View Full Version : squeezing out the last drop

April 22nd, 2009, 15:58
Now we all know that the boys look after each other, and that it a good thing. But it can get annoying at times. I had 3 great nights with Ya from Solid Bar (tell him Rojaa says hello from Hong Kong!) He was fantastic (read: good actor) and comes highly recommended for a good time. On my last night we spent just short time together; after 2 hours he said he was going back to the bar. I said I was going to see the show at Tawan.
"Oh, i go with you? My friend work there."
So off we went. We sat dawn and 2 beers were immediately brought to us. Ya then went off to the toilet. He came back and said:
"You go to toilet - boy do massage there."
Ever curious, I headed off to the toilet for a piss and suddenly a guy appeared behind me and started massaging me. it was very painful so I declined and went back to my seat.
"Did you like massage?"
"No, diep makmak!"
"Give him money."
"Why? It hurt. No, I'm not giving him money for a 2 second massage!"
The massage boy appeared, shook his head and said something to Ya.
A few minutes later Ya calls another friend to sit with me.
"I go back Solid. You now talk with my friend."
I had a short chat then got up to leave.
"Tip. Tip. You give me tip."
Ya had succeeded in introducing his 2 mates to me, expecting I would be generous to them. They got nothing.
I was very generous to Ya and am a bit pissed off that he used me like that. Still, that's what they do.
Another fun guy in Bangkok was Kag, a gogo dancer at Screwboys. He's the one who often dances in jeans and wears a bandana around his neck. He's a great bottom! The only problem is, when you want to leave with him (having paid the 300 baht fine) he often wants to stay longer and continue dancing on the counter.

April 22nd, 2009, 20:28
DonтАЩt blame the boys they are only responding to the body language you are giving out, when they test you, the Boys that have worked more then a few months in Bangkok or even Pattaya Bars, know your only passing through and want to milk you for what they can, in the nicest possible way, some worst than others, if you get one early and they respect you, which you have to earn, your have no trouble, but they will try, even if its them saying, I have to go in 15 minutes, my mate has my door key, translated my wife is waiting for your money, to feed the 2 kids.

I also blame the customer if boys steal from the room, if you assume every one is going to steal from you, and then you would not leave a wallet full of money. In the draw. Under the bed or on top or the wardrobe. would you. :cheers:

Your asking for trouble, if you think a near gypsy who has not seen so much money in a long time, especially in the low season, could keep his grubby hands off your money, when he thinks all you do is go to an ATM and get another handful.


If they say pay my mate a tip, itтАЩs because he wants the mate to know he has a Ji De (generous) farang, not always he wants to fleece you, his mate will think a lot of him in the future then and help him when times are bad for him. So much going on behind the scenes, as you see, we donтАЩt think of, you cant always understand Thai Boyz with western logic.

If you want to try to try the good boy trick, you go first for a shower, plant an empty wallet in a draw, he can smell it, then count to 20 while you in the shower, open door quick and your see him going through your draws, even though you brought him there, to feel you in them. :drunken:

April 23rd, 2009, 01:53
Above posters in 13 years i go to Thailand i never been stolen !!!

And always money in my wallet same creditcards.

Thaiboy's are tiefs tiefs ?

What a holiday you must have . Scary scary all the time !

April 23rd, 2009, 02:25
I disagree with king.key that they are all thiefs. Certainly some are, but not all. I would never leave anything valuable just laying out especially cash. Even basically honest people are tempted by easy access to cash. As to the original post by a447, I do not have a problem with the boys trying to get more. They are in sales after all. When you off them you are buying their time for your own purposes (our own fantasy), which usually primarily involves sex. The thing is, we seem to think we are somehow entitled to their friendship and loyalty because we have treated them well.

Friendship and loyalty are not guaranteed by a successful business transaction. We do not get upset at a waiter for trying to get us to buy dessert after the meal. I assure you he is not just trying to help you out. He is trying to upsell. You may have been his customer for years and tipped him well every time, but still, when you come in he will act like your friend, but treat you like a CUSTOMER. Same could be said of car salesman, insurance salesman, or any other salesman. They sell. It just happens with sex, it is very easy to get emotional on some level. Remember, no matter what the boy says, you almost certainly enjoy it more than he does.

I think we tend to judge them too harshly. They have a hard life by most standards, and still they maintain a happy and giving air about them. They smile and give us what we want. Here is the US, most people are paid significantly better than the boys in Thailand, and still they wine and complain about their jobs and their pay. I am not saying let them take you for all you are worth, but don't get too upset just because they try.

April 23rd, 2009, 03:06
KingKey DID NOT say all Thai rent boys or thieves or even imply they are.

He did say if you ASSUME they are thieves, then you are unlikely to be robbed. That's good advice & there's a lot more in most of his posts. With a little advance prep before you even left your room at the start of the evening, it's quite easy to secure your valuables without your guest noticing.

Petty theft does happen & can even extend as far as them pocketing the bottle of Black Label in your mini bar, so you are 500 baht down come check out time.

April 23rd, 2009, 03:40
z909 made some excellent points,cant really blame them for trying to make as much money as they can. When I was there in February,the boy from the beer bar was telling me about how his sister needed about 3,000 baht,I ignored this statement. And another guy from a beer bar in Jomtien complex after meeting him for only an hour was enthusiasticly telling me of his dreams of a falang starting a business for him.Geez,I just wanted company for a few hours.

April 23rd, 2009, 05:31
You are right z909 and my apologies to kingkey, he did say ASSUME, and to simply take the necessary precautions. I should have read it more carefully. Still, I think though that I prefer to assume that they PROBABLY will not take anything, but take the necessary precautions just in case. Maybe a small difference, but I prefer to think most people are good, but I'm not naive, and I know that some are not good people, and even honest people can give in to temptation. Keeping valuable in a safe place (a locking safe if possible) is a sensible thing to do in any situation.

April 23rd, 2009, 11:36
Pyro, you make a good point and I agree with you entirely. It is indeed a simple business transaction. I guess I just don't like being used by people, no matter who they are. Still, at least he didn't ask for taxi money or money for a meal. I am aware that they do not really like spending time with us - as I said in my post, Ya was a good actor, and I accept that and certainly did not expect any friendship from him.
Re: boys stealing from us - they are only human and are open to temptation. I have never experienced theft but I do take care to store valuables in the safe before I go out.

April 23rd, 2009, 14:05
Re: boys stealing from us - they are only human and are open to temptation. I have never experienced theft but I do take care to store valuables in the safe before I go out.
Just curious what valuables you store in the safe before you go out? Do you take them out the safe when you get back in or only when you have a boy with you? :cyclopsani:

April 23rd, 2009, 17:37
Valuables that go in the safe before I leave the room are travel documents, cash, iPod. The only cash OUT of the safe is the amount my night of fun will cost me.

April 24th, 2009, 01:23
Just curious what valuables you store in the safe before you go out?

Condoms and Kw ! :flower:

Do you take them out the safe when you get back in or only when you have a boy with you?

No no no ! :clown:

April 24th, 2009, 01:26
I put the following in the safe before going out for the night:
All cash except that needed for the night, camera, netbook, mobile phone, home keys, plus anything else that's small & valuable.
Later on, the camera may come back out of the safe if he's agreed to be photographed.
Normally he will shower first, so I can put all remaining cash except his tip in the safe at that time.

I like to be discrete about this.
To openly lock my stuff away would send out a message that I distrust the guy, whereas actually I recognise that he's probably trustworthy, but I haven't known him long enough to be sure.

April 24th, 2009, 01:56
Pyro, you make a good point and I agree with you entirely. It is indeed a simple business transaction. I guess I just don't like being used by people, no matter who they are. Still, at least he didn't ask for taxi money or money for a meal. I am aware that they do not really like spending time with us - as I said in my post, Ya was a good actor, and I accept that and certainly did not expect any friendship from him.
Re: boys stealing from us - they are only human and are open to temptation. I have never experienced theft but I do take care to store valuables in the safe before I go out.

About the taxi money: If you give them a big note, say 1000 baht, and as more frequently than not happens now they don't have any more money on them, then asking for taxi money is not greed per-se. It's necessary because motorcycle taxis never have change (in my experience). And, if the boy wants to stop and eat, he'll do it at a sidewalk stand that almost certainly cannot change a big bill either. So, I don't consider it an annoyance when/if they ask for taxi money or food money on top of the tip.

April 24th, 2009, 02:39
Pyro, you make a good point and I agree with you entirely. It is indeed a simple business transaction. I guess I just don't like being used by people, no matter who they are. Still, at least he didn't ask for taxi money or money for a meal. I am aware that they do not really like spending time with us - as I said in my post, Ya was a good actor, and I accept that and certainly did not expect any friendship from him.
Re: boys stealing from us - they are only human and are open to temptation. I have never experienced theft but I do take care to store valuables in the safe before I go out.

About the taxi money: If you give them a big note, say 1000 baht, and as more frequently than not happens now they don't have any more money on them, then asking for taxi money is not greed per-se. It's necessary because motorcycle taxis never have change (in my experience). And, if the boy wants to stop and eat, he'll do it at a sidewalk stand that almost certainly cannot change a big bill either. So, I don't consider it an annoyance when/if they ask for taxi money or food money on top of the tip.

hmm, in places where we and the boys are staying/living there are almost 7-11's and Tecso┬┤s on every corner. There he can buy a pack of chewinggum and get his 1000 baht changed. No problem, I have done it many times myself.

April 24th, 2009, 04:02
Hi guys, I have been reading all of the above and there is good comon sense in almost all of the posts. I would have a word about trust. I am a butterfly of sorts and like to see and meet new guys but also like a few guys that I have met over the years. I like going to sleep with the idea that my stuff will still be there in the morning. With my regular guys, there is no problem, but with someone I just met I tend to be aware of keeping things in the safe. (esp. large bills and passport and keys etc.) When I enter the room with a new friend I usually put the agreed amount on the dresser and say it is there whenever he chooses to leave. If it is late and he would like to sleep in airconditioned comfort with me as opposed to going to his own room with 2 or 3 roomies, I let the choice with him. In the morning I'm going to spring for breakfast and a bonus for the good company and naturally some taxi money too. I find most guys just love a nice shower and I take delight in bringing soaps from various places that I have stayed. Last time, one friend asked if I had an extra soap from Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. It has sort of a pinapple aroma. I happened to have a few and gave him a couple. I think he liked the soap more than the tip. Also I tend to invite a friend that I may have know for only a few days to join me in an elephant ride or a trip to the tiger zoo. I like a nice elephant ride about once a year and the experience is enhanced if you are in the company of a cute Thai friend. The last ride on a beast I was sort of touched when my Tahi friend opened the umbrella and held it over me so I would not get sunburned. An observation about leaving Pattaya, the guys know you will be leaving some stuff behind, esp. opened bottles of stuff that may mess up your luggage. I alway seem to leave a nice little bag of goodies behind with friends I have met. If you treat the guys well, mostly you will find they relish your company. I sometimes bring my own toilet paper just to keep things as normal as possible, but found I liked the Thai toilet paper just fine. When leaving I put the two rolls of Charmin in the bag I was leaving with my friend. His eyes widened at the sight of the Charmin, again I think he liked the Charmin more than the few baht I slipped him as I left the room going to the airport. Seems when I was six or seven someone told me to treat others well and you will be well treated. At just shy of 70 years, that still maxim resonates with me.

April 24th, 2009, 05:49
found I liked the Thai toilet paper just fine.
I like the Thai toilet paper too. That water spray really does a good cleaning job.

Seems when I was six or seven someone told me to treat others well and you will be well treated. At just shy of 70 years, that still maxim resonates with me.
Mom was right. Treat others, as you would like to be treated, and you will do well in life.

April 24th, 2009, 08:49
a447, I most definitely feel that you were being treated like the proverbial walking ATM and would have reacted in the same way.
Also tend to agree with the general tone of the posts, anyone can be tempted and it is best to place temptation out of sight, what may seem almost an inconsequential amount to a westerner can in many cases represent a months salary taking into account that an unskilled factory worker takes home 5000 BAHT.
Also explains why straight married guys are willing to take it up the arse, its a living, and without generalising the Thai boys are in my opinion some of the best in asia...I'm fortunate that i get to travel quite a bit and what I encounter in places like Cambodia and Viet Nam is horrifying...even for someone as jaded as me.

April 24th, 2009, 09:50
In what sense horrifying in Vietnam and Cambodia? You mean the guys??

April 25th, 2009, 02:35
What's wrong with Cambodia?

April 25th, 2009, 11:52
nothing "wrong" with the countries, what I find horrifying is the extreme poverty which drives mothers to offer you their children...that drives 14 year old brothers to peddle their 8 year old sibblings..and so on.
One thing that many foreigners don't realise is that Thailand is rather wealthy compared to its immediate neighbours and that in my experience I have never come across a poverty/desperate rent boy as one does in Cambodia and Viet Nam.

January 31st, 2013, 21:27
I've been coming to LOS for sex holidays since 1993 and have never yet had anything stolen from me - even when I was so pissed drunk one night, I was dropping 1000 Baht notes all over the place. The next morning I was short of just one and my initial reaction was that I should be grateful only that one bill had been stolen....and then I recalled going out again to grab a bite long after the boy had left, and breaking a large note. True enough, the change was still in my pants pocket where I'd tucked it as I hadn't taken my wallet out with me.

I usually take precautions like not leaving cash and valuables around before I go out for the night, and only carry about five or six thousand Baht with me when I go out, but that night I was already a little high from a drinking party with other Malaysian friends and met the lust of my life in the first bar I stopped at, so I did have more than I should when we got back to my room.

I've never had my pocket picked or been robbed in LOS either though I've also encountered the 'you tip my friend' scenario. And I do tip his friend or friends (as the case may be) though not quite as generously as I tip my companion of the evening - seeing his friend get a nice tip always encourages my companion to perform beyond my humble expectations when we get back to my room, I find. So I also tip him very nicely when I say good-bye...and since I make it clear that I'm a butterfly, I've also found that if I went back to the bar the foltowing night and offed his friend who got the tip without having to do the work, there are no hard feelings from last night's friend, and I have a very good time again because the previous evening's friend has already told him how well he was renumerated.

I am not rich but I do believe that a little grease on the right palms at the right time always makes for a merrier holiday. No pun intended, either!

February 1st, 2013, 19:24
Peeseua, how on earth did you stumble upon this old post??

Since I started it all those years ago, I have only been relieved of my money once - I was pick-pocketed on the baht bus from Jomtien back to Boyztown.

February 1st, 2013, 20:24
In this thread, the April 2009 post by latin almost makes him appear human/humane, in contrast to his comments and reports in later years about the way he treats, and how much he pays, his Thai contacts. Quite a surprise.

February 1st, 2013, 21:13
bob...not sure what you are implying..I an a very nice person...and dont like to take advantage of children and the weak...I simply enjoy commercial sex..only deal with consenting adults...and my kink is the power and dominance I have because I pay......real simple...at my age..and with my way above average looks I have no problem finding sex partners...but commercial sex rings my bell...simply love it...love the challenge ...

February 1st, 2013, 22:18
Latin, I was just implying that there is a praiseworthy side to your nature and we don't see that much on SGT.

February 1st, 2013, 22:40
Surely the whole point of commercial sex is that its NOT a challenge as its like shooting fish in a barrel and if handled correctly always has the same guaranteed happy outcome each and every time - so not exactly a challenge surely ?

February 2nd, 2013, 07:35
Latin wrote::
with my way above average looks I have no problem finding sex partners....

Bobsaigon wrote:
Latin, I was just implying that there is a praiseworthy side to your nature and we don't see that much on SGT.

Are you referring to his....humility? :hello2:

February 2nd, 2013, 08:09
My original statement came before he informed us about his "way above average looks". Yipes!!!