View Full Version : Nothing to do with gay Thailand, but take 4 minutes out.

April 26th, 2009, 03:31
Very good however it was also done in a London Rail Station too, but still very clever, brings a smile to your face :bounce:

April 26th, 2009, 05:02
I have been to Antwerp a few times, but never had that much fun. The food was fine in that fair city, but Julie Andrews can still bring a tear to my eye. Good show.

April 26th, 2009, 05:04
tnx, I liked it very much

If only the gogo guys would be this enthusiastic when dancing on stage :tongue:

April 26th, 2009, 17:49
Jetsam LOL I too would love to see the boys doing some good moves :faroah:

April 26th, 2009, 20:08
If only all our members on these gay Forums, was not so terrified to show who they really are, we could all ware Pink Shirts and have placard OUTSIDE THE HEAD QUARTERS OF ALL THE BANKS,

Saying, You have robbed your government, now STOP Robbing your Customers, тАЬSTOP THESE DISGUSTING CHARGESтАЭ, Keep on till they stop robbing their customers and live off the hand outs, they have conned from there Governments.

Then we can give a free show at the Street Party in 'Boyz Town", to show the world the power we have joining together and being one power. '

:diabloanifire: PINK POWER RULES' :diabloanifire:

April 26th, 2009, 23:47
After a bit of Googling I learned this was a stunt by a Belgian commercial TV-station, VTM.
It was a plug for a new TV-series "In search of Maria". A well known singer and presenter will be holding televised auditions to select the lead singer for the musical.
The setting for the video is the main concourse (salle des pas perdus) of the Antwerp railway station.
The Antwerp railway station was recently rated number 4 in a list of the world's most beautiful railway stations ; it's been completely renovated, they added major extensions, including 2 underground track levels and a tunnel under the city (originally it was a pure terminus, like Hua Lamphong in Bangkok).

April 27th, 2009, 09:49
Good to see the madmod is working.

I thought I was watching a Bollywood dance.