View Full Version : the venue

May 10th, 2009, 04:42
Has any one stayed at the Venue yet, and if so could we please have a quick rundown on the place, Also if the owners read this , could we please have some new pics of the bedrooms etc ?

May 10th, 2009, 19:32
Looks no different from Room Club.

How about the Olympic Swimming Pool?

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 10th, 2009, 21:03
actually they are pretty good pictures kotter for a mobile phone..you are a regular David Bailey. Perhaps you didn't notice that in the pic of the lavish costume there is also a person !. Is that the famous magician owner ?..or the porn star ? ..or the PR..LMTU ?

That room looks rather glamorous. Why do I pay 5000 baht for something similar at the Dusit when that can be had for 999 ? I must be mad. :scratch:

Well I am mad actually. :albino:

May 11th, 2009, 08:30
The Room Club looks nice from there website. And your point?

My point is that we were promised something 7-star, something never before seen in Jomthien, something that would completely revolutionize the scene there. Something lavishly fitted out in designer luxury fit for a king (or a FOQ...).

What I see is a room with terrible art, outdated glass-block and vessel-basin "design" that may have been "cutting edge" fifteen years ago, and overall nothing more lavish than the Room Club -- which has been in place for years (and which really is "steps from the ocean").

Can't wait to see the Japanese spa-style swimming pool.

May 11th, 2009, 10:22
In all fairness we weren't promised anything by the owners only by that idiot Walter Mitty - and at B999 as opposed to B1,700 at Room Club it seems a good deal to me - although I admit the view from Room Club is worth a baht or two!

May 11th, 2009, 12:31
I'd prefer to have the owners of The Venue -- who have posted here before -- disavow Walter, rather than some anonymous third party. Yet they have been silent. I wonder why that is?

May 11th, 2009, 12:37
I'd prefer to have the owners of The Venue -- who have posted here before -- disavow Walter, rather than some anonymous third party. Yet they have been silent. I wonder why that is?

If you are unable to draw your own conclusions may I suggest you PM the owners.

May 11th, 2009, 13:34
I'm not on a pension, Walter, and I'd be happy to compare bank balances with you any day. Your having stayed for two years at a flophouse like Monty's tells me all I need to know about the state of your finances, and your taste.

May 11th, 2009, 16:03
I'm not on a pension, Walter, and I'd be happy to compare bank balances with you any day. Your having stayed for two years at a flophouse like Monty's tells me all I need to know about the state of your finances, and your taste.

This bunny so negative ,if this bunny breeds we are all fucked ,i wish this bunny was the easter bunny ,AND FUCKS OFF TILL NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!

May 11th, 2009, 19:20
gra46 - there is little chance of Beach Bunny fucking off for a year or even for a day - he has only been a member of this board 4 months and he is already a veteran poster with an incredible 387 nasty, negative, pointless and ill-informed posts!

All together now, 1, 2, 3.........Beach Bunny - GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!

May 11th, 2009, 19:29
The ignore button is at your disposal. Which is exactly what the Plaza Hotel did to you, my friend.

May 11th, 2009, 20:00
Interesting, thank you (or perhaps not-so-interesting, if you're not into katoey lip synch shows -- which I definitely am not).

Where are the "stars", though? This was described as an "All Star Cabaret Room", so certainly there should be some "stars" there. Perhaps Liza, Diana, Elton, and Cher were sunning themselves on beautiful Tongtarn beach, and -- underestimating the time it would take to cover the "mere steps" to The Venue -- arrived a half hour after the show was already over?

May 11th, 2009, 20:19
Don't mention it. I consider it my personal mission, and -- based on my fan mail -- most people hear appreciate it greatly.

May 12th, 2009, 00:43
You are so very correct! I was just now poring through my voluminous e-mail, most of which involves viagra, "dearest one" letters from Nigeria, and the elusive acai berry.

May 12th, 2009, 02:39
Nice to see pictures of the place. I have been waiting for the web site to be upgraded and new pictures to be posted, so these have helped.

I see from the beds that I shan't be rushing to The Venue to stay. No sprung box base and no inner-sprung mattress. It appears to be 15cm of foam. Just because something is dressed rather nicely doesn't mean it is comfortable.

If/when I am in Pattaya next I will certainly go to the show and bar. I like a good show even if it is lip sync katoey's. I don't mind that. It's better than a lot of youngish boys standing around not dancing. I can't really see the point in that.

Good luck to The Venue. It's brave to open an hotel in this climate but I am sure they are doing as much as they are able to entertain their many and varied customers. Not everyone will be happy ... that's just the nature of us as individuals.
This individual likes a comfortable mattress though and on that I won't compromise.


May 12th, 2009, 05:02
Nice pics and thanks. Does any one know if the swimming pool is open.?

May 12th, 2009, 07:10
Nice pics and thanks. Does any one know if the swimming pool is open.?
the pool is so big its taking longer than expected to fill up with water

May 12th, 2009, 21:02
Those look amazingly unlike the original "pool pictures" (artist conception) that appeared earlier...

May 12th, 2009, 23:12
I have taken a couple of pics of two of the the bedrooms with my mobile phone to see if it will help you. Unfortunately the mobile is not the best nor is the photographer!! I have also included a costume from the show. Unfortunately only 7 pics are allowed.
Mai pen rai about the quality, kotter. Thanks for making time to take them and post them here.

It gives us an idea of how the place looks overall, and since time is so limited for most of us who visit there it's nice to be able to book a place we think will be worthwhile. Can't say this place has won me over from the Poseidon, but it's nice looking, overall.

May 13th, 2009, 02:25
I believe we have spoken privately before about a few things.
Anyway the mattress are 25cm Inner Spring King size mattresses and it was only last night I was talking to one of there guests and they said what a good nights sleep they had had. Forget the foam, that went out with the dark ages in any decent hotel :bounce:


Yes the pool and Sauna etc are open and both look there sparking best. Certainly wonderful for this time of year in Pattaya.

Kotter ... point taken. I was just going by one of the photos above and the mattress looked a little "thin". Happy to be told I am wrong in this respect as that was all that was making me bit wary. Also the pool pictures have allayed other questions of maybe it still wasn't up and running. Now we see otherwise. Although it is only a small pool that's enough for me. I just want to be able to have a dip and cool off.

Pleased the owners have realised just how important the web site is and look forward to having a look when the new one is up and running.

Did you happen to note if the place has good occupancy and are the shows well received still?


May 13th, 2009, 02:53
Thanks for the pictures and the updates. I will be staying at Venue on my visit starting May 21 and I am very appreciative of the info. I usually try to get some reports on hotels before I book but decided to take a chance on this one. I feel a lot better about my choice now and some of my doubts have been put to rest.

Thanks again,

May 13th, 2009, 03:06

Thank you for the feedback. I think it would be unfair of me to make any comment on the occupancy as that would be beyond my 'brief'. ( Other than to say get in early while the promo is on!!:bounce: ) Since the 'Soft opening the crowds have been absolutely great and I understand the owners are more than happy and appreciate the support the Gay community have been giving them and the showbar.
I do hope that we get an opportunity to meet when you are in Pattaya.......I will buy you a drink at the showbar. :drunken:

I will look forward to that or even in BKK at some time. I am cheap to buy for as I have a 2 drink limit.

Thanks for the furthger in depth info on The Venue kotter.

Cheers and good health,

May 13th, 2009, 12:00
I think it is time to move on, dont you? Sitting in a room with a boring person really is boring . I can hear most of the readers saying of you...."oh no not him again".
Enjoy :salute:

It's a bit of a conceit to speak on behalf of "most readers", don't you think? Speak for yourself. That's the only person I claim to speak for.

As for being time to "move on"...not on your life.

May 14th, 2009, 02:21
kotter, I will indeed be on the lookout for the BKK terror. I look forward to a great night at some time in the not too distant future, in the showbar of The Venue.


May 14th, 2009, 02:43
Those look amazingly unlike the original "pool pictures" (artist conception) that appeared earlier...

YES, Its shows a much Larger and Crystal Clear Pool and no 199Baht Tesco-Lotus Pool Furniture.

Everything at The Venue so Far has exceded their original concept photos, The Showbar Restroom is probally the finest of any Bar/Club in Pattaya-Jomtien. No expense has been spared on this amazing transformation of what was formerly in the Complex.

Bunny could I invite you to enjoy a Myxomatosis Sandwich as my Guest. :angryfire:

May 14th, 2009, 13:13
Yes, I think they should change their motto to: "The Venue -- Featuring the Best Crapper in Jomthien".

May 14th, 2009, 17:23
Good point about the bedroom pictures. The web site is a professional disgrace and won't sell many rooms once the initial hoo-hah has died down.

May 15th, 2009, 02:04
I don't understand why some people seem so intent on seeing something fail. The hotel looks nice to me. It is a hotel, not someones home, so who cares about the finer details of the furnishings. Most people will be there for a couple weeks at most. It is new and clean. Everyone has different taste. Nitpicking about the glass blocks or the art seems ridiculous, especially form someone who probably has not been to the property. I will be there in a week and I am looking forward to my stay there.

May 15th, 2009, 15:59
Yes, I think they should change their motto to: "The Venue -- Featuring the Best Crapper in Jomthien".

Why Bunny do you visit the Venue..You certainly offer the Biggest Load of Venomous Crap on This Forum