View Full Version : My apology...

Captain Swing
March 10th, 2009, 11:09
Well, you asked. No offense, but I think that you're a very lucky man to have so few problems in your life that you can spare a single minute to worry about something so preposterous as this.

x in pattaya
March 10th, 2009, 11:46
There are boys in the bar from Cambodia, Laos, probably Burma ... so what?

Laos can enter Thailand for 30 days legally and they can go out and re-enter legally. Working as a prostitute in a bar is not a legal occupation whether Thai or Laos.

The Laos boys I have encountered have not hidden the fact. Why would it matter? When I've offed a Laos boy in Bangkok, he has presented his passport to security at the hotel with no problem.

Since barboys generate most of their income from tips, I doubt bar owners' level of pay would be much of a factor. It seems being a barboy is becoming less attrative to Thais (and the Thais who are barboys are becoming less attractive), so why not let some beautiful Laos boys fill the gap?

A Thai friend has told me that Thai and Laos are like brothers. They often read & speak Thai as well as Thais do and the countries have good relations, which is not always the case with Cambodia or Burma.If Thais don't object, why should you?

I agree with the previous poster. You seem to have nothing better to do than find very small mole hills and then create mini-mountains from them.

March 10th, 2009, 14:03
Travelerjim has posted this same message on 3 different message boards - SGT, Gay Thailand & Ting Tong. Clearly he does have too much time on his hands but what is more disturbing is the subliminal racist message that comes with it.

I enjoy meeting guys from other cultures and countries. Moreover, I enjoy having sex with them ... I guess it's a sort of sexual stamp collecting and am proud to tell you that I've 'been with' guys from every country in SE Asia.
I am now entering a more exotic sexual phase of my life and am seeking out a North Korean and a Bhutanese. :alien:

March 10th, 2009, 14:11
What a senseless gripe.

Do you really expect all the bars to follow the letter of the law? If so, say goodbye to all kinds of "showing", or even dancing. And, of course, them engaging in pimping boys as prostitutes.

Get a life.

March 10th, 2009, 14:33
Business must be bad for travelerjim lately and he has to vent his spleen somewhere.
He's called this his "bitch of the day"! I wonder what he'll come up with tomorrow and the day after? Yikes!

Personally, I don't care where any of these boys are from. This is a shadowy world we live in as gays to begin with so no need to get on any high horse and pretend we're all saints while coming here to have sex with money boys. All this moral posturing is a big charade to me anyway. Bring on more boys and from more countries! I like diversity.

With the economic collapse going on worldwide we may even see some nice boys from Western countries peddling their asses here too.

Anyway, if all the laws were followed there would be no boys available of any nationality in any of the bars and restaurants. How about that travelerjim?

Stick to selling your own wares and butt out of other peoples business.

March 10th, 2009, 15:11
" ... Travelerjim has posted this same message on 3 different message boards - SGT, Gay Thailand & Ting Tong. Clearly he does have too much time on his hands ... "
TravelerJim is simply assuring he'll get his daily sugar fix. He knows he won't get it here for sure: The replies have been properly 'Sawatdeeish' in their negativity (and rightly so) and this was foreseen by TJ ... but posted it anyway, thinking it a righteous situation which all Boards should be aware of.
On the other hand, the other Boards are guaranteed to be far more gentle, so it was triple-posted for TJ's consummate need for a reinforcement hug.

Cheers ...

March 10th, 2009, 16:30
Thanks fellas...your replies are a wake up call...
I have deleted my original posting...

I guess I was surprised from seeing so many boys from Laos working here...
though I understand why they are here.

Indeed, I am most sympathetic of the Laos boys situations...
and wish to apologize if in any way I have upset anyone with my posting.

Recently at one of the host bars, I saw on young man who had severely
tobacco stained teeth..and a beautiful smile. I asked the club owner
if I may only take him to the dentist on South Pattaya Rd...to have his teeth cleaned
and examined. He talked to the boy and said sure...

The Dentist did a marvelous job of cleaning the boys teeth...
now he has a most beautiful smile! ....and the exam saw the need for 4 cavities...
we came back two days later to have the cavities filled...Now - there is one happy Laos boy!

And to the anonymous person who sent me this e-mail today...
my apology to you too! I am sorry if I upset you!

"From: Anonymous (nobody@remailer.neush.net)
Sent: Tue 3/10/09 2:43 AM

hey travelerjim! are you one of the guys in the insurance
industry who is begging for money from your government for
a bailout like AIG and the rest of those fucking crooks?

im gonna have a few laos boys look after you when we see you
again so make sure your own coverage is up to date.

u miserable fucking wretch of an excuse for a human. i hope
you drop fucking dead of AIDS."


March 10th, 2009, 19:49
TJ i read your originial post ,you said nothing wrong just got a few old queens offside
Dont worry about them
Smiles your just a complete jerk , you suppose to be the leader here and just tottaly rubbish someone to play this game ,get a life be a man not the canidian queen you are ,this board is better off without you , I dare you delete yourself do everyone the favour..... i was ignoring you till now but you seen to troll when it suits you .....
cheers (FU)

March 10th, 2009, 20:29
Jim, you had nothing to apologize for and I'm hopeful that you don't elect to stay away from this or other boards because of the replies you got to this or any other post.

We met once and I know you're a decent guy; regardless, you maybe ought to develop a thicker skin (you'll need it around here). What's even worse is showing any vulnerability to the few that get their jollies from drawing blood by personal attacks. They simply aren't worth it.

March 10th, 2009, 20:38
Get a life TJ and stop playing the big 'white man' with your comments such as 'the Thai boys need us even more now', God help the Thai boys that you off with that sort of attitude.

I wonder what a life people have like the above poster and i don't meen TJ !

March 10th, 2009, 20:46
I hope TJ`s info stops some poor sod being arrested/stung for harbouring illegal aliens or whatever other charge the BIB might want to use to eke out some extra tea money.

March 10th, 2009, 20:52
I hope thinks before he types next time.

March 10th, 2009, 21:32
I hope thinks before he types next time.

I'm not sure about all that "hope thinks" stuff but perhaps Spikey could find a grammar-check function to add to the board. Speaking of thinking (or reading) before pushing the post trigger!

March 10th, 2009, 22:17
don't let these negative types throw you off. I've appreciated your mostly positive posts for years and I value your unique perspective. Apparently you do put some of them off, but don't let their very personal (feeding frenzies?) reactions diminish your valuable contributions to our (I wish) tolerant community.

March 11th, 2009, 03:13
TJ, let me give you a piece of advice, dear. When you get a drunk like 'smiles' ragging at you, not only can you take comfort that you have done the correct thing, you can equally rest assured you're on the right track!

March 11th, 2009, 03:48
i'm convinced these boards are filled with people who in normal
every-day life are as nice as can be, but for whatever reason feel
they need to take out their frustrations on each other in here.
even the guys who don't post anonymously would never respond
face to face the way they do here. it's like road rage.

i've chatted with a few guys on here privately and have seen a few
of you out and about in thailand, and the interaction is always much
more civil than on the boards where every queen with her panties on
too tight is showing off for every one else.

why is that? really.

March 11th, 2009, 07:00
netrix wrote:

i'm convinced these boards are filled with people who in normal
every-day life are as nice as can be

If you ever met TravelerJim you would consider that an understatement.

I have had the pleasure of knowing TJ since my earliest adventures in LOS and can't say that I've ever met anyone friendlier or more enjoyable to be around than him. I have always gravited towards people who take pleasure in helping others, and TJ ranks at the top of my list in this category. Not only has he provided the funding to send several boys through college, he has made many other contributions and personal sacrifices to see that those around him receive help when they need it. That's a hell of a lot more than I can say about some of you whacko's.

TJ played a key role in the launching of Thais4Life, and has donated his time and energy to many other worthy causes along the road. He is a real person, with genuine motives, and doesn't hesitate when action is needed. His desire to help, teach and motivate people didn't start in LOS, it's just a natural continuation for a person of this high calibre.

TJ admitted to making a misjudgement related to this posted topic, and that's good enough for me.

March 11th, 2009, 08:16

I wish I could have read your post before you had it deleted. Not sure why you are concerned what anyone here says or thinks about your thoughts/feelings.

Frankly I have enjoyed reading your posts in these forums over the years.

I hope you don't fall into the cesspool of Hydra Head bliss and resort to creating another screen name like so many here do. We are who we are no matter what anyone else says.

We all have dysfunctional behavior, some a lot more than others. If someone cannot accept who we are, as far as I am concerned they can F*** OFF.

I learned a long long time ago that you cannot please everyone. Total waste of time and effort.

And trying to discuss anything sensible with some of these Hydra head politically correct posters we are so lucky to have on this board is like pissing into the wind. You will only soil yourself.

Please continue to post Mr. TJ. Don't get your panties all in a twist like some do and create another screen name.

I used to think sometimes I was a no good, uncaring, selfish S.O.B.

Now I am certain of it and couldn't be happier.

Have a nice day, I know I will.

March 11th, 2009, 08:44
netrix wrote:

i'm convinced these boards are filled with people who in normal
every-day life are as nice as can be

If you ever met TravelerJim you would consider that an understatement.

TJ played a key role in the launching of Thais4Life, and has donated his time and energy to many other worthy causes along the road. He is a real person, with genuine motives, and doesn't hesitate when action is needed. His desire to help, teach and motivate people didn't start in LOS, it's just a natural continuation for a person of this high calibre.

TJ admitted to making a misjudgement related to this posted topic, and that's good enough for me.

It s also good enough for me as well

March 11th, 2009, 09:03
Following up on Dodger's comments, I too met Jim a few years back, a meeting dealing with the teddy bear appeal for a local orphanage.

I've many good friends and buddies but I always described Jim to friends as a "gentleman." Not a term I often use much anymore but the term seemed to fit Jim like a glove.

March 11th, 2009, 12:42
Attack posters are feeding their own personality disorder and it becomes addictive and compulsive. Some posters are here for that single purpose and get away with this continued anti social behavior under the cover of being anonymous.

Jim's post was strange and not well though out and when I first read it I knew the attack posters would have a field day.

March 11th, 2009, 12:52
Jim's post was strange and not well though out.

That's all anyone said, dude. Take a chill pill.

March 11th, 2009, 18:48
Beach Bunny wrote:

That's all anyone said, dude. Take a chill pill.

No Mr. Bunny, that's not all anyone said.

TJ's opening remarks were followed by a personal threat sent to him anonymously by some clown. So that's not all that anyone said.

Admittedly, we are a wild bunch here, with an earned reputation for our agressine behavior and our "take-no-prisoners" approach to our debates at times...that's just who we are, although, even amongst scoundrels, there's rules of fair play, and those rules have been violated here. They were violated when that "clown" decided to send TJ a PM threatening him. That type of behavior should not be tolerated by any of us under any circumstances.

The whole chemistry of our forum is based on our unique way of doing things. We challenge each other constantly, debate topics to the death, draw swords and do battle at the drop of a coin, and very often walk away from the battle grounds still standing side-by-side as the sun sets. That's the chemistry that bonds all of us lunitics together, and seperates us from the other global forums where these battles never take place. Where everyone just seems to agree with everyone else all the time. Where they compliment each other constantly, and speak in politically correct terms, politely, and gently...I have to stop, I'm making myself nausious.

Those who took issue with TJ's opening remarks had every right to. Evan those who applied body slams and head butts were playing within the rules, because in our play book, every man has the right to express himself freely, although the threat made to TJ is where the line was crossed. Not just any line...our line.

March 12th, 2009, 01:58
I read Jim's original post just after he placed it. I thought it to be so unlike him. Not the sentiment or the "guardianship" of the Thai guys but that he was focusing on Laos boys.

I still think it odd BUT, I did not post anything at that time but did send Jim a PM once "the fire" had started.

I do not know Jim but I am sure I would enjoy his company. I have read his posts avidly over the short time I have been on SGT and he seems a level headed and caring person to me. I'll stick with this initial assessment. We all have our moments, I know that for sure.
