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March 9th, 2009, 05:38
X. Asked (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/chickenboy-t17280.html?hilit=Now%20why%20don't%20you%20post%2 0something%20about%20Thailand#p173395) me to start nice topic here, to experience the loving and support on this board first hand, well here it goes.

The best time for me to visit Thailand is May-June and I will do so if everything goes according to plan. I am very excited.

It will be a Bus Tour for 2 weeks (Bangkok, Ayutthaya - Phitsanulok -Sukothai - Chiang Rai- Golden Triangle - Laos - Chiang Mai - night train back to Bangkok) and one week snorkeling arround Cha-Am. Very bourgeois, I know, and nothing gay about it.

What do you suggest to put in my suitcase and what not?

Thanks for your input! :thumbright:

March 9th, 2009, 05:50
I think X has set you up here for this ...
You state nothing gay about it so you mean no sex ,
then well if i was you the first thing in your suitcase be your teddy bear
seems you will need something to make love too
No seriously just go lightly
on clothes and personal items
as everything is much cheaper over there than most other countries

March 9th, 2009, 07:26
X. Asked (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/chickenboy-t17280.html?hilit=Now%20why%20don't%20you%20post%2 0something%20about%20Thailand#p173395) me to start nice topic here, to experience the loving and support on this board first hand, well here it goes.

What do you suggest to put in my suitcase and what not?

A portable DVD player and beaucoup pornos? No condoms, lube or Viagra.

Your trip sounds as exciting as my first trip to Amsterdam.

March 9th, 2009, 07:35
Good advice from Gra46 - I am even thinking of travelling with hand baggage only next time, and getting all the stuff I need in country.

One suggestion - take a reasonable supply of underwear. If you are of average (or above average) farang size, it can be difficult to find something that fits.

March 9th, 2009, 08:26
I would pack travelers checks, credit cards, and cash. Forget the rest. Tear up, throw away, and trash those reservations even if that insane trip is already paid for. Keep only the airline tickets.

If your gay and its your first trip to Thailand head straight for BKK or Pattaya. Second or later trips hit Phuket. Before dying consider working in that touristy thing your X set you up with. Or send him on it.

If your under 40, don't need boys, and your a hunk; you can forget this advice.

Most of us newbies are pissed we didn't discover LOS many years ago. Don't blow this opportunity. And for what its worth, I just returned home in February but already heading back the first of April to join a Bangkok boy on a trip for Songkran in his village somewhere out of Ubon Ratchathani. A couple years ago (before my first trip to the den of sin in BKK and Pattaya) I would never have guessed my life could be so blessed. My first trip to a village should be a blast, but if it isn't, I will make the most of it and get back to the dark Soi's of BKK and Pattaya for a much needed taste of heaven.

Seriously, consider this advice. Your going to the greatest candy store on this Planet and you won't even be walking in the door if you do that touristy straight trip. As a minimum, go a few days or a week before the tour and get a daily massage from a cute boy with happy endings and off a boy each night before the tour. Surely, you'll have a few winners in that time and your life just may be changed forever. And who knows, if you wait a decade you may not have the good health to make the trip or Thailand could change. Go for it now. Pack those credit cards and leave.

March 9th, 2009, 08:59
Given your itinerary and especially the time of year, expect the weather to be very hot and to experience some rain.
Practically, a couple of tips:
1. Take only one pair of long pants - you won't use them often. Don't bother bringing jeans, just too hot to wear.
2. Take a lot of t-shirts, you'll use them often (especially around Cha'am). I realize you might go to dinner with a collared shirt but, frankly, most people around Cha'am don't do that unless they're going to a much above-average restaurant.
3. Take a couple of shorts that are well past your knees. You'll need these (to have your knees covered) to get into some of the temples and other monuments you'll be visiting.
4. Invest in a good pair of leather sandals.....you'll end up wearing them almost daily. Don't take with you any shoes that likely would get "hot" when you wear them for a lot of walking - you won't ever use them.
5. Take with you some of the small keenex/tissue packs.....and carry one with you daily in your pocket. You will likely run into a hong nam (bathroom) where you will need them. Otherwise, you very well may need them to wipe the sweat off your brow.
6. Maybe consider bringing a second swim suit.
7. If you don't like the tiny hotel soap bars, bring a few travel-sized soap bars with you.
8. Go with a good attitude - which it sounds that you have - and have fun.

March 9th, 2009, 09:37
Just regarding the suitcase:

Posted this before, but here goes again ...

Take twice as many t-shirts and pairs of underwear that you'll think you'll need.[/*:m:jrcl8kwb]
Lighten up, by half, the number of long pants.[/*:m:jrcl8kwb]
Take very few socks, and as noted above, a good pair of sandles. Under no circumstances should the few socks you do take ever be worn with the sandles (an ongoing topic here :blackeye: ). Just because Gra45/46 wears 'em like that doesn't mean you ~ or anyone ~ should.[/*:m:jrcl8kwb]
If you're over 19 years of age, please leave the tanktops at home. Or, if you insist on taking them, please shave your back.[/*:m:jrcl8kwb]
That's it ... enjoy.[/*:m:jrcl8kwb]

Cheers ...

March 9th, 2009, 09:59



March 9th, 2009, 10:16
Cees-Holland, your original post is quite a legitimate query from a newbie to Thailand. As such, please ignore the trash post above from Dani, who always posts junk such as that. Proof is in the puddin' here, a list of his so-called 'contributions' to the Board << member/Dani69/posts/ (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/member/Dani69/posts/) >>

Back to the topic: One item I'm never without in my wee (but indispensible) shoulder bag is a clean face towel. Nothing worse than heading to the bathroom to wash your face and finding no paper towels (and this happens ALL the time). Thailand is hot and sweaty all the time. Thais live with it, but newbies to the country often swoon in the heat. So take care of yourself.

Cheers ...

March 9th, 2009, 10:20

March 9th, 2009, 10:46
" ... Fashionistas know that it is desirable to wear socks with sandles (when wearing shorts) as long as you at all times have a knotted handkerchief on your head. :pukeright: Spot me waddling along Silom anytime - I get lots of people looking, obviously envying my great sense of style ... "
Quite coincidently I shall be slutting around Bangkok tomorrow and for a day or so after. The handkerchief-cum-socks ensemble is duly noted and will be on the watch for.
How will I know you amongst the 500 or so other gay blades wearing the same thing?

Cheers ...

March 9th, 2009, 12:14
" ... Fashionistas know that it is desirable to wear socks with sandles (when wearing shorts) as long as you at all times have a knotted handkerchief on your head. :pukeright: Spot me waddling along Silom anytime - I get lots of people looking, obviously envying my great sense of style ... "
Quite coincidently I shall be slutting around Bangkok tomorrow and for a day or so after. The handkerchief-cum-socks ensemble is duly noted and will be on the watch for.
How will I know you amongst the 500 or so other gay blades wearing the same thing?

Cheers ...

Oh thats an easy one - just look out for the large one with outriggers propping up the hips and belly and the sign "Wide Load" :bounce:

well that narrows it down to about 400 guys

March 9th, 2009, 16:25
If you're over 19 years of age, please leave the tanktops at home. Or, if you insist on taking them, please shave your back.

hahaha :cheers:

March 9th, 2009, 17:07
respects to all the HOT Dutch hardstyle jumpen boys and
the hot music they listen to

plan to jump the bus and see some bars, nightlife

check out my post on Netherlands in the
"Any other countries" part of this site


March 9th, 2009, 17:52
Several of the posters suggest you not wear sox under leather sandals. You might think of some sort of Teva sport sandal with sox. They are rubber and can be worn on beach or in water and have an arch suppport so you can wear them around town as well. Your feet may feel better if you have on sox to avoid too much sun on toes or just to portect feet. If your care too much what the fashion clods think of you, well then do what the say. Personally I wear what I wish. If you go on an elephant ride with your Thai friend, just rememer don't wear sandals that slip off easy... It is true statement that an elephant can be taught to pick up a penny from the ground, a dropped sandal on the trail is a sandal of happy memory.
I'm not a good packer, as I tend to bring too much, I think the wicking variety of underwear is a good investment, you will be happy to change them often, and will appreciate keeping your skin dry. I speak as one on the high side of 65, so different age may affect ones packing choices.

March 9th, 2009, 18:36

If you can, take a compact cam corder along versus a still camera to capture rare scenes you'll appreciate having when you get home. Still shots of all the shrines and golden temples along your route can be purchased at any Seven Elevan.

Carry an empty backpack for stashing things you'll purchase along the way, especially when you get to the Golden Triangle and cross into Laos. You will take a long boat ride to cross the Meikong River to Laos, where you will see small concession stands. This is where your empty backpack will come in handy. You can purchase everything from special forces survivor knifes (the real ones, not the plastic-handled fakes you see all over Thailand), to lengendary Laotian whiskey bottled with a baby cobra inside holding a scorpian in his mouth. Don't laugh, as this is a rare find and will fetch you around $300 U.S. on EBay. They will try to sell them to you for 500 baht, but don't pay more than 300. Have them double-wrapped in newspaper and pack them tight in your backpack so they survive the bumpy boat ride. My nine year old niece took one of these to show-and-tell at her school once and said the entire classroom was up and out of their seats.

Carry a wad of small 20 baht notes at all times. This will come in very handy in Chiang Rai where you will come across Aka Indian children with their hands out. You will see them standing around in the sweltering heat wearing traditional indian clothing including head dresses, just for the possibility of seeing a generous farang. So be generous.

Forget that Thai language booklet they tell first time tourists to carry, because you won't pronoune the words correctly anyway, and they already know what you're saying. Don't ask me how they know - they just do.

Pack light and comfortable clothes, and, unless you're 12 years old, forget about the short pants that someone here suggested, as they are not appropriate for an adult male in Thai culture. Many farang also wear sandels, although I recommend that you don't. Wear a good pair of walking shoes with light socks, and leave the sandels for the beach.

Enjoy for trip.

March 9th, 2009, 21:34
Pack light and comfortable clothes, and, unless you're 12 years old, forget about the short pants that someone here suggested, as they are not appropriate for an adult male in Thai culture. Many farang also wear sandels, although I recommend that you don't. Wear a good pair of walking shoes with light socks, and leave the sandels for the beach.

The first sensible post about clothing.

Forget those who say shorts & sandals - if you (like they) want to look like a cunt for you're whole holiday then follow their advice. You will be a laughing stock amongst the locals and they will treat you like the bumpkin you look like.

Wear lightweight cotton shirts and trousers that have plenty of deep pockets; socks made from natural fibres and comfortable walking shoes or sturdy trainers. Sandals are only for the beach.
Carry something absorbant for wiping away the sweat; drink plenty of bottled water when walking to stop dehydration. Be aware that the sun is very strong for fair European skins and cover up or use high factor sun cream or you will burn.
Carry immodium just in case ... nothing worse than having the shits on a bus trip.

March 9th, 2009, 22:36
unless you're 12 years old, forget about the short pants that someone here suggested, as they are not appropriate for an adult male in Thai culture.

Probably true and good advice for most of the time in Bangkok and at least evenings in Pattaya, Chiangmai, and Phuket. Now true, however, for Cha'am or Hua Hin. For example, went to dinner tonight at an Italian restaurant in Hua Hin and more than half of both falang and Thais I saw were all wearing short pants of some type. Evening wear around here is perfectly normal with short pants and a collared shirt. The only time I've worn long pants here in the last month was during my visit to immigration to get my retirement visa (oh, and one other time I wanted to defend myself from some mosquitos).

March 9th, 2009, 23:34
Take very few socks, and as noted above, a good pair of sandles. Under no circumstances should the few socks you do take ever be worn with the sandles (an ongoing topic here :blackeye: ). Just because Gra45/46 wears 'em like that doesn't mean you ~ or anyone ~ should.
Cheers ...

Socks with sandles are one of the true 'Gay's sins. Being seen in public dressed in such results in the immediate loss of one's membership and privileges. It's a fashion combination that happens to set off Gaydar for the wrong reason.

For your protection, if you haven't already, update or get your vaccinations for Hep A/B and any others you might need for the areas you'll be in and of course maybe sunscreen and mosquito repellent if you're travelling into areas that might have malaria.

Maybe something for the tummy when times get tough?

March 10th, 2009, 01:52
Due to a carelessly misplaced limb I need to take a suitcase to carry spare leg. But one thing I have started taking to Thailand is ONE BOTTLE of good New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and ONE BOTTLE of French Champagne or a good NZ Methode Champenoise . I buy these at some time when they are on special at my local supermarket and am pleased I bother.

The tax and excise on wine in Thailand is astronomical.

The other booze (vodka x 2) is just purchased Duty Free at the airport.

I used to pack all manner of clothing. Shirts for each pair of trousers and at least 3 pairs of jeans and 4-5 pair of shoes/sandals/runners. What a joke. It is far too hot for jeans except in November - January in the evening. All my long sleeved shirts get rolled up at the arms, so now I just bring short sleeves. I used to bring maybe 6 pairs of shorts. For some reason I thought laundry would be expensive here and maybe hard to fine. NOT! Now I bring 3 pairs of shorts. One very good pair for going out at night and the others for during the day.

Sunglasses are a must.

Condoms and lube.

I always have one good pair of lightweight trousers and one good long sleeved shirt. You may get invited to something. Or go to a snappy restaurant or just want to impress your date. One should be prepared. I bring only one pair of socks to wear with this outfit.

My luggage has become much lighter over time and even now after I have packed, I relook at everything and start taking out at least one third. I never travel with less than 10 pair of underwear. Because of the temperature in Thailand, when I shower I like to have fresh undies.

Upon arrival, one of the first things you should buy is something to keep the sun off your head. I do not mean a cap as your head will sweat and overheat causing body to do the same..

This post has taken longer than my packing.

Cheers and choc dee (good luck)

March 10th, 2009, 02:14
Subtract what you wear from the following list:
2 pairs of lightweight trousers, preferably one with zip off legs for the beach.
8 t-shirts, some long sleeved
8 pairs of socks
8 pairs of underpants
Mini sizes of toiletries
Compact digital camera & charger
Bog roll
Lightweight emergency poncho.
Small lightweight day rucksack
Swimming trunks
Indigestion remedy
Suntan lotion
Wear a pair of respectable looking trainers, pack some sandals or lighweight backup footwear.
Mosquito repellent
Passport, cash, ATM cards.

Use a Thai laundry when you run out of fresh clothes.

Put the valuables in the small rucksack as hand luggage & pack everything else into a larger rucksack & check it in.The small rucksack should fit inside the large one, for when you carry both.

Most importantly: If the whole lot weighs more than 13kg, throw some stuff out!

March 10th, 2009, 06:48
Bob Wrote:

Probably true and good advice for most of the time in Bangkok and at least evenings in Pattaya, Chiangmai, and Phuket. Now true, however, for Cha'am or Hua Hin.

Bob, I agee with you wholeheartedly, as Cha' Am and Hua HIn are beach resorts.

Although, having said that, some guys just don't know how to dress in a beach environment either. For instance, a guy who's walking around a beach town in worn looking sandels, cut-off blue jeans, and an old faded t shirt, actaully has a more appropriate and fashionable appearenace, then let's say, a guy who's wearing those starched and pleated designer short pants you see farangs wearing far too often, accompanied by those brilliant multi-colored Don Hoe flamingo shirts. That type of dress may be appropriate at a formal dinner party on Maui, but not for hanging out at a sleepy seaside resort in Thailand. Just my opinion of course.

I have a farang friend (God, I hope he's not reading this), that makes it a practice to wear short pants which would fit someone 150 pounds lighter. The crotch is so tight that his balls are dangling down one leg appearing as if they're just one movement away from falling off. He accents this creative fashion statement by wearing brown leather sandels and black nylon socks, and of course a few pieces of heavy gold jewelry as garnish. He looks like a walking pawn shop.

Dodgers fashion statement of the week: When you're at a casual, layed back, and relaxed beach resort, dress casual, layed back and relaxed, and you can't go wrong.

March 10th, 2009, 08:17
A few have mentioned how cheap the laundry is, that is true, but if you like your shorts to have the familiar aroma and know they are clean, just bring some nice laundry soap with you and wash shorts in shower or sink. The woolite packets are nice as is a small 4 oz travel bottle of All laundry soap. the soap is easy to carry and it does not take significant time to wash and hang up a few things on shower curtain rod. The laundry folks are usually trying to conserve their watter supply and if not rinsed properly you may not like the rash that goes with poorly washed shorts.

I also applaud the suggestion about a rain poncho being a good idea. Again the Tevas work fine in wet weather, not so sure about the leather foot wear being touted by the masses. It is up to you, wear what you like.

Also when packing toss in a few extra tooth brushes, to give to your Thai friends who will viist you. They are not shy and may use your toothbrush if it is available. An extra disposable razor or two is also a good idea, unless you like sharing this item as well. I don't mind sharing deoderant and soap but not razors and toothbrushes. Guys love a nice new american tooth brush. Usually I get a nice bottle of listerine when in country, and consider it an investment that is wise indeed.

March 10th, 2009, 09:41
All good advice, but remember you are not venturing iinto the bush somewhere. Unless you are abnormally large (and even then there are Big and Tall shops here) you can purchase just about anything you might want at a fraction of the price you would find it in your home country.

I do disagree with those who argue against shorts. Older Thais rarely wear them (more out of fear of tanning than as a fashion statement) but farang do. In Bangkok the percentage is about half the farang wear shorts and in Pattaya I'd put the figure at about 90%. In Pattaya (a city I'm far more familiar with) wear whatever makes you comfortable. There are so many visitors from other countries it is impossible to identify a norm for what a farang should wear. Wear what you want and no one will notice.

As to the sandals... I don't recall seeing anyone wearing street shoes in a long long time. But, I advice wearing those styles which fit properly but are also easy to slip into and out of. Bending down to undo those leather straps and velcro snaps everytime you enter a home or some business establishments is a pain in the ass. Putting them back on again is even more of a hassle. Get some you can slide into.

Other than that, I applaud all the good advice you've been given. The main thing to pack, though, is your commitment to having fun and enjoying this wonderful country.

March 10th, 2009, 14:36
I have a farang friend (God, I hope he's not reading this), that makes it a practice to wear short pants which would fit someone 150 pounds lighter. The crotch is so tight that his balls are dangling down one leg appearing as if they're just one movement away from falling off. He accents this creative fashion statement by wearing brown leather sandels and black nylon socks, and of course a few pieces of heavy gold jewelry as garnish. He looks like a walking pawn shop.

Lol. Yep, have seen "that" guy (or some variant) before.

On a side note, I have somewhat the opposite problem. When home, damn near everything goes in the dryer and fits fine. Here the laundry doesn't use a dryer and everything - especially the shorts (and even my underwear) - seem to be too damn big on me (almost like I'm trying to outdo the punk US teenagers that are trying to let their pants hang halfway to their knees). The belts I have help me avoid the bending-over-plumber look....

The all time grossout for me in a beach town is the 150 to 200 kilo falang that elects to wear a speedo (or, god forbid, something near a thong!) at the beach. My god, there ought to be a whaling season here. Alternatively, I could ship a dozen of them to Africa and feed a country for a month!

March 10th, 2009, 19:32
Wow, I want to thank each and everyone who contributed !
There are some great advices given.

Again thanks to all!

March 10th, 2009, 21:39
you guys are absolutely sick, I mean really sick... Socks and sandals... The whole idea of sandals is to get rid of the socks.


March 10th, 2009, 21:48
The same type of man who wears socks with sandals can be relied upon to wear a belt and braces (suspenders) simultaneously, too.

March 11th, 2009, 16:39
Have you ever seen a painting of Jesus with sox and sandals? That would look ridiculous. Why do you think you would look any better?

March 11th, 2009, 17:38
Have you ever seen a painting of Jesus with sox and sandals? That would look ridiculous. Why do you think you would look any better?

Not too sure if socks were about in the time of JC? He didn't wear glasses either but there are plenty of people around wearing them. I'll keep up my fashion sense with black sandals, brown sox (with worn heels), off-white tight shorts, sleeveless t-shirt (preferably with a silly slogan on it), and a knotted handkerchief on my head. In addition I'll make sure the T-shirt doesn't quite cover my ample belly, and the shorts show lots of bum crack when I bend over...

fattman, obviously you enjoy yourself, keep it up you sick puppy you.


March 12th, 2009, 00:31
I'll keep up my fashion sense with black sandals, brown sox (with worn heels), off-white tight shorts, sleeveless t-shirt (preferably with a silly slogan on it), and a knotted handkerchief on my head. In addition I'll make sure the T-shirt doesn't quite cover my ample belly, and the shorts show lots of bum crack when I bend over...

mmmmm, sexy!

March 12th, 2009, 04:28
Forget about sandals; Cees is Hollandais and they all wear "klompen". But do they wear sokken with the klompen?

March 12th, 2009, 04:40
Socks, sandals who cares?

All is utterly inconsequential, when compared with the aesthetic horror of a Farang who's so fat he can't even see his own feet.

March 12th, 2009, 04:56
Surely we wear socks in our "Klompen" :)
However, for those who are worried about the good name of the farangs ..
I will NOT wear socks in my Teva-sandals.

After evaluation of all the appreciated suggestions I will post my pack list in a few weeks :)
Maybe other newbies can benefit from it.

March 12th, 2009, 06:37
for those who are worried about the good name of the farangs ..
I will NOT wear socks in my Teva-sandals.

Thank you. Really. Thank you.

March 12th, 2009, 13:28
I find it odd that so many are embarrassed about others wearing socks and sandals when we ourselves, aged 60-80, have no problems parading our 19 year old boyfriends in public with no worries about public displays of affection in a heterosexual setting. My boyfriend (future husband) has no worries about the way I dress or displaying affection, no matter where we are. We are all gay and proud and should not judge one another.

March 12th, 2009, 14:18
We all judge other people day in day out -- based on their appearance, clothing, hygiene, manner of speaking, choice of companion, body language, etc., etc. Anyone who claims not to judge people is a lying sack of shit. Whether they fuck boys or girls is immaterial.

March 13th, 2009, 00:36
Perhaps you are taking this thread a little too seriously :king:

:bounce: well said haha

and by the way, not all of us are 60-80 or grotesquely obese.
let's be honest, whether you have one boyfriend or you're an
uber-butterfly, if you're in thailand for the boys, you're a sex
tourist. so...as such, why not look "sexy"? even over the hill
plus-sized guys can dress well and look impressive. are you
people not even gay? we have a reputation to live up to ;)

just to be clear, tevas and socks are not sexy.

March 13th, 2009, 02:06
I find it odd that so many are embarrassed about others wearing socks and sandals when we ourselves, aged 60-80, have no problems parading our 19 year old boyfriends in public with no worries about public displays of affection in a heterosexual setting. My boyfriend (future husband) has no worries about the way I dress or displaying affection, no matter where we are. We are all gay and proud and should not judge one another.

When I reach 60-80, if I can afford a 19 year old boyfriend I'll be very happy to be seen with him in public.

I do imagine the 19 year old boys would be more concerned about being humped by someone with the mass of a rhino than their choice of footwear.

March 13th, 2009, 03:16
Fattman, since you are one of the few people who can still carry off wearing a hankie on your head (thankfully), us less attractive guys need to be more careful in the fashion stakes. My own view, for what it's worth, is that socks and sandals don't work, but as z909 observes, I think the boys are less concerned with our shoes, than with our physical appearance or dare I say it, the contents of our wallets.

Luckily, I'm a slim guy, so don't have the 'mass of a rhino', and am therefore much in demand.

June 6th, 2009, 18:28

Just got back from LoS.
Before I read many stories about how nice Thailand is, thinking what a bla bla.


Never before I enjoyed a holiday as I did the last 3 weeks.
The worry and stress free mentality of the people, the overall safe feeling in the streets, the friendly smiles every where, the Bangkok taxi's who always (except for one) tried to cheat me, The tuk tuk driver in Chiang Rai who by accident misunderstood my 6 times "NO GIRLY BAR!" and dropped me off in a nice-girls-restaurant.
"Do you have a nice brother?" was answered with Yes and a big smile.

Cha am is a boring place, has one Disco/night club "Grand Sand" packet on sunday with on small chairs sitting locals, very funny to see. The music was at least 120dbA.
I did however meet a "special" friend in Hua Hin who showed me around the Temples, the cinema and paradise during my last week. It was grand.

I promised him to come back to him for part two.
Surely I will keep my word.

Thanks for everybody's suggestions (in this and other threads) while planning for trip, it was very helpful.

Though no one could prevent me from falling in love.. :sunny:

June 6th, 2009, 18:42
" ... OMG! WHAT A TRIP. Just got back from LoS.
Before I read many stories about how nice Thailand is, thinking what a bla bla.

But now: I WANT TO GO BACK ... "
Ha ha. That happened to me 10 years ago. Kept coming back for 8 years ... now I live in the place (almost) all year round.
It's a great pleasure on so many different levels ... so thank you Thailand.

Happy to hear you had a great holiday. :flower:

June 6th, 2009, 20:27
Have you ever seen a painting of Jesus with sox and sandals? That would look ridiculous. Why do you think you would look any better?

Just like fat guys wearing Speedos, some people's feet should remain in socks. I just bought a couple pairs of trainers that have a breathable mesh because I don't like the look of my feet (my second toe is longer than my big toe and I've always hated that).

Though no one could prevent me from falling in love.. :sunny:

:thumbleft: Glad to hear it.

I'm the sort of guy that falls for one-night-stands, which is why I don't have many. Like everything else I've just adapted to what I have to work with, nothing else to be done about it. Now that I'm older I am just more cynical and keep a tighter grip on my wallet, regardless of how happy I feel.

As far as visiting other countries is concerned, I immediately wanted to move to Amsterdam after my first visit...and headed back a second time the following year. I think there are just a certain percentage of people that get burned out on wherever they are from and need to wander and explore. A well represented group on this forum!

June 6th, 2009, 23:48
Thailand is the most beautiful, interesting and amazing country you have ever been to.
And the Thais, always smiling, always friendly, always hospitable, always kind and gentle,
always calm. Always. All ways.
[quote="Cees-Holland":r7ezn7p8]the friendly smiles every where
┬╗Are you sure? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate)┬ л

the Bangkok taxi's who always (except for one) tried to cheat me
┬╗When in Bangkok, don't dress like a tourist. And forget the water bottle.┬л

Though no one could prevent me from falling in love..

The Thais тАУ by far the most beautiful people you have ever met.
Beautiful skin, beautiful eyes, beautiful mouths, beautiful hair, beautiful nose,
beautiful shape, beautiful legs, beautiful arms, beautiful hands, beautiful feet,
beautiful backsides, beautiful ears, beautiful elbows, beautiful eyebrows,
beautiful eyelashes, beautiful tongues, beautiful language ...
Version 1.01 Now with an irony-free sentence; one negation added and one removed.
┬╗Irony: The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.┬л

June 7th, 2009, 00:54
Sorry Art,
I miss the point of your post completely..

June 7th, 2009, 02:59
I thought this thread had run its course, but having been back from Pattaya for about two weeks, I would hasten to add that one night at the Corner bar there were eight expats and not a one had on a pair of leather shoes. One had tennis shoes and the others were in sandals. Since it rained almost every day during my two week venture, I am most happy to have had the tevas. In my hotel room I tened to slip into my birkenstocks, and if it was dry out would venture out to breakfast in the birkies. I have no idea where the leather shoe gestapo live and play but I don't think it is Pattaya.

June 7th, 2009, 09:43
Sorry Art,
I miss the point of your post completely..

Cees, you're not alone there. I am as perplexed as you regarding Arts post.

Please to read that you enjoyed your first experience in LOS. If you go more often you will start to get used to asking the taxi driver to put the meter on, if it is not already. We wre all newbie's to Thailand once and must have paid through the nose for our tuk tuk. I can't remember the last time I rode in one as the taxis are air-conditioned and cheaper.

Late at night, especially if it is raining in Bangkok and taxis are in high demand, even my guy who lives there is at the mercy of the taxi gougers. Admittedly he is not Thai but is fluent.


June 8th, 2009, 11:57
Sorry Art,
I miss the point of your post completely..

Cees, you're not alone there. I am as perplexed as you regarding Arts post....

Oh thank heavens. I thought it was only me!

Its good it worked out for you Cees, no matter what you put in your suitcase.