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View Full Version : Are gogo boys overpaid?

April 24th, 2009, 10:03
The point people on this forum make about 5000 baht being a monthly salary for unskilled workers is one often overlooked - these gogo boys are HUGELY overpaid by local standards. If 1000~1500 baht is considered standard for 2 hours short time, that equates to around $20~$30 an hour. How much does a policeman or nurse earn per hour in LOS?? These guys are among the highest paid in Thailand, especially for their age and they would have to be classed as "unskilled" I would think. Imagine being able to earn someone's MONTHLY salary in around 5 HOURS or even less!!! And then some of these guys have the cheek to say they have no money or to demand extra money for food or the taxi ride home. And I doubt they would go by taxi anyway - tuk-tuk, more likely.
Sure, their job is unpleasant a lot of the time - I certainly would not like to do it. But compare that with some poor guy working on the roads in 40 degree heat. I would prefer to work in air-conditioned comfort and would even take it up the arse for that amount of money! Beats manual labour any time. Of course, most boys would not be offed every night, but at that pay rate you would not need to be - I'm sure you could survive very well, considering a meal on the street can be had for 30 or 40 baht. One guy told me he earned 170 baht per night, plus tips. When he came to my room he showed me the night's takings - 520 baht from tips alone. That's at least 17 meals for one night's work in a bar BEFORE even being offed.
BTW, I'm not complaining about the fee; if I were, I would not visit Thailand. I'm simply making an observation.

April 24th, 2009, 11:22

Are you kidding me! I guess you've been unlucky in your choice of boys.

Or should I just say you're an unskilled chooser.

April 24th, 2009, 11:40
They probably are overpaid, in relative terms, but its a better job than a construction worker, one can't blame them for making hay while the sun shines.

April 24th, 2009, 11:49
how much do you figure you could command for an hour of sex, a447?

April 24th, 2009, 12:15
I donтАЩt know how much the average boy in the krazy makes per month but you can start with at least 300/500 per night in tips just walking the tables.
I have one observation the more the boy earns the more the family and friends seem to have there hands out.


April 24th, 2009, 13:08
in every society there a jobs that are unequal in pay. sports figures, movie stars, etc. in my opinion these boys earn the cash they get and put up with a lot of crap to get it. over paid? i dont think so.

April 24th, 2009, 13:27
vnman - i guess "unskilled" is a relative term. The sex act is not that difficult to get right! I've had some fantastic experiences; no complaints from me.
alf - fucking and sucking cock and winning Wimbledon or driving a Formula 1 car are hardly comparable.
dab69 - if the truth be known, I doubt if anyone would take up the offer. But if they did, I don't think I could command the equivalent of 2 weeks labourer's wages for a couple of hours work. Mind you, I'd try. But that is just the point I'm making; If someone offered me that amount of money, I would consider myself highly overpaid.

April 24th, 2009, 13:43
Supply and demand determine what's "fair", whether it be for a factory worker or a big movie star, or your or me. That's pretty much the bottom line, isn't it?

April 24th, 2009, 16:37
The sex act is not that difficult to get right!

Point is that many aren't looking for sex alone. I like it when the boy gives me the feeling he's in love with me. I like it when he can't stop kissing and likes nothing better than me having sex with him. Now, I'm not that old or ugly, but I'm sure there's a lot of acting involved.

Supply and demand determine what's "fair", whether it be for a factory worker or a big movie star, or your or me. That's pretty much the bottom line, isn't it?

Must agree with bunny on this.

April 24th, 2009, 18:54
It's all irrelevent as the client will more or less pay whatever the going rate demands especially if he is hooked on the looks etc of the boy/girl........Rates in places like London are around ┬г120 per hour to ┬г600 tax free for an all night stay. Who can earn that kind of money at 18 - 21 years old?.........................


April 24th, 2009, 20:41
It's all irrelevent as the client will more or less pay whatever the going rate demands especially if he is hooked on the looks etc of the boy/girl........Rates in places like London are around ┬г120 per hour to ┬г600 tax free for an all night stay. Who can earn that kind of money at 18 - 21 years old?.........................


totally agree.

April 25th, 2009, 02:26
Berlin: Typical unskilled wage around 8 Euros per hour; Rent boys start at 40 Euros -ie 5x
London: Typical unskilled wage around ┬г8 (?); Rent boys from ┬г120 ie 15x
Malaysia: Typical unskilled wage around 8 ringit; Rent boys from 80 ringit ie 10x
Thailand: Typical unskilled wage around 28 baht; Rent boys from 1000 baht ie 35x, or more likely <17x as he will spend at least a couple of hours with you.

Admittedly my analysis isn't based on a very large sample size, but I think it's in the right ballpark.

I think Thai rent boys do OK, relative to the rest of their economy.
The punters do rather well too, as a couple of hours with a gorgeous guy for 1000 baht is damn good value compared with back home.

April 25th, 2009, 04:46
Arent you missing the point?
A construction worker may get 28 B per hour , but that is for every hour he works. And he probably works 10+ hours a day.
A Go Go boy may gets 10000B for an off which may be once every few days...

April 25th, 2009, 06:04
Two issues I see:

1. What is a skilled worker?

Can we classify a skill as " The capability for a smooth sequence of coordinated behavior that is effective relative to its objectives, given the context in which it occurs? If so, then a 7-11 clerk or shoe salesman as well as a Go-Go boy are skilled workers, some better than others.

2. Overpaid?

Compared to other labor / skilled jobs in Thailand, a Go-Go boy is highly paid but I wouldn't say overly paid. Overly to me means more than what is the norm.

And G/fan2, I think you have one 2 many zeros in that short time off, or were you talking about a 2 week off. :sunny:

In any case the P4P scene in Thailand is cheaper than our respective home countries, and that is a fact Jack. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

April 25th, 2009, 08:43
Berlin: Typical unskilled wage around 8 Euros per hour; Rent boys start at 40 Euros -ie 5x

In Berlin i get some good sex (when i want to pay) from 15 - 30тВм and they come to visit me. I never pay more than 30тВм.

April 25th, 2009, 09:34
Supply and demand determine what's "fair", ...

One could expect to pay a go-go boy 1000 bhat for an hour of his personal attention. Not unreasonable is it?

Would you pay an "unskilled construction worker" 1000 bhat to watch him dig ditches for an hour?

Now, one might pay the "construction worker" 1000 bhat for the same attention the go-go boy gave, but then he wouldn't be doing construction work and - by most Union rules- be temporarily reclassified and entitled to the higher pay rate.

Oh, and just to pick another bone....there are skilled as well as unskilled construction workers.

April 25th, 2009, 10:57
kenc, ever since the construction started in front of the babylon sauna/hotel I've been picking up young construction workers and for 300baht ridden their sweaty muscly brown arses...they come running and waving when I pull up in the taxi...feel like royalty...

April 25th, 2009, 11:25
z909 - point taken, but there is a massive difference in the cost of living. A rent boy in London is hardly going to be able to buy a meal for 80 pence.
latintopxxx - how do you go about picking these guys up? Do you approach them with an offer? do you give them a certain look? And how many of them have said "no?"

April 25th, 2009, 11:47
I've got a very thick skin, 7 out of 10 turn me down...but fuck the 3 that say yes make up for the rejections. i simply walk up to them, smile, offer a cigarette, comment on their physique...normal pick up bullshit, they joke about me going to the sauna (they all know what goes on in there), I let them know exactly what I'm into...and then invite them to my room for a "drink"...
200 to 300 baht for 45 min is a lot when you get paid 5000 for a months toil in the heat/sun.
Definitely believe that life is their to be lived ....do my best to enjoy as much of it as I can...

April 25th, 2009, 11:58
200 to 300 baht for 45 min is a lot when you get paid 5000 for a months toil in the heat/sun.

There he goes again. Anyone taking the bait?

April 25th, 2009, 12:12
tringpai......we love you......btw i didn't start the post...obviously other posters are interested in the subject...I suggest you try dislodging your head from the arse hole in order to obtain a clearer view....
For a change try contributing ...instead of letting loose with chep shots from the monkey gallery...

April 27th, 2009, 03:46
In Berlin i get some good sex (when i want to pay) from 15 - 30тВм and they come to visit me. I never pay more than 30тВм.


April 27th, 2009, 05:42
Re: Are gogo boys overpaid?


April 27th, 2009, 08:20
In Berlin i get some good sex (when i want to pay) from 15 - 30тВм and they come to visit me. I never pay more than 30тВм.


Being member of gayromeo or gayroyal or making advertisements in myhomo.net - no need to run to bars like "Tabasco". Also a question of supply and demand.

April 27th, 2009, 11:09
Seems to me the question here is a moot point if the guys are being paid anyway.

Whether it is considered over or under paid (and that is determined by the purchaser and also open to debate), it matters not when the funds are handed over anyway.

It is like the new 150 baht bank fee ... what's to be done?


April 28th, 2009, 01:21
Thai gogo boys are a good deal. I just returned from Montreal where the price for a "private dance" in the back room is 500 Baht min. But look and not touch cock.. A rendezvous off-site is 5000 Baht min.
But a drink is about same as Thailand bars, 160 Baht + 30 Baht tip/drink.

April 30th, 2009, 07:42
....I've been picking up young construction workers and for 300baht ridden their sweaty muscly brown arses...

I'll bet they don't belong to the Union!

April 30th, 2009, 15:02
If you've "ridden their sweaty muscly brown arses" for 300 baht, that would suggest that they were gay, not gay for pay. I doubt if any guy could just be fucked like that - it is not so easy to be penetrated. Would there be so many gay guys working on the one construction site??

April 30th, 2009, 15:31
So, so naive.

Straight guys give up their asses for pay ALL THE TIME!

May 1st, 2009, 03:10
300 baht?
Buying sex is same as buying anything. Some people buy the items that they really like. Some people buy whatever is cheap. I never eat at street food stall, but many people do.

May 1st, 2009, 06:50
300 baht?
Buying sex is same as buying anything. Some people buy the items that they really like. Some people buy whatever is cheap. I never eat at street food stall, but many people do.

There is nothing wrong with adding "Street Food Stall" food to your diet. It is some of the best dining around :idea:


May 1st, 2009, 19:12
Beach Bunny, I doubt if I am naive! I'm just saying that being fucked for the first time is not an easy task for a gay guy, let alone a hetero. It is extremely painful and is not something accomplished on the first or even second occasion.

May 1st, 2009, 20:37
Beach Bunny, I doubt if I am naive! I'm just saying that being fucked for the first time is not an easy task for a gay guy, let alone a hetero. It is extremely painful and is not something accomplished on the first or even second occasion.

Who says it was these guys' first time? Anyway, getting fucked is really not as big a deal as you make it out.

May 1st, 2009, 21:24
Who says it was these guys' first time? Anyway, getting fucked is really not as big a deal as you make it out.

Quite. The probability of you getting someone on their first "off" must be quite low & anyone who strongly dislikes it should go & find another career.

May 2nd, 2009, 09:58
God how many times on this subject,... as to getting fucked it depends mostly on your tolerance for pain and how baldly you want to try it. I really wanted to try it and discovered I much prefer the other position. However, its not as painful if everything is done right cleaned up and made ready for the act. It takes a bit of patience for the first time and you are best to get a nice guy to help you through the breaking of the Hymen. I have discovered as well that big ones don't hurt as bad as those that poke and prod all around the hole and pop in and out and slips and slides up your crack. Best to get a big one keep it open and enjoy. Good luck with finding the big one

All the best


May 2nd, 2009, 10:03
Pain, schmain.

Take those overstuffed monkeys at Tawan. How much pain do you think they endure on a daily basis to keep up their physiques? Right: incredible pain. Yet you point your fleshy appendage at their sphincters and they scream "jeb jeb" like little girls. Hahaha.

May 2nd, 2009, 11:20
.... Anyway, getting fucked is really not as big a deal as you make it out.

OH HONEY! I assure you! It is a big DEAL!!!!

Been there, got the T-shirt....

Tops for me from now on.....

But "chacon a son gout" ass they say!