View Full Version : Dental surgery available in LOS

May 5th, 2009, 17:45
My friend who is coming to Thailand in July, had been expecting root canal work from his dentist before leaving OZ.

Tonight he tells me it is more serious and he needs an inplant. Very Fucking expensive. He asked if there was high quality dental facilities in LOS. I am not excited in talking medical or dental procedures. But he asks the following.

Should he consider an inplant in Thailand and if so how long would recovery be. Any ideas of costs?

His email said he has googled and the Pattaya/ Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya is highly recommended.

Does he need a referral like he does here in OZ. Does he have to book in advance on the internet to get his inplant
whilst in Pattaya. What is the recovery time. Is there a waiting time for his operation????

I need a drink !

May 5th, 2009, 18:02
- Bangkok Pattaya Hospital would probably do a good job but if it were me I'd go to BNH on Convent Soi in Bangkok.

- Implants cost more than US$1,000 here.

- First the bad tooth must be extracted. Maybe he could do that in Thailand and save the implant (which covers at least 3 weeks) for when he's returned home.

May 5th, 2009, 19:05
LW - your friend also needs to check his travel insurance. Most standard policies are invalidated if one of the purposes of the trip is to have medical treatment of any kind. That would be a problem if, for example, he got an infection after having an implant done. It's not likely, but it's not unheard of either.

May 5th, 2009, 20:48
He has two months to go before he visits - ample time, surely, to e-mail any number of dental surgeries in Thailand who would be able to answer all his questions in detail, with accurate information and details, prices, etc - something he may well not get here. Maybe he needs a brain implant instead.

May 5th, 2009, 21:33
By the time one has paid the air fares, hotel costs, day to day living costs, it might be wise to pay the extra and get it done in Australia. There are lots of pros and cons, and arsing about. I'd stick to my "home" country.

May 6th, 2009, 04:36
I would use Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital without hesitation if I required an implant or similar surgery.

May 6th, 2009, 07:18
Another amazing and thoroughly useless post by gonefishing

It is less than 24 hours since he was told about the inplant. Cost estimate about 250,000baht

A few hours later over a drink we discussed whether it would be possible to have the inplant done whilst he was on his preplanned holiday.

For those who have given recommendations thanks and he will I am sure email. We asked for information not patronizing comment. To whitedesire his holiday has been booked and paid for.To gonefishing as the brain transplant obviously did not work for you, I am sure he will give that a miss.

May 6th, 2009, 14:36
He has two months to go before he visits - ample time, surely, to e-mail any number of dental surgeries in Thailand who would be able to answer all his questions in detail, with accurate information and details, prices, etc - something he may well not get here. Maybe he needs a brain implant instead.

Yeh! Nobody should ask for any advice on anything on this forum. What on earth were you thinking? That this is some friendly place where mates exchange recommendations?

May 6th, 2009, 14:54
LW - your friend also needs to check his travel insurance. Most standard policies are invalidated if one of the purposes of the trip is to have medical treatment of any kind. That would be a problem if, for example, he got an infection after having an implant done. It's not likely, but it's not unheard of either.

Thank you ceejay he is going to check that out tomorrow.

May 7th, 2009, 00:34
Yeh! Nobody should ask for any advice on anything on this forum. What on earth were you thinking? That this is some friendly place where mates exchange recommendations?

What I was thinking, 555, is that asking for detailed medical information ("recovery times, waiting times", etc) for any condition with so many variables as this is, quite simply, both stupid and pointless (as, coincidentally, are so many of his questions made on behalf of his friends).

A very brief "Google" (dental implant thailand) shows, for example, that claimed recovery times vary from "teeth-in-an-hour" to "immediate function" to "a few weeks" to "6 months". Costs given for a single implant at the places named vary from 20,000 to 200,000 baht.

While the information given may, as is often the case with medical advice here, be well meant it may also be misleading and totally incorrect ( with the exception of the point on medical insurance by Ceejay, which is useful and which no hospital is likely to mention).

5 May:"His email said he has googled" ..... 6 May:"over a drink we discussed .....he will I am sure email"

You would appear to have had one drink too many.

May 7th, 2009, 04:59
Yeh! Nobody should ask for any advice on anything on this forum. What on earth were you thinking? That this is some friendly place where mates exchange recommendations?

5 May:"His email said he has googled" ..... 6 May:"over a drink we discussed .....he will I am sure email"

You would appear to have had one drink too many,

You jump to conclusions. He emailed me from his office after meeting his dental surgeon, asking me to meet him for a drink. If your majesty requires times, locations and written minutes, too bad.

At home I mix in a group of rice queens that know I have been visiting Thailand for almost 20 years, and many of them have visited or plan to visit in the future. I am often asked questions about LOS and if I cant answer ask here.
I was not aware I needed your permission.

ceejay, he thanks you for your point. Here he needs to get a referral from his dentist to the specialist that will do
the root canal. he asks whether that is necessary in Thailand.

May 7th, 2009, 23:01
You jump to conclusions. He emailed me from his office after meeting his dental surgeon, asking me to meet him for a drink. If your majesty requires times, locations and written minutes, too bad.

And "too bad" that you do not know if you are "here" or "there", "coming" or "going"! It is always sad when a great brain starts to atrophy, but in your case no-one will know the difference - and you are the one using the royal "we".

I was not aware I needed your permission.

I was not aware I had asked for it, or that comments on your posts were banned.

Here he needs to get a referral from his dentist to the specialist that will do
the root canal. he asks whether that is necessary in Thailand.

No - just money.

May 22nd, 2009, 13:51
My friend who is coming to Thailand in July, had been expecting root canal work from his dentist before leaving OZ.
Tonight he tells me it is more serious and he needs an inplant. Very Fucking expensive. He asked if there was high quality dental facilities in LOS. I am not excited in talking medical or dental procedures. But he asks the following.
Should he consider an inplant in Thailand and if so how long would recovery be. Any ideas of costs?
His email said he has googled and the Pattaya/ Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya is highly recommended.
Does he need a referral like he does here in OZ. Does he have to book in advance on the internet to get his inplant
whilst in Pattaya. What is the recovery time. Is there a waiting time for his operation????
I need a drink !

You really need a drink because finding the right dentist by your friend's standard is hard work! For quality and affordable dental procedures you can ask dental professionals directly if the can offer modes of payment and booking for dental procedures. I'm pretty sure most dentists does that. If almost everyone recommend Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya, then maybe he should go there and discuss implant procedures with the dentist there. Good luck!

May 22nd, 2009, 15:13
There were two things

First he has 5 weeks holiday and has used up all his sick leave. If it was to take some days to recover he would have to take unpaid leave.

Second as he is renovating his house ATM most of his spare cash is committed.
If he could get a competent job done at a saving, he was keen to investigate.

We do know of people who have had medical [surgery] in LOS but no one that had dental procedure.

I will post when a decision has been made He does not have much longer left before he commits himself.

May 22nd, 2009, 17:32
I can't give you any specifics about the sort of dental work you are talking about but I can confirm that the Dental Clinic in the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is superb - both from the point of view of the services and equipment and also the kindness and efficiency of the staff. I had a routine course of work there earlier this year and the prices for standard fillings were actually a bit less than what, I believe, is currently the case in the UK. I doubt whether you would be kept waiting long for even highly specialised treatment, because they seem to employ 2 people for every job - that's why every customer feels cosseted. Why not e-mail them for info.

May 22nd, 2009, 23:01
If it was to take some days to recover he would have to take unpaid leave.

The only person capable of telling him the probable recovery time is a dentist who has seen the problem at first hand. He will not be able to get anything more than a very broad estimate (3 days to 6 months, probably) from someone who has not seen the problem themselves.

If he could get a competent job done at a saving, he was keen to investigate ..... He does not have much longer left before he commits himself.

The solution appears simple:

If he needs the operation urgently - before he is due to return to Austraila from his holiday in Thailand (here!) - then he has little choice but to get it done in Australia; he will not be able to get accurate information on the operation, cost, recovery times, etc, from any dentist who would carry out the operation here until he is actually here, then he may find out that the operation is not viable here for any number of reasons.

If he can wait until after his return from his holiday if necessary, he has the option of seeing what is available here then making up his mind whether to have it done here or to wait until after his return.

There are plenty of "savings" available, with implants from 29,000 baht being advertised in many dentists windows in Pattaya, but until he has seen the dentist himself it is impossible to say whether these are what he both wants and needs. "Competent"? Well, that could be a different story.

I can confirm that the Dental Clinic in the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is superb ..... the prices for standard fillings were actually a bit less than what, I believe, is currently the case in the UK.

Agreed - which would seem to make it rather pointless his having any treatment at BHP, for only a small saving, which may require follow-up treatment and care when he is back in Australia; I don't think being "cossetted" is high on his list of priorities.

Lunchtime O'Booze
May 25th, 2009, 13:56
Others have recommended good clinics but I always go to the clinic right next door to the Dusit Resort..the pink building which is just the office. The actual dentistry is just across the road.

The dentist is not only the lovliest young chap-he also works at Bumrungrad 2 days of the week and he is highly skilled but possibly the most gentlest dentist I have encountered after having work done in the UK & USA.

Inplants aren't realy much cheaper anywhere in the world-apart from perhaps the cheaper East European countries that are emerging as competiton to Asia but you need recovery time anyway-3 to 6 months from the first step of the op so you pay as you go along.

And what better excuse is there than to keep coming to Pattaya than to have your teeth fixed ?

your pal should bear in mind that he wil probaly need other dental work done at the same time..fillings, crowns . cleaning etc and this will be a fraction of the cost back home.