work. He has not toured since 1997 or released a new album since 2001, but he has continued to live like a megastar.

To finance his opulent lifestyle, he borrowed heavily against his three main assets: his Neverland Ranch, his music catalog and a second catalog that includes the music of the Beatles that he co-owns with Sony Corp. By the time of his 2005 criminal trial, he was nearly $300 million in debt and, according to testimony, spending $30 million more annually than he was taking in.

Compounding his money difficulties were a revolving door of litigious advisors and hangers-on. Jackson has run through 11 managers since 1990, according to Frank DiLeo, his manager and friend of three decades.

June 26th, 2009, 09:03
Upon being told that former US President Calvin Coolidge had died, she [Dorothy Parker] quipped, "How can they tell?"

The same thought came to me with regards to Mr. Jackson. Given his increasing resemblance to an Egyptian mummy, how could they tell?

June 26th, 2009, 09:39
The same thought came to me with regards to Mr. Jackson. Given his increasing resemblance to an Egyptian mummy, how could they tell?I thought he was trying to imitate Liz Taylor.

June 26th, 2009, 10:07
now maybe we get to find out if Michael and Janet are the same person.....

June 26th, 2009, 11:36
It is now being speculated that he may have died of food poisoning. This is following reports that he had eaten a thirteen year-old wiener earlier in the evening.

June 26th, 2009, 11:49
It is now being speculated that he may have died of food poisoning. This is following reports that he had eaten a thirteen year-old wiener earlier in the evening.

You're terrible, Muriel.

June 26th, 2009, 12:03
i heard it was a suspected drowning, as he was heard calling out for somebody to throw him a buoy (only works if u dont use the american pronunciation)

June 26th, 2009, 12:07
LMAO... that's actually not bad but really bad at the same time lol

RIP... he was a phenomenal performer. A real shame he ended up in not such a good way. Hope he enjoyed life all the same.

June 26th, 2009, 13:39
:rr: How ironic, the one time he really needed a young boy jumping up and down on his chest, he didn't have one. :rr:

June 26th, 2009, 13:57
The very worst part of this news is that every show bar in Thailand will now be making "Tribute Performances" for the next several months. Don't get me wrong .. I like most of Michael Jackson's music but the bad miming and clumsy dancing that is put on in these bars is more of an insult to his memory.
Please bar owners - Let him (and your customers) rest in peace.

June 26th, 2009, 15:27
I thought he was trying to imitate Liz Taylor.
Is Liz Taylor still alive?....wow

June 26th, 2009, 15:35
I thought he was trying to imitate Farrah Fawcett...

June 26th, 2009, 16:06
Is it true that Michael Jackson was spotted in a Pattaya 7-11 just after lunchtime today?

June 26th, 2009, 16:20
Is it true that Michael Jackson was spotted in a Pattaya 7-11 just after lunchtime today?

Perhaps in town to sign the purchase agreement on the Ocean Tower penthouse next to Elton John's?

Either that, or to appear in the "all-star cabaret" at the fabulous Venue?

June 26th, 2009, 18:29
Le Monde reports that Jacko's death was likely caused by the anti-rejection drugs he was taking for the nose transplant that French doctors performed one year ago. Apparently his previous plastique surgeries were so botched that a transplant was the only option other than a prothese.
In a coup de fate, the donor, a young italien boy, had surgery to shorten his nose and the reste was grafted onto Michael.

June 26th, 2009, 20:31
Reports Michael Jackson died of a heart attack are untrue - he was found in the childrens ward having a stroke .

June 27th, 2009, 00:24
Seriously, his death was caused by overuse of prescription meds (same as Heath Ledger), or other wacky remedies he used to preserve himself. He was called Wacko Jacko for a reason. Remember Elvis and Dr. Quack who prescribed for him?

June 27th, 2009, 23:08
I have been given Michaels last 24 hours by those in the know on the in side:-

http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/200 ... -21474783/ (http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/06/27/micheal-jackson-spent-his-final-24-hours-in-agoy-115875-21474783/)

June 28th, 2009, 03:26
This is the way I prefer to remember him; as the charming innocent gifted child:


June 28th, 2009, 06:50
Upon being told that former US President Calvin Coolidge had died, she [Dorothy Parker] quipped, "How can they tell?"

The same thought came to me with regards to Mr. Jackson. Given his increasing resemblance to an Egyptian mummy, how could they tell?

According the the autopsy there was much more scarign than ever imagimned from the Pepsi comercial fire in his hair. It was no wonder they said , he covered up with a mask or makeup. They also mentioned it took an enormous amount of makeup to cover it up.


June 28th, 2009, 17:46

I am not particularly a MJ fan but I have to say that I find both of your recent posts on this thread ghoulish in the extreme - especially the photo you posted. It is all in the worst taste imaginable.

I know that many queens thrive on gossip, innuendo, speculation and embellishment, but your posts are way over the top.

Have you no respect?

June 28th, 2009, 23:01
Scottish Guy... LMTU... oops... I mean Bottoms Up clearly has no respect, no class and no intelligence to speak of. Other than that basically an all round twat.

June 29th, 2009, 01:15
" ... both of your recent posts on this thread ghoulish in the extreme . . . 'In-The-Worst-Taste-Imaginable' ... "
I've always been under the impression that was Earwig/LMTU/Bottomsup/ETC ETC's middle name. Or it should be . . . he's certainly never posted anything on this Board which wasn't.

June 29th, 2009, 08:56
This is the way I prefer to remember him; as the charming innocent gifted child...

That was a good clip and there are many more we can look up to remember him. He was a very troubled gay man. And the pedo problems are not excuseable because of this. But then I would argue that the crazed publicity/money hungry parents that pimped their kids to Michael Jackson are the greater criminals.

I was never really that impressed by the so called "King of Pop".

I always like Janet Jackson better esp. after she did this little number.
Those of us of a certain age might remember it as a tribute to those we knew who died of AIDS. It still brings tears to my eyes even now. As far as I'm concerned she can show her boobs all she wants. She gets a Free Pass from me just because of this song.

I think it might be a nice tribute from her to her brother.


June 29th, 2009, 14:17

I am not particularly a MJ fan but I have to say that I find both of your recent posts on this thread ghoulish in the extreme - especially the photo you posted. It is all in the worst taste imaginable.

I know that many queens thrive on gossip, innuendo, speculation and embellishment, but your posts are way over the top.

Have you no respect?

I fear that this posting was made in a state of post-alcoholic depression.
Git yer wee ginger bum doon t' the 7/11 and buy a few six packs and a bottle of 100 Pipers ... you'll be feeling back to normal in no time.

June 30th, 2009, 21:38
This "report" has already been shown to have been fictional. Where have your "informed sources" been?

June 30th, 2009, 22:24
Prilosec, oh dear!

June 30th, 2009, 23:44
One consideration is the ever so sexy Macaulay Culkin. As godfather to Prince Michael and Paris it is possible he could fight for custody of all three: claiming the desire to keep all the kids together. Would a legal Godfather have more rights than elderly grandparents or a Mother who has willingly given up her parental rights?

Mark Lester (star of the 1968 musical "Oliver") is godfather to all three, and Elizabeth Taylor godmother to at least two.

One view is that Mac C may actually be the father of at least two, given their fair skin, blue eyes, etc. (BU's photo of "Prince / Blanket" is actually of Prince Michael I (not Blanket) and Paris)

July 1st, 2009, 00:56
IMHO - In his day Michael Jackson was a very good performer.
That is it..a good performer.
He appeared to be an emotionally whacked abuser of children.

So what if he died.
I don't give a fuck.
Using up emotional energy (oops..earlier typo has been corrected) on his death is rather pathetic.

Though the jokes that his death has spawned are really quite good some them.
hmmmm..well good for him then..his death has provided some last bit of entertainment.

July 1st, 2009, 02:31
Using up emotional engery [sic: energy] on his death is rather pathetic.

And plastering photos of his young kids on the internet and engaging in the rather perverted gossip evidenced by the first few posts on this thread is also pathetic. What motivates some people to engage in this type of gossip is way beyond me.

July 1st, 2009, 07:40
Oh, Bob. Just admit it: almost everything is beyond you. Visa rules, geography, and basic, common knowledge included.

July 1st, 2009, 23:05
Here here, Bob. We have to remember that the jury is out on his first lawsuit over child molestation and he WAS acquitted the second time and despite common belief there is no proof he ever went beyond "not inhaling" in his spooky admission into having slept with boys. He was a gifted performer out getting deserved rewards for trying and while he suffered from beligerant publicity he certainly lived a glorious life. I remember my opinion of him changing to the better when I watched the MTV world premier of his "Thriller" music video. I still wouldn't pay for MTV but it changed my opinions of "Music Videos" as well. Thanks to all the favorite YouTube picks above - they have all made it to my IPOD.

I certainly hope it wasn't Propofol that killed him. May he live many more exciting lives.

July 2nd, 2009, 02:37
And plastering photos of his young kids on the internet and engaging in the rather perverted gossip evidenced by the first few posts on this thread is also pathetic. What motivates some people to engage in this type of gossip is way beyond me.

The photos were printed in the Daily Mail and other newspapers, Bub, and the gossip is hardly perverted - just gossip.

I hate saying it, but the Bunny is right again.

July 3rd, 2009, 09:22
...when making them up is so much more fun.

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... drugs.html (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2507793/Michael-Jackson-spent-30k-a-month-on-drugs.html)

Oh yes, by all means let's quote The Sun as the authoritative source for all things Michael Jackson.

The reality is a bit dull.
The Will does exist. It names his mom as guardian of the children with Diana Ross as secondary guardian.
The money (what is left after creditors) is going into a Trust.

The biggest mystery now is how much money the Estate is worth. Apperently he had assests but no cash flow.

July 3rd, 2009, 09:32
Report I saw estimated that assets will exceed liabilities by about $200 million.

July 3rd, 2009, 12:56
His most valuable asset may very well end-up being the publishing rights to The Beatles catalog.

July 3rd, 2009, 22:06
I wouldn't mind just his coffin.

Michael Jackson's farewell will be like few others before
Friday, July 3rd 2009, 1:49 AM

Fans who want to attend the memorial in the 20,000-seat Staples Center in Los Angeles must register for free tickets, said the Jackson family's spokesman, Ken Sunshine. Details on how to do that will be announced today.

Although only 11,000 tickets will be available - and there will be a huge rush on them - it's expected many thousands of fans will gather outside the center and on the streets leading to the arena in a massive outpouring of sorrow.

The venue is fitting: Jackson rehearsed at the arena two days before he died.

As plans for the event were being finalized, Jackson's brother Jermaine, his eyes welling with tears, revealed the heartbreak of the final moments he spent with the body of his legendary kid brother at the UCLA Medical Center.

"I kissed him on his forehead, and I hugged him, and I touched him, and I said, 'Michael, I'll never leave you. You'll never leave me,'" Jermaine Jackson told NBC's "Today" show.

"To see him there, lifeless and breathless, was very emotional for me. ... He went too soon. I don't know how people are going to take this, but I wish it was me."

Details of the superstar's funeral were still being worked out but it's expected to be in private after Tuesday's ceremony at the Staples Center.

Several reports said he will be buried at the celebrity-filled Forest Lawn Mortuary in Hollywood Hills - even though Jermaine said he wished his brother could be buried at his Neverland Ranch, and state officials said that wasn't out of the question.

The King of Pop died last Thursday after being found unresponsive at his rented mansion.

The LAPD, along with agents from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, are probing Jackson's doctors amid allegations he was done in by prescription drugs.

In the day's other developments:

A video of Jackson's final rehearsal emerged, showing Jackson preparing for his upcoming London concerts at the Staples Center two days before he died.
In the clip, obtained by CNN, Jackson appears relatively fit as he dances to his hit track, "They Don't Care About Us."

President Obama spoke out about Jackson for the first time, saying he "will go down in history as one of our greatest entertainers."

Jackson will be laid to rest in the same kind of $25,000 solid bronze casket used for James Brown, TMZ.com reported. Called a Promethean, the 14-karat gold-plated casket has a blue velvet interior.

July 4th, 2009, 23:58
Jackson will be laid to rest in the same kind of $25,000 solid bronze casket used for James Brown, TMZ.com reported. Called a Promethean, the 14-karat gold-plated casket has a blue velvet interior.

'Michael Jackson's coffin' - picture By Mirror.co.uk 3/07/2009 (http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/07/03/michael-jackson-s-coffin-picture-115875-21492303/)

July 7th, 2009, 21:34
I am utterly devastated. The whole of our country, all of us, will be in a state of shock and mourning. Michael was a wonderful, warm and compassionate person who people, not just in Britain, but throughout the world, loved and will mourn as a friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, in particular with his children, and with all of the families bereaved in this quite appalling tragedy.

I feel like everyone else in this country today - utterly devastated. Our thoughts and prayers are with Michael's family - in particular his grasping father- our hearts go out to them. We are today a nation, in Britain, in a state of shock, in mourning, in grief that is so deeply painful for us.

He was a wonderful and warm human being. Though his own life was often sadly touched by tragedy, he touched the lives of so many others in Britain - throughout the world - with joy and with comfort. How many times shall we remember him, in how many different ways, with the sick, the dying, with children, with the needy, when, with just a look or a gesture that spoke so much more than words, he would reveal to all of us the depth of his compassion and his humanity. How difficult things were for him from time to time, surely we can only guess at - but the people everywhere, not just here in Britain but everywhere, they kept faith with Michael, they liked him, they loved him, they regarded him as one of the people. He was the peoples paedophile and thats how he will stay, how he will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever.
We will now pass over to Dame Elton John who will perform his rewritten version of candle in the wind. :pukeright:

July 8th, 2009, 06:19

July 8th, 2009, 17:07
...After watching MJ's memorial service on TV (until 3am in the morning in Thailand) I couldn't help but ask, Where were these "supporters/ kind words" when Michael was facing some challenges the last few years of his life? There were some amazing tender moments during the memorial service but for me the one that brought tears to my eyes were the words from Brook Sheilds. She was someone that woudl be considered outside of his "cirlcle" yet had the "balls" to share her true feelings for Michael...very moving and made me understand Michael's child-like behaviors.

August 25th, 2009, 07:49
The post-mortems are in and the determination is that M. Jackson died of a lethal dose of the drug known as propofol, which I remember his use of was reported early on after Michael's death in an MTV.com news article. It is not yet known whether the doctor involved with administering the drug along with other drugs will be charged with manslaughter.


'Lethal levels' of anesthetic propofol killed Michael Jackson
August 24, 2009 | 1:24 pm

Michael Jackson died of "lethal levels" of the powerful anesthetic propofol, according to a search warrant affidavit unsealed today in Houston.

The court documents quote the L.A. County coroner's office as reaching that conclusion after an autopsy of the pop star.

The documents address one of the major unanswered questions surrounding Jackson's death. But they also raise new questions about how Jackson was treated, particularly in the hours before his death.

Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal doctor, told detectives with the Los Angeles Police Department that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for about six weeks. He had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of propofol every night using an intravenous line, according to the court records.

But Murray told detectives that he feared Jackson was forming an addiction and began trying to wean the pop star off the drugs. He lowered the dosage to 25 milligrams and mixed it with two other sedatives, lorazepam and midazolam. On June 23, two days before Jackson's death, he administered those two medications and withheld the propofol.

On the morning Jackson died, Murray tried to induce sleep without using propofol, according to the affidavit. He said he gave Jackson valium at 1:30 a.m. When that didn't work, he said, he injected lorazepam intravenously at 2 a.m. At 3 a.m., when Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.

Over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs. Then at 10:40 a.m., Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug, according to the court records.

Although Murray acknowledged to police that he administered propofol, authorities said they could find no evidence that he had purchased, ordered or obtained the medication under his medical license or Drug Enforcement Administration tracking number. However, police detectives saw about eight bottles of propofol in the house along with other vials and pills that had been prescribed to Jackson by Dr. Murray, Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger.

Other drugs that were confiscated in the search included valium, tamsulosin, lorazepam, temazepam, clonazepam, trazodone and tizanidine. They also found propofol in MurrayтАЩs medical bag. Murray told detectives that he was not the first doctor to administer the powerful anesthetic to Jackson.

At least two unidentified doctors gave Jackson propofol in Germany. Between March and April 2009, Murray said he called Las Vegas doctor David Adams at JacksonтАЩs request to arrange for Adams to administer propofol. Murray said he was present at a cosmetologistтАЩs office, where Adams used propofol to sedate Jackson. Since he began treating Jackson, Murray said he repeatedly asked the pop star what other physicians were treating Jackson and what drugs they were prescribing. But Jackson declined to provide the information, Murray told authorities.

Murray said he noticed injection marks on JacksonтАЩs hands and feet. When he asked Jackson about them, the pop star told him he had been given a тАЬcocktailтАЭ to help him. In addition to Murray, authorities subpoenaed medical records from Dr. Arnold Klein, Dr. Allan Metzger and Dr. David Adams, the affidavit states. They also asked for medical records from Dr. David Slavitt, who conducted the independent medical examination of Jackson for Anschutz Entertainment Group, Dr. Randy Rosen and nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee. They also subpoenaed records from Dr. Mark Tadrissi, who stored medical records with Adams.
JacksonтАЩs doctor told authorities he left JacksonтАЩs bedside for no more than two minutes before returning to find the pop star not breathing. Jackson reportedly fell asleep at 10:40 a.m.

Murray said after monitoring Jackson for 10 minutes, he left to use the restroom. When he returned and saw Jackson wasnтАЩt breathing at 11 a.m. He immediately began attempting to revive Jackson, administering CPR as well as a drug to reverse the effects of the sedative. But police are questioning that account. Cellphone records for the morning of June 25 show Murray made three separate phone calls for approximately 47 minutes beginning at 11:18 a.m.

He called JacksonтАЩs personal assistant to request that they send security upstairs. After a few minutes without a response, Murray told authorities he ran downstairs to the kitchen. He asked the chef to send JacksonтАЩs eldest son, Prince Jackson, upstairs. Murray said he continued CPR and waited for the arrival of paramedics.

Murray has already acknowledged obtaining and administering propofol to Jackson the morning that the pop star died. In an interview with police, Murray told them that he had left Jackson alone under the influence of the medication to make telephone calls to his Houston office and family members.

When he returned, he discovered Jackson was not breathing. He performed CPR, and one of JacksonтАЩs staff members called 911. The 50-year-old pop star was rushed to UCLA Medical Center, where he was later declared dead. Much of the investigation has focused on propofol -- a drug typically administered by anesthesiologists during surgery -- and whether MurrayтАЩs decision to give it to Jackson as a sleep aid outside a hospital setting reaches a level of negligence required for an involuntary manslaughter charge.

August 25th, 2009, 11:31
MJ was a Loon simply put, a bit of a genius who let his lifestyle eat him alive until it killed him. To go after his doctor who he paid to keep him full of drugs is stupid. It was suicide by doctor, Had it not been him it would have been someone else.

His desire to be someone other than he was, makes me feel sorry for him to be so unhappy that he would create a new face and body just to escape from who he was.

In that , I am truly sorry for him and have great sympathy for his plight, however, he was simply not stable and any man that needed that kind of drugs just to sleep has some serious shit going on inside. I hate that he was so fragile. Whether his father or whoever it was that made him like he was, He was obviously in serious mental and physical pain of which likely none of us luckily have and likely have not felt.


August 25th, 2009, 14:52
To go after his doctor who he paid to keep him full of drugs is stupid.

You're stupid, Wesley. You want to just let this Dr. Feelgood quack to continue to be allowed to practice "medicine"? Are you completely off your rocker?

August 25th, 2009, 14:57
To go after his doctor who he paid to keep him full of drugs is stupid.

You're stupid, Wesley. You want to just let this Dr. Feelgood quack to continue to be allowed to practice "medicine"? Are you completely off your rocker?

Amen to that.

August 25th, 2009, 23:23
To go after his doctor who he paid to keep him full of drugs is stupid.

You're stupid, Wesley. You want to just let this Dr. Feelgood quack to continue to be allowed to practice "medicine"? Are you completely off your rocker?

Amen to that.

No dummy,

I am saying it was suicide by doctor, like some people do it by police, some police could just shoot the guy in the foot, but instead they shoot him 20 times, but do we crucify the police... no we give them a medal.

In this case, The doctor was clearly in fault, and should suffer the consequences of his action, however, he was doing just what his boss ask him to do. I am not saying turn him loose but, manslaughter is enough. I am not sure murder is what you call it when you pay a guy to give you more drugs than your already frail body can take. I am saying that Mike has some responsibility to take care of himself. If he was a bad stupid doctor as I believe him to be , then he should have been fired. Mike was a victim of his own in problems. I am not saying the doctor is right, only that the blame should be shared. Why this doctor and the ones in all these below were not prosecuted makes no sense to me, notice how many have died with drug over doses. My God the list goes for ever, some by drugs from doctors some not, nevertheless, now they finally decide to do something when they should hev begun a long time ago.

So, shall we now go back and prosecute all the ones related to all the ones below that are still alive or just let all of them slide. They say they plan to make this guy an example, when others have even recently been ignored. These are the most famous
Anna Nicole Smith overdose... Heath Ledger overdose celebrity overdose prescription drugs
GElvis Presley overdose overdose sleeping pills accidental overdose Judy Garland overdose

Why let the ones go for Anna and her son go and put this guy on trial for murder, My sister died 3 yeas ago with an over dose given to her by the doctors. Who should I blame, her or the guys who wrote the prescriptions. There has to be some responsibility for the guy who is begging for it and pays hundreds of thousand dollars to get it. Then others who did the same are let go. It just seems like a double standard to me. I am not saying the guy has no responsibility , just that ,Mike was playing a deadly game with his life and lost. I am not sure who to blame , but who decided now is the right time to begin laying the blame at the doctors feet. Mike had a death wish if, he was letting this guy do all of this over and over nightly. He was not stupid he had to know the chance was there that he could die. I am not sure who the dummy is on this one, maybe both.

What bothers me is all the bad shit said about Mike before he died and now that he is dead all of a sudden he is a star again. He was obliviously a troubled person in more ways than one. What about all the people who knew what was happening and said nothing including his family and friends. Some were leeches and some were friends but all stood around and watched him kill himself.


* Nick Adams (36) - actor, drug overdose.
* Stuart Adamson - musician, Big Country, self-asphyxiation under the influence of alcohol.
* Michael Brent Adkisson (23) - professional wrestler, suicide, overdosed on tranquilizers.
* Ry┼лnosuke Akutagawa (35) - writer, committed suicide by overdosing on barbiturates.
* GG Allin (36) - punk musician, heroin overdose.
* Bridgette Andersen (21) former child actress, alcohol and heroin overdose.
* Pier Angeli (39) Italian-born actress, died of anaphylactic shock after being given a tranquilizer by her doctor.
* Matthew Ansara - actor and bodybuilder, heroin overdose.
* Chris Antley - champion horse-racing jockey, drug-related causes.
* West Arkeen - musician, drug overdose.
* Howard Arkley - painter, drug overdose.
* Kevyn Aucoin - photographer & make-up artist, kidney and liver failure due to Tylenol toxicity, due to prescription painkillers addiction.

[edit] B

* Chet Baker (58) - jazz trumpeter and singer.
* Florence Ballard (32) - musician, The Supremes, cardiac arrest strongly exacerbated by long-term drug abuse.
* Lester Bangs (33) - musician, writer, overdose of painkillers, possibly accidental.
* Jean-Michel Basquiat (27) - painter, heroin overdose.
* Scotty Beckett (38) - American former child actor, suicide, barbiturate overdose.
* Steve Bechler - Major League Baseball pitcher, after using the drug ephedra.
* John Belushi (33) - of the Blues Brothers, actor, and comedian, heroin and cocaine overdose (speedball).
* Wes Berggren - musician, Tripping Daisy.
* George Best (59) - ex-footballer with Manchester United, multiple organ failure exacerbated by chronic long-standing alcoholism.
* Leah Betts (18) - schoolgirl, ecstasy related.
* Len Bias (22) - basketball star; died of cocaine overdose before ever playing in the NBA.
* Bam Bam Bigelow (45) - professional wrestler, toxic levels of cocaine and temazepam.
* Count Gottfried von Bismarck (44) - Aristocrat, suspected drug overdose.
* Mike Bloomfield (36) - blues guitarist, heroin overdose.
* Tommy Bolin (25) - musician, Deep Purple, drugs overdose and/or alcohol poisoning.
* John Bonham (32) - musician Led Zeppelin, alcohol related asphyxiation caused by choking on his own vomit.
* Christopher Bowman (40) - former professional ice skater, possible prescription drug overdose.
* Elisa Bridges (29) - model, acute intoxication - combined effects of heroin, methamphetamine, meperidine and alprazolam.
* Erik Br├╕dreskift (30) - musician, Borknagar,Gorgoroth,and Immortal, suicide - pill overdose.
* Lenny Bruce (40) - comedian, morphine overdose.
* Tim Buckley (28) - rock and roll musician, heroin overdose.
* Chad Butler (aka "Pimp C") - rap musician, accidental overdose of Promethazine/Codeine "syrup" mixed with a pre-existing medical condition, sleep apnea[1][2].
* Paul Butterfield (44) - musician, drug and alcohol overdose.

[edit] C

* Andr├йs Caicedo (25) - writer, drug overdose, possibly suicide.
* Toy Caldwell - musician, Marshall Tucker Band.
* Casey Calvert - guitarist of Hawthorne Heights, accidental drug overdose through mixture of opiates, citalopram, and clonazepam.
* Ken Caminiti (41) - former Major League Baseball player; acute cocaine and opiates intoxication.
* Max Cantor - journalist, actor, heroin overdose, he became an addict while researching addicts in New York.
* Truman Capote (59) - writer, liver disease complicated by phlebitis and multiple drug intoxication.
* Sonny Clark - musician, hard bop pianist, heroin overdose.
* Steve Clark (30) - musician, Def Leppard, accidential death (anti-depressants, painkillers and alcohol).
* Montgomery Clift - actor, heart attack due to severe alcoholism and drug abuse.
* Kurt Cobain (27) - musician, Nirvana, alleged suicide by gunshot after heroin overdose.
* Natasha Collins (31) - actress - cocaine overdose.
* Brian Cole - musician, the Association, heroin overdose.
* Brian Connolly - musician, Sweet, liver damage caused by long-term substance abuse and chronic alcoholism.
* Megan Connolly (27) - actress, heroin overdose.
* Pamela Courson - common law wife of Jim Morrison of The Doors, heroin overdose.
* Carl Crack (30) - musician, Atari Teenage Riot, drug overdose.
* Darby Crash (22) - punk musician, of The Germs, suicide by heroin overdose.
* Robbin Crosby (42) - musician, ex-Ratt, contracted HIV as a result of long-time heroin addiction and died of a heroin overdose.

[edit] D

* Dalida (54) - singer, suicide, barbiturates overdose (sleeping pills).
* Dorothy Dandridge (42) - actress, singer, anti-depressant overdose.
* Jesse Ed Davis (43) - guitarist, session musician, drug overdose.
* Paul Demayo (38) - professional bodybuilder, heroin overdose.
* Teri Diver (29) - pornographic actress, cardiac arrest caused by overdose of migraine medication.
* DJ Screw (29) - musician, heart attack thought to be result of codeine overdose.
* Desmond Donnelly (53) - politician/ businessman/ journalist, suicide under influence of alcohol/ overdose of barbiturates.
* Tommy Dorsey (51) - jazz musician and bandleader, choked to death while sleeping with the aid of drugs.
* John Dougherty - musician, Flipper, heroin overdose.
* Eric Douglas - stand-up comedian, "acute intoxication" by the effects of alcohol, tranquilizers and painkillers.
* Nick Drake (26) - musician, anti-depressant overdose, disputed suicide.
* Michael Dransfield (24) - poet, heroin overdose.
* Kevin DuBrow (52) - rock vocalist, cocaine overdose.
* Bobby Duncum, Jr. - professional wrestler, prescription drug overdose.
* Anthony Durante - professional wrestler, drug overdose.

[edit] E

* Jeanne Eagels (35) - actress, alcohol and/or heroin abuse.
* John Entwistle (57) - musician, bassist for the Who, died from heart failure brought upon by cocaine use.
* Brian Epstein (32) - Manager of The Beatles, accidental sleeping pill overdose.
* Howie Epstein (47) - musician, ex-bassist with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, heroin overdose[3].

[edit] F

* Chris Farley (33) - comedian who rose to fame on Saturday Night Live, cocaine and morphine overdose (speedball).
* Pete Farndon (31) - musician, the Pretenders, drowned/ heroin overdose.
* Rainer Werner Fassbinder - playwright, director, cocaine overdose (possible suicide).
* Brenda Fassie (39) - singer, cocaine overdose.
* Keith Ferguson - musician, the Fabulous Thunderbirds.
* Althea Flynt - co-publisher of Hustler magazine, drowned after passing out after drug overdose.
* Zac Foley (31) - musician, EMF, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, temazepam, barbiturates and alcohol in bloodstream.
* Katy French (24) - model and socialite, cocaine use.
* Sigmund Freud (83) - neurologist, long-term cocaine use, physician assisted morphine overdose (euthanasia).

[edit] G

* Rory Gallagher (47) - musician, Taste, died of pnemonia and a liver failure, caused by side effects of a combination of doctor-prescribed drugs.
* Danny Gans (52) - Impressionist, Las Vegas entertainer. Accidental drug overdose, May 1st, 2009.
* Paul Gardiner - musician, Tubeway Army, drug overdose.
* Judy Garland (47) - singer and actress, disputed drug overdose as cause of death.
* Lowell George (34) - musician, Little Feat, heart attack - habitual drug abuse probable cause.
* Talitha Getty (30) - actress (Barbarella) and socialite (Wife of John Paul Getty Jr), heroin overdose in Rome 1971.
* Andy Gibb (30) - singer, younger brother of the Bee Gees; cardiac damage strongly exacerbated by cocaine and alcohol abuse.
* Simon Gipps-Kent - actor, morphine poisoning, suspected drug overdose.
* Trevor Goddard (40) - former professional boxer turned actor, cocaine, heroin, hydrocodone, and diazepam overdose.
* Dwayne Goettel (31) - musician, Skinny Puppy, heroin overdose.
* Paul Gonsalves (53) - jazz tenor saxophonist, Duke Ellington, narcotics overdose
* Gribouille (26) - singer, drugs overdose.

[edit] H

* Clinton Haines - noted computer hacker, heroin overdose on 21st birthday.
* Bobby Hatfield - musician, The Righteous Brothers, heart attack triggered by cocaine overdose.
* Tim Hardin - folk musician, heroin and morphine overdose.
* Brynn Hartman - wife and murderer of comedian Phil Hartman, suicide after cocaine and alcohol.
* Phyllis Haver - actress, intentional barbiturate overdose
* James Hayden (29) - actor, heroin overdose.
* Joey Hawthorne - professional poker player, drug overdose.
* Eddie Hazel - musician, guitarist, of the P-funk collective, liver failure.
* Mitch Hedberg - comedian, multiple drug toxicity (cocaine and heroin).
* Tim Hemensley - indie musician, member of GOD, heroin overdose
* Margaux Hemingway (41) - actress, disputed suicide, overdose of phenobarbital.
* Jimi Hendrix (27) - rock and roll musician, respiratory arrest caused by alcohol and barbiturate overdose and vomit inhalation.
* Curt Hennig - professional wrestler, cocaine overdose.
* Gino Hernandez (28) - wrestler, cocaine overdose.
* Randy Jo Hobbs - musician.
* Abbie Hoffman - self-identified communo-anarchist, social and political activist in the United States, suicide by overdose of Phenobarbital pills
* El Duce Hoke - musician, drummer and singer in the Mentors, hit by train when alcohol intoxicated (disputed murder theories).
* Hollywood Fats - musician, heroin overdose.
* Gary Holton (33) - actor, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, alcohol and morphine overdose.
* James Honeyman-Scott - musician, the Pretenders, cocaine overdose.
* Shannon Hoon (28) - musician, singer in Blind Melon, cocaine overdose.
* Howard Hughes (70) - aviator, engineer, industrialist, movie producer, playboy, liver failure - autopsy showed lethal amount of codeine and also valium in body.
* Gertrude Hullett - died of barbiturate overdose while being treated by suspected serial killer John Bodkin Adams.
* Elizabeth Hulette (42) - professional wrestling manager, accidental overdose of alcohol, alprazolam, temazepam, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and anabolic steroids.
* Harold Hunter (31) - professional skateboarder and actor, apparent cocaine overdose.
* Phyllis Hyman - singer, suicide involving lethal amounts of alcohol and temazepam.

[edit] J

* Steven Ronald "Stevo" Jensen - musician, The Vandals, prescription drug overdose.
* Jo├лlle, American born French singer, drug overdose.
* Anissa Jones (18) - actress (played "Buffy" on American TV series Family Affair), accidential overdose of cocaine, PCP, methaqualone and secobarbital.
* Brian Jones - musician, the Rolling Stones, drowned, very likely due to alcohol and barbiturate intoxication.
* Rob Jones (a.k.a. The Bass Thing) - musician - former bassist of The Wonder Stuff, heroin/cocaine/alcohol overdose.
* Russell Jones (a.k.a. Ol' Dirty Bastard) - hip hop musician, accidential overdose, cocaine and prescription painkiller[4].
* Janis Joplin (27) - rock and roll and blues musician, heroin overdose.
* Rick James (56)- musician Died August 6, 2004 of a drug induced heart-attack

[edit] K

* John Kahn - musician, Jerry Garcia Band, complications of heart disease, heroin, cocaine, and antidepressants found in his body.
* David Kennedy - fourth child of Robert F. Kennedy, cocaine and pethidine overdose.
* Bernard Kettlewell - lepidopterist and medical doctor, drug overdose.
* Dorothy Kilgallen, Irish-American journalist and television game show panelist, fatal combination of alcohol and secobarbital, perhaps concurrent with a heart attack
* John Kordic - hockey player, died during struggle with police after cocaine overdose.

[edit] L

* Alan Ladd (50) - actor, acute overdose of alcohol and hypnotic barbiturates, probable suicide [5].
* Arcadia Lake - pornographic actress, drug overdose.
* Barbara La Marr - actress, drug-related death in Hollywood.
* Karen Lancaume - pornographic actress, overdose of temazepam (suicide).
* Carole Landis - actress, overdose of barbiturates (suicide).
* Heath Ledger (28) - actor, accidental death Combined Drug Intoxication of various prescription drugs, including oxycodone, hydrocodone, temazepam, and others[6].
* Bruce Lee (32) - actor, martial artist, died of acute cerebral edema due to a reaction to compounds present in the prescription pain killing drug Equagesic.
* Gerald Levert - R&B singer, son of O'Jays singer Eddie Levert - accidental combination of prescription medications.
* Frank X. Leyendecker - illustrator, drug overdose.
* Debbie Linden - glamour model & actress, heroin overdose.
* Eugene Lipscomb - American football player, heroin overdose.
* Mike Lockwood - professional wrestler, choked on his own vomit after overdose of painkillers and alcohol.
* Trinity Loren (real name: Joyce Evelyn McPherson) - porn star, model, and stripper, accidental overdose of prescription painkillers.
* Bela Lugosi (73) - actor, drug-related heart attack.
* Zoe Tamerlis Lund - former child musical prodigy turned model, actress, and writer, heart failure due to heroin use.
* Donyale Luna (34) - first notable African American supermodel & actress, drug overdose.
* Frankie Lymon - musician, doo wop singer, heroin overdose.
* Aaron Lynch - writer on memetics, opiate-based painkiller overdose (coroner ruled accidental death.)
* Phil Lynott (36) - musician, Thin Lizzy, health breakdown caused by a heroin overdose. (speedball.)

[edit] M

* Billy Mackenzie - musician, the Associates, overdosed on temazepam, amitriptyline, and paracetamol (suicide).
* Chris Mainwaring - Australian Footballer, alleged accidental overdose.
* Bibek Maitra
* Sherri Martel - professional wrestler, accidental overdose with multiple drugs in her system, including high amounts of oxycodone.
* Billy Mays - pitchman, heart disease with cocaine being a "contributory cause"[7][8].
* David McComb (36) - musician, The Triffids, heroin overdose.
* Jimmy McCulloch - musician with Wings, guitarist, heroin overdose.
* Robbie McIntosh - musician, Average White Band, heroin overdose.
* Clyde McPhatter - singer, complications of heart, liver, and kidney disease due to alcoholism.
* Aimee Semple McPherson - Canadian-born evangelist and media sensation in the 1920s and 1930s, overdose of prescription barbiturates.
* Jonathan Melvoin - touring keyboardist for the Smashing Pumpkins, heroin overdose.
* Amedeo Modigliani - painter, tubercular meningitis тАФ exacerbated by poverty, overworking, and excessive use of alcohol and narcotics.
* Jo├лlle Mogensen - singer, drug overdose.
* Marilyn Monroe (36) - actress, overdose of barbiturate-based sleeping pills.
* Ken Montgomery - musician, D.O.A.
* Keith Moon (32) - musician, the Who, accidental overdose on anti-seizure medication prescribed for alcoholism.
* Edith Alice Morrell - died of morphine overdose while being treated by suspected serial killer John Bodkin Adams.
* Chester Morris - actor, drug overdose.
* Jim Morrison (27) - musician, The Doors, heart failure, alcohol abuse (cause and fact of death disputed).
* Billy Murcia - musician, the New York Dolls, accidental suffocation after drugs and alcohol.
* Brent Mydland - musician, keyboardist, of the Grateful Dead, cocaine/morphine overdose.

[edit] N

* Delphine Neid - musician, The Nuns, drugs overdose.
* Joachim Nielsen (36) - rock musician in the band Jokke & Valentinerne, drug overdose
* Bradley Nowell (28) - musician, Sublime, heroin overdose.

[edit] O

* Hugh O'Connor - actor, of In the Heat of the Night TV series, suicide under influence of cocaine.
* Lani O'Grady - actress, of Eight Is Enough - multiple drug intoxication.
* Johnny O'Keefe - musician/ singer, heart attack after prescription drugs addiction.
* Christina Onassis - daughter of the billionaire Aristotle Onassis, pulmonary edema, caused by constant drug abuse and dramatic weight changes.
* Bryan Ottoson - musician, American Head Charge, accidental prescription-drug overdose.

[edit] P

* Marco Pantani (34) - cyclist, Tour de France winner; acute cocaine intoxication.
* Charlie Parker (34) - jazz musician; the official cause of death was (lobar) pneumonia and a bleeding ulcer, his death was hastened by his drug and alcohol abuse
* Robert Pastorelli (49) - television actor, heroin overdose.
* Gram Parsons (26) - country musician, of the Byrds and the Flying Burrito Brothers, overdose, purportedly of morphine and tequila.
* Chris Penn (40) - actor (Reservoir Dogs), brother of Sean Penn, heart disease and prescription drugs.
* Art Pepper (56) - jazz musician.
* Christopher Pettiet (24) - actor.
* Jack Pickford (36) - actor, syphillis & alcohol and drug abuse.
* Kristen Pfaff (27) - musician, ex-member of Hole, heroin overdose.
* Esther Phillips (48) - musician, singer, liver and kidney failure due to alcohol and heroin dependency.
* John Phillips (65) - musician, of the Mamas & the Papas, heart failure due to lifetime of alcohol and narcotics abuse.
* River Phoenix (23) - actor, overdose of heroin and cocaine (speedball).
* Jeffrey Lee Pierce (37) - musician, the Gun Club.
* Rob Pilatus (32) - musician, Milli Vanilli, drug overdose.
* Dana Plato (34) - actress, of Diff'rent Strokes, suicide - overdose of muscle relaxant Vanadom (carisoprodol)and Vicodin.
* Pola - model, appeared in Vogue and Cosmopolitan - heroin overdose in 1975.
* Darrell Porter (50) - professional baseball catcher (Kansas City Royals and St. Louis Cardinals) turned broadcaster, cocaine overdose.
* Freddie Prinze (22) - comic, actor (Chico and the Man), self-inflicted gunshot wound while under the influence of Quaaludes

[edit] Q

* Glenn Quinn (32) - Actor Angel (TV series), heroin overdose.

[edit] R

* Dee Dee Ramone (50) - musician, the Ramones, heroin overdose.
* James Ray - singer, drug overdose.
* Michael Reeves - film director, barbiturate overdose.
* Wallace Reid (31) - actor, flu caused by morphine addiction.
* Jimmy Reilly (17) - musician, Watertower West and Tony And The Tigers, heroin and alcohol overdose.
* Elis Regina (36) - singer, fatal alcohol and temazepam interaction.
* Brad Renfro (25) - actor, overdose of heroin and morphine[9].
* Ryszard Riedel (37) - blues and rock vocalist with the Polish band D┼╝em due to cardiac insufficiency due to long time drug abuse (especially heroin)|
* Rachel Roberts (53) - actress - barbiturate overdose (suicide).
* Don Rogers (23) - American football player, cocaine overdose.
* Alma Rubens - actress, flu caused by heroin addiction.
* David Ruffin (50) - musician, the Temptations, drug overdose.

[edit] S

* George Sanders (65) - actor, barbiturates overdose (suicide).
* Catya Sassoon (33) - model and actress, overdose of hydromorphone and cocaine.
* Joe Schermie - musician, Three Dog Night, heart attack resulting from long-term drug abuse
* Ronnie Scott (69) - jazz tenor saxophonist and jazz-club owner, died accidentally from a mixture of brandy and temazepam.
* Jean Seberg - actress, barbiturate and alcohol overdose (suicide).
* Jason Sears - musician, Rich Kids on LSD, treatment with natural drugs.
* Rod Scurry (36) - Major League Baseball relief pitcher, cocaine-induced heart attack.
* Edie Sedgwick - actress.
* Bobby Sheehan - musician, Blues Traveler, drug overdose.
* Eric Show - baseball player, cocaine and heroin overdose (speedball).
* Pavlos Sidiropoulos - rock musician, heroin overdose.
* Judee Sill - folk musician, heroin overdose.
* Don Simpson - film producer, heart attack, reports of 20 drugs in his body at time of death.
* Tom Simpson - road racing cyclist, dehydration and exhaustion while cycling, amphetamines and alcohol usage.
* Hillel Slovak (26) - musician, Red Hot Chili Peppers, heroin overdose.
* Anna Nicole Smith (39) - Playboy playmate, actress, reality show star, lethal combination of chloral hydrate and various benzodiazepines.
* Daniel Smith (20) - Son of Anna Nicole Smith, part-time actor and director, lethal combination of methadone, Lexapro and Zoloft.
* Davey Boy Smith (39) - professional wrestler, heart attack - steroid abuse may have contributed.
* Freddy Soto - comedian, writer and actor, mixture of alcohol, alprazolam, and fentanyl.
* Louie Spicolli - professional wrestler, choked on vomit after drugs and alcohol overdose.
* Layne Staley (34) - musician, Alice in Chains, cocaine and heroin overdose (speedball).
* Joey Stefano (26) - pornographic actor, overdose of cocaine, morphine, heroin and ketamine.
* Inger Stevens - actress, suicide - overdose of sleeping pills.
* Rory Storm - musician, suicide - sleeping pills overdose.
* Margaret Sullavan (48) - actress, deliberate barbiturate overdose.
* Paige Summers - pornographic model & actress, a drug overdose from a combination of the painkillers codeine and oxycodone.[10]
* Screaming Lord Sutch - singer and politician, suicide following Prozac overdose.

[edit] T

* Zo├л Tamerlis Lund - musician turned model, heart failure after sustained heroin and cocaine abuse.
* Warren Tartaglia (Walid al-Taha) - jazz musician & one of six founders of Moorish Orthodox Church of America, heroin overdose.
* Chase Tatum (34) former wrestler for the now-defunct World Championship Wrestling organization, apparent drug overdose.
* Vinnie Taylor - musician, Sha Na Na, heroin overdose.
* Gary Thain - musician, Uriah Heep, drug overdose.
* Jotie T'Hooft - poet, drug overdose, suicide.
* Johnny Thunders - musician, the New York Dolls, alcohol and methadone poisoning.
* John Thompson - poet, "a brutal mix of barbiturates and liquor."
* Georg Trakl - playwright, cocaine overdose.
* D. M. Turner (34) - author/psychonaut, drowned in a bathtub while on ketamine.
* Ike Turner (76) - musician/producer, died from cocaine overdose with high blood pressure and emphysema as contributing factors[11].
* Dick Twardzik - bebop jazz pianist, heroin overdose.

[edit] U

* Stu Ungar (45) - Three-time World Series of Poker Main Event winner, heart condition caused by long-term cocaine abuse.
* Enrique Urquijo - singer, drug overdose.

[edit] V

* Paul Vaessen - former professional footballer with Arsenal, post mortem found he had a high levels of methadone, heroin, temazepam, diazepam, and alcohol in his bloodstream.
* Lupe V├йlez - actress, secobarbital overdose (suicide).
* Michael VerMeulen - magazine editor, drug overdose.
* Sid Vicious (21) - musician, the Sex Pistols, heroin overdose, disputed suicide

[edit] W

* Robert Hudson Walker - actor, died suddenly after being administered sodium amytal by his doctor.
* Shelby Walker (31) - female boxer and Martial arts fighter, apparent medicine overdose.
* Jeremy Michael Ward - musician, The Mars Volta, apparent heroin overdose.
* Dinah Washington - musician, singer, overdose of diet pills and alcohol.
* Dave Waymer (34) - American football defensive-back, cocaine-induced heart attack.
* Michael Weber - lead guitarist of The Seminal Rats, heroin overdose.
* Rachel Whitear - student, heroin overdose led to large-scale anti-drugs press campaign in Britain.
* Brett Whiteley - artist, heroin and temazepam overdose.
* Kurt Winter - guitarist with The Guess Who, kidney failure after sustained drug abuse
* Keith Whitley (33) - country musician, alcohol poisoning.
* Dale Whittington - racecar driver, drug overdose.
* Alan Wilson - musician, Canned Heat, drug overdose (possible suicide).
* Dennis Wilson (39) - musician, The Beach Boys, alcohol-related drowning
* Hank Williams (29) - musician, drugs and probably alcohol.
* Kenneth Williams (62) - actor, author and comedian from Carry On, overdose of barbiturates (accidental or suicide).
* Linda Wong - pornographic actress, overdose on alprazolam, chloral hydrate and alcohol.
* Andrew Wood - musician, lead singer Mother Love Bone, Malfunkshun, heroin overdose.
* Anna Wood (15) - Australian schoolgirl, cerebral edema, caused by water intoxication and resultant hyponatremia after taking ecstasy.

[edit] X

[edit] Y

* Paula Yates (40) - British TV presenter & author, heroin overdose.

[edit] Z

[edit] References

1. ^ HHWorlds.com - Breaking News: Pimp C Death Attributed To Accidental Overdose
2. ^ Cough syrup found in Pimp C's hotel had no label
3. ^ "Petty bassist dies from 'overdose'". bbcnews.co.uk. 26 February 2003. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainmen ... 800123.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/2800123.stm).
4. ^ "Rapper ODB died of drug overdose". bbcnews.co.uk. 15 December 2004. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainmen ... 099269.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/4099269.stm).
5. ^ Shipman, David. The Great Movie Stars: The Golden Years. New York: Hill & Wang, 1979. ISBN 0-8090-5170-2
6. ^ "Accidental drug mix killed Ledger". bbcnews.co.uk. 6 February 2008. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7231084.stm.
7. ^ "Cocaine linked to Billy Mays death". CNN - The Stituation Room with Wolf Blitzer.
8. ^ "Autopsy: Cocaine contributed to Billy Mays' death". AP. 2009-08-07. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/ ... TE=DEFAULT (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_BILLY_MAYS?SITE=NYBUE&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT). Retrieved 2009-08-07.
9. ^ "Drug overdose killed actor Renfro". bbcnews.co.uk. 9 February 2008. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7236574.stm.
10. ^ "Plane Crash Kills One, One Is Missing", by Nathan Brown, Morganton News Herald, 30 August 2005. Retrieved 23 May 2007.
11. ^ "'Drug overdose' killed Ike Turner". bbcnews.co.uk. 17 January 2008. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7193080.stm.

August 26th, 2009, 09:04
No, sorry Wes.
Doctors don't just "do what they're told". They have resposibilities to the patient and society, both legal and moral, that are clearly spelled out. And this guy went over the line.

There will always be doctors, lawyers, accountants....etc ...that cross legal and ethical lines for their clients (for their clients money that is). But what they're doing is wrong and if they're caught they should be punished.

I'm kind of interested to know why MJ had such a hard time sleeping. Did years of abusing sleep aids damage his brain's ability to get a normal night's sleep?

August 26th, 2009, 09:38
Poor Wes. Plumbing new depths of stupidity.

August 26th, 2009, 11:33
No, sorry Wes.
Doctors don't just "do what they're told". They have resposibilities to the patient and society, both legal and moral, that are clearly spelled out. And this guy went over the line.

There will always be doctors, lawyers, accountants....etc ...that cross legal and ethical lines for their clients (for their clients money that is). But what they're doing is wrong and if they're caught they should be punished.

I'm kind of interested to know why MJ had such a hard time sleeping. Did years of abusing sleep aids damage his brain's ability to get a normal night's sleep?

I said clearly the doctor was to blame, however, I don't think it was intentional. Manslaughter is what he should get not a murder trial. I never said the doctor was out of the line of fire on this , simply he is not the only one to blame. I still think MJ has some responsibility to look out for himself as much as the doctor had a responsibility to him. They both were wrong, if he had sleep problems she should he seen a specialist in that area not get a drug store for hire. If anything, Mike wasn't stupid. He had to know he needed something more than a guy with no scruples and a prescription pad.


August 26th, 2009, 11:45
I see BB had the last go before kence, so for the record go get F....d BB, you are due one if I hear right, you love to turn your ass up for the little boys, have at it


August 26th, 2009, 11:59
Is that your ultimate debate tactic? Accusing your opponent of being a pedophile? Doesn't help your argument much, Wes. And -- in case anyone forgets -- that argument was that it is "stupid to go after Michael Jackson's doctor".

August 26th, 2009, 13:08
No dear Bunny, it was just for you , had nothing to do with the thread. just for you, I thought you might like to see how it feels when you do it to others.


August 26th, 2009, 13:26
Is that your ultimate debate tactic? Accusing your opponent of being a pedophile? Doesn't help your argument much, Wes. And -- in case anyone forgets -- that argument was that it is "stupid to go after Michael Jackson's doctor".

No dear Bunny, it was just for you , had nothing to do with the thread. just for you, I thought you might like to see how it feels when you do it to others.


Do what to others, Wes? You are blabbing again.

August 27th, 2009, 00:21
[quote="Beach Bunny":uijuu3uc]Is that your ultimate debate tactic? Accusing your opponent of being a pedophile? Doesn't help your argument much, Wes. And -- in case anyone forgets -- that argument was that it is "stupid to go after Michael Jackson's doctor".

No dear Bunny, it was just for you , had nothing to do with the thread. just for you, I thought you might like to see how it feels when you do it to others.


Do what to others, Wes? You are blabbing again. [/quote:uijuu3uc]
no I am satified to leave your big ass on ignore, haha

August 27th, 2009, 08:03
WesMoon Phongxaysanith <moonp@mtstravel.com>

The North American Leader in Church, Mission, Relief and Development Travel

I never would have guessed. LOL. Do they know you're a shirt lifter?

August 27th, 2009, 09:55


August 27th, 2009, 10:19
So, now my travel agent is outed as well. Darned I guess my cover is blown.

You're also outed as having lied about putting me on ignore.

August 27th, 2009, 11:24
....I said clearly the doctor was to blame, however, I don't think it was intentional. Manslaughter is what he should get not a murder trial. I never said the doctor was out of the line of fire on this , simply he is not the only one to blame. ...

If you and Bunny are finished with your pi$$ing contest can I get a word in edgewise?

So far the "Doctor who killed MJ" (as he will forever be known) hasn't been charged. There is only the coroner's finding of "homicide" which simply means MJ was "killed" and didn't die of natural causes or suicide. It's still up to the DA to decide just what charges to file. Probably not Murder #1 but I'm not up to snuff on Calif. law to differentiate between Murder #2, #3, manslaughter or "neglegent homicide". We'll soon see.

But still I disagree with your contention that the Doc was only "partly to blame". No, he (apparently) illegally obtained the drug and administered it. He didn't have to, he chose to.
This is not the same as the case of Anna Nicole Smith, to whom the doctors only perscribed the drugs and so made them availiable.

If someone begged you to put a gun to their head and blow their brains out you can't say they're "partially responsible because they begged me to do it knowing full well the consequenses".

August 27th, 2009, 11:31
Again all the best my dear BB

I hope this ends our conversation, as I am tired of looking to see if you are in the last post on this section and we have totally, as you usually like it , taken over the thread. If you want to talk about it start a new thread and I will keep you on ignore. Any questions ask Smiles he has all the information.

August 27th, 2009, 11:49
....I said clearly the doctor was to blame, however, I don't think it was intentional. Manslaughter is what he should get not a murder trial. I never said the doctor was out of the line of fire on this , simply he is not the only one to blame. ...

If you and Bunny are finished with your pi$$ing contest can I get a word in edgewise?

So far the "Doctor who killed MJ" (as he will forever be known) hasn't been charged. There is only the coroner's finding of "homicide" which simply means MJ was "killed" and didn't die of natural causes or suicide. It's still up to the DA to decide just what charges to file. Probably not Murder #1 but I'm not up to snuff on Calif. law to differentiate between Murder #2, #3, manslaughter or "neglegent homicide". We'll soon see.

But still I disagree with your contention that the Doc was only "partly to blame". No, he (apparently) illegally obtained the drug and administered it. He didn't have to, he chose to.
This is not the same as the case of Anna Nicole Smith, to whom the doctors only perscribed the drugs and so made them availiable.

If you caught the most recent news on this, Ted Kennedy took it all today, however the day before they found that two other doctors procured the drug , this doctor administered it while talking on the phone 47 minutes while his patient was out on this stuff. With that information , I am inclined to agree with you, If he lost him by accidental over does it is one thing, but to put a man, no matter who obtained the drugs, then left him for 47 minutes while on 3 different phone calls says he was grossly negligent which may call for a first degree manslaughter and 20 years in prision. So with new information I have to agree. However the other two doctors that enabled this to happen are goign to be charged as well, with what I am not sure , legally they could be brought to court on charges of conspiracy to commit murder. Which carries a much worse sentence. So, I guess I am with you, maybe they will nail them all three. I only heard yesterday the doctor left him for such a long period of time, If he had gone to the bathroom its one thing but he did not even report him dead for 2 hours while he called MJ's older son to come over and decide what to do. what a coward when you have to get a kid to make such a decision as to what to do with your dead patient. I agree with all the facts, I have to say you are right.

If someone begged you to put a gun to their head and blow their brains out you can't say they're "partially responsible because they begged me to do it knowing full well the consequenses".[/quote]

August 27th, 2009, 13:07
They are so liberal now it no longer matters as last week they made the way for Gay Priests to not only pastor the church but to do so with their significant other in a closed relationship.

That's wonderful, but how do they feel about cavorting with young gay prostitutes?

August 27th, 2009, 22:01
I really don't care , I work for my self,


August 27th, 2009, 22:02
They are so liberal now it no longer matters as last week they made the way for Gay Priests to not only pastor the church but to do so with their significant other in a closed relationship.

That's wonderful, but how do they feel about cavorting with young gay prostitutes?

I really don't care , I work for my self,


You are supposed to have me on ignore...what a dumb shit you are, Wesley.

August 28th, 2009, 07:02
I see BB had the last go before kence, so for the record go get F....d BB, you are due one if I hear right, you love to turn your ass up for the little boys, have at it


Is that your ultimate debate tactic? Accusing your opponent of being a pedophile? Doesn't help your argument much, Wes. And -- in case anyone forgets -- that argument was that it is "stupid to go after Michael Jackson's doctor".

No dear Bunny, it was just for you , had nothing to do with the thread. just for you, I thought you might like to see how it feels when you do it to others.

i dont think BB could get a erection to do it back to the boys!!!!!

August 28th, 2009, 11:42
I have never said this but generally I never agree with Wes, but on this one I am with Wes (against the BuGs, as usual).

I haven't the time to have read all the replies but I agree with one other that if the doctor did "cross the line" then there should be punishment. However, that is questionable, and a police/court system doesn't SEEM to think they have a good case, whether or not it should be a jury to decide.

The world would be better off devoting some time to getting to the root of American prescription drug addiction than trying to judge sin or no sin in this case.

(jus' my humble opinion).

August 28th, 2009, 20:59
I have never said this but generally I never agree with Wes, but on this one I am with Wes (against the BuGs, as usual).

I haven't the time to have read all the replies but I agree with one other that if the doctor did "cross the line" then there should be punishment. However, that is questionable, and a police/court system doesn't SEEM to think they have a good case, whether or not it should be a jury to decide.

The world would be better off devoting some time to getting to the root of American prescription drug addiction than trying to judge sin or no sin in this case.

(jus' my humble opinion).
It is all over the news today, another doctor is involved with supplying the drugs, I suspect every "shop a doc" doctor will be in on this. I am not saying thier practice is right , but they do have to have a market to keep going. In this case Mike was a really good customer , I see them as enablers. I was upset about my sister but no legal attempts at trying to get even. I knew her personality and I know she was just as responsible for her as the doctors were. But I do agree the system needs to be fixed on both ends. You give an adult drugs and you expect them to take them as they should. In this case I suppose they knew it was going to be abuse and with my sister I think they were not sure. But if you took every doctor out of service that lost a patient to this type of thing their would not be many left.

All the best


August 28th, 2009, 21:02
Are you saying that most doctors have injected their patients with a propofol cocktail because they claimed they couldn't get to sleep? Maybe most doctors on Planet Wesley.

August 28th, 2009, 23:47
It is now being speculated that he may have died of food poisoning. This is following reports that he had eaten a thirteen year-old wiener earlier in the evening.

Well I put noting past him, but he is much greater in death than he was real life as it was with most of the so called kings of this or that, for me he was not all that special and his earlier work was much better than his last for me. When he became white and his whole face malformed trying to be white, he lost me. I can respect anyone who is true to themselves and even some who would like to stretch it a bit, however I feel at least they need to be true their own race, However those that go so far as to change who they are by bleaching is beyond me, the most I have ever done is try Rogain on a naturally occurring bald spot in my family. That worked but after a while it was not worth all the trouble.

In the Philippines they have shops that claim to be able to lighten the skin, I am not sure how I feel about that either. But, I am sure I have a lot of friends that use the service


August 29th, 2009, 16:42
I can certainly understand how horrible it is to not be able to sleep. I had that problem often. I didn't try drugs but eventually solved it - I quit my job. :cyclops:

February 4th, 2010, 10:37
Months have passed and reporters are finally seeing signs that the investigation into Michael Jackson's death is coming to an end with still a remote possibility that the doctor involved could be charged with manslaughter. I just wonder how anyone could think that as it's taken so long to reach no conclusion to prosecute that there could be any case against him worth wasting taxpayer money on a trial. Pity, as I remember it, there was a lot of time wasted by the doctor trying to be certain of the exact address for his 911 call on his cell phone as it appears the land lines in the home were no longer operational. Could the conclusion be a land line could have saved a life?


Michael Jackson death investigation may be coming to a conclusion
February 3, 2010 | 7:22 am

There were growing signs Wednesday morning that the half-year investigation into the death of Michael Jackson could be coming to a conclusion.

L.A. prosecutors continue to decline comment on when -- or if -- they will charge Jackson's personal physician in connection with the pop star's death. But law enforcement sources have told The Times it's possible a decision will come sometime this week.

A lawyer for the Houston-based doctor, Conrad Murray, said Tuesday that his client is in Los Angeles and prepared to surrender if authorities file charges against him.

"I don't have any specific information that leads me to believe he is going to be charged this week," lawyer Ed Chernoff said, "but if he is, we've made it clear he's available to turn himself in."

The arrival of Murray and Chernoff, his lead attorney, from Houston set off a new round of speculation that authorities, who have been mulling a manslaughter case against the doctor since last summer, were about to file charges.

A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney's office declined to say whether prosecutors planned to file a case against Murray. "All I can tell you is that we have not filed anything. When and if we do, we will let everyone know at one time," spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said.

Chernoff said Murray was visiting L.A. on personal matters -- he has an infant son in Santa Monica -- and also planned to attend a strategy session Tuesday afternoon with his criminal defense team, made up of Chernoff, local counsel J. Michael Flanagan and Long Beach attorney Joseph Low IV. Low represents Nicole Alvarez, the mother of Murray's infant son.

Murray acknowledged administering the anesthetic propofol to Jackson shortly before his death on June 25, 2009, according to police affidavits. An autopsy classified Jackson's death as a homicide and said the cause was "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with the use of sedatives.

An attorney who is said to represent members of the Jackson family, Brian Oxman, told CBS News this morning that manslaughter charges against Murray would be troubling. "That is just a slap on the wrist, and a slap in the face, because Michael Jackson was someone who we knew was in danger of being brought to his knees, brought his death, by the use of these medications," Oxman said.

-- Harriet Ryan, Richard Winton and Andrew Blankstein

February 5th, 2010, 18:32
I regret I never got to see him performing live...


April 8th, 2010, 20:09
I regret I never got to see him performing live...


This video is one of my favourite! Thanks, chap!You brought some happiness to me)))

April 10th, 2010, 20:44
Yeah, it's a cool performance huh?

Have you seen the "This is it" DVD with the footage of rehearsal and preparation they were doing for his final tour?

That show really would have been awe-inducing. It's a damn shame he never made it.

December 1st, 2010, 17:22
They just released an album of his "unreleased" songs.

This one is featuring Akon - I like it!
