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February 6th, 2009, 12:16
Oh dear me, 76 days non stop staying in my loved ones' Issan shack.
Gets a bit tiresome having to share the one room with my boyfriend now named No-Boom-boom and all his family.
However, important to sacrifice a lot for "love".
No sex of course and what with the pigs and chickens walking through the place kind of puts me off.
At least my beloved b/f takes his "sister" out to the hay most days.
I am learning a lot about Thai culture here.
One day soon I hope I can get fond of eating rat.
I have almost mastered how to use a toilet in the ground.

I recall the days in Bangkok when No-Boom-boom and I would spend endless nights cuddled up in bed together in the Rose Hotel.
Took 6 years and an extra two thousand a day to get my love to sleep without some of his clothes.
At least I persuaded him to take off his shoes and socks in bed .
So maybe in another 6 years I can get him to remove the rest of his apparel- including the armour.

Wow I remember all the wonderful things I did with my loved one over the years.
Interesting all the places we went to, especially the charity ones where I was the center of attention and contributed large sums of money to good causes. Since then I have given No-Boom vast amounts to pass on to these charities.
By the way I am told by No-Boom that the Rolex watch he wears is a fake.
The Merc he drives I hear belongs to a friend.

Cannot forget the endless times No-Boom got me to go the girl bars as he has many sisters there whom he takes to the short time room to talk about their families; I am happy to wait in the bar and pay the huge tab every time.
OK then enough of reminiscing as I need to get back to to the rice field as No-Boom want's another increase in his daily pay and neither he nor anyone else in his family has to work now:
'Love is a many splendored thing'.


February 6th, 2009, 13:09
Anyone who doesn't have coffeebreak on his foe list is a fool and
a glutton for punishment. I guess he is a one poster troll and my
comments should have stirred this shithead.. time for the foe list.. :cat:

February 6th, 2009, 13:52
I don't get it dude, what is your problem? You got someone to believe one of your other posts was a joke on "Rush," but this is an out and out insult. Is there not a moderator here who can kick his ass off? Ridiculous. Get a life CoffeeDick.

February 6th, 2009, 14:00
Some of your report is actually very funny.
Guess some of these people never heard of a "spoof".


February 6th, 2009, 14:53
Quite funny Coffee!! No need to sugar coat everything.

February 6th, 2009, 15:44
Anyone who doesn't have coffeebreak on his foe list is a fool and a glutton for punishment. I guess he is a one poster troll and my comments should have stirred this shithead.. time for the foe list.. :cat:One the contrary, cat; I have added him to my Friends list

February 6th, 2009, 20:43
Thus spoke the grand Fruitcake Poobah.

Why can't people just take a humorous post like this, and take it or leave it.

Why this obsession here with who I am ignoring now or who I am befriending? Its like you are jockeying for position as to who are the alpha males of the board like something out of Lord of the Flies. Don't people have their own independent minds and are capable of processing posts and posters themselves without the benefit of biased commentary from self appointed board "leaders" like Homo and Catwamp?

February 6th, 2009, 22:38
depths of "loserdom" achieved by CB

Brad the Impala
February 6th, 2009, 23:08
Taken in isolation, the opening post is a parody with some entertainment and comic value.

However put in the context of Coffee Break's recurring and repetitive attacks on many of Rush's posts, then it becomes an unpleasant and petty vendetta against a poster who posts his personal experiences in a way that is generally appreciated and encouraged by contributors here.

Keep up the reports Rush, they are appreciated!

February 7th, 2009, 01:52
Well put Brad. There is, indeed, years of baggage involved.

Thanks Rush.

February 7th, 2009, 03:53
I never read Rush's posts until reading above comments and post by CoffeeBreak. I must say I was "numbed" by most of what I read by Rush. But my reading skills wane after two sentences or so.

February 7th, 2009, 04:29
very interesting posts by rush :notworthy:
and very funny posts by coffeebreak :evil3:
keep them up both of you

February 7th, 2009, 05:07
It's insulting & not remotely funny.

February 7th, 2009, 12:50
I object to the stalking by coffeemate of Rush. Sure, there was some humor in his posting and sure, Rush is wordy and by his own admission, a brash and give em hell style poster..

Rush gives and gives and if you don't like his personal accounts, don't read them.. I believe personal stories like his and Dodger and many others enrich this forum..
I also believe that stalkers like coffeemate contribute nothing and just take and take. Stalkers and obsessives only dissuade and turn off posters and at best start or encourage flame wars.

It is easy to criticize anyone who posts such long and descriptive accounts..
Using the photos of his passion was gutsy as it would have been easy to
belittle his rugged appearance and I give Rush credit for being gutsy.

Stalkers are parasites and I know as I have had a few in my day. They seem to live to twist and contort every word and nitpick postings to shreds.
I have done of bit of stalking myself and set my sights on a poster or two, whose behavior, style of trying to damage gay owned businesses, pumping
up others, and of could the self promotors.
Who could resist the Niddys Nook boasting owner and claims of the best hamburgers and drinks?
While homintern is a contender for my friends list, our foe lists are vastly different except for hedda/gone fisting . :cat:

February 7th, 2009, 18:17
very interesting posts by rush
and very funny posts by coffeebreak
keep them up both of you

I agree but coffeebreak is a oncer and his next attempt at sending up rush or anyone else will probably not reach the same level

A friend visiting and after reading this thread stated you could almost pick the septics from the brits from the way they replied, Seemed to have a good point Brits and septics do have different sense of humour

February 7th, 2009, 18:49
Hey, once you get parodied, it is a sign that you have arrived.

A parody is a form of tribute.

February 7th, 2009, 23:36
I guess he is a one poster troll and my
comments should have stirred this shithead.. time for the foe list..

this is no newbie.. i always thought it was" love is a many splendid thing" and since " love is a many splendored thing" is from the 1950s my guess is that this poster is in his 70s,has been posting on here for years,has the gift of the gab and likes a drink around noon.. and is the only one on here who regularly makes me chuckle.. and yes wombat i agree with you that it is too funny to be a north american poster

unfortunately cat wont see this as he has me and 90% of the posters on his foe list,,, you will never know what your missing :3some: :boxing: :3some:

Rush, Yet Again
February 8th, 2009, 08:04
Jesus Fuck Me!
I've become Coffee Break's muse!