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View Full Version : Stalk me on Twitter

June 22nd, 2009, 11:05
Not that many of you would want to "stalk" me HaHa! But in case anyone is interested, I'm here: http://twitter.com/elephantspike I haven't twittered much so far, I just follow a bunch of youtube stars so far. Does anyone else Twitter?

June 22nd, 2009, 11:22
No, never "twittered" before. Went to your Twitter page and, frankly, it was a bunch of non-sequitur babble. Is there actually some use/value to that?

June 22nd, 2009, 11:30
I have been told that there is. I'm not entirely convinced of that yet myself, but then again, I've never been one to dismiss something just because it is of little use or value as long as it is entertaining.

Some people use it for marketing and business networking. I'm just following indie entertainers myself so far.

There are many free plug-ins available that make it more functional, more integrated with other social networking sites, more pretty, etc. My current housemate is a Twitter pro.

June 22nd, 2009, 11:56
Well, there did at least seem to be some humor in some of the comments (the whole freakin' world is a smart ass! :bom: )

June 22nd, 2009, 18:46
No, never "twittered" before. Went to your Twitter page and, frankly, it was a bunch of non-sequitur babble.

Sounds like a posting from Wesley, gr477, LMTU, or (even) Bob...

Brad the Impala
June 23rd, 2009, 01:19
I have been told that there is. I'm not entirely convinced of that yet myself, but then again, I've never been one to dismiss something just because it is of little use or value as long as it is entertaining.

Some people use it for marketing and business networking. I'm just following indie entertainers myself so far.

There are many free plug-ins available that make it more functional, more integrated with other social networking sites, more pretty, etc. My current housemate is a Twitter pro.

Sometimes it seems that you can do anything except actually fuck on the net. When is the apple "plugin" for that going to be available?

June 23rd, 2009, 05:14
"Social networking"! Isn't that where you sit by yourself with a coffee in front of a computer and interact with "friends" you've never met, rather than going out and having a coffee with your friends?

June 23rd, 2009, 09:46
"Social networking"! Isn't that where you sit by yourself with a coffee in front of a computer and interact with "friends" you've never met, rather than going out and having a coffee with your friends?
That's the best definition of "social networking" I've heard yet.

I now know I'm becoming my father -- you know, an old fuddy duddy who can't keep up and is living in the past. I simply don't see the value or purpose of Facebook, Twitter and the like.

June 23rd, 2009, 11:50
I have been told that there is. I'm not entirely convinced of that yet myself, but then again, I've never been one to dismiss something just because it is of little use or value as long as it is entertaining.

Some people use it for marketing and business networking. I'm just following indie entertainers myself so far.

There are many free plug-ins available that make it more functional, more integrated with other social networking sites, more pretty, etc. My current housemate is a Twitter pro.

Sometimes it seems that you can do anything except actually fuck on the net. When is the apple "plugin" for that going to be available?

It already exists:


Now if they could only make it compatible with the Sims-like interactive chat and social networking available here:


Then Woody Allen's prophecy in the film Sleeper will have finally been realized.

June 23rd, 2009, 12:21
It already exists:


This looks kinda cool until you see the inside of the device...when you realize you'd be putting your dick between something that looks like 2 BELT SANDERS! omg. It's a start though.


June 24th, 2009, 04:29
I simply don't see the value or purpose of Facebook, Twitter and the like.

I find Facebook useful for keeping track of old high school friends and people from work. You can't walk around the office for half of the day catching up with everyone but they can all post a thing or two each day about what's going on with them and their families. You can also upload photos and send links to articles that you found interesting...and then everyone can discuss or comment on them. I think of it as less formal than a blog and I get to see the "blogs" from all of my friends on one page. Facebook also has a variety of applications, such as reminders of friend's birthdays and whatnot...some of them are useful.

I don't quite 'get' Twitter. It's basically text messaging to a group of people.

June 25th, 2009, 10:30
Oh no! Say it ain't so!
Another great time-suck thanks to technology.

Geez, to think I have to go all the way to Thailand to talk to my friends.... :crybaby: