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February 25th, 2009, 22:02
...since members evaluate gay clubs, bars, and such on this forum, I was wondering if there are any big differences between the beach chair rental sections along Dongtan Beach. I know the rental price of a chair is the same, and the two sitting-umbrella areas near the public bathroom are busier with more "commerical" boys than the rest...but anything else that would make one section better than the other to beach at ? Which ones have the most handsome workers? ...or which ones are more friendly than the rest? The beach chair section I like is no. 7, but I have no strong reasons why I go there except that the staff working there are always pleasant to deal with.

February 25th, 2009, 22:54
It is a personal choice, you are correct just past the pubic bathroom is the most populated place. I know the reason some don't choose to go there is that whenever someone lights up you cant get away from the second hand smoke. I like Rits chairs mostly becasue of the friendly service and if a vendor gets too in your face they will come over and make sure the vendor moves on. After the second day they know where you like to sit and are very good about putting your towel on the chair, but I would think all the places would do that for you as well.

February 26th, 2009, 00:42
The beach vending areas are a very temperamental subject, there are some nice quiet areas not too busy a bit further on from where the packed areas are, namely "Rainbow" and around that area.

Rits, whilst a great place to park your bum etc, is the centre of it all, and in the peak season is quite difficult to get a seat in your preferred area, and you have to "get on well" with the vendors (say no more). I remember recently the whole front row was reserved for a whole host of people - its very tricky, people get very protective of their "space", similar situations happen in planes.

Has anyone been to Wongamat beach lately, don't know if any of you remember but the first gay beach in Pattaya was Wongamat Beach.

February 26th, 2009, 03:02
The beach vending areas are a very temperamental subject, there are some nice quiet areas not too busy a bit further on from where the packed areas are, namely "Rainbow" and around that area.

Rits, whilst a great place to park your bum etc, is the centre of it all, and in the peak season is quite difficult to get a seat in your preferred area, and you have to "get on well" with the vendors (say no more). I remember recently the whole front row was reserved for a whole host of people - its very tricky, people get very protective of their "space", similar situations happen in planes.

Has anyone been to Wongamat beach lately, don't know if any of you remember but the first gay beach in Pattaya was Wongamat Beach.

I have never been to Jomtien or to Dongtan Beach so I don't know what's what there, but I'm planning on spending some time there next month.

I would never take anything too valuable down to the beach with me, but say I wanted to dip my head in the water, do the people who rent you chair watch your stuff like sunglasses, iPod book (your possessions)? Is the water clean enough to swim?

The only beach's with chairs and such were in Acapulco. Is Dontang along the same lines. One can order drinks, like beer and food?

P.S. WD, what do you mean when you say '"get on well" with the vendors'? I recall the beach vendors in Acapulco could be absolutely annoying. It was impossible to relax because it seemed like every 30 seconds someone was trying to sell us something. Most respected the 'no thanks', but a few were very aggressive and persistent.
I found by trial and error the best way to deal with them was to say 'no thanks', limit the eye contact and show no interest in them without coming off rude, unless it was more aggressive ones. Would the same rules apply here?

February 26th, 2009, 04:20
I have been going to Rit's Beach for a number of years. Out side of using reasonable caution and not leaving 1,000 baht bills flapping in the breeze there is little worry of a thief running away with your stuff. I don't know anyone who has ever had anything stolen at Rit's...but I'm sure that someone will point out an exception. The employees and guest at the beach keep an eagle eye on everone's stuff. All of the vendors are well known to all of the employees and regular visitors. Any hint of one of the vendor's being a thief would end their career at all of the beach chairs.

As to being bothered by the vendors....I don't understand what folks are talking about. Smile and say , "No", or shake your head NO with a smile and they keep going. I have had to say no to hundred of vendors, but I have never had the need to have someone chase them away.

The biggest negitive about sitting at Rit's is the large number of guest on busy days it is almost impossible to excape the smokers smoke being blown into your face. I have started to sit at Jim's Place on busy days, so that I am not sitting in a smoke cloud. Jim's Place also keeps an eagle eye on everyones stuff if they are walking or swimming. If you are looking for a great beach massage ask for Ping at Jim's Place.

Food of all kinds can be ordered at all of the chairs, and the many of the vendors are selling food.....fruit, seafood, ice cream, donuts, etc.

February 26th, 2009, 04:42
A few weeks ago,Monte told me a falang staying at view taley 5 was robbed of 40,000 baht and his passport.He had brought a guy from the beach back to his room. The guy came back later and punched a panel out of the door. The doors there are crap and I asked to put a new one on and was refused. Im sure most of the free lancers at the beach are ok,but given the opportunity some wont hesitate stealing from you.

February 26th, 2009, 04:59
(answer to the forums above) Yes, you can order food which is delivered from a restaurant near by; cold beer and sodas are in a big cooler at each beach seating section; one can just remain seated and get a foot (thigh??) massage; and a pedicure/manicure, fresh fruit..there is even a newspaper vendor that passes by.

The stream of vendors can get out of hand (one time I timed it and it was every 30--50 seconds). If you don't want a "shopping center with legs" flashing by, here are some tips: 1) sit further from the front of the water 2) put head phones on even if you are not listening to anything 3) Keep nodding your head "no" as if it is a continuous twitch.

Swimming: The water isn't that clean since sewage is directly dumped into the bay area; plus there are always plastic bags and such floating around you. If you go in the water, just make sure you rinse off when you leave (5-10 baht) at one of the restaurant paid showers/toilets on your left when you leave the beach area.

I think the beach area is especially at the "rainbow area" is safer than most since I think the staff places an eye for the saftey of their customers. Just hide anything valuable (wallet, watch, MP3 player and such) in your bag if you leave your chair which you would do at any beach.

February 26th, 2009, 07:05
I can only add additional praise to Ritt and the crew.

Always a warm greeting on each return trip and great care taken to please on each visit. By the way, if you leave something behind, expect to have it brought to your chair on the next visit.

A great place to entertain a group of friends and Ritt is great in accommodating special needs and requests.

Finally, the check-bin is always correct.

February 26th, 2009, 07:17


February 26th, 2009, 11:08
I've always been a fan of Rainbow - a bit further to walk (nearly opposite Tui's place) but great staff, very but not overly attentive, has vendors of course but less than Rits and I've never had unwanted cigarette smoke there .... they also organise great parties and events for New Year, Xmas, Loy Kratong, Valentines etc etc. Seems to have more expats than tourists there ...

February 26th, 2009, 11:24
I don't think that any major difference exists between any of the beach concessions.
All offer a similar product at comparable prices.All seem to have friendly staff.

I sat in Rit's chairs for many years. It is certainly the centre of the action. I enjoyed times here for years, but it is always busy, and crowded in high season.
So much so, that I finally got sick of the crowding, the number of people there, the closeness of the chairs, and one prick of a cigar smoker, and decided to move permantly a bit further along the beach, to a quieter more open-spaced concession.

Rit's concession (orange, #15) is certainly the hub of the action for those who want that.

February 26th, 2009, 13:19
I am another ex-Rits orange chairs customer. The chairs are much too close
together as are the rows of chairs. I moved over a few concessions and it
was paradise with room to walk and lots of space between rows and chairs.
I have returned to visit friends at Rits and felt like I was in a rush hour underground car.
The other big negative at orange chairs were the heavy tobacco smokers including one total scum bag and his cigars, and the loud talkers who stand
around pontificating.
Every concession has its pros and cons and all provide similar services for
similar prices.
I have witnessed thieves getting caught and beaten by the staff and taken to the police box. As mentioned before don't leave out valuable and leave your seat and unless you feel generous don't leave out your cigarette packs as you will get a lot help finishing it. Problems are very rare unless you are
Like a favorite beer bar, a favorite beach concession becomes habit forming and many stay in the same one as their first time. :cat:

February 27th, 2009, 02:17
yes i agree with cat you can get loud talkers at ritz, which disturbs your relaxation.
it gets very busy which is not nice either, & because its busy all the vendors come & come & come all day
i also walked further up the beach & wow what a difference, it felt like i was on a beach in phucket, much more room to sit & walk & it certainly helps relax more :thumbleft:

February 27th, 2009, 02:25
yes i agree with cat you can get loud talkers at ritz, which disturbs your relaxation.
it gets very busy which is not nice either, & because its busy all the vendors come & come & come all day
i also walked further up the beach & wow what a difference, it felt like i was on a beach in phucket, much more room to sit & walk & it certainly helps relax more :thumbleft:

Shuee, by "up the beach" do you mean left or right facing the beach. Sorry I am a novice as far as Jomtien goes and have only been there once when KQuill dropped me and my guy off for a day of looking around.

I much prefer Jomtien than Pattaya.


February 27th, 2009, 05:46
I am also an ex Rits member. The cigar smoker was not as off putting as the septic that likes to stand and share his conversation/opinions to all within 10 metres.
Maybe he was a barrister in real life or a politician but is boring

Whilst I am not a prude the sight of portly farang having a genital massage up the legs of their shorts, whilst in the plastic chairs is not my thing.

So put up with or shift was my options

One day I walked up to see how busy Pattaya Park was before taking a deck chair at Rits and decided to stay in the not so crowded concessions. It might have helped that the deckchairs I chose had some very attractive boys but I wanted to finish my novel and I had an extremely handsome boy coming to see me later

There are those who cannot survive without company and being in the middle of the action, who are prepared to put up with the noise,smoke and crowded conditions. I am not one

February 27th, 2009, 09:19
I am also an ex Rits member. The cigar smoker was not as off putting as the septic that likes to stand and share his conversation/opinions to all within 10 metres.
Maybe he was a barrister in real life or a politician but is boring

Be honest here. Anyone within 20 metres has to suffer his unending pompous bullshit.

February 27th, 2009, 09:22
I am also an ex Rits member. The cigar smoker was not as off putting as the septic that likes to stand and share his conversation/opinions to all within 10 metres.
Maybe he was a barrister in real life or a politician but is boring

Be honest here. Anyone within 20 metres has to suffer his unending pompous bullshit.

Ive told you a million times, I do not exaggarate

x in pattaya
February 27th, 2009, 15:08
A few weeks ago,Monte told me a falang staying at view taley 5 was robbed of 40,000 baht and his passport.He had brought a guy from the beach back to his room.

While it might be understandable that someone has a large amount of cash in his home, I always find it somewhat amusing/disconcerting to read police reports of people robbed on Beach Rd, Walking Street or such. Inevitably it takes place around 3:00 in the morning when Miss Anna Pavlova reported to police she was attacked and had her bag snatched. She informed police that she had B300,000 in pounds, dollars, rubles, baht, drachma and Saudi riyals, 7 mobile phones, a five-baht gold necklace in her bag along with three passports.

The only things she apparently neglected to pack were the Hope diamond and a couple of Faberge eggs.

If someone mugged me, they'd be lucky to get a frequently malfunctioning Nokia phone marketed during the Hoover administration, maybe Baht 2500 tops and some pocket lint. Why would any sane person walk around with all that loot at any time let alone 3:00 in the morning and how do the muggers seem to know who's got all the goodies in her purse?

February 27th, 2009, 16:01
XPattaya asked: Why would any sane person walk around with all that loot at any time let alone 3:00 in the morning and how do the muggers seem to know who's got all the goodies in her purse?

---You answered it... the person walking at this time is NOT sane... Since we got off the topic and talking about people robbed at 3 in the morning on Beach Road, I have to chuckle to myself (since I lived in the Middle East for over 10 years) whenever I see some guy from Iran, Emirates, or Kuwait that gets in trouble with some "lady" of the night - a katoy. They don't know anything about women since they're so seperated in their society from females and when you do see one, she (?) is covered with a black tent. When you do live in Arabia, you do become an expert looking at female ankles, so I am surprised they don't look at the ankles of the katoys.

x in pattaya
February 27th, 2009, 16:18
Iran, Emirates, or Kuwait that gets in trouble with some "lady" of the night - a katoy. They don't know anything about women since they're so seperated in their society from females and when you do see one, she (?) is covered with a black tent.

I only spent a couple of weeks in Iran where they do seem pathological about separating men & women ... although I was in a restaurant in Shiraz that had what was essentially a unisex washroom. There was a large room with sinks and then a row of stalls which could be used by eithermen or women at the same time. Very strange.

But in the UAE there's no shortage of prostitutes. Inland in Abu Dhabi there was a major hotel with a bar in the basement which you could only enter by walking around through the service area in back and then down a ramp.It was a fairly small bar but it has many, many "waitresses" from Egypt, India & the Philipines. And there were numerous "massage venues," I think in Sharjah or Ajman with the same assortment of "highly qualified" female masseues.

I worked at the men's campuses at the University and also Higher Colleges of Technology in the UAE and many of the men knew very well what was on offer in Thailand, including no shortage of gays guys who were on the same flights I took during breaks.

Some guys who get in trouble with Khatoeys may do so because they are clueless, but some are seeking out penises in whatever package,