View Full Version : What's my box ... ?

February 7th, 2009, 09:38
Couple of recent interesting threads on the variety of relationship 'types' with Thai men that most of us share. Do you see yourself in any of these broad descriptions?

After posting this poll, I think a wee bit of definition is needed. The descriptions (for this poll) of "happy" or "vaguely unhappy" are meant as 'about the relationship', NOT about your life in general.
For instance, just to help clarify, I would generally describe myself as being perfectly 'happy' in the relationship . . . but not necessarily 100% happy regarding other, unrelated-to-relationship, aspects of my life.

Cheers ...

PS ... I've shrunk the wording of each choice as the phrase length distorted the poll viewing window. The meaning wasn't changed however so it does not affect your original pick. E.G. 'Long Term' has now been changed to 'LT'.

February 7th, 2009, 12:16
good poll idea.
some of us were frustrated by not being able to vote in smile's
other poll, regarding one's first forum. Turned out it was an old poll
and I probably voted but couldn't remember.
I recently referenced the 'favorite forum poster poll', with the
biased side comments of the pollster, to the winner in a PM.

I think smiles supplied enough boxes to satisfy anyone but you never know. :cat:

Brad the Impala
February 7th, 2009, 17:51
I suppose it is difficult, nay impossible, to include all the boxes, but mine would be described as:

In a long term mutually monogamous relationship with a Thai Guy, however we enjoy occasional threesomes with a mutually agreed third. (Happy) Or do the threesomes invalidate the monogamy part?!

February 7th, 2009, 18:33
" ... do the threesomes invalidate the monogamy part?! ... "I would say yes. Does some invalidation damage to the 'spirit' of monogamy.
Frankly, now that I re-read the poll questions, it's seems to be more of a " ... are you happy or not so happy in the kind of life (with-a-Thai-guy) you have chosen, or ended up in? ... "
That's wasn't the original intention, but kind of ended up that way. Ain't life like that?

Cheers ...

February 7th, 2009, 19:08
I get to visit Thailand on holidays only, so the butterfly option makes more sense.

Presumably the proportion of residents wanting a LTR would be considerably higher than the proportion of tourists?

February 7th, 2009, 20:16
I voted for: "LT relationship (Thai), both openly 'butterflying' on occasion. (Happy)" but it's more of a don't ask, don't tell. That's more his rules then mine, I would not mind telling or listening, there's a few hints and nods but nothing juicy. The one rule that we both hold is not to bring anyone to our place. I also don't exchange phone numbers.

February 11th, 2009, 08:36
Interesting results so far: 60% of the voters are either happily butterflying, or cheating on their Long Term guy by happily butterflying. :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :drunken: :profileright:

Cheers ...

x in pattaya
February 11th, 2009, 10:21
Interesting results so far: 60% of the voters are either happily butterflying, or cheating on their Long Term guy by happily butterflying. :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :drunken: :profileright:

Cheers ...

Cheating? If it's done openly and mutually (as well as happily)?

February 11th, 2009, 12:32
X has a good point.
The concept of cheating is so 'Western' and part of the corrupt moral code we
were force feed as children about monogamy, heterosexuality, attending church/temple and being a good person.
It is so fucking threatening to the 'straight moral majority' to admit
that men are dogs and will fuck anything that moves if they can get away with it.
Men are hypocrites and preach one thing and do the opposite if
opportunity presents itself and they aren't spotted by anyone..
(don't you love gross generalizations, but hey, I am trying to make a point)

Many of us were brought up to believe that there is only one person in the whole world for each of us and when you find that person, it is for keeps and forever. Pure fairy tales and fantasy and just more bullshit. Some many lies form the foundation of the Western mindset and fortunately, the times they are a changing..
Only fools believe in these fairy tales anymore and the white horse with your prince is in every bar, soi, sauna, whatever, in Thailand and
just waiting to make your day/night.
If cheating means having the time of your time, put me in the cheating category and the monogamous guys can bore themselves silly, while their
boyfriends are also fucking everything that moves, male, female and that
middle gender for those who like it all in the same package..imho of course. :cat:

February 11th, 2009, 13:17
Well speaking purely from a whores prospective, since I have been declared the board whore by some of my more vocal friends. I can say I have had the time of my life there and here. I am not sure I regret it in any sort of way. Just that when I decided to reject the western thought of morality I decided I just as well enjoy myself all the way to the gates of hell if there is such a place. I agree with Cat. What can I say but, that given a free moral choice, I choose to enjoy ever waking moment of time and be honest with the guys I am with that I have two bfs and see other guys too. The old Bill Clinton "don't ask don't tell "Policy works fine for me. So me and the guys I have as bf's have an understanding. If they don't ask me I won't tell and the same for them. I don't ask them who they are doing or why but, we do commit to an emotional bond that I don't share with my fellow dogs as "Cat" put it. In short, I don't get tied up emotionally with the other guys and the two guys I have, know about the others and realize that they each share a different kind of relationship with me than the other and each one meets different needs in my life and I in theirs than the other, in which the others could not or, are not willing to meet.

If that is a whore then I guess I am, and since once in a while feels like I am, I won't deny it. If there is no God then who shall I be responsible to for my life style except me and the guys I see regularly. If their is a god I guess I am screwed. If not I enjoyed my life to the fullest while I was here.

I do feel one reason the rest of the world dislikes gays is their seeming lack any sense morality, but I am not sure if we all were monogamous they would not still hate what they don't understand. So damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I don't put Smiles and others down because they have L.T. guys nor should they if I don't live up to their moral standards. It just seems a bit hypocritical to call me a whore while most of the forum members are having the time of their life as well. I am happy that Smiles has what he was searching for and I can't say I am not looking for the same so, I clicked the one that left me with the option to butterfly while searching for the special someone.

All the best,


February 12th, 2009, 03:20
Interesting results so far: 60% of the voters are either happily butterflying, or cheating on their Long Term guy by happily butterflying. :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :drunken: :profileright:
Cheers ...

Cheating? If it's done openly and mutually (as well as happily)?

My bf say that he knows I go with other boys; he says no problem cheating but don't let me catch you! Ouch.

February 12th, 2009, 04:51
I think smiles supplied enough boxes to satisfy anyone but you never know.

Desolate disciples enough to feed him . :blackeye:

February 12th, 2009, 04:57
My bf say that he knows I go with other boys; he says no problem cheating but don't let me catch you! Ouch.


People hurting themselves in stupid ways ! :smurf:

February 12th, 2009, 07:01
I'm a butterfly! :geek:

February 12th, 2009, 07:51
LT mutually monogamous relationship with a Thai guy. (Vaguely unhappy)

I vote this !!! I lie sure but it keeps some balance between other liers . :clown:

100% Butterfly, and happy to stay that way : 16 votes

A way to make new friends . But not a happy Valentine ! :flower:

temporary Butterfly, happy, hoping for greater 'permanence' 7 votes

But which one ? :scratch:

unfulfilled Butterfly, not happy, searching for 'permanence' 4 votes

Ach Billie did vote " uch " , 4 times ? :drunken:

LT relationship (Thai), but secretly 'butterflying'. (Happy) 5 votes

Green and Blue ! :alien: :smurf:

LT relationship (Thai), but secretly 'butterflying'. (Vaguely unhappy) 3 votes

Crazy drifts in your midlife ! :bounce:

LT relationship (Thai), both openly 'butterflying' on occasion. (Happy) 15 votes

Into the global warming debate ? :clown:

LT relationship (Thai), both openly 'butterflying' on occasion. (Vaguely unhappy) 1 vote

Your Thai not unhappy ! :flower:

LT mutually monogamous relationship with a Thai guy. (Happy) 4 votes

Although monogamy in the animal kingdom is rare ! :bigsmurf:

February 12th, 2009, 08:17
I'm a butterfly! :geek:

Lonely heart on wheels !

February 12th, 2009, 09:09
" ... Cheating? If it's done openly and mutually (as well as happily)? ... "
I'm a closet Victorian.

Cheers ... :idea:

February 12th, 2009, 23:20
.....men are dogs and will fuck anything that moves if they can get away with it.
Men are hypocrites and preach one thing and do the opposite .....Only fools believe in these fairy tales anymore and the white horse with your prince is in every bar, soi, sauna, whatever, .....put me in the cheating category and the monogamous guys can bore themselves silly, while their boyfriends are also fucking everything that moves, male, female and that middle gender for those who like it all in the same package..

How bitter ... how sad ... how inadequate ... how typically Catacretin.

x in pattaya
February 13th, 2009, 08:17
.....men are dogs and will fuck anything that moves ...and the white horse with your prince is in every bar...

... for those of you who are attracted to large mammals.

Incidentally, if that white horse has been in every bar, you may want to watch where you're stepping.

February 13th, 2009, 12:34
actually, the prince on the white horse is historically directed towards the
female sex fantasy world and I think a 'stud' on a mixed coloured horse or maybe an elephant, maybe is more
appropriate for the gay male fantasy.

Enough with the 'white' is pure and ideal crap and we have enough royalty
in gay circles already with queens and princesses, all preening in the mirror
and seeing what they want to see and not what we have to see.

(btw X, the prince/stud gets off his mount, ties it up outside, before stripping off his armour
to get up on the stage and strut his stuff..

Living in Thailand is a gay man's fantasy and one I relish daily and
ravish as often as the spirit is willing and the baht keeps coming out
of the wall, just like magic. It only works if you are into Asian men
and the prejudice against them was quite strong when I was a few decades
younger, as if white was right and the only way to go..More bullshit,of course.

I am currently falling in lust with a lad and having the fantasy of living
with him and settling down with the white (white again!) picket fence and
growing old together (well, I grow old, he stays young) fantasy but reality
bites and I know the path is filled with land mines and pitfalls but it sure
is fun skipping and hopping down the yellow brick road.

I find it best to live day to day and not to make too many plans as things
seldom work out the way my fantasies do.
One thing I like about the new lad is his sense of humor and he doesn't
play the game like most of the others. He doesn't even call me every day and several times a day at that and doesn't tell me he loves me or how handsome I am. He does tell me he is working for money and would be doing something else if it paid as well or better.

He doesn't tell me the ultimate fantasy.. The one where the boy tells the
over the hill, plump bald man that he is into old white men and that is
what turns him on. That old white men believe this fantasy tells you everything you have to know about how delusional old white men can be
and the trick is to avoid mirrors at all costs as the mirrors reflect reality
and make the fantasy harder to believe.

I digress and while I like to shout about the emperor having no clothes,
I enjoy the fantasy as well and believe in the miracle and have the time of my
Falling in lust is great, falling in love is dangerous especially if you live on a high floor and take it all too seriously and believe in the ultimate fantasy that
a teenager really could love a man three times his age and three times his weight more than a boy/girl his own age and size.. the prince on the white horse fantasy is just as ludicrous.. :cat: imho, anyway

Khor tose
February 13th, 2009, 18:30
... for those of you who are attracted to large mammals.
Incidentally, if that white horse has been in every bar, you may want to watch where you're stepping.

No, I would seek out a bar with White Horse in it. I only like Scotch Whiskey as a drink, and I am not a big fan of 100 Pipers or Johnny Walker. I would love some 12 year old White Horse. I propose a movement, "WHITE HORSE IN EVERY BAR IN THAILAND!!!"

x in pattaya
February 13th, 2009, 18:44
I would love some 12 year old White Horse. I propose a movement


It's the horse's movements that I was warning you about ... mind your step or wear those boots that shepherds wear to facilitate intimate knowledge with their sheep.

February 15th, 2009, 21:18
Interesting results so far: 60% of the voters are either happily butterflying, or cheating on their Long Term guy by happily butterflying. :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :drunken: :profileright:

Cheers ...

The most interesting result to me is the number here who are in happy LTRs, either monogamous or openly/honestly butterflying. Although the numbers reflect, roughly, what I have always thought to be the case in Thailand I am still surprised that they would also reflect the positions of those posting here, given the apparent preference for butterflying; they certainly appear to put some posts into perspective.