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View Full Version : Trip Report Part VIII: Daytime Fun In Bangkok

Rush, Yet Again
February 4th, 2009, 09:11
IтАЩve been visiting Bangkok for about three decades now, three or four time a year, and am still amazed at how much there is to do during the day - unless you sleep in until itтАЩs time to hit the bars again at night. I only had a few days left in Bangkok on this trip and decided to spend them playing tourist with Noom, my bar boy friend and current love interest.

So the plan was fairly simple: get up early each day (that would be before 11 am) and head off to some place one of us had not been to before, taking turns on playing tour guide for the other. The only other rule was it could not be a shopping destination . . . my gay gene takes over when I hear the word тАШshoppingтАЩ and Noom loves buying a souvenir from any and everywhere we go - even if itтАЩs just the 7/11 on the corner.

Noom went first. And awed me. We headed up Patpong 1. About a third of the way up the street he took me into a building, rode up the elevator to the third floor and entered the offices of Swing. And I was blown away. Swing is a nonprofit organization set up to help тАШserviceтАЩ workers in the area . Uh, that would be bar boys and bar girls. Staffed by volunteers (mostly gay) they offer aids education, counselling, a place to just relax among friends, free computer and internet access, English classes, a small gym for working out, food . . . simply amazing. And everything is free. We spent almost two hours there just talking with the staff and director all of whom were quite proud to show me their center. And they all made a point of telling me what a great guy Noom is, which a) I already knew; and b) would have seemed a bit false and put-on except there was such genuine affection between him and the staff members.

Now Noom is straight. And as he introduced me to each staff member, with that personтАЩs name heтАЩd include their sexual orientation. Which ended up being, тАШheтАЩs gay, heтАЩs gayтАЩ sheтАЩs lesbian, heтАЩs gay...тАЩ And then introduced me to each as his boyfriend (many smiles). Which I only mention because it goes to show how little our Western values of gay and straight hold in Thai society.

The staff was doing some major renovations to their offices and if I was at the beginning instead of the end of my trip IтАЩd have taken the day off and helped. Instead I did the typical American thing and made a few thousand baht donation. Which was not NoomтАЩs intention on taking me there. But I was truly touched that someone had started up an organization to help in the way they are doing. Somewhere in all my crap I have a flyer for the place and will post their address when I dig it out.

So my turn: which came quicker than expected. I took an easy way out. And owe a big Thanks to whomever it was that originally posted here about the Bangkok Art And Culture Center. Located across the street from MBK (with an entrance from the BTS skywalk) this is a great modern art museum to spend an hour or two at. Admission is free. And the place is air conditioned. They seem to rotate their тАШshowsтАЩ every few months, so itтАЩs worth visiting more than once. Neither Noom nor I had been there before and we both enjoyed it greatly. Lots of paintings, a good deal of sculpture work and several interactive art pieces. Good fun for an afternoon, and the right price for you cheap bastards among us.

Back to Noom. He asked where I was taking us next. I replied it was his turn. He smiled and told me it depended on where I was going on where he was taking us. In Thailand that makes perfect sense, so I told him the general area and he promptly led us to the nearest bus stop. His тАШturnтАЩ ended up being a 14 baht bus ride to Pratunam/Chidlom area. I told him he was cheating which he thought was quite funny, but he had a point - in 30 years of visiting Bangkok IтАЩd never ridden the bus (far too confusing and cabs are so cheap!). We took one of the air conditioned busses, and he pointed out one of the cheaper, non-air conditioned ones, saying, тАЬCould be worseтАЭ.

Smart ass. So I made a mental note to insist we take the bus from now on as payback (thatтАЩll teach the little bastard!). Off we walked down the road to the Nai Lert Park hotel for my тАШturnтАЩ. When you enter the hotel on Wireless Road, walk through the lobby and follow the signs to the swimming pool in the back. Right before you get to the pool area to your right is the somewhat hidden shrine.

Properly referred to as the Chao Mae Tuptim, or Goddess Tuptim Shrine, at sometime in the past it became a shrine visited by women who wish to become pregnant. Their offerings are hundreds of wooden cocks of various sizes (some of which will make you envious). Some have colorful pieces of fabric tied around them to protect them. Others are dyed red, blue or green. But all of them give off the same message. Offer up a penis to the shrine, and you too can witness the miracle of conception . . . or maybe youтАЩll just luck out and find a fun penis to spend the night with.

I thought IтАЩd have wowed Noom with the impressive display of cocks. And he was appreciative. But far more interested in the huge, old ficus tree where, according to legend, Chao TuptimтАЩs spirit resides. He walked up to the tree, the hair on the back of his arms raised, and he gave me that knowing look . . . yeah, this one is real. He spooks me sometimes.

Figuring heтАЩd scored once already with the public transportation scam, Noom opted to do it again as the dayтАЩs sight-seeing option was again his burden. Down the street, over the klong and then back down under the bridge . . . looks like we were going to use one of the water taxis. Mmmm, ok, a bit more exotic than a bus at least. IтАЩd seen these long boats powering up and down the klong before and knew they were a mode of public transportation, but had no idea where they went or how to go about hitching a ride. The latter turned out to be quite easy. Boat pulls up to the pier, you quickly climb over the rail, step down and squash the plastic tarp, climb over the wood seat (and any unfortunate local sitting there) and pay the guy walking up and down the gunwale 16 baht for the ride. Pretty nasty water in these klongs so as soon as the boat takes off one of the customers will pull down on the pulley system that raises the blue plastic tarp up along the sides to protect everyone from getting wet.

Turned out Noom had an actual destination in mind. After about a thirty minute boat ride we got off at the university area (sorry, he told me which one but I canтАЩt remember) where it was graduation season. So the street vendors were out in full force and the sidewalks were crammed with graduation gifts (which seems to be primarily large baskets and bouquets of stuffed animals and fake flowers). He claims many of the students are from the south and so the street food vendors are too and they offer hot & spicy dishes. He is so devious! Noom knows I love spicy food - the hotter the better (which he doesnтАЩt like). And also knows that I avoid street food (general principal which has served me well as IтАЩve never gotten sick in all my years of visiting SE Asia). So, with great trepidation, lunch was half a dozen different dishes from an almost permanent street stall at 20 baht a plate. Free rice. Free water. And I had no adverse reaction to the food (other than the general terror that in the future heтАЩll use this meal to justify our eating street food more often).

The day was getting late when we got back to the Pratunam area, but since Noom had started the day off, I had to finish it and figured it was payback time for the bus ride. So we headed back to MBK. On the bus. Hehehehe. Noom was not amused.

When I led us into MBK, he protested, тАЬYou say no shopping . . . and been here before!тАЭ

Smiling shiftily I replied, тАЬNot shopping. Already shopped. We picking up.тАЭ

Finding it hard to argue with my logic (and hoping that this meant IтАЩd bought him something) he meekly followed as we wound our way through the various escalator banks to the sixth floor. OK, so yes, I cheated on this one. But I found the coolest тАШsouvenirтАЩ. This guy and his brother make these cool cartoon characters out of clay using a photo of you (or you friend). Finished the sculpture is about 5 inches tall and really looks like the person who modeled for the piece. TheyтАЩll take a photo there if you do not already have one and it takes two days for the character to be ready for pick up. IтАЩd supplied a photo of Noom when I placed the order and they did a great job, even got the tattoo on his arm right. He was totally mesmerized and delighted (like I hadnтАЩt notice his affection for any mirror he passes). They offer several different sizes and uses (statute, magnet, key chain, flash drive) starting at about 800 baht. And they do couples and groups, too - and before you ask I didnтАЩt inquire whether they did nudes or not (yeah, I know how you think!). Way cool gift.

The shop, which is more of a table, is on floor 6 at the far end in the opposite direction of Zen, down where all the crappy seen-it-on-the-streets-for-cheaper souvenir stands are. ItтАЩs called Took Ga Toon. PM me if you want their contact info. They also have a website and you can order on-line.

Back to the hotel, some тАШthank-you sexтАЩ and then off to dinner during which I admitted IтАЩd cheated on the MBK visit and so had a proper place to visit for the night: a place Noom had not yet visited nor have many of you IтАЩm sure! But thatтАЩs another story . . . .

February 4th, 2009, 10:22
Good report. Well done. Gave me a new idea for something to do.

February 4th, 2009, 10:47
Informative and interesting, so good job.
Maybe your reports will encourage others to do the same.......

February 4th, 2009, 11:49
Rush says:

"Noom is straight. And as he introduced me to each staff member, with that personтАЩs name heтАЩd include their sexual orientation. Which ended up being, тАШheтАЩs gay, heтАЩs gayтАЩ sheтАЩs lesbian, heтАЩs gay...тАЩ And then introduced me to each as his boyfriend (many smiles). Which I only mention because it goes to show how little our Western values of gay and straight hold in Thai society."

You actual contradict yourself.

On the one hand you say how little our western values of gay and straight have in Thai society, yet this Noom specifically divided staff into their orientation.....hmmm.....

This Noom or yours sounds very much like he has you exactly as he wants you,if I recall from a previous report of yours only doing sexually what suits himself .
Basically at best I suppose what he does is give you a wank or similar, and quire frankly if I wanted that, could do it myself without paying some straight thousands of baht for it!

No doubt Noom is using you and has a wife or girlfriend etc lurking in the background which you are financing.
This is the problem with so many farang mugs who come to this town and throw bundles of cash at straight boys for doing in effect nothing except some self interested tour guiding.

Brad the Impala
February 4th, 2009, 16:03
Another entertaining report, enjoyably written. You give a real sense of the fun that you and Noom are having. Swing was completely new to me.


February 4th, 2009, 18:09
Swing is also in Pattaya and also offer language classes and other services.

February 4th, 2009, 18:47
Thanks Rush for the excellent and entertaining reports and pics.

I am always looking for new places to visit on my trips to Thailand and you and Noom have provided some great ideas for my next adventure there.

Please keep the reports happening, looking forward to the next one.

February 4th, 2009, 19:43
Some good ideas and a nice story, Rush. Thanks again.

Rush, Yet Again
February 4th, 2009, 20:50
Rush says:

"Noom is straight. And as he introduced me to each staff member, with that personтАЩs name heтАЩd include their sexual orientation. Which ended up being, тАШheтАЩs gay, heтАЩs gayтАЩ sheтАЩs lesbian, heтАЩs gay...тАЩ And then introduced me to each as his boyfriend (many smiles). Which I only mention because it goes to show how little our Western values of gay and straight hold in Thai society."

You actual contradict yourself.

On the one hand you say how little our western values of gay and straight have in Thai society, yet this Noom specifically divided staff into their orientation.....hmmm.....

This Noom or yours sounds very much like he has you exactly as he wants you,if I recall from a previous report of yours only doing sexually what suits himself .
Basically at best I suppose what he does is give you a wank or similar, and quire frankly if I wanted that, could do it myself without paying some straight thousands of baht for it!

No doubt Noom is using you and has a wife or girlfriend etc lurking in the background which you are financing.
This is the problem with so many farang mugs who come to this town and throw bundles of cash at straight boys for doing in effect nothing except some self interested tour guiding.

Whoa CB . . . time to have the meds adjusted?

Sorry, I don't think not agreeing to bottom translates to 'only doing sexually what suits himself '. I don't bottom either and have never had a sex partner proclaim that makes me selfish. And your assumption that not being a bottom therefor means nothing more than a wank is a completely inaccurate supposition. Though personally, I'd find having a hot guy jack me off much more enjoyable than doing it myself.

And there is no doubt Noom is using me. Just like I am using him. His side is for cash, mine is for sex. In case you missed the point, that's the basic principle of offing a guy from a bar. Noom does not currently have a wife or girlfriend, for the record. Your assumption that he does shows your bias. And quite frankly, if he did, so what? I see him for several weeks a few times a year and that should mean he has no one else in his life? Hell, he's a barboy: I can only assume, and hope for his financial well-being, that the night after I fly away he's in bed with some other customer. And what he does with the money he earns while with me is his business anyway, whether that means supporting a wife, a family, or blowing it all on a night of sex. booze, and drugs.

Mmmmm, let's see, 2000 baht is roughly $60 US. For a 24 hour personal tour guide. Pretty cheap. So even if your statement about throwing bundles of cash at straight boys for doing in effect nothing except some self interested tour guiding were true, it seems to me to be a pretty fair deal . . . and that's without considering the sex.

CB, you seem extremely jaded on the topic of straight bar boys . . . had a bad experience, or a series of them? I'd be far more interested in your sharing those stories than your posting negative, innacurate, biased comments that do nothing more than show how cantankerous you can be.

But that's only my opinion.

February 4th, 2009, 22:48
Great report, Rush, (even though I avoid Bkk personally) and you have clearly got your head screwed on properly both about Noom and about how to enjoy your holidays. All the more reason why I can't understand why you would have the slightest interest in anything CB would have to say about anything!

February 5th, 2009, 00:36
some posters cannot help themselves from moralizing and reading into
what others write with their negative bias and bad experiences.
The major reason imho, that more posters do not reveal their experiences is the negative spin some morally superior posters put out..
Some get off on feeling superior to the bar boys and others decide what
behavior is appropriate for all of us and how much money is appropriate.
If you pay more, you are throwing money and if you pay less you are cheap
and an embarrassment to farangkind. There are exceptions who are fools
or tightwads that squeeze every baht but only a small percentage of us,imho.

I strongly encourage true life experiences (not cut and paste jobs) and realize that some men are into vanilla sex and some only want to bottom and others only want to service and others expect the earth to shake and true love to emerge from their couplings..

Keeping it real is very important and Rush has a strong grip on reality.
You can have great sex with straight boys and lousy sex with gay boys.
I find that most of the boys in the game are basically 'sexual' and can handle men women ladymen whatever comes their way. No doubt they have preferences and as Rush stated, I hope the have lovers/partners/soul mates
and not just the few weeks a year, their farang can come to Thailand.

Many farangs believe in that fantasy because the boy told them that and their boy doesn't lie.. Reality = men/boys are dogs and especially with hormones raging, fuck what comes their way. Fidelity and monogamy
are western mind fuck trips laid on us by religious con men and moralists who are often tiny dicked impotent clowns hiding in deep closets and dreading
personal contact.
I am getting carried away here but just wanted to support Rush and advise him not to lost the plot with a detractor here and there and there is no reason to defend oneself with anonymous posters who haven't got a clue.. :cat:

February 5th, 2009, 01:05
... and I'll add my 2 baht as well

... a good read and a couple of interesting ideas. I am always trying to think up places to go around Bangkok that I and my guy haven't visited.

I am running out of galleries and museums and I simply have wot overload.

I also thank whoever posted about the Bangkok Art And Culture Center and thank Rush for reminding me. I have already spoken to with Adil (my guy) about going when next in BKK.

I have enjoyed your travelogue with Noom greatly. Keep it up.

krobbie :salute:

February 5th, 2009, 01:13
Rush, many thanks for a most informative and helpful report. Gave several ideas for things to do in BKK. Really appreciate your effort.

Unfortunately, people like Coffeebreak have to involve their mental deficiencies in every good thread. Perhaps his bipolar disorder is acting up.

February 5th, 2009, 02:25
Thank for taking the time to post a report with some ideas to add some diversity to a visit to Bangkok. The detail you provide is great for either visiting some of the spots or looking into supporting worthy organizations. Thanks again and ignore the negative minds.

February 5th, 2009, 13:31
What a coincidence then-I now sit in that same soi you left that (horrible to my idea) klong Saen Saep boat in 1 of a dozen or so webshops charging 10 bt/hr. Big C is just round the corner. Graduation season is by now as good as finished. Its soi RamKamHaeng (thats also the name of the big uni-there are 2 more a little furhter on), nr 29. Cross RKH road-walk some 10 mins-and there is another ''gay'' young students area-ABAC. There is an awful load of streetside food-and I cannot recall having had problems with that as the food is-more at the start with ordering what.
There is since a few weeks another new nice and hardly known to anyone public transport thing-the all white Metrobus-where you pay on entry exact money to a white-capped driver (like you would need to anywhere in the US). its so little known that most buses run empty. Nr 17 links here with Silom.
Assuming your dear friend does not read this; try Bangkapi-a little further on same boat or metrobus. or Minburi-some 15 kms further on-the extreme end of BKK (also known as Muslimburi), the BKK at the sea-narrow strip of mud along a few kms of seafood places, trying to go all around Swampy airport by bus-the east end has loads of phet=duck growing farms, or the train ride out to towns like ChaChoengsao or Ayuttayay (free for friend=Thai, you pay-15 bt or so-try out if he can score the free tickets for you too), or even better the short suburban train to Mahachai from the tiny WongWienYai station (wait a few monthes and BTS goes there too).

February 5th, 2009, 23:07
nice post
klong always looked romantic but the smell...

looks like the anonymity of a new nic
has coffeebreak revealing more of his "true self"

February 6th, 2009, 10:10
[quote="adman5000"]from the tiny WongWienYai station (wait a few monthes and BTS goes there too).[quote]

Another few months?
This seems to be forever in the making!

February 6th, 2009, 22:20
Reality = men/boys are dogs and especially with hormones raging, fuck what comes their way. Fidelity and monogamy are western mind fuck trips laid on us by religious con men and moralists who are often tiny dicked impotent clowns hiding in deep closets and dreading personal contact.

Reality = just because Catacretin cannot manage a faithful, monogamous relationship does not make them any more (or, equally, any less) valid and important to Easterners than they are to Westerners. As I have said elsewhere, if it makes you both happy, for whatever reasons, then you are both lucky - end of story.

I am getting carried away here .....

Only metaphorically, unfortunately, not literally.

February 17th, 2009, 12:47
We headed up Patpong 1. About a third of the way up the street he took me into a building, rode up the elevator to the third floor and entered the offices of Swing. And I was blown away. Swing is a nonprofit organization set up to help тАШserviceтАЩ workers in the area . Uh, that would be bar boys and bar girls. Staffed by volunteers (mostly gay) they offer aids education, counselling, a place to just relax among friends, free computer and internet access, English classes, a small gym for working out, food . . . simply amazing. And everything is free. We spent almost two hours there just talking with the staff and director all of whom were quite proud to show me their center. And they all made a point of telling me what a great guy Noom is, which a) I already knew; and b) would have seemed a bit false and put-on except there was such genuine affection between him and the staff members.

Now Noom is straight. And as he introduced me to each staff member, with that personтАЩs name heтАЩd include their sexual orientation. Which ended up being, тАШheтАЩs gay, heтАЩs gayтАЩ sheтАЩs lesbian, heтАЩs gay...тАЩ And then introduced me to each as his boyfriend (many smiles). Which I only mention because it goes to show how little our Western values of gay and straight hold in Thai society.

The staff was doing some major renovations to their offices and if I was at the beginning instead of the end of my trip IтАЩd have taken the day off and helped. Instead I did the typical American thing and made a few thousand baht donation. Which was not NoomтАЩs intention on taking me there. But I was truly touched that someone had started up an organization to help in the way they are doing. Somewhere in all my crap I have a flyer for the place and will post their address when I dig it out.

Thank you for this informative report!

I often asked myself whether there is an organization that takes care of our young playmates so that I do not have to volunteer to become Bangkok's Father Tereso myself. What do the service workers think about SWING? Not all are thrilled - ask them yourself.

The Website of SWING is in Thai: http://swingthailand.org/

Coming from Thanon Silom, you follow Soi Patpong 1 until you see the sign "King's Corner" at the corner of a buidling. Soon you will see the big "Super Pussy" sign, and some metres in front of it a modest yellow "SWING" sign with red characters. Take the lift to the fifth (not third) floor.