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View Full Version : Ong Bak

April 6th, 2006, 00:38
The Thai martial arts/crime/skin drama finally made it to DVD and to the sticks of rural America. Not exactly high-culture, but pretty solid genre entertainment, and for lovers of Thailand (and good-looking, bare-chested, smooth-skinned, fresh-faced Tony Jaa...if you like that sort of thing) it was as close to 'being there' as I'm likely to experience for a while.

This is not a movie review though...you'll either like it or despise it...the only thing to love is Tony Jaa.

It's a report that, while viewing the film, I was caught quite off-guard. There was a scene early in the film that took place in some un-named Khao Sarn 'fight-club'. Walking through the crowd was a young Thai guy who looked remarkably like my old #1. Eerily like him.

I 'rewound' the DVD and played it again. OMG, it looks just like N! From the expression on his face to the cap worn backwards on his head, I was convinced that my departed dear one had found work as a movie extra.

I watched the rest of the flick spending as much attention scouring crowd scenes for another glimpse as I did following the plot, but never saw him again.

Or so I thought.

On second viewing (yes, I am dying for entertainment) I realized that what I thought was the face of my old young flame was in fact the face of one of the stars of the movie, the young villain 'Don' played by...well...somebody else. Maybe it was the cap...maybe it was a moment of love-sickness...maybe it was the smudge on my glasses.

If you are also starved for entertainment, take a look at the DVD. Spot Don at the fight club as he's exiting stage left behind Tony Jaa. That will be the face that looks like the face that I've spent a lot of time with face-to-face. Everywhere else in the movie, he just looks like who he really is.

Don't cry for me.