View Full Version : Sydney men face Thai sex tourism charges

March 20th, 2009, 17:42
There are a couple of members that criticise cut and paste of matters on other than where can you get cheap sex, and so on. This was published in a major news outlet in Australia and I believe it is significant

This item from breaking news is important. I make no apology for cut and paste. This relates to the operation of non Thai police groups working in LOS

Sydney men face Thai sex tourism charges
Katelyn John and Adam Bennett
March 20, 2009 - 0800GMT

A Sydney man accused of being part of an international child sex tourism ring has faced court charged with sex offences against a Thai teenager.

David Anthony Hudson, 40, from Russell Lea, is one of three men charged with alleged child sex offences uncovered during a joint operation involving Thai, Australian and British authorities.

Hudson and a 23-year-old Eastwood man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were arrested by Australian Federal Police (AFP) after raids on their Sydney homes on Thursday.

The third man, a 68-year-old Australian living in Thailand, was arrested by Royal Thai Police the same day.

All three face charges of child sex, child sex tourism and child pornography.

The Eastwood man was already on bail for similar charges involving a family member when he was arrested on Thursday.

As a result, he faces an additional charge of breaching his bail by allegedly communicating with a person under the age of 16.

Thai authorities have also laid charges, while Britain's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre assisted in the operation, the AFP said.

Hudson appeared in Sydney's Central Local Court on two counts of committing an act of indecency last year on a 14-year-old in Pattaya, Thailand, and one count of possessing child pornography.

Dressed in a yellow T-shirt and wearing a cast on his wrist, Hudson waited hours for his lawyer to arrive before applying for the matter to put over until June 3.

The Eastwood man faced the same court charged with three counts of disseminating/producing child pornography, using a carriage service to transmit child porn and possessing child porn.

He is due to reappear in the same court on Tuesday.

The arrests highlighted the global response required to stamp out child abuse and child sex tourism, AFP Sydney office Commander David Stewart said.

"We will continue to relentlessly pursue those individuals who choose to abuse children, who are the most vulnerable in our communities," Mr Stewart said in a statement.

"The AFP will not tolerate any form of child abuse in Australia or anywhere in the world and will continue to work with local and overseas counterparts to arrest those behind child exploitation."

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March 20th, 2009, 22:54
..."We will continue to relentlessly pursue those individuals..."

And, sadly, to split infinitives, too.

March 21st, 2009, 00:05
There's a significant difference in meaning between the title of the post & the content.

The title refers to sex tourism, which can be no worse than any other form of sex, as long as it involves consenting adults.
The content refers to charges for child pornography, which is a very different matter which should certainly justify prosecution.

March 21st, 2009, 02:45
There's a significant difference in meaning between the title of the post & the content.

The title refers to sex tourism, which can be no worse than any other form of sex, as long as it involves consenting adults.
The content refers to charges for child pornography, which is a very different matter which should certainly justify prosecution.

agreed! thank you for stating for this board what should seem obvious but apparently is not to some.
i think some posters honestly don't know the difference.

defend your copy/paste job all you want. your crime mr. wombat is in calling a spade a heart, and in assuming
that this story is even relevant or "important" in the first place.

March 21st, 2009, 02:49
... in fact the only reason i clicked on this erroneous post title was because
i thought it ludicrous that someone was alleging that there was such a thing
as "sex tourism charges" in ANY country.

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 21st, 2009, 06:05
..."We will continue to relentlessly pursue those individuals..."

And, sadly, to split infinitives, too.

Indeed..it demonstrates the standards of those now employed in various police service publicity departments.

He's going to find it rather difficult to "relentlessly pursue " anyone as to my knowledge, his department has had it's funding slashed in half..perhaps he's hoping fear will work instead.

That is what we have now in the police-publicists rather than public relations officers with many it seems, having found gainful employment after promoting TV soap shows or down market "celebrities".

Lonely Wombat-you must resist this urge to accuse or excuse the so-called "cut & paste" merchants . What you have re-produced has appeared in print and on the net in numerous UK & Aussie newspapers and theiir websites..they in turn having "cut & pasted" a police publcity release.

You've cut and pasted a cut and paste.

For that is what today passes for modern journalism. It's now standard practise for an ever diminishing newspaper staff to simply re-produce what they receive from the police-word for word, with perhaps a slight tweaking to please the editor, and pass it off as genine news that has been sourced , researched with exstensive interviews carried out and so on.

They don't even bother to actually ring and check that it did actually come from the police-they simply take it for granted, or as in one very large UK tabloid -they are no longer permitted the time or resourses to even make telephone calls.

That is why over the next 5 years or so we will see many of these scandal sheets go to the wall..and not before time.

For all we know..these men may or may not exist. And if you doubt me, caste your minds back to just 12 months ago (it's difficult !) when tales swept the world of perhaps dozens of children's bodies buried beneath a children's home in Jersey... (some even scoffed at me on here when I said the tale doesn't quite stack up ).

As I sat in Bangkok and watchd a solemn BBC presenter proclaim "today I stand above a spot where 3 children's bodies lie buried", I thought now they are employing psychics and not before time. Sadly-he wasn't psychic..he was, as we discovered, standing on top of a small piece of coconut shell. There were no bodies, torture dungeoons , manacles etc ..as the original police "press release" had stated.

But I digress..netrix is correct..the misleading title "sex tourism charges" has appeared in print and is completely misleading.

And you wonder why the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times are bankrupt ?..and they were actually good newspapers with real reporters..just wait until the Murdoch empire begins to slide !

More to the point..does anyone have an update on the fabulous NEW VENUE SHOWROOM in Jomtiem and whether the pool is ready ? :cheers:

March 22nd, 2009, 01:03
Hudson and a 23-year-old Eastwood man, who cannot be named for legal reasons...
Just curious: Why can't they name the 23-year old fellow? That's the kind of comment usually made for minors/juveniles.

March 22nd, 2009, 12:24
I must say I was also mislead by the post title. Planning on a trip in May, I wanted to see what this was all about. I am actually glad that was not what it appeared by the title. Although I am not from Australia (San Diego here), I was afraid of a very bad precedent IMHO. I do not really have a problem with someone being child sex abusers facing charges, in fact I support it. I have enjoyed my trips to Thailand in the past and I would like to continue coming. Child sex offenders give the whole industry a bad name and give ammunition to those who would try to shut down the rest of us.