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View Full Version : Pattaya Sunee report.......needed

June 9th, 2009, 12:56
Need a fresh report on Sunee bars.....from creative writers and recent visitors..

There is always a lot of change but sounds like more closures than usual in Sunee.....can anybody comment on new bars - good changes in the old one - style of boys - etc. etc. etc.

Will be in lovely Sunee in a couple weeks.....looking for an advance report.....

Where are the cute, cuter, cutest gogo boys hanging out?

Thanks to you for taking the time.......................................

June 9th, 2009, 13:32
Where are the cute, cuter, cutest gogo boys hanging out?In the eye of the beholder. I like being screwed by straight boys - what's your fantasy?

June 9th, 2009, 14:10
Need a fresh report on Sunee bars.....from creative writers and recent visitors..

There is always a lot of change but sounds like more closures than usual in Sunee.....can anybody comment on new bars - good changes in the old one - style of boys - etc. etc. etc.

Will be in lovely Sunee in a couple weeks.....looking for an advance report.....

Where are the cute, cuter, cutest gogo boys hanging out?

Thanks to you for taking the time.......................................

Hello may I suggest you take a look at this http://www.suneeplaza.info/cgi-bin/page.pl?p=home
Hope it is of help to you.

June 12th, 2009, 16:37

June 12th, 2009, 16:42

June 12th, 2009, 17:28

Do you normally go in the middle of low season? I can't imagine that's ever a great time.

June 12th, 2009, 17:44
I always have had great times but i like low season more than high season.
9 days to go

June 12th, 2009, 18:45
i like low season more than high season. 9 days to go

Look forward to your feedback, then. In other countries I've always tried to go a few weeks before or after the traditional high season. A little less crowded but not a bore, hence choosing late Oct this time.

June 13th, 2009, 00:16
Yes i go same this time every year and also Nov/Dec and have been for some years now ,but I never have seen it so quiet really hope it picks up soon for everyones sake, especially the boys - they are bit desperate atm. :argue:

June 14th, 2009, 15:09
Do you normally go in the middle of low season? I can't imagine that's ever a great time.

Low season is a fantastic time to be in the Kingdom. Not so much in Pattaya maybe, but there's a wonderful country to explore outside sunee plaza (radical idea I know)...Ayutthaya, Lopburi (great little town), Pai, Chiang Mai (the famous Adams Apple (gay bar) is about to re-open soon by the way). Tons of places to explore.


June 14th, 2009, 15:34
Yes I agree with above lot more to LOS then Pattaya...I took a week in Phuket and was amazed how busy it was there.
Going back in November and heading to Korat with BF and then on to Chang Mai .

June 14th, 2009, 22:26
Not so much in Pattaya maybe, but there's a wonderful country to explore outside sunee plaza (radical idea I know).

I was saving that for a future trip, I intend to get to Chiang Mai at the very least.

June 15th, 2009, 03:24
I was saving that for a future trip, I intend to get to Chiang Mai at the very least.

Not easy to find, but I really like this gay guest house in CM:


**note that Souvenir is NOT in the same location as before..no longer located on the Ping river. The old Souvenir is now a very run-down and overgrown mess. Very sad since it used to be a very cool place. The new property is in a quieter area outside the busy tourist area. Motorbike probably required if you are staying awhile.


June 15th, 2009, 05:01
There hasn't been a new post on CfS Thailand for 2 days or more. That alone is an indication of how quiet things are.

June 15th, 2009, 08:15
I must say as someone who lives in Pattaya year-round and visits Bangkok maybe once a month, I resent the comments made in this week's Stickman column. "I went on to explain, truthfully, that the best of Farangdom are usually found in Bangkok. So the average expat in Bangkok might not compare favourably with the average Westerner in the West but, man for man, he stands up against some of the riff raff that end up down by the sea. Not everyone, of course. But many. Her mood lightened and she smiled. She too had quickly reached that conclusion. A laugh was shared." Is Beach Bunny really Stickman? I remember he used the phrase "riff raff" recently too.

June 15th, 2009, 08:52
I used "riff raff" in relation to visa-runners, regardless of where they abide.

Must Pattaya dwellers I would term "scum".

June 15th, 2009, 15:34
Must (sic) Pattaya dwellers I would term "scum".
I thought you didn't like Pattaya. How could you comment on MOST of the people who live in Pattaya unless you had spent A LOT of time there in order to meet them all?
Mmmm.......something doesn't add up here. Again.

June 15th, 2009, 16:06
Doesn't take long to do a random sampling.

About ten minutes around Sunee Plaza would just about do it for most people.

June 15th, 2009, 19:16
I resent the comments made in this week's Stickman column.

Pattaya is like Amsterdam's red light district. As a tourist you can't resist going to see it but telling people that you're going (or live there) will get you branded in a lot of people's mind. I had one acquaintance tell me that I'd be better off going to Phuket and another thought that Jomtien wasn't nearly as bad (when I mentioned that my hotel was there).

If you don't want to be thought of as a dirty old man then relocate! The place has had a seedy reputation for decades so surely this isn't a surprise for you?

June 15th, 2009, 19:59
And who cares about reputation? I not

June 15th, 2009, 23:51
And who cares about reputation? I not

Agreed. We spend most of our lives being looked down upon by str8 people so why waste your time trying to please the elitist gays? One minority looking down on another...people are impressive. lol.

June 16th, 2009, 00:14
Pattaya is like Amsterdam's red light district.

You're doing it again!!

Pattaya is nothing "like Amsterdam's red light district"!

Have your opinionated acquaintances been there yet? If they had, maybe they would know that Jomtien is part of Pattaya, geographically and administratively.

June 16th, 2009, 00:15
I will admit I spend little or no time worrying about what gays say about me. It has been my experience there is no more critical ,jealous and with a lack of compassion than any people on earth. Just look at this message board for an example. I would hope that we would spend less time being critical of those around us being we have been on the receiving end of the bigotry and hatred of the majority of the population most of our life. Why dig at those of us around us, we all hve more in common than we do things we cannot agree on. So, Sunne is not a place to take yiou kids, It never has been Disney land. It has always been for adults looking for other adults to have sex with. Although there may be an age difference we all have the same things in common. The need to be needed to be loved and loved by someone. Meet those basics and most people will be happy at least relatively so, with little of no emphasis on money. All relationships are based on the needs of one partner meeting the needs of the other. So why do we fight so often about little things that really in the whole scheme of things make so very little to life in general.

All the best,


June 16th, 2009, 00:35
we all hve more in common than we do things we cannot agree on

Speak for yourself.

June 16th, 2009, 00:50
Well spoken, Wes!

June 16th, 2009, 01:22
Have your opinionated acquaintances been there yet?

The guy in question is a Canadian with a Thai wife, currently living in Thailand and running a business there. Hands-down the best source of information that I have about the country and he finds Jomtien more pleasant than Pattaya.

When are you going to deal with the fact that not everyone agrees with you?

June 16th, 2009, 03:26
Life is too short to worry what others think of you. I dont hide the fact I bought semi-real estate in Pattaya(jomtien actually). I freely admit that its a brothel by the sea.If I really dont want someone to know Im a rice king who likes to shag young thai men,then I tell them that its always a wise investment to buy real estate in down trodden red light districts,it usually goes up in value when the area gets "cleaned up".

June 16th, 2009, 08:30
In fact, we mostly have just one thing in common: we sleep with boys. That's where it ends.

June 16th, 2009, 08:46
In fact, we mostly have just one thing in common: we sleep with boys. That's where it ends.Uh,wait a minute there,Im sure theres other Cher and show tune fans here besides just you BB.

June 16th, 2009, 08:52
Glad to see there are still people out there who thing my song list was for real.

June 16th, 2009, 09:09
Glad to see there are still people out there who thing my song list was for real.It might be more interesting if you told us what you really like in the way of music.Im doing my thesis on dual personalities. The more I know about you will help me with it.

June 16th, 2009, 09:11
Glad to see there are still people out there who thing my song list was for real.It might be more interesting if you told us what you really like in the way of music.Im doing my thesis on dual personalities. The more I know about you will help me with it.

I have no interest in entertaining you. Besides, you've already been shown to know fuck-all about music. "Diamond Girl"...LOL.

June 16th, 2009, 09:15
I know a lot more about music than you,besides ,I dont listen to that comercial crap of Elton John. I was one of the first to see the Ramones at CBGBs,I think that makes me the end all know all.

June 16th, 2009, 09:18
I dont listen to that comercial crap of Elton John.

Yeah, that's why you're going around with Diamond Girl stuck in your head. ROFLMAO.

June 16th, 2009, 09:39
I was one of the first to see the Ramones at CBGBs,I think that makes me the end all know all.

Wow...the Ramones of "rock rock rock rock rock & roll high school"? Can I touch you?

June 16th, 2009, 09:43
I was one of the first to see the Ramones at CBGBs,I think that makes me the end all know all.

Wow...the Ramones of "rock rock rock rock rock & roll high school"? Can I touch you? Sure you can touch me,but I want to know what you look like first,OK? Then maybe sex if you want and I approve of your looks. Only 10,000 baht for you since it seems like Ive known you for a long time. And I top only.But can I call you BG,that name is kinda sexy. :thumbright:

June 16th, 2009, 10:01
And I top only.

We expect photos, Rocket, as you're holding those floppy ears while you cornhole the silly wabbit.... :bounce:

June 16th, 2009, 10:18
Hey, look...it's Bob, back from Miramar! How's your business coming along, old boy?

June 16th, 2009, 15:33
I must say as someone who lives in Pattaya year-round and visits Bangkok maybe once a month, I resent the comments made in this week's Stickman column.

Nalong, you think too much.

Stickman's weeklycolumn is targeted specifically at Bangkok expats rather than expats in Thailand in general ("Published every Sunday, it provides a round-up of news and views for those resident in and visiting Bangkok and its surrounds"), so it can hardly be a surprise that he would pander to his target audience rather than alienate it.

Stickman is an expat foreign language teacher whose columns are a commercial enterprise which he bought into, so it can hardly be a surprise that his columns are as inventive as they are ill-informed, inconsistent and unreliable.

Bangkok is a capital city and a business centre while Pattaya was developed purposely to cater to foreign tourists and residents, so it can hardly be a surprise that most working expats are concentrated in Bangkok or that there are far higher numbers of expats as a proportion of the population in Pattaya, making them far more visible. As most of those working are not yet of retirement age it can also hardly be a surprise that Pattaya's expat population tends to be older, overall, than Bangkok's.

In my own limited experience of Pattaya and Bangkok expats (and I am the first to admit that my experience of Bangkok expats is far more limited) I have found, hardly to my surprise, that with the exception of those living in Bangkok to work they are very similar but they simply prefer either a city (Bangkok) or a seaside town (Pattaya) lifestyle, nothing more. Sex tourists are sex tourists, fat old queens are fat old queens, gossips and scandalmongers are gossips and scandalmongers, pimps are pimps, "riff-raff" is riff-raff, "scum" is scum and nice guys are nice guys (and the latter are in equally short supply in both locations). As many (but by no means all) of Bangkok's expat working population, transient teachers, etc, are F.I.L.T.H. (failed in London try Hong Kong) who have subsequently failed there too, it can hardly be a surprise that they are not all premier cru. Similarly it can hardly come as a surprise that many of Pattaya's retirees are not quite the cream of the crop they profess to be.

Personally, with a few notable exceptions, I avoid them both and find the choice between Pattaya and Bangkok expats to be rather like choosing between a fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi - or, to simplify the idiom, like choosing between which of two equally unpleasant dog turds to step in.

When are you going to deal with the fact that not everyone agrees with you?

When I give up dealing in facts and start worrying about who agrees with me or not instead.

June 16th, 2009, 18:03
Personally, with a few notable exceptions, I avoid them both.Your contempt for other falang exceeds even my own. I thought I was the only friendless ex-pat.

June 16th, 2009, 19:21
I'm sure not on the cutting edge of music, but I did a 'You Tube' look at the Ramones, and found that, 'Touring and Do You Want To Dance' are nice Rock and Roll memories.

June 16th, 2009, 21:38
When I give up dealing in facts and start worrying about who agrees with me or not instead.

Why do you have "Pattaya area (not Pattaya!)" in your location description if you are so fond of it?

It's also childish of you to get angry at me for an acquaintance of mine that disagrees with you.

June 17th, 2009, 23:56
Errrrrrr what have all these posts got to do with Sunee lol :geek:

June 18th, 2009, 00:18
Personally, with a few notable exceptions, I avoid them both.Your contempt for other falang exceeds even my own. I thought I was the only friendless ex-pat.

Why "friendless"? Haven't you noticed that there are one or two expats living outside Pattaya and Bangkok (as well as those "notable exceptions"), and there are also a few Thais here too who you could make friends with??

Why do you have "Pattaya area (not Pattaya!)" in your location description if you are so fond of it?

It's also childish of you to get angry at me for an acquaintance of mine that disagrees with you.

Why do you think I am getting angry? This is my helpful, informative, light-hearted side.

In hindsight I may have been a little unfair criticising you for saying that Amsterdam and Pattaya were similar; I can see that it could be easy to make the mistake of thinking that the two places were somehow alike based solely on what you have heard - particularly as you have never been to Pattaya and your experience of Amsterdam was apparently limited to buying a bar of chocolate in the airport.

The reality is that they could hardly be more dissimilar, particularly for the tourist.

There are any number of tourist attractions in and around Amsterdam - cultural, scenic, historical etc, etc. The sex trade (and the legal drug trade) play only a very small part in that, both in terms of numbers as most of the "customers" are there purely "window shopping" (literally) rather than participating, and in terms of the visible profile of the trade throughout the city. Unless you go looking for the red light district (and I mean "district", as it is confined to one small area unlike Pattaya) you could be totally unaware of its existence.

In Pattaya on the other hand, at least until the advent of the Eastern European families on package tours who simply do not know any better (yet), there is very little else to attract tourists apart from the very visible sex trade. There are no cultural attractions (as shown by the popularity of the artificial "Floating Market", now the single most popular tourist attraction in Pattaya and a poor imitation of the original outside Bangkok), the beach can be generously described as "poor", even by local standards, and its "history" dates back to its origins as an R & R centre during the Vietnam war. There are a few other tourist attractions, such as a proliferation of golf courses in the surrounding area, but realistically there is simply nothing in or around Pattaya to make it a mainstream tourist destination and signs of the sex trade are unavoidable virtually anywhere.

For Pattaya residents (and particularly for those living in the "suburbs" / "Pattaya area", as I do) the attractions of living in Pattaya as distinct from simply visiting can be very different, and the sex trade can be a much less important (though no less visible) attraction. There are few other places in the Far East that can offer the same ease and convenience of shopping, access to hospitals (and relative proximity to specialist medical treatment if necessary), veterinary care, readily available sports facilities, comparatively modern amenities and infrastructure, nearby national parks, easy airport access, etc, etc, at the same sort of cost (as well as the boys and bars, if necessary).

June 18th, 2009, 00:42
[quote="Gone Fishing"]
In Pattaya on the other hand, at least until the advent of the Eastern European families on package tours who simply do not know any better (yet), there is very little else to attract tourists apart from the very visible sex trade. /quote]

Luckily Pattaya excels in that particular area :albino: .

June 18th, 2009, 03:43
your experience of Amsterdam was apparently limited to buying a bar of chocolate in the airport.

That was my third visit to Amsterdam, if you want to call it that. Spent a bit more than two weeks there on the two previous trips.

What I stated is that the red light district is a spectacle that many tourists want to see at least once in their lives. Perhaps I should have specified *gay* tourist or *single male* tourist but that seemed unecessary given the audience of the forum.

The token str8 bartender at my favorite bar was the most jealous...he'd just head to a different Soi.

June 18th, 2009, 21:09
What I stated is that the red light district is a spectacle that many tourists want to see at least once in their lives.....(etc)

How very strange ..... there must be some sort of fault on my laptop, as the version of the forum I have has you saying something very different when you posted in this thread only a couple of days ago:

Pattaya is like Amsterdam's red light district. As a tourist you can't resist going to see it but telling people that you're going (or live there) will get you branded in a lot of people's mind. I had one acquaintance tell me that I'd be better off going to Phuket and another thought that Jomtien wasn't nearly as bad (when I mentioned that my hotel was there).

If you don't want to be thought of as a dirty old man then relocate! The place has had a seedy reputation for decades so surely this isn't a surprise for you?

I have enlarged the part I originally quoted for clarity, but otherwise it is exactly as you wrote it , in full. I really must get my laptop seen to .....

I had not realised they had "soi" in Amsterdam - maybe things have changed since I was there and Amsterdam and Pattaya really are similar after all .....

June 19th, 2009, 01:30
How very strange ..... there must be some sort of fault on my laptop, as the version of the forum I have has you saying something very different

"As a tourist you can't resist going to see it" conveys the same meaning as 'spectacle'.

I had not realised they had "soi" in Amsterdam

An intelligent reader would have taken that as a topical transition and realized that I was discussing Thailand without having to explicitly state it.

June 19th, 2009, 14:22
My point, which you seem unable or unwillng to grasp, was that there are NO similarities between Pattaya and Amsterdam, and even between Pattaya and Amsterdam's red light district. End of story.

╪г╪н┘Т┘Е┘О┘В ╪о╪п╪з ╪н╪з┘Б

June 25th, 2009, 15:46
Nice to see Homi is back even if it is rather difficult to follow the chain of his aliases from here (Nalong) back to CFS (SilomGWM, et al) to Ting&Tong... back & forth.

There hasn't been a new post on CfS Thailand for 2 days or more. That alone is an indication of how quiet things are.

Re: "homintern" is dead
Author: Sami ┬╗ Thu 19 Feb, 2009 11:31 am

You gullible sods.

Homi is no more dead than you or me. He made a posting on CFS using one of his confirmed aliases (silomgwm) just this afternoon.

Sathorn and he are one and the same, and he's having a big old guffaw at you cunts right now, wallowing in the attention you're showering on his pathetic arse.

Cruiser Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 168

I agree. Previously they were a nice bunch of twinky boys, now they're a bunch of screaming nellies.

Re: How & When to Wai in Thailand.
by Nalong on Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:12 am

[quote:3msv7b5j]Oogleman wrote:
Smiles posted this guide on SGT forum.

Monks do not wai anyone on the street or elsewhere. Even members of the royal family wai monks, but the wai is not returned.

So to say you should return a wai from a monk or that it would be rare for a monk to wai a farang is silly.

If you want to learn proper Thai etiquette, you should get advice from an educated Thai rather than a Canadian tourist and his poorly educated Thai acquaintance.

More generally, there is not a single code of behavior that is followed strictly by all 65 million Thais. Saying that they do this or they do that implies there are no local customs or that individual Thais can't behave in ways other than those outlined in tour guides read by Canadian tourists during the long winter nights. [/quote:3msv7b5j]