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View Full Version : krazy Dragon New Staff Line Up

June 17th, 2009, 02:32
We have been lucky to have over 20 new boys start work this last 3 days so to get them off the ground in their new bar we are making a 2 day special promotion on the 17th and 18th come in take a look at the new boys, buy a drink at the usual 99 Bht and the first boys drink is free the boy will receive his usual drink coupon from the bar.
I will also add that some of you may be disappointed or happy but we have had to let some of the longer serving staffs go last month for several reasons.
But the most you have to loose to take a look at the new staff lineup is 99Bht so why not pop in and take a look.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

June 17th, 2009, 07:11
Hi Mark, I certainly don't want to second guess or be too nosey, but you say several long serving boys were let go for various reasons. May I ask, were you upset that some of them were being too friendly with patrons. I was very happy with the boys in the month of May. I was surprised how friendly they could be sitting next to me. I sure hope I was not the casue of any problems for the boys. If it is not out of line to ask, was being too friendly a problem. If it was, guess I'll have to say, "I'm bad."

June 17th, 2009, 08:35
"I'm bad."

lol. That's the least likely reason that I could think of.

June 17th, 2009, 10:13
Hi Mark, I certainly don't want to second guess or be too nosey, but you say several long serving boys were let go for various reasons. May I ask, were you upset that some of them were being too friendly with patrons. I was very happy with the boys in the month of May. I was surprised how friendly they could be sitting next to me. I sure hope I was not the casue of any problems for the boys. If it is not out of line to ask, was being too friendly a problem. If it was, guess I'll have to say, "I'm bad."

No sorry to say several reasons from failing the random drug test, and the bullying of some other staff, and trying to stop me taking in new staff, 5 were asked to leave the bar and 3 suspended for a month which means if they want to come back after a month they can, which they usually do, but some are also at home and I didnтАЩt want to think I was taking advantage of my regular customers if there usual boy was not in the bar when the offer was on, if that makes sense.

June 17th, 2009, 12:13

To enable some of us to make an informed decision about coming to see your new staff at krazy dragon, how about posting a group photo here of the new 20?

when I saw the heading of this link I assumed we would see the new line up, so now is the time and here is the place to do so.....

Many thanks,


SoiVC Slut-old
June 17th, 2009, 12:55

To enable some of us to make an informed decision about coming to see your new staff at krazy dragon, how about posting a group photo here of the new 20?

when I saw the heading of this link I assumed we would see the new line up, so now is the time and here is the place to do so.....

Many thanks,


I was wondering if you make this same request and stipulation of all the bars that get new staff. Staff does seem to change frequently at many bars. If you do, since I do not see photos posted from other bars, I guess you do not go to any bars.

June 17th, 2009, 14:44

To enable some of us to make an informed decision about coming to see your new staff at krazy dragon, how about posting a group photo here of the new 20?

when I saw the heading of this link I assumed we would see the new line up, so now is the time and here is the place to do so.....

Many thanks,


I was wondering if you make this same request and stipulation of all the bars that get new staff. Staff does seem to change frequently at many bars. If you do, since I do not see photos posted from other bars, I guess you do not go to any bars.

Dear Slut:

(Your name).

it is not an issue whether I go to the bars or not.

Many bars have web sites and post pictures of staff.
Indeed Mark advertises his bar on his post and go to the link for his bar and see staff photo's which does not include the new ones.
He wants to give us an incentive(bribe) to go to this bar to view 20 new staff.
So easy to show us what is on offer.
Unless of course some reason if we are shown that it would be a disincentive.
Last time i went to KD what was "on offer'"was a bunch of dull and uninteresting straight boys with an assortment of other losers.
Not asking much to view the new ones in advance before going to the place....

OK slut?


June 17th, 2009, 15:10

To enable some of us to make an informed decision about coming to see your new staff at krazy dragon, how about posting a group photo here of the new 20?

when I saw the heading of this link I assumed we would see the new line up, so now is the time and here is the place to do so.....

Many thanks,


Sorry now is not the place or the right time for me to post their photos yet.
I havenтАЩt even leant all their names yet let alone would I ask any new boy in the bar could I take his photo and plaster it all over the internet. When and if the boys like to stay and work in the bar and are comfortable with having their photos taken I ask if I can use their photos and will put them on the web

Sorry that you canтАЩt see my jester for what it is.

Brad the Impala
June 17th, 2009, 15:19
Good answer Mark!

June 17th, 2009, 15:35

To enable some of us to make an informed decision about coming to see your new staff at krazy dragon, how about posting a group photo here of the new 20?

when I saw the heading of this link I assumed we would see the new line up, so now is the time and here is the place to do so....

Many thanks,


Sorry now is not the place or the right time for me to post their photos yet.
I havenтАЩt even leant all their names yet let alone would I ask any new boy in the bar could I take his photo and plaster it all over the internet. When and if the boys like to stay and work in the bar and are comfortable with having their photos taken I ask if I can use their photos and will put them on the web

Sorry that you canтАЩt see my jester for what it is.

What a load of bollocks.You let these slags wiggle their arses near naked on the stage offering themselves for whoring with you as the whore monger yet you claim privacy and other rights for them; even though it is usual to see dancers from bars on web sites everywhere.Don't give us the crap that permission is needed to be sought from all these ones for their photo's to be displayed publicly! Sounds to me all you want is to get more punters into your bar by any means. Clearly if your previous staff were any good you would not try to persuade customers to go to your bar with the temptation of new dancers.Show us the goods before we show you the money.

June 17th, 2009, 16:23
I would rather prefer people with you kind of thinking to keep your money.
I would really prefer to help out the guys that work with me rather than have them have to go with the likes of you some body that has no respect for them just because of how they earn their living.

June 17th, 2009, 16:34
Agree 100% Mark !

June 17th, 2009, 17:03
What a hypocrite! You obviously enjoy paying for the time of these
slags who
wiggle their arses near naked on the stage offering themselves for whoring
Otherwise, you would not be on a forum like this.

June 17th, 2009, 17:48
Thanks for the answer. It really was on my mind that I may have been a bit too frisky with the boys and caused a problem, so I am glad to hear that was not the casue of some of the boys for moving on. If I was in town, no doubt I would be spreading those 'boy drinks' around as you welcome the new guys. I might even recognize a boy or two from the Happy Bar. It is ncie to hear you welcomed them into the Krazy Dragon.

June 17th, 2009, 21:25
how about posting a group photo here of the new 20? zinzone.

I agree with Mark, you must respect they right to privacy.
Even you do not use your photo on this forum.

June 17th, 2009, 21:46
the boys are people too. they deserve the right to decide if there pics end up on the net. well don marc.

June 18th, 2009, 00:46
Mark, I thought your response to Zinzone was good, but I especially liked your response to CoffeeBreak. I agree with you completely on this one.

June 18th, 2009, 02:22
Mark, good rejoinder to CoffeeBreak. What a pomopous ass. I guess he must be having a troll day. Posting something so poisonous on here was bound to get everyone's back up and I suspect that was exactly the reason he did so.

Pay him no mind Mark. Good luck with the new staff.


June 18th, 2009, 02:36
Well thank you all what a fantastic night for the boys and the bar the bar was not the primary object of the offer it was to get the boys seen.
5 more started tonight and at the food market on the way home 5 more from Pattaya land asked if they can start tomorrow 3 appeared at 10pm and asked to start work but I had run out of shorts so that should be 8 more tomorrow we will see .
Thank you all for making the effort to take a look.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright:

June 18th, 2009, 02:53
Hi Mark, I certainly don't want to second guess or be too nosey, but you say several long serving boys were let go for various reasons. May I ask, were you upset that some of them were being too friendly with patrons. I was very happy with the boys in the month of May. I was surprised how friendly they could be sitting next to me. I sure hope I was not the casue of any problems for the boys. If it is not out of line to ask, was being too friendly a problem. If it was, guess I'll have to say, "I'm bad."

No sorry to say several reasons from failing the random drug test, and the bullying of some other staff, and trying to stop me taking in new staff, 5 were asked to leave the bar and 3 suspended for a month which means if they want to come back after a month they can, which they usually do, but some are also at home and I didnтАЩt want to think I was taking advantage of my regular customers if there usual boy was not in the bar when the offer was on, if that makes sense.

Well it is now become quite obvious that some of my longer serving staff have been discouraging new boys from starting work at the bar I must have been quite blind to have mist that one. :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :study: :study: :study: :study: 28 new boys in 4 days and could be more tomorrow. :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa:

June 18th, 2009, 17:25
Just to say thank you, had a great night last night and you certainly do have a nice new line up of boys.

June 19th, 2009, 04:07
Hello Mark,
I am glad you said that about the boys picture. I know how easy it is to get a problem if you do not ask for permission. My friends and I enjoyed our night at the Krazy and I am not sure how you have done it? but I must have seen 30 new go go boys.
Hope to see you again soon.

June 19th, 2009, 15:59
Well done Mark at least you take the time and effort to promote your Business and try to improve all the time for the benefit of your customers. Good luck to you.
And yes some nice new eye candy always goes down well hehe :salute: