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View Full Version : I am boycotting V Club. Again.

April 2nd, 2009, 01:38
On a recent visit to V Club in Bangkok, a glass of water was offered to me on arrival. Without informing me, they added a charge of 40 baht to the bill for that glass of water.

The captain's amateurish attempt to explain the 40 baht after I queried it led me to believe that once more V Club was attempting to rip off unsuspecting customers by padding the bills.

The amount may be small, but it's the principle.

Some years ago, they attempted to charge me for an upgraded deluxe room when I had not ordered one. The moment I challenged it, they withdrew the charge because they knew I had not ordered an upgrade.

Others reported similar experiences in various forums at the time.

I boycotted V Club for a few years, but they clearly have not changed their ways.

For more details of what happened in the recent visit, see my blog post V Club just earned another boycott from me (http://shamelessmack.wordpress.com/2009/04/02/v-club-just-earned-another-boycott-from-me/).

April 2nd, 2009, 03:05
I just hate the feeling of being ripped off, as macaroni21 has said its not the amount its just people thinking they can get one over on you. I would pay for anything if it was said that it came with a price, well at least i would have the choice of taking it or declining. Still we all live and learn

April 2nd, 2009, 06:10
Maybe your title should be "I will boycott V club FOREVER" (not, again). I bet the water was tap water too! :colors:

April 2nd, 2009, 13:27
That's a bad business practice and might have been something that the cashier and the bar tender thought up on their own. The tabs for the waters get trashed and the money skimmed off the totals and management is none the wiser.