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View Full Version : Dude "Du-De" @ 9 Night Club, Silom Soi4

May 28th, 2009, 02:47
Dear Dudes & friends,

Think you look fabulous enough to make everyone jealous? It doesn't matter if your Bisexual, Gay or Straight; Come to Silom Soi 4 Thursday 28th & Friday 29th May for our Dude "Du-De" event @ 9 Night Club. Don't Miss out on all the Hot Beauty & Fun!!

Come in early & catch the sexy "Man Power" pre-show.
That's not all, Send the kids home & stick around after the show for a special "R" rated late-show.

The entrance tickets are only 200 baht Thursday & 300 baht Friday + 2 free drinks.

Special! If your hot enough our scouts just might give you an extra complementary drink ticket for free!!

For more information please contact us at Silom9NightClub@gmail.com

www.9nghtclub.com (http://www.9nghtclub.com)

Dude "Du-De"

р╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕зр╣Ир╕▓р╕Д р╕╕р╕Ур╕Ир╕░р╣Ар╕Ыр╣ р╕Щ Bisexual р╕лр╕гр╕╖р╕н Gay р╕лр╕гр╕╖р╕н Straight, р╕Вр╕нр╣Ар╕Юр╕╡р╕вр╕З р╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Др╕╕р╕У "DuDe" "р╕Фр╕╣р╕Фр╕╡"

р╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╣Ар╕гр╕▓р╣Д р╕Фр╣Йр╕Кр╕╖р╕Щр╕Кр╕б р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Зр╕Фр╕З р╕▓р╕бр╣Гр╕Щр╕Хр╕▒р╕ р╕Др╕╕
р╕У р╕зр╕▒р╕Щр╕Юр╕др╕лр╕ р╕кр╕Ър╕Фр╕╡ 28- р╕зр╕▒р╕Щр╕ир╕╕р╕Бр╕ р╣М 29 р╕Юр╕др╕йр╕ар╕▓р╕Др╕б р╕Щр╕╡р╣Й Dude "Du-De" @ 9 Night Club р╕кр╕╡р╕ер╕б р╕Л.4 р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕кр╕Щр╕ р╕Бр╣Бр╕Ър╕Ър╣Ар╕гр╣И р╕▓р╕гр╣Йр╕нр╕Щр╕Чр╕ р╣Ир╕Др╕╕р╕Ур╣Др╕бр╣ р╕Др╕зр╕гр╕Юр╕ер╕▓р╕ !!

р╕гр╕╡р╕Ър╣Ар╕Вр╣Йр╕ р╕бр╕▓ р╕Бр╣Ир╕нр╕Щр╣Вр╕Кр╕з ╣Мр╣Гр╕лр╕Нр╣Ир╣Бр╕кр ╕Фр╕З sexy "Man Power" pre-show
р╕лр╕ер╕▒р╕Зр╣Вр╕Кр╕з р╣М р╕бр╕╡ rate "R" late-show р╕нр╕╡р╕Б р╕лр╣Йр╕▓р╕бр╕Юр╕ер╕ р╕Ф!

р╕Др╣Ир╕▓р╣Ар╕Вр╣Йр╕ р╣Ар╕Юр╕╡р╕вр╕З 200 р╕Ър╕▓р╕Ч р╕зр╕▒р╕Щр╕Юр╕др╕лр╕ р╕кр╕Ър╕Фр╕╡ р╣Бр╕ер╕░ р╕зр╕▒р╕Щр╕ир╕╕р╕Бр╕ р╣М 300 р╕Ър╕▓р╕Ч + р╕Яр╕гр╕╡ 2 р╕Др╕╖р╣Ир╕б

р╕Юр╕┤р╣Ар╕ир╕й! р╕Цр╣Йр╕▓р╕Др╕╕р╕Ур╕ р╕╣р╕Бр╣Гр╕Ир╣Бр╕бр╕ р╕бр╕нр╕Зр╕Вр╕нр╕Зр╣А р╕гр╕▓ р╕Др╕╕р╕Ур╕нр╕▓р╕Ир╣ р╕Фр╣Йр╕гр╕▒р╕Ър╕Ър╕ р╕Хр╕гр╣Бр╕гр╕Бр╕Фр╕ р╣Ир╕бр╕Яр╕гр╕╡р╕нр╕ ╡р╕Б 1р╣Гр╕Ъ!!

р╕кр╕нр╕Ър╕Цр╕▓р╕бр╣А р╕Юр╕┤р╣Ир╕бр╣Ар╕Хр╕ р╕б р╕Хр╕┤р╕Фр╕Хр╣Ир╕нр╣А р╕гр╕▓р╣Др╕Фр╣Йр╕Чр╕ р╣И Silom9NightClub@gmail.com

www.9nghtclub.com (http://www.9nghtclub.com)


www.9nghtclub.com (http://www.9nghtclub.com)

May 28th, 2009, 20:27
It seems that muscular, manly guys are attractive since these photos are always used for advertising a gay event, sauna, or go-go boy club; yet, when you go to one of these shows or establishments, a good, looking muscular Thai/Asian is hard to see at the show/ or club; instead it will be some skinny, fem that is about as unmanly as a wet noodle thinking he's beautiful because he looks underage and can wiggle like his sister. ????

May 29th, 2009, 02:12
It seems that muscular, manly guys are attractive since these photos are always used for advertising a gay event, sauna, or go-go boy club; yet, when you go to one of these shows or establishments, a good, looking muscular Thai/Asian is hard to see at the show/ or club; instead it will be some skinny, fem that is about as unmanly as a wet noodle thinking he's beautiful because he looks underage and can wiggle like his sister. ????

I hear you tbill. But there are a few guys in the shows at soi 4 that fit the "bill".

I have also found this odd ... all these skinny fem guys. Where's the guy's?

Although I'm off the market currently for the usual reasons, no harm in looking.


May 29th, 2009, 05:33
From tonight's show. More pictures soon on http://www.silomsoi4.net



