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View Full Version : Fun party coming up?

March 13th, 2009, 11:47
One of my Thai family members is a mod on a Thai gay chatboard, and asked the other day if they could have a party at our house. Having checked out who was going to pay what (been caught out before!) it now appears to be turning into a mega event with Thai guys travelling to Pattaya for the weekend (NOT staying at our place but at a hotel in Jomtien), so it looks at the moment like we will have between 30 and 40 Thai guys turning up.

Most are in the 20 to mid thirties, gainfully employed or have their own businesses and will be here just for the fun and a weekend away, so if you see a crowd of Thai gays wandering around and having fun 27 to 29 March this is probably them so make 'em feel welcome!

I suspect after the party at our place Friday night I - and the house - will be recovering for the rest of the weekend!

Will post a few pix after .....

March 13th, 2009, 12:08
can i come, can i come??

March 14th, 2009, 09:10
....I suspect after the party at our place Friday night I - and the house - will be recovering for the rest of the weekend! .....

In my youth my parents had many big parties. Many end-of-the-year faculty parties (my dad was a teacher) but also a big 4th-of-July-Bash that was eagerly awaited by all their friends and family. One year things got a bit out of control and we ended up with 240 guests and 3 hrs of fireworks! :occasion8:

I learned that the biggest joy - which overwhelms the onerous cleanup and bill paying afterward - is the thought of so many people having fun together. :occasion9: :drunken: :occasion7: :wav: :occasion7:

"Embrace it all, sweetness"

March 14th, 2009, 11:03
Yes Ken you are 100% spot on .... the real reward is seeing people enjoy themselves.

When back in the UK we used to have two big parties a year, one mid-July and one NYE. We had a 10 person hot tub (and for where we lived in the UK believe me it had to be HOT) so the summer party in particular was fun. I remember one year one of our guests arrived late and asked why were there so may people outside .. I looked outside and sure enough about 40 people were stood mooching around.

A thought went through my mind that may be this was going to turn nasty and it was a group who didn't approve of a gay party in their midst but I recognised a few people so when over for a chat. 'Oh' they said. 'we are waiting for the fireworks - you're well know for you parties and fireworks you know!"

So I'm hoping we get as much fun from this upcoming party as we did from the ones we had in the UK! Guess I had better invite the neighbours ...

oh .. and NETRIX ... is there a spelling mistake in your post? :compress:

March 14th, 2009, 13:53
Better make sure everyone is over 18, and that there are no drugs present. Otherwise, you could get into very, very big trouble. Also, the recent bust of a (straight) swingers' orgy in Bangkok might give you pause if you think it is going to turn into a sex free-for-all.

March 14th, 2009, 15:43
Thanks Beach Bunny but this is a straight (?) forward party, and is being held in the garden, and as I said before age range is 20-midthirties. As for drugs, I'll be the first to call my police contacts.

But your advice stands for any party being held anywhere in Thailand!
