View Full Version : Femme Boys in Sunnee Plaza

May 31st, 2009, 13:47
Greetings All

I am about to embark on my annual pilgrimage to Pattaya and Sunnee Plaza; before I arrive I'd be interested to know which bar or bars contain the most feminine femme boys in that part of Sin City. On my previous visits, I became a regular visitor to Look Bar, Villa Rouge and Sundance, which all contained a good selection of local talent particularly for cute femme boys. Are these still the premier bar venues to visit or has some other esablishment emerged with even more talent in this area !!!

If anyone has information then please send it to me. Think of the ultimate humanitarian gesture you will make in saving me all that leg work pacing around sunny plaza !

Jamez :drunken:

May 31st, 2009, 18:14
I too love those fem boyz. I found on my last trip several months ago that most of the sunee bars have a good selection of boyz, so too does many of the pattayaland soi bars. If your staying for a few nights i think half the fun is going into the bars and finding for yourself the places you like best. Most of the bars change some of the boyz almost every week, so go in at the start of your holiday and i bet on your last nights holiday go back to the same bar and a lot of different faces will be there.
Wish i could join you on your discovery Jamez but alas no money or time prevail until next year..... i hope anyway.
Have a good trip.

May 31st, 2009, 19:44
Maybe Euroboys of Funnyboys?

To ensure you don't waste time drinking in bars that are not to your taste, always spend 20 seconds checking out the offer on stage then decide sit down or leave.

I would avoid Sundance as their staff look too immature.

May 31st, 2009, 20:32
If you want something feminine why don't you get yourself a girl ? Plenty available in outlets all over town....

May 31st, 2009, 21:22
If you want something feminine why don't you get yourself a girl ? Plenty available in outlets all over town....

cause they dont have dicks. why do guys who dont like fem guys have such a problem with guys who do?

May 31st, 2009, 21:49
If I haven't met many judgmental gay people.

...until it comes to femme boys, transvestites, transexuals, steroid-induced body builders, and leather men. LOL.

May 31st, 2009, 22:59
If you want something feminine why don't you get yourself a girl ? Plenty available in outlets all over town....

Clearly enough, the original request was for a Femme BOY.
ie someone who's most definately male, with a slightly effeminate style.
NOT a ladyboy & NOT a girl.

Not a very helpful answer which maybe would be better posted on a girly forum?

May 31st, 2009, 23:56
I love fem boys also.I would check out Tom Yums in Sunee,its the only go go on a second level,you must go up a flight of stairs.Its the first bar on the right as you enter from soi vc,above a host bar.

June 1st, 2009, 00:16
...until it comes to femme boys, transvestites, transexuals, steroid-induced body builders, and leather men. LOL.

I agree with you on this thread. I think you over-reached on the other.

Looking over Talay-Ho's other posts, it seems out of character. Maybe he let the boy use the computer? :compress:

June 1st, 2009, 05:33
I have a question, why do some lesbians find manly looking women attractive? If they do then why don't they just get a man?

[quote]Also, butch girls still have the womanly huggable fat as well as the protective muscle both of which make them incredible attractive as well as the fact that it's easy to tell they are gay and not go through the process of trying to work it out.

::giggles:: I don't know why, but huggable fat.. that made me laugh. Oh, and also another side note.
My girlfriend is a total boyish girl, when we classify her she is a soft butch. But she always tells me something that is really nifty "I'm not a butch, I'm me". It's refreshing to hear those words from someone who could so easily be labled.

We're called lesbians for a reason, doll. We don't like men like that. Speaking as a girl who does't go for femmes at all... there is something either a tomboyish girl or one who makes you look twice and think "woah, boy or girl?" The only time I could see anyone asking why don't you just get a guy is if you're with a stone butch. But still, thats silly. Women, no matter how they identify have differnt traits than guys. But in conclusion- Butches rock.

Im a black man that is dating a Dyke or butch girl right now. She look like a boy but im afraid to say that she looks attractive. Im afraid to hug her. Im afraid to touch her because she looks like a boy and its so much pressure on me. I think she understands how I feel but she still wants to date me she in love with me. Im afraid if I admit all these feelings for her and and I start touching her ill gain homophobia. What should I do yall?

Mmm...i love butchy girls. I don't know why...but they are fucking HOTT!!! And NO it is not the same as a guy. I like women...not men. I do also like girls that are more femme at times...but my truest desires are for the butches *drools*.

Because I'm a pretty strong person, I'm attracted to strong people. Most girls who are slightly androgenous are pretty rebelious, cool, confident and POWERFUL. That's bloody sexy! It's the power that attracts me. It's a challenge. Plus it's great to be with someone who I know can dominate me - someone equal in strength to me. Men are too easy. Too simple. And I get bored easily. I love that women are enigmas - and what greater mystery is there than a woman than reminds you of a man, yet is so essentially female?

I don't agree with the whole just get a man comment but i go happen to mostly like fem but sometimes i do like sporty guys and there is a big difference between guys and girls even with the butchiest of butch and the girliest of guys

No one can say why anyone goes for their "type", its just about what you like. there is someone for everyone, what difference does it make WHY they are attracted to them, it only matters if they are or not.
Not only the visible qualities of the desired sexual objects are hotly contested. The gay community тАФ an embarrassing euphemism. Just imagine ONE community for all dissenters!

[quote="Talay_Ho":18mwihhw]If you want something feminine why don't you get yourself a girl ? Plenty available in outlets all over town....
cause they dont have dicks.[/quote:18mwihhw]
┬╗What could a Thai gay queen possibly DO with a cock?┬л

Fat and muscles make the difference. Even a boyish girl harbours more fat und lacks the sophisticated musculature of a boy. A girlish boy or a boyish girl? Just take them off and study how the extremes meet in your own bed. Experience counts.

June 1st, 2009, 10:06
femme boys

Exactly what I like as well. Look Bar is my current favorite. JimJimmyJames has sadly closed (hopefully only temporarily). The place in Sunee that used to be called Hunter bar (new owner now, name change...I have no idea the new name) had nothing but fem boys last time I was in there. Have also had some excellent luck finding fem boys at Sansuk Sauna. I know you specified Sunee area but there are a *few* places with fem boys in boyztown-- Lucky777 and the bars on either side of it.


June 1st, 2009, 20:00
Thanks Jolyjaktar and Dboy for that very helpful information. If I do happen to find the elusive shangrila for Femboys in Pattaya then I will give you directions on how to find your way to that pleasure dome. I suspect though that I will once again shuffle into the usual haunts and find many attractive fems available to keep me happy for my entire stay in Sin City.

For those who dont share my predeliction to cute fem boys,then I wish you good luck and happy hunting in pursuing your own desires, whatever they may be. As one wise old sage once said to me, what ever floats your boat is fine with me !!!



June 2nd, 2009, 01:52
Thanks Jolyjaktar and Dboy for that very helpful information. If I do happen to find the elusive shangrila for Femboys in Pattaya then I will give you directions on how to find your way to that pleasure dome. I suspect though that I will once again shuffle into the usual haunts and find many attractive fems available to keep me happy for my entire stay in Sin City.

For those who dont share my predeliction to cute fem boys,then I wish you good luck and happy hunting in pursuing your own desires, whatever they may be. As one wise old sage once said to me, what ever floats your boat is fine with me !!!



Hope it goes well & please post if you have some bars to recommend.

June 2nd, 2009, 02:07
Good luck.
If we all like the same looks and characters and ages in the type boy,

Then that boy would be in much demand, and there would be a queue all the way to the farthest town that has a highway.