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View Full Version : BBC on the lowlife in Pattaya

May 9th, 2009, 23:18
Shame on the BBC for perpetuating a completely inaccurate stereotype. Sunee Plaza is one of the top family destinations in Thailand, pure as the driven snow -- just like its denizens.

May 10th, 2009, 01:20
Who can trust the BBC after some of their shoddy efforts at documentaries in recent years?

Their much hyped but very short on substance documentary on corruption in football comes to mind. Plus a few other examples..

Once they send their reporters after a story, they will find one without bothering to check the facts.
It's time the TV license was abolished.

May 10th, 2009, 03:27
Can not see it outside the UK, so can not make any comments ....he he

May 10th, 2009, 10:17
If many guys write from internet cafes, how is that going to help them, what crime are they going to admit on a web forum I wonder.

Web forums can be a font of information. For example, when a poster admits to having a smash-up time with a 17 and-a-half-year old Eurasian, it is quite likely that the authorities will move him to their "persons of interest" list.

Understand now, Walter?

May 10th, 2009, 10:37
I am sure that the posters that protest that Sunee Plaza is pure and innocent will be interested in the second half of this BBC documentary which was aired in the UK this week:

Do you recognise yourself?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... e_Streets/ (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00kcjgw/Crimewatch_on_the_Streets/)

Romania, and AGAIN I say this from the bottom of my heart; PULA MEA!

Always making waves. I wouldn't be surprised if you were sticking your Ding-a-Ling in holes that some might consider underdeveloped.

U :clown:

May 10th, 2009, 13:09
maybe someone will record this and repost it so all can see not just in UK

May 10th, 2009, 18:19
I'm watching the program now by using an UK proxy :cheers:

UK proxy's can be found here http://www.samair.ru

How to set up Firefox to use only the ip address for bbc iplayer :

http://blog.geeklife.nl/2009/01/15/howt ... ten-de-uk/ (http://blog.geeklife.nl/2009/01/15/howto-bbc-iplayer-via-firefox-buiten-de-uk/)

it's partly in Dutch but enough English to understand how to do it

I'm using ip port 3128

May 10th, 2009, 21:48
Oh cool - Amsterdam
I hadn't noticed before

May 11th, 2009, 20:50
I am sure that the posters that protest that Sunee Plaza is pure and innocent will be interested in the second half of this BBC documentary which was aired in the UK this week:

Do you recognise yourself?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... e_Streets/ (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00kcjgw/Crimewatch_on_the_Streets/)

Always making waves.
U :clown:

I prefer to think of it as a public service that may be of interest to anyone opposed to the underage sex trade.

However from your knee jerk response it is not clear what your views are on that subject. :scratch:

What you call a public service I call a witch hunt. You're clearly good at comparing the abuse of a ten year old girl with a (true or not scam) matter involving a 17.5 year old. But that's what moral preachers like yourself do, isn't it?

It's all a matter of public opinion, so we must be careful what we show. This program was nothing more than a big 'see how great we are" parade of that British unit, probably In need of a new subsidy. Who's would not object if a ten year old is getting abused?

My biggest problem with your post is the Sunnee remark. Most of the video material involved Walking street. Then, when they finally get to Sunnee it gets really interesting. Two young boys coming out of an internet cafe...yes, they might have been abused too.

May 12th, 2009, 01:11
Is it worth my while to download & watch this, or is it the usual BBC bollocks where they try & imply there is a problem, without ever presenting any evidence to demonstrate that?

May 12th, 2009, 01:25
"Demonstrate" a problem in Sunee Plaza? I don't think it would take Tintin the ace boy journalist to do that...though he might look kinda cute in his underwear up on stage with the other 14 year-olds.

May 12th, 2009, 02:01
Vnman, at what age between 17.5 and 10 does the "witch hunt" end for you and the "pedo hunt" start? 16? 15? 14?

May 12th, 2009, 07:24
Vnman, at what age between 17.5 and 10 does the "witch hunt" end for you and the "pedo hunt" start? 16? 15? 14?

Again, the point that I'm trying to make might gets lost in translation. For me there is not age limit if someone gets abused, it doesn't matter if he/she is 10 , 19 or 50. It has to stop!

Some people on this board are accusing others of having underage sex, and most of the time they're implying horrible abuse. As an example; the case of KK and his 17.5 year old.

Fact is, almost everywhere in Pattaya you can get approached by very early teens. These little buggers can be very persistent: "short time mister, 500 baht?" To bad the missed that in the documentary. I guess they didn't want to show the Thai side of the problem.

For me the age of consent is a moral question, but you should respect the laws of the country that your in. But please don't go overboard with the law thingy, cause many of you break the Thai laws on a daily basis. I could talk about smoking, but that would give you the change to ask me if that is in the same league. Of course it's not! But what about taking your 18 or 19 year old boyfriend to a bar or club and feeding him Alcohol?

Maybe I'm not on the board long enough. I never heard anyone here claim that Sunnee is 100% on the up and up, but dudes, give it a rest already. Most people that frequent Sunnee plaza do so for far different reasons than finding a 10 year old to abuse. But that's not what you're preaching, is it?

Khor tose
May 12th, 2009, 21:41
But that's not what you're preaching, is it?

Why is it preaching to speak out against sex with children. Some people who have worked with abused children call the effects of child abuse almost a form of murder. If the posters spoke out against murder would you suggest they were on a witch hunt.

Kids who are abused often are severely damaged and stay that way most of their lives. Therefore, I encourage law enforcement to continue to crack down on these perps, and others to help them in their efforts to do so.

May 14th, 2009, 17:41
But that's not what you're preaching, is it?

Why is it preaching to speak out against sex with children. Some people who have worked with abused children call the effects of child abuse almost a form of murder. If the posters spoke out against murder would you suggest they were on a witch hunt.

I see your point Khore Tose, bbut i'm not sure you see mine.

The poster is speaking out against Sunnee Plaza. This is a place that many of the readers/posters enjoy. I don't see the need to bring this up in a negative way so often.

While I'm at it! you talk about child abuse. You know were these children get abused...? At home! I've been to the hometown of a few Thai boys and if you ask their little brothers and sisters what the want to be when they grow up: "I want falang."

Can we please get a documentary from the honorable people of the BBC about the wonderful grooming job that the Thai parents do?

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 14th, 2009, 21:56
Surely the BBC would have enough sleaze and sordid sex stories in the UK to expose. And that's just amongst their politicians !

Foreign media outlets that continue to slander Thailand with so-called "sleaze" tales should bugger orf and mind their own business.

You don't get many places much sleazier than London except it's all behind closed doors. And a country..(and especially the chief war cheer-leaders, the BBC) , that invades a foreign land and blast to smithereens thousands of innocent men women and children should clean up their own back yard before moaning about a few go go bars with shock & horror !. :pukeleft:

May 15th, 2009, 00:01
the bbc is at it again another anti gay program just starting now (6pm)
"The Simpsons
Season 15 Episode 8 of 22
Marge v Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays

May 15th, 2009, 02:05
I suspect that everyone draws the line in a different place. I personally consider anyone that is not a teenager to be entirely out of bounds. When I was a kid I did fool around a bit even at 12 but it was never with someone more than 2 years older than me.

The older I've become the more gray things have become. All of my early boyfriends were +/-4 years (mostly minus). My last real love was a Vietnamese boy 9 years my junior (he was 22 or 23 when we met). I've had one illegal encounter--a rather aggressive 14 year old when I was 24. I can't say that I didn't enjoy it but arguing that I'd taken advantage of him would be a challenge. He liked older and pursued a number of my acquaintances when he was done with me.

In my opinion the moral question is a combination of absolute age, disparity of age, and the 'innocence' of the boy in question. The problem is that it is a subjective combination and a fair legal system can't function in that way. It seems pretty clear, however, that a 30+ year old shouldn't be messing with a 10 year old under any circumstances.

May 15th, 2009, 07:23
Surely the BBC would have enough sleaze and sordid sex stories in the UK to expose.
!. :pukeleft:
Amen: http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales ... _page.html (http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/tm_objectid=14850793&method=full&siteid=50082&headline=children-groomed-for-trafficking-and-prostitution-name_page.html)

Mlomker: Great first post.

May 15th, 2009, 14:24
I personally consider anyone that is not a teenager to be entirely out of bounds.
Did you write what you actually meant? The way I read that is that you ONLY consider teenagers to be "in bounds", and that seems a little inconsistent with what you wrote following that.

May 15th, 2009, 17:01
As lovely as your personal "in bounds" and "out of bounds" rules are, the only rule that really matters is what the law says.

Unless you want to end up in the big house, that is.

May 15th, 2009, 20:54
I personally consider anyone that is not a teenager to be entirely out of bounds.
Did you write what you actually meant? The way I read that is that you ONLY consider teenagers to be "in bounds", and that seems a little inconsistent with what you wrote following that.

I can see how you could read it that way. In the context of a thread about pedophilia, I meant 13+.

I'm most attracted to guys in their mid-20's. I like Asian men because they usually look great for their age. Some of the youthful-looking 18 yr olds should be enough to satisfy people's fantasies.

May 15th, 2009, 21:09
As lovely as your personal "in bounds" and "out of bounds" rules are, the only rule that really matters is what the law says.

The gist of the post was that what is moral and what is legal are not the same thing when it comes to the controversial areas of life: abortion, age of consent, recreational drug use, etc.

They are charging 17 yr old boys in the U.S. for taking pictures of their 17 yr old girlfriends. It is illegal but how many people consider it immoral?

May 15th, 2009, 21:11
Shave 'em bare, put them in a schoolboy's outfit, and go crazy.

May 15th, 2009, 21:30
Shave 'em bare, put them in a schoolboy's outfit, and go crazy.

:salute: The problem (in the US at least) is that all of the young guys want to look older and insist on growing out the 5 hairs on their upper lip.

May 15th, 2009, 21:34
Same thing in Thailand, actually.

May 16th, 2009, 01:10
..... a country..(and especially the chief war cheer-leaders, the BBC) , that invades a foreign land and blast to smithereens thousands of innocent men women and children should clean up their own back yard before moaning about a few go go bars with shock & horror !. :pukeleft:

I agree, Out to Lunch, however you have overlooked your own country's military involvement (of a similar scale, in terms of the proportion of their own forces committed).

(Quite what this has to do with Pattaya escapes me .....)

May 16th, 2009, 01:27
I am not in Great Britain so I cannot download this to see what everyone is talking about. I do not have an i phone either so nothing is available to see.

May 16th, 2009, 04:55
I am not in Great Britain so I cannot download this to see what everyone is talking about. I do not have an i phone either so nothing is available to see.

There as good tips on how to bypass this problem in this thread.

May 16th, 2009, 08:11
Please see the Posting Guidelines: No discussions about underage sex. Thread closed.