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View Full Version : Vote for El Duo

April 27th, 2009, 04:19
For all El Duo friends and fans
Maybe you can help El Duo to reach the first place with follow picture on this link:
Just "Vote for free" and maybe they win. If you can do it the next 5 days every 24hours ones until May 2nd would be great.
Let support them just vote and Thank You

April 27th, 2009, 05:35
What are we supposed to be voting for?
Normally one would think a vote being called would be regarding any person(s) or group(s) ability to accomplish something (anything!) 'better' than some other person or group ... then the general public is asked to decide whether they believe that is in fact the case. Please be so kind as to tell us what that 'something' is in the case of El Duo.

Difficult to be able to vote intelligently when one of the other competing photos (talents?) is this one:

File comment: Look and vote for this picture -
Vote for Fat Baby Ass - http://mini69.com/fatbabyass#

April 27th, 2009, 06:05
this is an old photo
DK's kids will have left college by now..will they too be looking for a job in the bars in pattaya?

April 27th, 2009, 07:49
following the link I don't even see any pic of them

April 27th, 2009, 16:48
following the link I don't even see any pic of themThere must be scads of voting then. Yesterday evening when I looked they were #6, and just now they are again #6. Since the page shows 24 "candidates," it appears they fell from #6 (when I first looked) to lower than 24th place (when dab69 looked) and now have returned to #6.

April 27th, 2009, 17:14
I vote for them but they still on position 6
Not so bad because more than 3400 pictures in this competition.
Just go on http://mini69.com/ vote and let them win.

April 27th, 2009, 21:24
But ... what are voting for?? Perhaps for the honour of bumping this silly topic to the top once again.
In which case, vote for me.

April 27th, 2009, 21:44
i voted for them to. best of luck guys.

April 27th, 2009, 21:58
If they win, it will surely be the high point of their careers...indeed, of their lives.

April 28th, 2009, 00:08
surely some "fan" submitted their pic and will expect "gratitude" if they "win"

doesn't seem to be much (guy) competitiion
still can't even FIND the howling pic
the page randomly shows postitons 1-3, then 9 etc.

April 28th, 2009, 00:33
surely some "fan" submitted their pic and will expect "gratitude" if they "win"

doesn't seem to be much (guy) competitiion
still can't even FIND the howling pic
the page randomly shows postitons 1-3, then 9 etc.

Try to use this link or Thailand:
You will see 1-3 and in moment El Duo on 7 place

April 28th, 2009, 11:25
Too bad it's too late to compose a photo of a tasty Niddy Nook cheese burger nestled in an artistic mound of french fries on a red and white checkered table.

April 28th, 2009, 13:58
But ... what are voting for?? Perhaps for the honour of bumping this silly topic to the top once again.
In which case, vote for me.

Smiles take it easy and with fun. You vote for a picture of El Duo. If you want that we voting for you, put a picture of you or of your taxi driver with this pick up on this site and let see.
My goodness - don't take it so serious. Just open http://mini69.com/# looks for the attached picture of El Duo and be part of a powerful forum action. Let see what power we have together. Be happy when we make them win with our votes.
I will be in Hua Hin on Wednesday.

April 28th, 2009, 15:12
wow i just voted and they went from place 9 to place 7..the power of the pink shirts ride again

April 28th, 2009, 15:20
... when we make them win with our votes.

but tell me WHY?? To what end?

April 28th, 2009, 15:27
... when we make them win with our votes.

but tell me WHY?? To what end?

the prize for 1st is 340 euro's @ 16000 bht ..but who put the picture on there and who gets the money?
1st place at the moment is an army sergeant..can we out vote the us army?

April 28th, 2009, 22:57
... when we make them win with our votes.

but tell me WHY?? To what end?

the prize for 1st is 340 euro's @ 16000 bht ..but who put the picture on there and who gets the money?
1st place at the moment is an army sergeant..can we out vote the us army?

El Duo give back

3 years ago 2 Filipinos guys came to Thailand after 2 years with just 2 or 3 shows per month in Bangkok, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai and finally in Pattaya.
Here in Pattaya they got the lucky situation that Caf├й Royal took the risk to hire them regular with a work permit and put them on the payroll and weekly program.
Richard & DK knew very well about there situation and make the 3 nights in Caf├й Royal busy.

On Monday May 11th there will be a special night with El Duo and a live band in Caf├й Royal
http://www.gayaffairspattaya.com/index/ ... oncert.htm (http://www.gayaffairspattaya.com/index/el-duo-special-benefit-concert.htm)
This event is based on an idea from Richard and DK. They want to give back something because they know very well how good there life is by today.
Richard & DK will pay the Live Band from there own money as there donation for this event and get no extra payment that night. They just celebrate the birthday of DK and try to make money for these children who have not that much luck like them.
If they win now 340Euro in a photo competition тАУ who of you will reject just to vote and to support them. Just try to tip them without touching your own money and let bring our power together and vote for them:
Please do it daily until we have them on the first place.
Thank you

April 28th, 2009, 23:06
who of you will reject just to vote and to support them.

Me, for one.

Who else?

April 29th, 2009, 00:43
The only problem I have with contests like this is the person who posted the picture is the one who collects.

Example: I see a picture of a wooden wall #3487 at the moment. How do you pay a wooden wall? You don't. You pay the person posting the picture.

But of course we are all clean and pure as freshly fallen snow so no need to know what pocket the $$$ will end up in. :pukeright: :pukeright: :pukeright: :pukeright:

April 29th, 2009, 03:17
Just vote again on your link http://mini69.com/?country_get=TH# but el duo is still place 8. How comes this Ron from Bulgaria came so quick in place1 ?
How many votes we need to do?
Will vote from my office again tomorrow and at home too. I like it.

April 29th, 2009, 05:48
This thread is now teetering on pure spam. Toni & Gaydestination are (as usual) flogging to death any hopes they may have had for votes in favour of El Duo . . . even if folks could understand why they would bother to vote n the first place.
What a pair of shameless touts.

IMHO of course.

April 29th, 2009, 08:25
This thread is now teetering on pure spam. Toni & Gaydestination are (as usual) flogging to death any hopes they may have had for votes in favour of El Duo . . . even if folks could understand why they would bother to vote n the first place.
What a pair of shameless touts.

IMHO of course.

Yup, this is a totally shameless!!! The way to encourage you "tout" , to become a dedicated Wanderluster !

April 29th, 2009, 13:32
This thread is now teetering on pure spam. Toni & Gaydestination are (as usual) flogging to death any hopes they may have had for votes in favour of El Duo . . . even if folks could understand why they would bother to vote n the first place.
What a pair of shameless touts.

IMHO of course.

Smiles, before I going to promote the cheapest low level gay bar in Hua Hin (Red Indian), with the most corrupted and cheating police man (low position) as owner, like you did in the past I prefer to support these 2 guys who's entertain so many.
Easy to telling most of the guys on this board how great this bar was because most of them will never proof it.
I said nothing in the past because it makes no sense but now if you using the word "shameless" for me here I have to answer you.
When you put this cheap pick up taxi of your friend with a taxi promotion on this board - how would you call this? Even if I would use him, he would expecting a tip from me on top. No more and no less I try to explain here. For all these guys who like El Duo and happy with them they have the chance to tip them without touching there own money. Thats it.
Just vote and be part of a winning team. http://mini69.com/?country_get=TH
No business promotion like you did.

This cheap dirty low level gay bar in Hua Hin and this simple pick up you promoted as comfortable taxi shows me already the level of your life.
And ones again - are you not able to have fun some times? Do you need to search every day and everywhere for the negatives just to bring the attention away from your simple life in Hua Hin?
Feel so sorry for you. You are in the last part of your life - better start to think positive and enjoy.

April 29th, 2009, 21:27
Dear oh dear.....a shill with an attitude!

April 29th, 2009, 22:19
This entire thread is the biggest waste of bandwidth I've ever seen. Why do the moderators allow it to remain?

April 30th, 2009, 02:04
This entire thread is the biggest waste of bandwidth I've ever seen. Why do the moderators allow it to remain?
Whats your problem Beach Bunny? Do you live in a country where free mind is not allowed? If these 2 popular guys in Pattaya are not allowed to be discussed on this forum and give the supporter and fans the information that they can vote for them to make them win 340Euro just with a picture -for what is this forum? If tis forum will not allow to inform you that they going to spend a much bigger amount fomthere own money to make this special show with a live band happend as charity show for children who need money for a better live - for what else is this forum? I respect if you are one of the less guys who don't like El Duo but use your brain before posting here so stupid comments. I don't need to hide with a fantasy name like you. My name is Toni and feel free to meet me any time in town.

For all the fans: Please don't forget to vote daily on http://mini69.com/?country_get=TH#
Only with the votes of this forum and the member of www.gaytingtong.com (http://www.gaytingtong.com) they reached place 7 from more than 3400 pics.
Thank you for your support

April 30th, 2009, 08:47
This entire thread is the biggest waste of bandwidth I've ever seen. Why do the moderators allow it to remain?
Whats your problem Beach Bunny? Do you live in a country where free mind is not allowed?

I live in Thailand (specifically not the Philippines -- so I don't have to look at ugly, badly circumcised Catholic boys who insist on singing when they basically have no talent).

Anyway, the moderators have proven time and time again that free speech is not part of what this forum is about. They've booted your ass on numerous occasions for posting garbage (like this thread) and I pray to all the saints in the Philippines that they'll do it again.

April 30th, 2009, 10:09
Anyway, the moderators have proven time and time again that free speech is not part of what this forum is about.

Au contraire! Your continued worthless existence on this board only proves that free speech (and toleration of idiots) is alive and kicking here.

April 30th, 2009, 14:46
Look, it's Bob! The font of accurate and timely information concerning visas and work permits!

April 30th, 2009, 18:01
Thanks to all of you who vote for these 2 guys
Now they are on place 6th
If you continue until May 2nd daily we bring them maybe to the Top3.

April 30th, 2009, 18:57
This entire thread is the biggest waste of bandwidth I've ever seen. Why do the moderators allow it to remain?

GET the fuck out smiles ass !!!!!!

April 30th, 2009, 19:43
This entire thread is the biggest waste of bandwidth I've ever seen. Why do the moderators allow it to remain?

GET the fuck out smiles ass !!!!!!

Huh? Once again -- in English, please?

April 30th, 2009, 21:08
Ahhh... once again, another fine example of a SGT thread derailing.

In this case, however, it provided an interesting diversion from the original post! :cheers:


April 30th, 2009, 21:37
This entire thread is the biggest waste of bandwidth I've ever seen. Why do the moderators allow it to remain?

GET the fuck out smiles ass !!!!!!
:blackeye: :blackeye: :blackeye: The only significant difference between Graaaaaaa46 and Rabbit Ears is the level of idiocy: Our Bunny is a 'regular' one, while Graaaaaaa46 is clearly of the congenital type.
But both deserve to be together on this topic, which itself is idiotic.

May 1st, 2009, 00:48
Just keep voting every day for El Duo on follow link

Alternative you book the cheap Pick Up of Smiles friend for an airport taxi transfer
or just visit the cheapest gay bar ever in Hua Hn "Red Indian"
Compared this bar with Sunee Plaza is Sunee Plaza a 5star area. But this guy smiles promoted this bar as so perfect and take the right to decide about idiotic.

If 3 guys of this forum not voting for El Duo (not a big deal) and it is just fun to see how does it works, it's ok.
You need to have oposition also. Thanks Smiles and Beach Bunny to play this part and bring the topic also as reminder to the top! Thanks for your total different acting.
I mean "Smiles" in 9 years I lived in Hua Hin I never went with a pick up car as airport transfer to Hua Hin - Smiles like it and think it's the most comfortable transfer thats why he promoted this taxi driver and his pick up here in the past. Thats the level of his taste and expetation. Now I also understand why he dont like El Duo - it's out of his level of quality.
Beach Bunny: Thank you to spend so much time with this topic "Vote for El Duo" and bring it always as a reminder to the top.

All the fans of El Duo please vote for these guys again and make them win on
http://mini69.com/?country_get=TH "eduo" (in moment on place 6)

May 1st, 2009, 02:35
Cheap Pickup = DumpTruck

Dump Truck = Rubbish Truck

Rubbish = Smiles

So dump the Rubbish !!!!!!

So lets get Rid of the Rubbish and start voting

May 1st, 2009, 02:58
you can't say this is not a nice song and well sung


just in case there is any confusion by romania i did not film this song..if you need to know who filmed it and where and with what with plz feel free pm me

I see smiles is back on here having a go at you gra46 instead of stalking over at gaytingtong..well it gives him something to do back in canada..

Brad the Impala
May 1st, 2009, 04:04
If these 2 popular guys in Pattaya are not allowed to be discussed on this forum and give the supporter and fans the information that they can vote for them to make them win 340Euro just with a picture -for what is this forum?

If they are so fucking popular why do you, and your various aliases with their equally inadequate English, keep ramming these guys down our throat?

Queue double entendre obscenities and sexual innuendoes....................................

May 1st, 2009, 09:40
you can't say this is not a nice song and well sung

It is not a nice song and it is not well sung.

It is a maudlin song and the performance is amateur, at best.

May 1st, 2009, 10:44
It is not a nice song
It is a maudlin song
What a wierd thing to say because:

"Anak" (Filipino word for "child"), became a worldwide hit and was released in 56 countries and in more than 26 different foreign languages. It has sold over 30 million copies.

I loved that song when i was growing up. There was even a version in my language.

A fellow board member asks me to vote for something harmless, no problem..done! However, You can't say that they are more than a wedding act. I think that they fit right in with all the other acts in Pattaya.

That they may win the contest :cheers:

May 1st, 2009, 10:48
All of the Rolling Stones' list of worst songs ever made were also chart toppers.

The Lady in Red, anyone? Seasons in the Sun? You Light Up My Life? Maudlin, maudlin, maudlin.

May 1st, 2009, 11:03
Maudlin = Fact
I did have to look that word up in the dictionary.

I remember that from the "House Scene," as soon if you started to sell big numbers and ended up in the charts, your music was found to be bad and commercial...funny that the majority of the people like to buy bad music.

May 1st, 2009, 11:05
Everyone knows that the majority of people are idiots with no taste whatsoever.

Forget the song, though...let's talk about the performance.

Do you think El Duo perform to the professional levels? Or even good amateur levels?

May 1st, 2009, 11:15
If they are making money with there singing they are professionals. I'm looking at a very bad vid on you tube so it wouldn't be fair to comment on there whole performance. However, what I could see and hear was nothing more or less than a wedding act. Having said that, i could truly imagine myself (in the right circumstance) having a few drinks in a bar whilst they are performing, experiencing some really tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental sentiment.

May 1st, 2009, 11:20
Everyone knows that the majority of people are idiots with no taste whatsoever.

Forget the song, though...let's talk about the performance.

Do you think El Duo perform to the professional levels? Or even good amateur levels?

WOW you found a friend that will talk to you !!!! Have you voted today lol!!!! Floppy Cock ohhh i mean ears

May 1st, 2009, 11:23
Everyone knows that the majority of people are idiots with no taste whatsoever.

Forget the song, though...let's talk about the performance.

Do you think El Duo perform to the professional levels? Or even good amateur levels?

WOW you found a friend that will talk to you !!!! Have you voted today lol!!!! Floppy Cock ohhh i mean ears
Gra: sent you a private a couple of days ago!

May 2nd, 2009, 10:03
never heard them, but with a name like that they gotta be boring.


May 2nd, 2009, 14:22
one thing in their favor,
the site doesn't include a soundtrack

May 3rd, 2009, 09:17
I clicked on the link in the opening post, and saw that the lads were in 61st place, so decided to give them a sympathy vote. The result makes me want to see the raw vote scores, and how the rankings are determined -- my single vote propelled them from 61st place to 23rd place???

May 3rd, 2009, 16:22
Everyone knows that the majority of people are idiots with no taste whatsoever.

Forget the song, though...let's talk about the performance.

Do you think El Duo perform to the professional levels? Or even good amateur levels?

Beach Bunny - I know who you are and it's so funny that you even take the right to discuss about good music.
Nobody want to listen you anymore - you music is so bad.

May 3rd, 2009, 16:32
Everyone knows that the majority of people are idiots with no taste whatsoever.

Forget the song, though...let's talk about the performance.

Do you think El Duo perform to the professional levels? Or even good amateur levels?

Beach Bunny - I know who you are and it's so funny that you even take the right to discuss about good music.
Nobody want to listen you anymore - you music is so bad.

"My" music? What music is that? I have no musical pretensions whatsoever, and certainly do not make music of any type.

May 4th, 2009, 20:57
Who ever online now the next 4 hours 8now it's 8.45pm in Thailand) Please vote again for the pic of ElDuo. If we can keep them in the Top10 they will get 35 bonus votes for the next round.
Please make people vote and vote by yourself on http://mini69.com/?country_get=TH#

May 4th, 2009, 22:39
Just vote but still on 9th position.

May 5th, 2009, 10:33
Thank to all members and supporter - They are now on place 3 already - soon we will reach 1

May 6th, 2009, 06:14
I like another poster gave them a sympathy vote and have never herd them sing, like I sais with a name like that its gotta be boring. I have yet to meet a Fili[pino who did not think they could sing and would make you endure hours of Karaoke to prove how badly they sing. those damn machines that rate them are lairs I could not even understand the English and they were getting 100's No thanks I will never be trapped agin in a karaoke with anyone

May 6th, 2009, 12:44
stayed there in May (LCR) heard the howling
and stayed away from the bar area.
Not much for lounge lizard acts.

wish I could have heard their pianist though
as a solo, but did't make it.
I have always preferred instrumentals over vocals.

no sympathy vote from me