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View Full Version : UK credit card consumer protection now covers overseas

March 30th, 2006, 06:25
"Booyakasha to the Court of Appeal! It's decided 'section 75' protection does apply when you buy overseas as well as in the UK. This means buy something costing over ┬г100 on a credit (not debit) card and you can claim against your card company if something goes wrong, rather than tracking down the foreign retailer. It's one reason I always spend on a cashback credit card, repaid in full, as I get money back and extra protection".
details at http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/

March 30th, 2006, 10:28
Is it true that you get life insurance when you use your credit card to buy your air-plane ticket. How do you let them know who is the recipient?
I was reading the smalls on my virgin ticket awhile ago and much too my horror they state they will only pay out a max of 300 000usa$ per passenger should something go wrong. I consider this very "papa stingy" of Brandson, given that he is personally insured for over 50 000 000 english pounds.

March 30th, 2006, 12:49
The provision was always in force, it's just that some CC company's tried to weasel out. The court has now ruled.

When I had my hotel voucher rejected by my favourite large hotel at MBK they patched me through to my CC provider in the UK. They said pay now with the card and sort it out when you get back. (The hotel gave me an almost identical deal.)

On return to the UK I spent two months being bounced around Bangalore by the various "respondents" of a certain e-Travel company previously frequently recommended by a certain exchange rate expert of this parish.

I was getting nowhere and called the CC company (Nationwide) again. It was solved within days.