View Full Version : Looking for a kitten for my son.

June 20th, 2009, 19:48
I have just started the hunt for a white kitten for my son. I have bought animals from the markets in the past, but were not well cared for, or given any kind of medical attention. I would like to find a cat, white with big eyes, and that puffy face look. Never really been a big cat person for pets, so no idea what kind of cat that would be. I know beggars can't be choosers, but if anyone has some kitten litters, or know of anyone getting rid of kittens, please pm me. I'll happily buy one as well, but prefer an animal that would normally just end up as a stray, or someone looking for a good home for an unexpected litter.

While I live in Bkk, I will travel to pick up the little fella, so any ideas from anyone is appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!!

June 20th, 2009, 21:18
The problems I have with buying animals from the markets, is the people have little or no knowledge of what they are doing, or just the lack of caring. My missus along with about 10 girls working on the same soi as we lived in Pattaya all brought rabbits, every last one of them died within a week.

I had a bought a puppy at a different market, and seen the puppy vaccines they had for sale as well. I had to point out to them that leaving the vaccines in the heat and direct sun made them useless. As well the puppy ended up spending more time in the vets then with use before it was put down due to Parvo virus.

I don't want to have to go through that again,as I have always been a big animal lover and grew up with dogs since I was 3 or 4. Thats why hopefully someone will have a pet thats had a litter of kittens, or knows of someone, as those animals are most likely to be much better cared for.

June 20th, 2009, 21:49
Have you tried looking around the Korean restaurants?

June 20th, 2009, 22:37
Or, the Kitten Club in Pattayaland? :cheers:

(How old is your son, BTW?)

June 20th, 2009, 23:04
try SCAD Bangkok (http://www.scadbangkok.org/)
Established in 2002, SCAD (previously Soi Dog Rescue*) is a not-for-profit organisation with realistic goals: to reduce the number and improve the lives of BangkokтАЩs strays and, in so doing, create a happier and healthier environment for all to enjoy.

June 21st, 2009, 04:03
Have you tried looking around the Korean restaurants?

I applogize in advance but someone had to point out the obvious...If you found a cat near a Korean resturant...I doubt it would be very healthy... probably just skin and bones... Da Dum...

Sorry I could not resist.

This is just my observation and not worth much but as you can see my kitty is a tabby and he has been the best companion to me for the last 15 years. I suspect that when he passes away..and I put his ashes on the mantle (I have thought about gettng his ashes made into a diamond but I think a 2 carat diamond dangling from my ear would make me look even more tacky than I already look) I will look for another tabby.

June 21st, 2009, 09:49
If your son is under 15 he will be committing an illegal act.But if it's an under-age cat as well ("kitten" suggests it would be)?

June 21st, 2009, 20:15
try SCAD Bangkok (http://www.scadbangkok.org/)

A very good idea - they have a weekly column in either the Nation or the Bangkok Post (sorry, can't remember which).

In Pattaya, I think Tony's Dog Rescue does cats as well as dogs, but I am not sure - the phone numbers are on his signs opposite South Pattaya traffic lights on Sukhumvit, if anyone goes past and can post the number.

June 21st, 2009, 20:51
My son is 6. Not looking for anything other then a pet kitten for him and my missus. We can't have dogs where we live right now, and with I think until I had a house with a yard, it just wouldn't be fair to raise a dog that would never get to walk in a grassy yard.

I appreciate the link gone and dave. The rest of you guys get your minds out of the gutters lol. I didn't think anyone would really turn it into a piss takin post, and those that are jesting, no biggie. But am trying to do something nice for my stepson, and maybe help an animal not become just another soi cat that feeds on scraps or hangs around the Thai buffets.

Koreans are more partial to dogs though, as I have been over there a few times. I hate stereotyping though, so not gonna go any further with that one.

This is the kind of kittens me and my missus seen, that she loves. No idea what kind of cat it is, but something that looks like this.


June 21st, 2009, 22:50
I am not a "cat" person, Mr DT, but if you ever need advice on vets in Pattaya then give me a call.

I think the cat you are after is probably a Turkish Angora, though you are unlikely to find one here except in a top breeder's. Alternatively it may be a Ragdoll (apparently the best breed around children), though these generally have more Siamese type features, but you may not find one of them here at all as I do not think they are a recognised breed yet.

(One of my friends is a "cat" person!)

June 21st, 2009, 23:52
I would not get a long haired cat in a tropical country unless its going to be a house cat with the AC always on. They shed too, fleas and ticks make all that hair home. I would go with one of the short hair varieties, Siamese, Burmese or a Khorat.

I know you scoffed at the Chatuchak suggestion but they have one or two air conditioned shops not in the open market and they have those cats or something that looks like that. It's hard to tell you how to get there, but start out from the rear of the JJ mart building and make your way over back in the direction of BTS, near all the tropical fish and birds. When you see the Red Sea shop take a right down that lane and it's on your right.

You do not have to go on a weekend, they are open every day. In fact I would avoid going a weekend or on a Wed. that's plant day.

I would go with a young male, have his balls cut off, and get all the shots at a good vet.

June 22nd, 2009, 08:39
I would go with a young male, have his balls cut off

I hope you are referring to the cat, not a thai companion!

June 23rd, 2009, 05:36
The rest of you guys get your minds out of the gutters lol. I didn't think anyone would really turn it into a piss takin post, and those that are jesting, no biggie. But am trying to do something nice for my stepson, and maybe help an animal not become just another soi cat that feeds on scraps or hangs around the Thai buffets.

lol, in this forum you should expect the 80/20 rule to apply.

80% of posters will already have their heads in the gutter... 20% won't.

80% of posts will be slagging and off-topic bitching... and 20% will actually be useful or helpful.

Just gotta do a little more filtering lol.

June 23rd, 2009, 05:56
Thanks for the post guys. Yes, it is going to be an indoor cat with the aircon on all the time. I would love to have a short haired cat over a long haired one, as I hated the cat hair everywhere on my clothes from families houses in the past.

I'm sure you all that have Thai partners knows how this will play out, my missus will choose what she wants, and I am merely there to pay for it lol. Not something we need for sure, especially since we are gone quite often, but my brother in law spends the time while me and my missus are gone babysitting for us, as our son cries bloody murder when we try to drop him off at grandma's.

My missus loves everything Hello Kitty, so that will have a lot to do with this too. Will try to check out the pet shops in BKK Trongpai, as I have to take a 3 day trip with some friends to Laos at the end of the week, and will be in that area anyways. Not in a major rush to get the cat, but my missus completing all the drivers conditions that I set forth for my other drivers, earns her the kitty. So she's the one in a rush lol.

June 25th, 2009, 12:58
Having grown up with cats, white ones to boot, I can give you some worthless advice.

First, white cats with blue eyes are deaf. They can get along quite fine in the world though they can't catch birds worth s#^t. I know because I've had one.

Been there, done that, got the tshirt.

There are white cats with one blue and one gold eye. Quite unusual. Sometimes deaf and sometimes not. Apparantly in Thailand this is a "Royal" cat which I never knew until I came to Thailand. Had one of those too (the mom of "Miss Blue Eyes").

I remember seeing, once long ago, a Purple Dragon tour that included the blue/gold eye cats. You might want to contact Douglas to see where that place is and maybe you can get one of those cats there. (No, honestly, HONESTLY , I don't own stock in the company!)

Frankly, a cat is a cat. If you can get it at Chatuchak that's good enough.