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View Full Version : Siem Reap-Poipet road

May 9th, 2009, 07:50
I am considering a motor trip to Cambodia, but am not sure about the condition of the roads.
Stickman in his excellent weekly report of 29 March said the roads are "supposed to be pretty good". Older bloggers said the road was terrible, and took all day.
Does anyone know for sure?

May 9th, 2009, 09:15
I am considering a motor trip to Cambodia, but am not sure about the condition of the roads.
Does anyone know for sure?tks
Yes, the road is about 60% black-top and in good condition. The rest is hardcore and in parts bumpy as hell. As many bridges are not yet complete many mini diversions to by-pass the bridge-works.
By car takes about 3.5 hours in dry conditions and by mini van 4.5 hours.

May 9th, 2009, 17:03
I had a taxi from Siem Reap to Poipet which took just over 2.5 hours in December & I think I paid about $32, booking via one of the agents in town (cheaper than booking via the hotel).
Admittedly this guy was going quicker than most of the other cars on the road.

Buses looks slow & I would avoid these for that road at present.

This road is being upgraded on an ongoing basis, but is still probably considerably slower in the wet season.