View Full Version : Ejaculation

May 18th, 2009, 07:38
I put this subject on this forum because generally speaking Thailand is where you guys spend most of your time "doing it".

Anyway, I wondered as a matter of interest how many of you guys actually ejaculate inside your partner(s) anus. I'm not being rude, just an interesting subject. So many guys consider themselves as being "top" but when it actually comes to it they actually can get erections but fail to ejaculate when inside their partner's anus, or am I wrong (with a condom on before anyone asks). My experience is that the "feeling" of ejaculating inside someone is totally different from a ejaculation from masturbation and that could be the reason. On the other hand, I have known so called "tops" who do ejaculate very quickly once inside. The point behind all this is that I find it quite amusing that one calls themselves a "top" and cannot perform even though they have an erection.

A serious subject here, I'm not taking the wet, and please I don't want anybody using rude words in this topic, as you can see, I haven't.

May 18th, 2009, 07:47
have you tried ejeculating on his back or his hair or even out the window?

May 18th, 2009, 07:59
have you tried ejeculating on his back or his hair or even out the window?

I didn't find Ricky Gervais funny either lol!

Ron-Heng Vancouver
May 18th, 2009, 08:48
Well, being a bisexual, I can tell you there is a difference with a female.

With males, I would not ejaculate unless I have a condom on. It does feel quite different and can be satisfying.

May 18th, 2009, 11:30
Good to see White Desire posting about something other than the exchanger rate, money, banking or credit markets. Or, is semen a substitute for money, ejaculation means deposit and a failure to achieve an erection code for getting poor interest rates on deposits? I'm not sure.

May 18th, 2009, 12:28
Maybe Im not alone then,but I dont come inside,even though I would like to. For whatever reason it takes me an awful long time to have an orgasm. I still enjoy sex in spite of this.And Im finding I like anal sex with Thai guys as much if not more than oral sex.

May 18th, 2009, 18:29
A couple of interesting threads here, I'm interested in the one where you say you take a long time to have an orgasm. Why is that, has it always been the case that it takes you a long time or is it as time goes by? I agree with the female bit, it is more satisfying having with a male than female, maybe because generally speaking the "hole" is tighter (sounds crude but that is the bottom line).

May 19th, 2009, 01:58
A couple of interesting threads here, I'm interested in the one where you say you take a long time to have an orgasm. Why is that, has it always been the case that it takes you a long time or is it as time goes by? I agree with the female bit, it is more satisfying having with a male than female, maybe because generally speaking the "hole" is tighter (sounds crude but that is the bottom line).

For me it has always taking longer, but the last years it hasn't gotten any better. Sometimes having to concentrate so much takes away the fun of having sex. I can't be just spontaneous but must make calculate efforts otherwise it's finishing with a hand job for me. And like you said, those orgasms don't even compare.

I looked it up on the internet and found that there's no quick fix for this problem, unlike the erection thing that can be solved quite easily.

You talked about not being able to perform. That really depends on who you're asking. I got some boys who are pretty happy with my slow ejaculations. They don't like a quick fix and don't mind me working hard for a couple of hours.

May 19th, 2009, 04:05
Anyway, I wondered as a matter of interest how many of you guys actually ejaculate inside your partner(s) anus. I'm not being rude, just an interesting subject.

I wonder, as a matter of interest, why you are interested in this subject ? Are you having problems in this area?

May 19th, 2009, 05:03
........ generally speaking (a man's) "hole" is tighter ...........

Obviously you have not fucked Catwampuscat, as I hear he has a "hole" like a horse's collar.

:cheers: :cheers:

May 19th, 2009, 05:31

Sorry to much G/T hehe

May 19th, 2009, 06:09
I think it's great that you guys complain about not being able to cum. For me it's the exact opposite problem -- lucky to last more than 30 seconds, whether it is anal or oral. I prefer top but the only way that I can last long enough to satisfy a true bottom is by jacking off on my own first...round 2 takes a lot more effort.

May 19th, 2009, 08:55
I guess we have to deal with the cards weve been dealt.I have always taken a long time to have an orgasm,even in my twenties. Of course the grass is always greener on the other side,but being a premie ejaculater might be frustrating also.I remember one time I had sex with this guy and he came almost the instant I touched him.I think that would be a problem. I will screw a guy and then we come together or some such senario. I agree vnmen that at times I have to concentrate so hard it makes it work to have an orgasim.Then again my orgasms are rather intense so maybe its worth the wait. I dont like to bottom,the few times I tried,its rather painful if you ask me,and I make sure the guy is small to begin with.But the thai guys who I have bottomed for sure came quickly,I was rather envious.I have heard that you can have a great orgasm while you are bottoming.Never have myself. I take long time and prefer long time with boy than shortime.I enjoy sleeping together and enjoying him than a quivk wham bam thank you Sam.

May 19th, 2009, 21:53
I put this subject on this forum because generally speaking Thailand is where you guys spend most of your time "doing it".

Anyway, I wondered as a matter of interest how many of you guys actually ejaculate inside your partner(s) anus. I'm not being rude, just an interesting subject. So many guys consider themselves as being "top" but when it actually comes to it they actually can get erections but fail to ejaculate when inside their partner's anus, or am I wrong (with a condom on before anyone asks). My experience is that the "feeling" of ejaculating inside someone is totally different from a ejaculation from masturbation and that could be the reason. On the other hand, I have known so called "tops" who do ejaculate very quickly once inside. The point behind all this is that I find it quite amusing that one calls themselves a "top" and cannot perform even though they have an erection.

A serious subject here, I'm not taking the wet, and please I don't want anybody using rude words in this topic, as you can see, I haven't.

Hi, I happened to hear my physician talk on this issue for gay men before, as he had a couple of men who went to him for treatment. He claims that the problem with delayed ejaculation is due to the tightness of the anus squeezing the penis head making it harder to ejaculate. I can't confirm this first-hand, but if you search the internet, and look under "techniques to delay pre-mature ejaculation", one technique described is to squeeze the penis head firmly if one feels the onset of an ejaculation and to try and hold it back. That may offer an explanation as the tightness of the anus is similar to a squeezing effect.

Also, I noticed that for some men, a few seconds prior to ejaculation the penis glans tends to swell up slightly and get engorged. It may be that in a tight situation, the penis head is unable to be engorged as easily, and thus delay the physical / biological process leading to ejaculation. The latter is my personal observation only.

May 19th, 2009, 23:48
Anal can take ages, therefore I prefer oral. Seems like that's quite a few of us.