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April 10th, 2009, 10:42
If a poster came on to this site and said he had an ex/boyfriend/friend suffering some awful illness, would you send him a donation
In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons.
If I could afford it I would donate to anyone in need. I am after all a selfish person and by doing good today it will bring me good fortune in the future.
You should try it hot4thais it will sweeten some of the bitterness that is eating you up. It will make you a better person.

April 10th, 2009, 11:11
In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons.

Sure, the 6-year-old that contracted a fatal disease, the family chopped up by Pol Pot, a passenger in a car involved in an accident, etc., etc., all of them deserved it somehow? If there's a religion or philosophy that supports that concept, it's pure philosophical bullshit in my opinion (of course, most religion and philosophies could fit that category).

And, of course, the final escape from reality for all religions is to described "mystical" events as beyond the understanding of people of ordinary intellect. If you don't know what it is (or can't support something logically), then fall back on the old "oh, you'll just have to believe it cause you can't understand it." Same same as pre-historic man deeming thunder to be the big god in the sky.....

April 10th, 2009, 11:40
If a poster came on to this site and said he had an ex/boyfriend/friend suffering some awful illness, would you send him a donation
In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons.
If I could afford it I would donate to anyone in need. I am after all a selfish person and by doing good today it will bring me good fortune in the future.
You should try it hot4thais it will sweeten some of the bitterness that is eating you up. It will make you a better person.

me thinks your not comprehending what the poster is talking about...its from a previous post.

April 10th, 2009, 17:16
if he requested it and the situation was desperate enough. yes

April 10th, 2009, 17:38
If a poster came on to this site and said he had an ex/boyfriend/friend suffering some awful illness, would you send him a donation

It's a fact that the majority of people wouldn't and don't. Just like you wouldn't and haven't, hey hot4anything? Instead of asking questions such as the one above, how about answering some instead, in this thread here: Surely after all of your accusations, it's the very least you owe to the members here.
my-apologies-to-george-t17534.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/my-apologies-to-george-t17534.html)

Instead of spending all your time on the forum here, why don't you go to the library ocassionally instead and brush up on your ignorance?

x in pattaya
April 12th, 2009, 23:09
... then fall back on the old "oh, you'll just have to believe it cause you can't understand it." Same same as pre-historic man deeming thunder to be the big god in the sky.....

If you only believe in things you fully understand, you must indeed find the world a mystical place.

April 14th, 2009, 06:34
I think something like this would be looked at on a one on one individual basis and personal merit. Its certainly not wrong to show compassion with a bit of caution and intellect mixed in with the situation. Also, who was doing the asking would be a major consideration. I agree with X that surely if I only acted on just the things I understood, then likely I would have done little in this life.


April 14th, 2009, 07:03
If a poster came on to this site and said he had an ex/boyfriend/friend suffering some awful illness, would you send him a donation


Khor tose
April 15th, 2009, 04:02
... then fall back on the old "oh, you'll just have to believe it cause you can't understand it." Same same as pre-historic man deeming thunder to be the big god in the sky.....

If you only believe in things you fully understand, you must indeed find the world a mystical place.[/quote:1usy7akz]

Sorry X, we disagree on this one. You are sort of saying, "that if you only believed in the tooth fairy you would get a quarter under your pillow". Their are many things I do not fully understand in this world. However, when I lack understanding I would turn to science for the answer, and if science does not have it yet, then I would wait until they do. No way, would I ever try to find some supernatural meaning in anything that occurs in the Universe. My understanding of the world is centered on the basic principal that "if science hasn't found an answer, to a particular question, they soon will. I find the hallmark of ignorance to be describing some supernatural force (including God or Karma) to a natural occurence, like death.

April 15th, 2009, 08:34
Quote from hot4thais :-My understanding of the world is centred on the basic principal that "if science hasn't found an answer, to a particular question, they soon will. End quote.

The Monks made up about God, as it became The New Authority.

Wow you could almost be Professors Richard Dawkins 'hot4thais' your talking like him,After selling Millions of his Book, "THE GODS DELUSION" every where he goes in the world now, with his proven facts on "God Delusion", he can show the world it is all a fairy tale, and does, on his journey all over, on talk shows causing Havoc, where ever he is accosted with Miracles, he will knock them down with facts, then silence.Then Agression. :angryfire:

Not that IтАЩm thinking, 'hot4thais' we are going to silence you, but the facts are already out there, unless you read the book or watch this Documentary of a glimpse of what he is Proving and why he is being Mobbed where sometimes he cant leave his Hotel, with believers angry, he is even mentioning the facts on God Delusion.

See this?

http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl= ... &ct=title# (http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=th&q=gods+delusion&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=6DTlSabwHo-BkQXNp7zVCw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title#)

Look here! what he thinks about gays in Society.
http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl= ... &ct=title# (http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=th&q=gods+delusion&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=6DTlSabwHo-BkQXNp7zVCw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title#)

Now do the test?
http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl= ... &ct=title# (http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=th&q=gods+delusion&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=6DTlSabwHo-BkQXNp7zVCw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title#)

When you see this be prepared to be a disbeliver, as usual the facts dont lie, but they do more damage then lies.

April 15th, 2009, 10:53
The old Christian retort to this unbelief is , if they are wrong they have lost noting if they re right they have gained all.


April 15th, 2009, 11:46
The old Christian retort to this unbelief is , if they are wrong they have lost noting if they re right they have gained all.


That might be a fair statement apart from the damage that religion and blind, mindless belief has done in the past, and is currently doing.

April 15th, 2009, 11:49
The old Christian retort to this unbelief is ....

Hmmm, I thought they only had three possible retorts:
1. Say, brow upturned: "Oh, yea!?!"
2. Make them kibbles and bits for the lions.
3. Say: "Bingo!!!"

As to prior poster's mentioning of "Professors Steven Dawkins", all I can say is "Egads, wasn't a high school education mandatory wherever you're from?" Something ironic about a poster like that trying to cite one of the brilliant minds of our time (whose name is Stephen W. Hawking).

April 15th, 2009, 12:07
As to prior poster's mentioning of "Professors Steven Dawkins", all I can say is "Egads, wasn't a high school education mandatory wherever you're from?" Something ironic about a poster like that trying to cite one of the brilliant minds of our time (whose name is Stephen W. Hawking).

I think he is gettting his professors mixed up - Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins

April 15th, 2009, 14:46
If a poster came on to this site and said he had an ex/boyfriend/friend suffering some awful illness, would you send him a donation

You made a suggestion/claim on another thread that had advanced/loaned or gave 130,000 baht to someone to help his boyfriend

Is that correct and is that what this thread started off about

If that is correct, please be specific as to when how where and why you made to payment

Don't be afraid offending me with too much info. That way I will be able to understand WTF this is all about

April 15th, 2009, 15:51
Oh dear, hot4thais has set her wily trap and you have all fallen for it -

There is nothing mystical about karma - what you put out there you get back - serious, I don't need science or Steven Hawkings (sorry if I got the name wrong) and his scientific theories to prove or disprove this is so.
There is no such thing as coincidence - we live in an intelligent universe. Visualize your carpark next time you are approaching the supermarket and see what happens - you may be surprised..
Give if you can. I am now of an age where I believe that nothing happens by chance.

[i]Giving means extending one's love with no conditions, no expectations and no boundaries.
Peace of mind occurs, therefore when we put all our attention into giving and have no desire to get anything from, or to change, another person.
The giving motivation leads to a sense of inner peace and joy that is unrelated to time.

Cheers boys

April 15th, 2009, 17:47
There is no such thing as coincidence - we live in an intelligent universe. Visualize your carpark next time you are approaching the supermarket and see what happens - you may be surprised..

Wow, I must not be smoking the good stuff. I just drove down to the supermarket and, as I apporached it, I visualized my carpark. I hit a bus. :scratch:

April 16th, 2009, 01:24
Ok, I will donate ONE baht. That is all the sympathy I have. :salute:

April 16th, 2009, 10:49
If a poster came on to this site and said he had an ex/boyfriend/friend suffering some awful illness, would you send him a donation

You made a suggestion/claim on another thread that had advanced/loaned or gave 130,000 baht to someone to help his boyfriend

Is that correct and is that what this thread started off about

If that is correct, please be specific as to when how where and why you made to payment

Don't be afraid offending me with too much info. That way I will be able to understand WTF this is all about

It's a question that only requires an answer if it is too difficult for you to understand I will put it to you in ABO.

Unbanda buurs baba sodi u fiki of dingoshit

After we have all split our sides laughing at your clever response, brilliant, one of your best, we are waiting for the good oil about the 130,000baht you donated ,lent or was conned out of. If you cannot recall making the statement I can provide you with a link

April 17th, 2009, 06:41
There is no such thing as coincidence - we live in an intelligent universe. Visualize your carpark next time you are approaching the supermarket and see what happens - you may be surprised..

Wow, I must not be smoking the good stuff. I just drove down to the supermarket and, as I apporached it, I visualized my carpark. I hit a bus. :scratch:

Shit, Bob, I said visualize a carpark, not a bus! Try again........

April 17th, 2009, 06:43
You friend GEORGE has all the details thats why he has done a powder (dissapeared )again

George is not my friend I have never met him. But I also want to know.
You raised the 130,000 if you had no intention of proving your claim why raise it.
Would have been better to send George a PM.
I doubt if you have ever had that much money at one time.
Did he seek you out and ask for the money.
Did you seek George out and offer the money.
Did you loan the money and have you anything to prove it.

April 17th, 2009, 07:35
Look guys, don't hold your breath for any intelligent response. The poster is a classic troll (if you don't believe me, just click on his name and check out all his postings - and then make your own judgment) spouting spurious allegations so somebody will respond (and just about any response gives him some kind of orgasmic delight). Why Spike or jinks tolerates this kind of crap remains way beyond my understanding.

Use your own judgment. A few of us here actually know George and I, for one, would vouch for him. Secondly, even if there was a grain of truth to what the one poster claims, why would anybody be such an asshole as to post the information on an internet message board?

April 17th, 2009, 08:10
The old Christian retort to this unbelief is , if they are wrong they have lost noting if they re right they have gained all.


That might be a fair statement apart from the damage that religion and blind, mindless belief has done in the past, and is currently doing.

I didn't say they are right, only that that is what they generally say. As for me If I am wrong I will certainly burst hell wide open, If I am right it doesn't matter.


April 17th, 2009, 12:11
flop4thais is an official member of the buffalo manure club.

April 17th, 2009, 12:25
flop4thais is an official member of the buffalo manure club.

Wrong he applied for membership but he was not up to their minimum standards

April 17th, 2009, 21:03
why does this guy want to know if we would donate?
he should get a life

April 17th, 2009, 21:43
why does this guy want to know if we would donate? He should get a life
Simple. Because Hot4thais is a message board troll, no more, no less ... and thus of no use to this Board.
Best solution is to put it On Ignore until it is ~ sooner or later ~ kicked off the Board by the Admin/Mod.

April 17th, 2009, 22:02
a poster whit some awful illness

April 19th, 2009, 07:26
Oh dear hot4thais has done a LMTU on us and all his posts have disappeared with him.
Wonder how long LMTU can survive this time around.

SoiVC Slut-old
April 19th, 2009, 09:05
Oh dear hot4thais has done a LMTU on us and all his posts have disappeared with him.
Wonder how long LMTU can survive this time around.

hot4thais was a true "topshelf" arsehole. Glad to see him and his obnoxious posts gone