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View Full Version : Something for Everyone..

March 26th, 2009, 17:39
latintopxxx's thread stirred up quite a few guys and I thought it best
to start another thread and not derail his.
Firstly, the subject might be better as 'someone for everyone' but leaving
semantics aside, here goes..
I have met and know hundreds of different farangs over the years and
have found the range in tastes mindboggling.
Many of the farangs do not want gay boys and want straight boys. Part
of their pleasure is derived from subjecting the straight boys to their whims
and fantasies. Some of the farangs only want hairy boys with lots of tattoos,
scars and some only want the boys who look like women with tits and lots of
makeup. Some want underage and some want overage, some want love
and some want the boys to detest every moment..

I have long given up trying to judge the extremes but they are common
and just part of the complexity of sexual preferences and fantasties.

Some of the farangs are only bottoms and some only tops and some only
want to service orally and some only want oral service.. Some merely want to
watch the boys chuck wow and some want hours of intense sex and are
We don't have to like others kinks and fantasties and they don't have to like
ours but it is senseless to judge others because they are different..
Our differences are vast and our main commonality is our gender preference and the rest varies greatly from vanilla to S & M and everything in between..
The straight boys have to make money as do the ladyboys, and the skinny and the fat ones.. There is indeed something for everyone and to each his own..imho :cat:

March 26th, 2009, 18:19
I really think you have summed it up in one posting, in my mind, and for what it's worth, a damn good post
Thank you for the read

March 26th, 2009, 18:56
What a nice post ! Intelligence and tolerance are tangible in it. Makes me like again this forum. Thank you to the poster.

March 26th, 2009, 20:13
Ah yes, so my haddock and sou'wester fetish is ok then?

Is this you in disguise?


March 27th, 2009, 01:14
Cat, Thanks for that.

Try as I might I don't have the eloquence you have shown here.

Succinct but thorough in this post. Bravo!


March 27th, 2009, 02:35
Good job on this post Catawampuscat. I agree: to each his own. As long as all involved are adults and all agree to the 'activities' involved, it is up to them.

March 27th, 2009, 04:12

I appreciate your position on this and agree with the overall concept, although struggle when it comes to one particular breed of person. That's the S&M breed who have been known to take liberty practicing the "M" part on the Thai working boys. Strange as S&M is to me, it wouldn't bother me in the least if this was practiced between two consenting people, but when the "S" offs a boy from a bar to pratice (or, attempt to practice) that "M" stuff, it turns my stomach.

I knew a boy who used to work at that small beer bar across from KAOS (name?) who had deep lashes across his entire back making him look like a cast member from Mutiny on the Bounty. When I asked him who did this to him, he just looked down at the ground and said nothing. When questioning the mamasan about this, she responded by saying that a farang had done this to several boys, although the word was out and the guy wouldn't be allowed to off any more boys from that establishment. And no, the boy (victum) was not a masocist, nor did he enjoy having his flesh ripped off his back. The guy should have had his ass kicked all the way back to the hole he crawled out of. That's how much I accept that form of diversity.

I view Sexual diversity as being very natural, although doing something that knowingly causes harm to another person, is not natural. I think that's where the line needs to be drawn.

March 27th, 2009, 09:40
Wow , Cat what a great post, agree I do, I do take to thought for Dodgers post as well and agree with both of you guys in the issue,

All the best,


March 27th, 2009, 10:02
Good job on this post Catawampuscat. I agree: to each his own. As long as all involved are adults and all agree to the 'activities' involved, it is up to them.

At the risk of stirring up a firestorm (no pun intended Pyro) I might amend your last sentence to As long as all involved agree to the 'activities' involved, it is up to them. That's a broad brush to use when you think about it but Cat's right, it really is one great, big multi-colored world of diversity out there. Just posting some food for thought.


When you look to define love then you seek to confine love..

March 27th, 2009, 10:06
Well kumba-fucking-ya.

March 27th, 2009, 10:12
Well kumba-fucking-ya.


March 27th, 2009, 10:16
" ... some want the boys to detest every moment ... "
I too have met many farang while in Thailand ... and most of the gay guys I've met have been from this Board, (mostly) one of the variety of pleasures received from being a long term member here.
Many, if not all, had differing 'tastes' in their objects of desire in Thai guys ... often in fact I admit to not seeing what they see.
But this element of Cat's original post (quoted above) I have never come across. Admittedly, it would hardly be unusual not to have stumbled across a farang who received pleasure from his guy-of-the-moment being miserable; I doubt most would admit to such an odd turn of mind, even if you had become friends with them.

Cheers ...

March 27th, 2009, 10:34
often in fact I admit to not seeing what they see.

Having seen your boyfriend, I think it is safe to say that the feeling is mutual.

March 27th, 2009, 13:02

I knew a boy who used to work at that small beer bar across from KAOS (name?) who had deep lashes across his entire back making him look like a cast member from Mutiny on the Bounty. When I asked him who did this to him, he just looked down at the ground and said nothing. When questioning the mamasan about this, she responded by saying that a farang had done this to several boys, although the word was out and the guy wouldn't be allowed to off any more boys from that establishment. And no, the boy (victum) was not a masocist, nor did he enjoy having his flesh ripped off his back. The guy should have had his ass kicked all the way back to the hole he crawled out of. That's how much I accept that form of diversity.

I view Sexual diversity as being very natural, although doing something that knowingly causes harm to another person, is not natural. I think that's where the line needs to be drawn.

My goodness Dodger, why didn't that boy just leave? Was he held prisoner?

March 27th, 2009, 15:15
Dodger, whew what a horrible story.. I am sure you understand that in no way do I condone hurting and abusing any boy and frankly if I knew the farang involved, he would be held in utmost contempt..

I believe that step-fathers and others in families use belts, perhaps authorities in orphanages or prisons for children, were the abusers.
I have no reason to doubt the mamasan, but they are not the most reputable people on the planet and often say things for their own reasons.

I believe a serial abuser of the boys would find severe retribution and at the least a beating, if he returned to the same bars where he abused other boys.
This is just what I believe and I have no facts other than having witnessed mobs of enraged boys attack others who did something they didn't like and the punches and kicks were nasty and swift..
I believe that if a farang did whip boys, he would find a shiv in his back and be beaten to a pulp with easily available brass knuckles and sticks and stones..
Sorry to have sidetracked here and I have enjoyed seeing such positive responses to the initial posting on this thread..

I am sure there are clowns who practice unsafe sex even when they know they are positive themselves, others who force themselves even when the boy made clear he wouldn't do certain acts in advance, and others who cheat and lie to the boys, but they are a small minority and hopefully a tiny minority of us.. :cat:
P.S. I cannot prove any of the above statements and they are just imho..

March 27th, 2009, 17:33
I have often wondered just how the boys handle this diversity stuff that we're talking about. For us, it's not too difficult at all. If we like str8 boys, we simply go with str8 boys. If we like fem boys, we go with fem boys. One guy prefers bottoms, and another tops, another versatility, and so on. But what about the average working boy who has to service these individual preferences within this broad scope of diversity that we're talking about?

Now, here I go pissing people of again, but it seems natural to me for a dominent gay male to seek out partnerships (offs) with passive guys, and vice versa. What does not appear natural, is when I see a dominent male offing a srt8 boy, when he knows full well that the str8 boy doesn't want to play the passive role, and then insists that he play the passive role anyway. Obviously, the farang is deriving pleasure from this, but what about the boy? Where does the concern for the boys feelings come in to play here. Or,is this considered an invalid concern based on the rational that the boy is working as a prostitute and his feelings simply don't matter.

Understanding, that most of the working boys live a life of poverty and provide this broad scope of diverse services to us out of "need" versus "want" tends to make me a little sensitive on this subject. Not that any of these boys really get their rocks off by tossing in the hay with us old farts, but a little mindfulness couldn't hurt.

Now, on a less sober note:

I naturally gravitate to the fem types, although found myself once being totally enchanted by the stunning good looks of a str8 looking boy whilst sitting around at a late night karaoke. There were plenty of fem types around that night, but I just couldn't take my eyes of this boys ass. He was wearing tight faded blue jeans which exposed a large bulge between his legs, and those perfectly defined curves in his ass were just too much for me to handle. After buying him a few drinks, and an hour or so of chit chat, I was evan more convinced that he was str8, but that didn't matter. We were having a great time together and I knew that the evening would not end there.

By the time we reached the condo we were both nit noy mau, and the fact that he was str8 or not, made no differencve to me whatsoever. His muscles were a bit nore defined than the skinny ladyboys I was used to being with, but not hulky in any sense. His body actually made him appear a bit younger than he did back in the dimly lit karaoke, until he dropped his shorts that is. This doll was hung like a mustang, with just a small hint of dark pubes garnishing his masterpiece. It was time for the sack.

This boy was not moving or reacting in the same manner as the fem boys I was used to being with at all. He seemed to enjoy taking the lead and did much more touching and moving around than my feminine partners. He showed no real interst in smoking me, although took particular delight in watching me go to town on his proud masterpiece. I loved this boys ass and just couldn't wait to put him into position, but that's not the way the cards would be played out on this particular evening.

After feeling his fingers softly rubbing my anal aperature, and the maticulus prodding of his index finger in-and-out of the opening, I felt this overwhelming hot sensation. Never having been in the bottom role I was apprehensive, and have to credit the 100 Pipers for helping to set the stage that night. I reached over to the night stand and grabbed my trusty bottle of Astro Glide and starting rubbing it on his shaft. He was groaning softly as I continued to massage him with that silky liquid, until I felt this hands spreading my legs open in the mounting positon. They say that the most pain that a human can feel is when a women gives birth to a child. Well, let me tell you, they're full of shit.

I kept telling him..."cha cha...cha cha" which I thought meant "slowly" in Thai, but in hind sight, I guess it must mean something like..."push your dick in farther." In any case, he was being as gentle as possible and patiently waited once he had entered me for my anal muscles to relax a little. Admittedly, I lack in experience in the passive role, although have never been one to hold back once I make a decision to do something. All I had to do was look up as this boys beautiful eyes staring at me, and it was off to the races.

After spending several minutes watching his frustation at having to pause, I just reached up, put my hands around his neck, and said..."fuck me." No more of that cha cha crap, just fuck me, and he responded without any hesitation. He slowly pushed himself farther inside me until I could feel his balls slapping against my butt cheeks in a perfect rythem as my hands formed curves which molded to his perfectly sculted ass. I remember the point in which the pain was replaced by pleasure, as I kept pulling him deeper inside me with a passion to be totally consumed by him.

I had one of the best orgasms I can recall just by masturbating, as I watched him pumping himself deeper inside me. Then, with one swift and deliberate movement, he slid his engorged cock out of me and shot a seemingling endless blast of cum producing hot puddles which ran from my belly button to my chin.

I guess I could have insisted that he take the passive role that night, but that wouldn't have seemed as natural to me. I think by practicing my own diversity, it braught out the best in him, and expanded my own sexual horisons to boot.

Unfortunately, I never called him or returned to the same karaoke, but hope to run into him again some time for a little more...cha-cha, cha-cha.

March 28th, 2009, 22:15
.... After feeling his fingers softly rubbing my anal aperature, and the maticulus prodding of his index finger in-and-out of the opening, I felt this overwhelming hot sensation. Never having been in the bottom role I was apprehensive, and have to credit the 100 Pipers for helping to set the stage that night. I reached over to the night stand and grabbed my trusty bottle of Astro Glide and starting rubbing it on his shaft. He was groaning softly as I continued to massage him with that silky liquid, until I felt this hands spreading my legs open in the mounting positon. They say that the most pain that a human can feel is when a women gives birth to a child. Well, let me tell you, they're full of shit.

I kept telling him..."cha cha...cha cha" which I thought meant "slowly" in Thai, but in hind sight, I guess it must mean something like..."push your dick in farther." In any case, he was being as gentle as possible and patiently waited once he had entered me for my anal muscles to relax a little. Admittedly, I lack in experience in the passive role, although have never been one to hold back once I make a decision to do something. All I had to do was look up as this boys beautiful eyes staring at me, and it was off to the races.

After spending several minutes watching his frustation at having to pause, I just reached up, put my hands around his neck, and said..."fuck me." No more of that cha cha crap, just fuck me, and he responded without any hesitation. He slowly pushed himself farther inside me until I could feel his balls slapping against my butt cheeks in a perfect rythem as my hands formed curves which molded to his perfectly sculted ass. I remember the point in which the pain was replaced by pleasure, as I kept pulling him deeper inside me with a passion to be totally consumed by him.

I had one of the best orgasms I can recall just by masturbating, as I watched him pumping himself deeper inside me. Then, with one swift and deliberate movement, he slid his engorged cock out of me and shot a seemingling endless blast of cum producing hot puddles which ran from my belly button to my chin.


And not a word about using a condom!

March 29th, 2009, 00:11
Padlom Wrote:

Padlom Wrote:

[quote:jihvxkgv]And not a word about using a condom!

Yes Padlom, I know. I also didn't metion the fact that one of his balls hung lower than the only one.[/quote:jihvxkgv]

Yes Padlom, I know. I also didn't mention the fact that one of his balls hung lower than the other one.

Khor tose
March 29th, 2009, 05:19
My goodness Dodger, why didn't that boy just leave? Was he held prisoner?

March 29th, 2009, 05:57
often in fact I admit to not seeing what they see.

Having seen your boyfriend, I think it is safe to say that the feeling is mutual.

Beach Bunny = Bitchy Bounder

March 29th, 2009, 06:11
Dodger, you old tart. What a great read.


March 29th, 2009, 23:01
i think sometime people want what they cant have at there home. thats why they come to thailand and thats why many guys look to be tops to straight guys. its the thrill of the chase i think. its not my style but every one to themselfs!

March 30th, 2009, 00:10
... many guys look to be tops to straight guys. its the thrill of the chase i think. its not my style but every one to themselfs!

Care to tell about your style? ..... I need a good laugh

March 30th, 2009, 02:53
I've hesitated about posting to this thread, but what the hell! There are those of us who off 'boys' and think about what the boy might like. There are those of us who off boys and find the 'love of our lives'. There are those who off boys who do not see the boys as people, and so saving 500bt on an overnight because times are tough seems important.
I put myself in the first category, I can off a boy for 1 night, have shit sex, and never see him again. And I can off a boy that I want to travel with for a week or two.

March 30th, 2009, 05:33
i think sometime people want what they cant have at there home. thats why they come to thailand and thats why many guys look to be tops to straight guys. its the thrill of the chase i think. its not my style but every one to themselfs!

Trying to seduce a straight guy might qualify as "thrill of the chase". Simply paying one to bend over for you isn't much of a chase or challenge.

March 30th, 2009, 13:19
There's still an element of chase, some are simply not into bottoming and they've gotta be sweet talked into it which involves cash, promise to never tell...and if I must say a bit of personality and flattery....real high to bed and fully dominate a man that under usual circumstances wouldn't give it up..its an addiction...that and cold beer...I'm pretty easy to please.

Brad the Impala
March 30th, 2009, 16:32
There's still an element of chase, some are simply not into bottoming and they've gotta be sweet talked into it which involves cash, promise to never tell...................and sight of my very small penis is usually the clincher

Surely that's what you meant to write.

March 30th, 2009, 17:37
Finally we've found your intellect level...congratats...next time make an attempt to contribute...cheap shots are easy...

June 30th, 2009, 00:56
I was a money boy in my youth (around 7 years ago) and did many things I didn't really like because I was paid. Look at it this way does a a girl working in a massage shop have to have a foot fetish to perform foot massages? No, of course not. I found some of the most weird fetish customers actually more easy to deal with as they paid better and there was less bodily fluids exchanged. Fetish sex is generally safer than anal sex.

People that wanted me to love them or pretend to I found the most vile. They touched me or tried to kiss and expected more than many, into often times much more bizarre fetishes. It wasn't easy for me to pretend to love some 60+ year old man and as such I refused to do so.

As far as boys getting beaten, they could leave anytime. I dealt with guys that beat me for money before and if it get to be too much I wouldn't stay. In my opinion once money is offered and accepted that is consent. Some of the gay porn going around is getting increasingly more for lack of other words 'severe'. This is due to demand and I do not really feel sorry for the boys doing it. They can say no.

When I worked in the biz I would take advantage of a customer and this was fine for me. I only felt bad if they got the best of me. For some of the people that are that sensitive I would have for example started to cry (knowing full well they would still pay me to hear such artificial psychobabble).

Around 10 years ago on Christmas Eve in San Fran I tried this approach with some Russian guy and he wasn't buying it at all. Did he make the wrong choice and rape me or was I just trying to manipulate him? The sex industry is a hard game and when you are young and inexperienced you have to take chances to figure out what works and what doesn't.

I think the problem with Thai guys fresh off the boat is they lack the emotional complexity to deal with agressive people that are into mind games. There is no other business in the world where people would not exploit a weakness in the other side. If I go into the NYSE and look weak I would be ripped to shreds. Nobody here would feel sorry for me at all.

I have lived in Thailand off and on and actually hung out and coached some of the boys how to extract money while having to do less. I found in most cases in Thailand because of the relative poverty (most these boys could eat and live without being hookers) coupled with greed is a reason that perhaps they end up in bad situations.

Maybe it is wrong to exploit the nativities of Thai boys but on the other hand they think nothing more of you and are doing the same. I know enough Thai and lived in a building which was almost exclusively populated by sex workers both male and female so I heard what they say about their beloved customers. Just remember you are called 'Mr. fat, Mr Warty, Mr November'' they tell the whole world how nasty you are after their little academy award nominations.

The romantic types are probably ridiculed more than the weirdos because at least the weirdos are more up front about it. The kind of people that get emotional attachments to hookers will be always in my opinion, pay more and get less. They are considered weaklings to be used in the whoring biz.

The unfortunate thing about this forum is that it is all one way communication. Some guy says he saw some Thai guy being abused and everybody jumps on it, We never hear from the boys themselves.

Anyway that is the end of my rant and I know both sides of the business.

June 30th, 2009, 09:16
Thats an interesting point about the romantic types being taken advantage of the most. Ive offed boys from host bars and I feel guilty sometimes if I dont call them when they give me their number or I walk by them as Ive made up my mind to take a boy from a go go. Ive done both,being a cold butterfly just getting off and also being a bit romantic as silly as that sounds with a prostitute. However there is some difference between the go go workers and the host bars,as the host bar workers are mostly gay and do want a romance if only for the length of the punters vacation. In fact I had a guy tell me I paid him too much for a long time stay and insisted I pay him less the rest of the week we were together,again from a host bar.So how was that guy taking advantage of me,as you say,"a weakling".He was being respectful to me,like I prefer to be with anyone I off.znot all these guys are hardened prostitutes,that was one boy that needed some coaching from you.

June 30th, 2009, 09:24
I'd call it a long term investment. Taking a smaller wad in the short term while hoping for a big pay off in the long run that would more than make up for it. These boys are not stupid, and many are smart enough to think beyond today or tomorrow.

June 30th, 2009, 10:48
I'd call it a long term investment. Taking a smaller wad in the short term while hoping for a big pay off in the long run that would more than make up for it. These boys are not stupid, and many are smart enough to think beyond today or tomorrow. I really dont think this was the case.In fact when he told me I should only pay 1500 baht long time,he seemed to be saying with contempt that I will lose face if I pay anyone else too much. I was acting like a romantic fool with this guy and he didnt really like me as the week wore on.When I went to meet him at his bar another guy there wanted me to go with him,which should have been a clue that he was trying to get rid of me.Believe me,this guy had no long term plans to hang with me.Most other guys would have taken the money and said nothing.

July 1st, 2009, 06:20
I do see the point of the prior poster saying the boy could be just keeping the punter on the hook. If a guy was pretty much trouble free and not too hard to deal with I would do the same if it had been a long time and he pays well consistently.

I would have bankrupted the guy who pays my bills now if I had been too agressive. I didn't do it because here I sit still not having to work.ON that occasion the long term thinking paid off. Nine times out of ten in the whoring business it won't though.

There is a point where short and long time relations are reviewed. The money boy has to gamble here because it can lead to a long term deal or the guy can just say "okay I pay you less" and you never see him again.

I found with Thai boys if they think I am coming back at some point they will offer such deals. They realise at the end of a trip Mr. farang has to go back and is short on money. It may not be such a bad idea to have the connection for a rainy day.

Not sure about the last post saying the guy wouldn't take money because he wanted to get rid of you. If I wanted to get rid of a guy the easiest way was to charge absurd amounts and if he goes for it all the better. Unless this character just had no business acumen whatsoever, which is possible.