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June 22nd, 2009, 23:14
The center of the activity is the charming section of old town known as The Zona Romantica. Here you will find cobbled streets, red tiled roofs and lovely white washed buildings rich with Spanish architecture. Many gay owned and gay friendly businesses including restaurants, bars, shops and art galleries for every pallet and taste, fill the narrow streets of this splendid fishing village.

June 22nd, 2009, 23:25
Every "pallet"?

My curiosity is peaked. I await further details with bated breath.

June 23rd, 2009, 02:20
Every "pallet"?

My curiosity is peaked. I await further details with bated breath.

I think I should write to Elephant spike and ask if he can create a section for manic depressives and non achievers, who are keyboard obsessed.
You really dont realise how bad you come across to people. Time for another hit at the Hypnotherapists I think.
I will not be a keyboard maniac,I will not become a keyboard maniac!!!!!

Khor tose
June 23rd, 2009, 02:50
Every "pallet"?
My curiosity is peaked. I await further details with bated breath.
I think I should write to Elephant spike and ask if he can create a section for manic depressives and non achievers, who are keyboard obsessed.
You really dont realise how bad you come across to people. Time for another hit at the Hypnotherapists I think.
I will not be a keyboard maniac,I will not become a keyboard maniac!!!!!

I am no fan of the rabbit, but some snide comment is more then appropriate here. This vacation rental outfit - that is advertising Puerto Vallarta - does do vacation rentals, but their real business is in time shares. This is an ad and really does not belong on this board, or at least does not belong free. I realize that they are in Mexico, but duhhhhh pallet, instead of palette. My thought is let them pay elephant spike a fee and publish an ad with proper English, or be fair game to anything nasty we want to say to them.
((((be fair game to anything nasty we want to say to them ='s they can go f... themselves.))))

June 23rd, 2009, 09:00
but duhhhhh pallet, instead of palette.

Uh, no. PALATE.

Khor tose
June 23rd, 2009, 12:45
[quote="Khor tose":3hqf19gw]
but duhhhhh pallet, instead of palette.
Uh, no. PALATE.[/quote:3hqf19gw]
No, it is not PALATE but PALETTE. He is using the word to refer to a broad range (mixture) of taste not taste in general.

Main Entry:
palette Listen to the pronunciation of palette
French, from Middle French, diminutive of pale spade, from Latin pala; probably akin to Latin pangere to fix тАФ more at pact

1: a thin oval or rectangular board or tablet that a painter holds and mixes pigments on2 a: the set of colors put on the palette b (1): a particular range, quality, or use of color (2): a comparable range, quality, or use of available elements <a rich palette of tones and timbres> <a palette of flavors>

тАВтАВ/╦Иp├жl╔кt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pal-it] Show IPA
1. Anatomy. the roof of the mouth, consisting of an anterior bony portion (hard palate) and a posterior muscular portion (soft palate) that separate the oral cavity from the nasal cavity.
2. the sense of taste: a dinner to delight the palate.
3. intellectual or aesthetic taste; mental appreciation.

If you do not agree we can always start a poll. :cheers:

June 23rd, 2009, 12:53
I disagree. The phrase "art galleries for every pallet" makes sense to me only with the word spelled as "palate".

You can start a poll if you like.

Khor tose
June 23rd, 2009, 13:00
I disagree. The phrase "art galleries for every pallet" makes sense to me only with the word spelled as "palate".

You can start a poll if you like.
Define it the way you want sweetheart, but your way actually reads "art galleries for every palate and taste", and that is like saying "art galleries for every taste and taste".

Both definitions are from Websters. Maybe you should move to Mexico. Hehehe

June 23rd, 2009, 14:22
[quote="Beach Bunny":1w3olhjr]that is like saying "art galleries for every taste and taste[/quote:1w3olhjr]

Yes, that is correct. Just like saying someone is full of "vim and vigour" -- both terms mean the same thing.

Saying there are "art galleries for every pallette" simply makes no sense...as people do not have "pallettes". A "pallette" is a range of qualities -- not a specific quality.

People do have their own senses of taste, though -- their own particular palate.

Khor tose
June 23rd, 2009, 18:38
[quote="Khor tose":3arvh87q][quote="Beach Bunny":3arvh87q]that is like saying "art galleries for every taste and taste[/quote:3arvh87q]
Yes, that is correct. Just like saying someone is full of "vim and vigour" -- both terms mean the same thing.
Saying there are "art galleries for every pallette" simply makes no sense...as people do not have "pallettes". A "pallette" is a range of qualities -- not a specific quality.
People do have their own senses of taste, though -- their own particular palate.[/quote:3arvh87q]

Argue all you want honey, or check with your editor, the definitions from Merriam-Webster are quite clear. You got it wrong.

June 23rd, 2009, 18:47
Yes, the definitions are quite clear. That of "pallette" does not fit at all. That of "palate" does.

June 23rd, 2009, 22:52
You all people really pass very harsh comments on my post i just discuses the Gay Vacation rental at here

June 23rd, 2009, 22:56
You all people really pass very harsh comments on my post i just discuses the Gay Vacation rental at here

So tell us what you meant, Harry. "Palate" or "palette"?

June 24th, 2009, 23:37
To Harry Paul. If you are going to give a review of "gay" Puerto Vallarta, then give us insights, not just plain advertisements. If you are going to advertise, please give Spike some money and do it properly, like agoda.com. If you are going to sell vacation time shares, please go away. I equate time share sellers in Puerto Vallarta at a level lower than used car salespersons, or hustlers who pretend to be boyfriends.

June 25th, 2009, 09:41
You all people really pass very harsh comments on my post i just discuses the Gay Vacation rental at here

Oh Honey, they're treating you with kid-gloves so far.
If you're going to advertise here you can't be such a delicate flower. :flower:

June 27th, 2009, 17:38
Harry spelled it 'pallet' . . . which, like, is this:


June 27th, 2009, 17:44
Harry spelled it 'pallet' . . . which, like, is this:


If you could get Carl Andre to sign that, it would be worth thousands :thumbleft:

July 6th, 2009, 19:23
When your total posts are about one business enterprise, you may not call it advertisement but I would.
posting.php?mode=reply&f=15&t=17918# (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/posting.php?mode=reply&f=15&t=17918#)