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x in pattaya
January 28th, 2009, 19:27
Sleepless in Krung Thep

After two massages earlier in the day and a failed attempt at a nap, I ordered room service for dinner at the Tarntawan and then was off to Soi Twilight to down a couple of brandies to quell the rising discontent in my stomach. I love the Tarntawan for many reasons, but the food is definitely not one of them.

At 20:30 I approached HotMale. The guy standing out front said they donтАЩt open until 9:00, but anyway I should go on up and look at the boys. Seems a good idea so I do. Some very beefy boys are practicing some dance. The electrician is doing things with the lighting. Some boys are lounging around. The mamasan and a waiter greet me and I get my nam soda. So far, the fully clothed electrician is the sexiest guy in sight.

Eventually the song from Star Wars, or whatever it is, blares forth and all the boys assemble on stage for roll call. Apparently itтАЩs senior night at HotMale. I donтАЩt mean to sound cruel, but I think a couple of those guys must be doing the gogo thing to supplement their pensions. There were a few interesting guys, especially if youтАЩre into beef, but I began a futile search for the electrician. The only guy on stage who had some potential never made eye contact and seemed rather dejected by something. Not very encouraging. I wonder if electricians are offable.

Next to The Boys (of Bangkok). Not much caught my attention there, but there was one guy on the opposite side of the stage, with his back to me initially, who stood out. Slim, somewhat small is stature, brown, nice build but not overly muscular. Although he was a fair distance from me and I wasnтАЩt pointedly staring at him, he seemed to pick up on my interest and when it was his turn to exit the stage, he didnтАЩt. I generally like someone to make eye-contact so you can read his reactions & attitude and I like a bit of cockiness. He passed those tests and I waved him over. No hesitancy on his part.

IтАЩll call him Mr. JтАж Mr. J is an Isaan-ite, very affectionate, very masculine, no spring chicken but not ancient and when he got dressed in a dark knit crewneck pullover and black trousers, quite handsome. No blue jeans riding half-way down his butt or enormous belt buckles or exotic, gelled hairdo.

Back in the room he was naked by the time I closed the door and his very smokable appendage was already ┬╛ erect. He plunked down two condoms on the table and went off to the shower. Mr. J obviously believed in safe sex, which was comforting to know.

All went exceedingly well. Some guys can be quite sexy and others very affectionate, but the qualities donтАЩt always coexist. Mr. J had them both.

After completing round one, I figured weтАЩd have a drink, watch a little TV and then contemplate a repeat performance. Mr. J, however, felt no need for a half-time break and never lost momentum or his erection. Ah, youth.

It finally came time to call in a defibrillator for me and for Mr. J to do young & energetic night time things on his own. Of course, as is expected, he insisted that we exchange phone numbers, vowed, not for the first time, that he loved me and wanted to know when IтАЩd be back. Then before departing he reminded me once again that he loved me. Kind thoughts even if relatively meaningless. I contemplated a quick visit to Tawan, but decided since it was past 11:00, IтАЩd watch some TV and call it a day.

04:15 The bloody alarm went off. I tried jabbing randomly at the control panel, managing to turn off the A/C and turn on every light in the room in the process, but the alarm continued bleating until I got up, found my glasses and hit the correct button. I never remember to check that the damn alarm clock is switched off and inevitably someone has left it onтАж and invariably that someone set the alarm at an ungodly hour. I turned off the lights and eventually started to doze off. BUT тАж

05:15 mobile phone rings. Surprise, surprise, itтАЩs Mr. J calling to check that he has the right number for my phone and to tell me he loves me. I toss & turn and once again start to doze off. BUT тАж

06:05 mobile rings. By an amazing coincidence, Mr. J has found himself in the neighborhood of my hotel and тАж
So I agree it would ne nice to see him again before leaving for Pattaya.

06:10 reception calls to announce that my friend, Mr. J, is here.

Moments later I open the door to two remarkably similar boys. Mr. JтАЩs companion explains that Mr. J doesnтАЩt speak English very well, so heтАЩs come along to translate.

Whisper, whisper. тАЬMr. J says he loves you.тАЭ Well at last thatтАЩs finally been clarified. Mr. J and his translator take off their clothes, apparently to facilitate further communication, and I am presented with two brown, lean, smooth bodies with very smoke-able accoutrements. Despite having shot two impressive loads earlier and consuming some beer in the interim, Mr. J once again rises to the occasion and his translator, who turns out to be multi-talented, sets about smoking me тАж unbidden, but not unappreciated. Who needs sleep?

More assurances of everlasting love and Mr. J wants to know when IтАЩll come back to Bangkok. I say in Thai тАЬbaang-tii saam atit,тАЭ and the translator tells Mr. J, in English, тАЬmaybe three weeks.тАЭ :scratch: What would one do without the luxury of real-time translation?

Finally the exit of two examples of why living in Thailand will never cease to amaze and delight. Somehow retiring to a trailer park in Sarasota, Florida would seem a trifle dull in comparison.

I then headed downstairs to deal with the dreaded Tarntawan breakfast. I swear they deep fry the bacon, amongst other horrors, but I figured you canтАЩt go wrong with khao dtum gai and even they wouldnтАЩt be able to make that greasy. Wrong again, on both counts.

Despite all that is continually available in Pattaya, a visit to Bangkok at least once a month is decidedly worthwhile тАжquite possibly therapeuticтАж and no two visits are quite the same.

January 28th, 2009, 23:38
Very amusing post Mr. X. I laughed as I jealously read of your exploits. Fran├зois

January 29th, 2009, 01:59
Thanks, very enjoyable to read :thumbright:

January 29th, 2009, 02:00
Good writing x. Witty and interesting.


January 29th, 2009, 02:40
If only every night..., but then we'd probably be dead!

Congrats, with not a little envy.

January 29th, 2009, 02:46
A neat piece of writing, X. :salute:

Love your touches of humour. The whole piece reads so believably. Mr J sounds like a find!

January 29th, 2009, 02:59
Sounds like a lively night !

Are you some kind of stud, or did you tip him 5000?

Khor tose
January 29th, 2009, 05:58
I loved the story, but being the type that is never happy I want pictures next time :cyclopsani:

Actually, I made my own in my head reading your very descriptive story. Thank you X+++

x in pattaya
January 29th, 2009, 10:45
Sounds like a lively night !

Are you some kind of stud, or did you tip him 5000?

Definitely not a stud. If you pick a boy as much for personality as for physical attributes and make it all (nearly) as much fun for him as for you, I've rarely been disappointed. Sometimes you get a (1) dud and sometimes you get someone who's (2)all business & nothing more and sometimes you get someone (3) who really clicks with you. For the massage at Senso in the afternoon I pulled a number (2), but with Mr. J I got a number (3) in spades.

Quite aside from the transitory joys that the sex provides, you can really come away from these marathons feeling good about yourself ... a feeling that stays with you for awhile. Much cheaper and far more effective than any kind of therapy from a "shrink."

I'm a pretty generous tipper, but not quite B 5000 to any individual. Combining my visit to Senso earlier in the afternoon and the services of a "translator" as well as the charming Mr. J, I definitely went through a lot more than B 5000.

Keep in mind that all the fun came before anybody (including me) knew how much the tip would be.

I loved the story, but being the type that is never happy I want pictures next time

No you don't. All the action scenes would have included me. There isn't enough dim lighting or sufficient gauze over the lens to make that into a wet dream you'd want to cherish.

January 29th, 2009, 12:07
bravo X..
Sometimes we live out our fantasies in BKK and sometimes we get a dud
and are better off doing without.. I am also in a good period of finding what I
want and start to think I have figured it all out but am sure I will make a poor choice soon and realize it is a roll of the dice and a roll in the hay..

I was frisky last nite at Krazy Dragon and brought a farang friend who didn't get into the swing of things. I had my hands full and could have used a few more hands, if you get my drift. KD was quiet but my favorites were there and
I was in a happy camper.

Giving boys your telephone number is the ultimate madness, of course.
If a Thai boy has your telephone he will call and call and time is of no matter.
I have to turn my mobile off when I sleep or else being disturbed is fairly likely.
I disconnected my door bell a long time ago after being awoken at all hours
by boys who missed me too much.. I can only imagine Thais, especially boys
18-25 y.o. think nothing of stopping by at any hour to see friends, borrow money, sleep or fuck.. I am a little too ancient to miss my beauty sleep and
am not the nicest guy in town when I am disturbed hours before I want to get up. Some will think I am not the nicest even when awake but that is another story..

Meeting a new guy that spins your wheels is one of the very special treats we
enjoy and relish in Thailand but sometimes you get what you want and find out, it is too much of a good thing and sometimes you just smile on the inside and realize how deadly dull it could all be in Florida or Brighton.. :cat:

x in pattaya
January 29th, 2009, 16:31
bravo X..
Giving boys your telephone number is the ultimate madness, of course.
If a Thai boy has your telephone he will call and call and time is of no matter.

Obviously you drive the tomcats up the wall with unbridled longing more than I do. :thumbleft:

I have rather a lot of mobile numbers, which automatically means they have mine after I've used theirs at least once. Mr. J aside, I haven't been bothered much and it is so much more convenient to be able to track them down by phone rather than waiting to find them in their work place.

January 30th, 2009, 09:32
What was Mr J's gogo number?
And the translator's?
And while I'm thinking along these lines, did the electrician have a number?

Just read the opening post here ~ a bit late I know ~ but I must admit to having a three/quarter'er myself through most of it ... and that doesn't happen all that often at 10:30 in the morning.
Forget Mr J, I want Mr X's gogo number.

Cheers ...

x in pattaya
January 30th, 2009, 09:43
What was Mr J's gogo number?
And the translator's?
And while I'm thinking along these lines, did the electrician have a number?

Who can remember numbers? The translator was from a different bar. I think Dream Boys. I never saw him before he put his bilingual skills to work that morning. The electrician would have made a nice addition to our menage a trois.

Just read the opening post here ~ a bit late I know ~ but I must admit to having a three/quarter'er myself through most of it ... and that doesn't happen all that often at 10:30 in the morning.
Forget Mr J, I want Mr X's gogo number.

Cheers ...

My go-go days are over. Now I'm more in the went-went category.

January 30th, 2009, 17:47
Whenever I fly on TG the Thai flight attendants always make announcements that use "Bangkok" only when they are speaking English and "Krung Thep" only when they are speaking Thai. I think Thai guys do the same. I wonder why so many posters here get it mixed up?

x in pattaya
January 30th, 2009, 18:12
Whenever I fly on TG the Thai flight attendants always make announcements that use "Bangkok" only when they are speaking English and "Krung Thep" only when they are speaking Thai. I think Thai guys do the same. I wonder why so many posters here get it mixed up?

Because we're neither flight attendants nor Thai guys? The Thai people I know refer to the city as Krung Thep, because that's its name, just as one says Mumbai and not the colonial Bombay or Beijing rather than Peking or Harare rather than Salisbury.

I assume the only reason it would bother someone is if they had lived here a long time or visited often and were too dull to have learnt even the most basic terms. Most Thai people greet me with "Sawatdee," and ask "Sabai dee ru plaa?" ...and say things like "Kaap Khun" or "Khor thot" because they aren't flight attendants or barboys speaking to a tourist and I'm not a newly arrived farang. I hear them speaking the same way to others. In the markets and shops I hear farang saying basic things in Thai out of politeness and to show they're trying to learn a little about the country even if they're only here for a week.

I suppose for you they say "howdie pardner," "how they hanging?" and "excuse me your highness, " in order to maintain your delusion that you're still in Kansas or Manchester.

laa gon, a bientot, buenos dias, sayonara and up yours mate.

January 30th, 2009, 18:31
AH...yes, the leather bacon (looks like tree bark on your plate), the toast resembling bread waved over a candle once, and the boiled eggs an an absolute treat......100% liquid. The staff are lovely though, very helpful and friendly.
Have the rooms been heritage listed yet??? Must be getting close.
I wonder what they'd find behind those beds they never clean behind?
A convenient location for farang gays....that is it's only redeeming quality.

I remember it...errrr....fondly :shaking:

x in pattaya
February 2nd, 2009, 14:19
AH...yes, the leather bacon (looks like tree bark on your plate), the toast resembling bread waved over a candle once, and the boiled eggs an an absolute treat......100% liquid. The staff are lovely though, very helpful and friendly.
Have the rooms been heritage listed yet??? Must be getting close.
I wonder what they'd find behind those beds they never clean behind?
A convenient location for farang gays....that is it's only redeeming quality.

I remember it...errrr....fondly :shaking:

When were you last there?
It's not quite the antique it once was. Nothing too radical, but some improvements & upgrading of the rooms a few years ago. I usually take the "Deluxe Surawong" room. "Deluxe" has obviously lost any meaning and the "Surawong" simply means you're facing the courtyard & Surawongse Rd rather than a vacant lot & construction site.

About a year ago I booked the same room, but they were all taken so they put me in a "suite." As I recall, the price rose from my usual B3000 to B4500 (???). The bedroom was smaller than the one I'm used to getting, but you also got this dark, dreary sitting room with uncomfortable cane furniture. I definitely wouldn't accept that again.

But it is convenient, most of the people know me now (I guess that's a good thing :scratch: ) and the "Deluxe Surawong" isn't that bad ... although now that I've started thinking about it, the thermostat for the A/C never seems to work. Despite all the various settings available, you seem either to end up with Antarctic or tropical temps and during the night you tend to get both alternately.

February 2nd, 2009, 18:08
I don't know why those of you with reservations about the Tarntawan don't give the Rose Hotel a try. Just across the road, so still very convenient, smallish but well-appointed rooms since the renovations, friendly staff, lovely pool area with traditional Thai house/restaurant at one end and small sauna at the other end. 1800B per night with breakfast.

x in pattaya
February 2nd, 2009, 18:14
I don't know why those of you with reservations about the Tarntawan don't give the Rose Hotel a try. Just across the road, so still very convenient, smallish but well-appointed rooms since the renovations, friendly staff, lovely pool area with traditional Thai house/restaurant at one end and small sauna at the other end. 1800B per night with breakfast.

I'm trying to picture where it is. Directly across is the Tawana (formerly Ramada Tawana) and there's one or two newer glass & steel edifices as you go towards Soi Twilight. Where does the Rose fit into the scheme of things?

February 2nd, 2009, 18:30
I'm trying to picture where it is.

It's a bit nearer Soi Twilight than the Tawana, at the end of a small soi. There's a convenience store (7/11?) at the entrance to the soi.

x in pattaya
February 2nd, 2009, 20:37
I'm trying to picture where it is.

It's a bit nearer Soi Twilight than the Tawana, at the end of a small soi. There's a convenience store (7/11?) at the entrance to the soi.

I thought it was obligatory to have a convenience store at the entrance of every small soi. :clown:
Just kidding.

The more I think about the Tarntawan and the things that are a little less than desirable about it, the more I think I ought to abandon doing things purely from habit.

I assume, given the neighborhood, that checking in with a friend and/or bringing back a newly minted friend du jour is a non-event and that there is some security arrangement for holding ID's as in Tarntawan?

February 2nd, 2009, 20:39
Peter, you are correct that the Rose Hotel is a great place to stay and is almost at Patpong's doorstep. The sparkling pool is outstanding. One afternoon while cooling off after running the streets for a few hours. I was the only one in the pool and the pool man came over to where I was sitting in the shade part of the pool and asked if I would like a drink.
The breakfast was served by a cute waiter and when I asked for more toast, it was cheerfully brought to me. I was ready to pay extra but it is all in the price of the room. Endless coffee is nice too. I'm all booked at the Rose Hotel for my next visit in a couple of months.

x in pattaya
February 2nd, 2009, 21:38
the pool man came over ... and asked if I would like a drink.

when I asked for more toast, it was cheerfully brought to me. I was ready to pay extra but it is all in the price of the room. Endless coffee is nice too.

Umm, I don't mean to sound snarky, but isn't that what pool attendants and waiters are supposed to do? And most places offer breakfast as a part of the room charge, sometimes as a take-whatever-you-want buffet. They even offer that if you stay in a serviced apartment like the Centre Point Silom.

Is this the same place people were talking about wearing earplugs to filter out the noise at night?

Something tells me I'm not quite ready to stay where an extra slice of toast is the primary selling point.

Brad the Impala
February 3rd, 2009, 04:46
I don't know why those of you with reservations about the Tarntawan don't give the Rose Hotel a try. Just across the road, so still very convenient, smallish but well-appointed rooms since the renovations, friendly staff, lovely pool area with traditional Thai house/restaurant at one end and small sauna at the other end. 1800B per night with breakfast.

For a little more, 2,200 via Agoda excluding breakfast, you can get a one bedroom suite at Chin House, as was, in Saladeng, now known as Bandara Suites.

February 3rd, 2009, 12:15
AH...yes, the leather bacon (looks like tree bark on your plate), the toast resembling bread waved over a candle once, and the boiled eggs an an absolute treat......100% liquid. The staff are lovely though, very helpful and friendly.
Have the rooms been heritage listed yet??? Must be getting close.
I wonder what they'd find behind those beds they never clean behind?
A convenient location for farang gays....that is it's only redeeming quality.

I remember it...errrr....fondly :shaking:

When were you last there?
It's not quite the antique it once was. Nothing too radical, but some improvements & upgrading of the rooms a few years ago. I usually take the "Deluxe Surawong" room. "Deluxe" has obviously lost any meaning and the "Surawong" simply means you're facing the courtyard & Surawongse Rd rather than a vacant lot & construction site.

I was last there in February 2008, yes I've seen the ummm, upgrades. As I say the only thing going for it is location and 'some' wonderful staff. I still think the price is outrageous for what it is and I don't mind spending money. I like value though. Perhaps being allocated room 803 last time right above the construction site (sorry hotel full cannot move room!) with no hot water, TV that didn't work, exploding light bulbs and worn out sheets and towels, has jaded my previously high opinion of this hotel. Having been staying there for at least 6 years let's just say I remember when it was in it's prime. Mind you they DID have real management back then too!

About a year ago I booked the same room, but they were all taken so they put me in a "suite." As I recall, the price rose from my usual B3000 to B4500 (???). The bedroom was smaller than the one I'm used to getting, but you also got this dark, dreary sitting room with uncomfortable cane furniture. I definitely wouldn't accept that again.

But it is convenient, most of the people know me now (I guess that's a good thing :scratch: ) and the "Deluxe Surawong" isn't that bad ... although now that I've started thinking about it, the thermostat for the A/C never seems to work. Despite all the various settings available, you seem either to end up with Antarctic or tropical temps and during the night you tend to get both alternately.

x in pattaya
February 3rd, 2009, 13:34
As I say the only thing going for it is location and 'some' wonderful staff.
Probably a good summary. I guess I stay there more from habit than anything else.

Perhaps being allocated room 803 last time right above the construction site (sorry hotel full cannot move room!) with no hot water, TV that didn't work, exploding light bulbs and worn out sheets and towels, has jaded my previously high opinion of this hotel.

I can see where that might do it.

Since I generally only come up to Bangkok for one day at a time, I tend to hit the ground running and don't do much in the hotel beside sleep and other bed-oriented activites. Their prices are rather high by Bangkok standards. I'm a little leery of the budget places where toast is doled out as a special favor, but the one bedroom suite at Bandara Suites Hotel (mentioned in a post above) looks like a possible option.

x in pattaya
July 12th, 2009, 19:46
July in Krung Thep is a different experience from the one I posted in the first message of this thread.

I was recently in Bangkok, staying as usual at the Tarntawan. No way of knowing the occupancy rate for sure, but only one other person down for breakfast at 7:30 and I did not encounter more than a few people when passing through the lobby at various times.

I always forget what time the bars open and so once again I checked Boys of Bangkok website and once again fell for the information that they have

The Boys Bangkok is open every night of the year from 20.00 to 1.00 (8 p.m. to 1 a.m.)

Dream Boy is open every night of the year from 20.00 to 1.00 (8 p.m. to 1 a.m.)

I figured by 20:30 they should be open despite what it said. I arrived at The Boys around 20:30, and no, they opened at 21:00.

So I sat with a nam soda at one of the street bars very nearby. There seemed to be a fair amount of street activity, but most of it was boys who worked in the bars. I was across from Fresh Beach Boys, X Boys, Bonny Massage and another massage place that I think was called Bangkok Massage (??).

IтАЩve had good luck with Boys of Bangkok before and there were a couple of boys I was hoping to see there, so I waited even though a few other bars were up and running. BUT there was one shirtless boy who went in and out of Fresh Beach Boys a few times, several boys outside of Bangkok Massage and one who I saw in reflection at X Boys all of whom were worthy of consideration.

Eventually I went into The Boys and it was a major disappointment. The captain who sat with me said тАЬmost boys go home,тАЭ and then tried to get me to take this boy or that boy. Of those who he kept trying to push тАж not in an obnoxious way, but persistent тАж most were just unattractive blobs. I bought him a drink to keep him occupied & mollified. The one boy who looked a little interesting was really too twinky for me and he threw some sort of hissy fit with the mamasan who wanted the boys to move around a bit more. The mamasan backed off. Even if I had been interested in him, dealing with a self-styled prima donna is not something I want.

So I told the captain I was moving on to Dream Boys . He kindly said he would take me up the back circular stairway, but when we started up, someone came down and announced they werenтАЩt open yet тАж and this was approaching 21:30.

So I went over to Fresh Beach Boys. The boy I had spotted earlier was nowhere to be seen. They had a pretty good number of boys, certainly more than The Boys , but still nothing appealed. I could see that some would appeal to those with different tastes, but like The Boys , there were quite a few who my imagination could not picture as being attractive to anyone, no matter how different their tastes were from mine. Fairly persistent captain who I ignored. Large gaggle of Japanese girls seemed to be the focus of attention for many of the boys. I left and found that Dream Boys had finally opened.

Another nam soda bought and not drunk and a drink for the captain at Dream Boys, a former resident of Pattaya. Good number of boys but not many of interest to me, but I did see one boy who I had seen earlier on their website and who I thought was worth a try. M (or possibly Em) from Issarn, claiming to be 24. Nice body. Not much English. He said he had been working there less than a monthтАж he didnтАЩt actually say that, but we deduced that. I told him I wanted to smoke him which gave him the giggles. Maybe heтАЩd been there a lot less than a month. Back in the room he was naked with his clothes folded neatly within seconds. After the arb nam, he was on the bed ready, willing and тАж thatтАЩs about it. Nice body to explore, very pleasant boy and sometime before I developed full-blown TMJ he became moderately stiff. Totally surprising everyone in the room he managed to ejaculate with considerable force & moderate volume without ever getting truly hard. IтАЩve encountered that a few times before. Tallish, lanky guys with larger than average equipment (by Thai standards) not getting totally rigid, but still shooting an impressive load with force.

By then it was approaching 22:30. He seemed quite pleased with himself and all that had transpired and showed no signs of departing, but I wanted to visit a couple more bars to see if the evening could be saved. I eventually sent him packing with hugs & kisses.

Back to Soi Twilight before 23:00. Shot into HotMale only belatedly realizing a show was in progress. A couple of guys spent quite a lot of time mopping the stage, cleaning up after whatever I just missed. Then there was the big cock parade that had to have included 15 or more boys with their condomed cocks sticking out from their briefs. That was followed by an amazingly energetic, acrobatic suck & fuck show (but I canтАЩt say I find such things to be either erotic or entertaining). The top was actually appealing, but since I am a smoker, thinking about where his cock had just been was a little off-putting. One of the guys in the big cock parade was interesting though. Not a truly big cock and he did have a nice body, nice abs, a bouncy, cheerful personality and after the show as he went back on stage he gave my knee a squeeze and then he blew me a kiss. IтАЩm not quite that easily won over, but I do like a boy who is a little cocky and who makes the effort to connect. The clock was ticking and a blown kiss from a bouncy guy with a nice body was about the best prospect left to me for the evening, so I called him over.

He was Joe, admitted to being 29 years old (but I think he might have shaved a year or two off of reality), lived with his family in Bangkok but he told them that he was a waiter in a restaurant. He was into Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai.

He had a really nice personality, good abs, very nice legs & butt and all proceeded accordingly back at the room. Afterwards I told him how much money he was getting at that point or how much he would get if he stuck around for awhile and we had another go or how much if he stayed through to morning. Confirming my belief that he was probably older than 29 he said he could only manage to cum once in a day, but heтАЩd like to see me again the next day. So I said OK,mai bpen lai, told him I was leaving in the morning and he went to shower. He came out of the shower naked and sat next to me on the bed. So I spent a half hour or so just stroking his body and playing with his dick & balls. He seemed in no rush to go, but it was about 01:30 and I asked if he needed to get home.

Both the boys were very nice, had nice bodies and seemed rather affectionate. Both were ready to please, within their limitations, and neither was in any rush to get their money & run, but I always have felt that the guys I took off from the bars in Soi Twilight were a bit more energetic and uninhibited than the typical Pattaya boys. Maybe once the high season gets started тАж if ever there is another high season. I donтАЩt think IтАЩll head north again before October or so.

So I came home, called one of my Pattaya regulars who make emergency house calls. He arrived quickly, came out of the shower with an erection that could have knocked over major pieces of furniture and, as always, was a lot of fun to be with. After a highly successful round one he sat naked (he is a bit of a narcissist) while we watched a couple of boxing matches on TV (and he looked half the time at his reflection in a full length mirror) by which time he was clearly and unequivocally ready for a second engagement.

Who needs Bangkok? My LT friend returns tomorrow and my excursions will be limited to restaurants and family entertainment venues for awhile, but IтАЩll be well compensated nonetheless, and following that, Krazy Dragon is looking more and more appealing. Be it ever so humble and all that.

July 13th, 2009, 23:02
" ... he blew me a kiss. IтАЩm not quite that easily won over ... "
That's not what Bottoms Up tells me (in a lengthy and detailed PM).

x in pattaya
July 13th, 2009, 23:15
" ... he blew me a kiss. IтАЩm not quite that easily won over ... "
That's not what Bottoms Up tells me (in a lengthy and detailed PM).

That's right, strip away the last shreds of my delusional dignity.

Since we're playing kiss & tell, I can assure you that the only thing lengthy about BU is his PM.

x in pattaya
November 12th, 2009, 19:03
I then headed downstairs to deal with the dreaded Tarntawan breakfast. I swear they deep fry the bacon, amongst other horrors, but I figured you canтАЩt go wrong with khao dtum gai and even they wouldnтАЩt be able to make that greasy. Wrong again, on both counts.

Interesting in a sort of spooky way ... I've never mentioned the oily khao dtum gai anywhere but here. I was in Bangkok khon dio last weekend so I stayed at the Tarntawan and the first morning I ordered khao dtum gai. A few minutes after it was delivered to my table one of the longer serving waitresses came up and asked if I found it oily or if it was OK. Assuming there hasn't been wide spread unrest over the oily breakfasts, how did she single me out for that question?

Incidentally, I think they may have hired a new cook or re-educated the former. I had three different Thai dishes (not at the same sitting) and they all were actually quite good!

Alas Khun J, mentioned in my original post, has apparently had a career change and is no longer to be found at the Boys of Bangkok/Dream Boys entertainment complex. I did, however, stumble across a soldier who left the energetic Khun J in a cloud of dust metaphorically. I thought at first he was an ex-soldier, two of whom I've found working in Pattaya bars. Turns out he's actually still in the military and augmenting what I assume is fairly meagre pay. He certainly deserves the croix de guerre for his performance. I promised I'd see him again in a month or so, but back in Pattaya I'm facing another week of living alone, so I called him yesterday and we'll be augmenting his income once again in a few days.

If a combination of "military," " muscle" and "Muay Thai" sends you drifting off into a fantasy day dream as they do me, I've discovered that sometimes reality can surpass fantasy. He has enough esprit de corps for an entire regiment.

x in pattaya
January 22nd, 2012, 11:52
bravo X..
Giving boys your telephone number is the ultimate madness:

But sometimes those phone numbers stored in your mobile can pay off in spades.

I was looking through the photos at the Dream Boy website recently, more as a fuel to the imagination than because of any plans to visit Bangkok, and тАж whoa тАж thereтАЩs a three-year old photo of Mr. J.

I tasted his wares back in January 2009 and he soon disappeared, presumably back to Isaan. His website photo is/was rather uninspiring, but I have a high-def memory of him stored in my brain that is explosively inspirational. My guess is that the economic distress of the recent devastating floods has meant that he, and a lot of others no doubt, have been driven to the bars in order to pick up some extra cashтАж and, if thatтАЩs the case, I am certainly eager to give generously to his flood relief. A quick check of my mobile showed that I still have his phone number, so I cobbled together a brief SMS in Thai asking if he is indeed back, fully expecting that that would probably be the end of that.

30 minutes later I got a phone call and I was immediately awash with warm memories of those wonderful times (OK, just a few hours) we spent together in our own intimate Tower of Babel. Mr. JтАЩs English has not improved during his sabbatical in Isaan. By comparison my Thai has advanced markedly тАж and I stress тАЬby comparison.тАЭ

Employing my aforementioned flawless Thai I informed him that I would be in Bangkok in two weeks. I have no idea where that came from, but what the heck, Brainless Impulse is my middle name. Of course, he understood perfectly. That night I got a call asking if he should come to the hotel now. My second attempt to explain тАЬin two weeksтАЭ seemed to sink inтАж possibly.

I booked two nights at the Tarntawan and a car & driver and doubts began to set in. Three hard years back in Isaan could have taken their toll on Mr. J. He claimed to be 30-ish in 2009, and that may have been generous. I look at his old photo and imagine added facial wrinkles, the onset of a substantial spare tire about the midsection and emaciation from a poor diet (my imagination is not overly burdened by apparent inconsistencies when contemplating what can go wrong). Those three-year old smiling eyes lighting up the photo may now be world-weary, fatigued and turned hard with the tough times heтАЩs certainly experienced. Possibly personal hygiene has fallen victim to economic despair. Maybe his stupendous, prodigious accoutrement has lost its vitality.

I sent him an SMS detailing the date of my arrival and that I would be at the Tarntawan. No reply. The day before I left, I sent an SMS telling him IтАЩll call tomorrow around 19:00. No reply.

This has disaster written all over it and I have a pretty impressive record of impulse-driven catastrophes. Additionally I get a suspicion-laden cross examination from my LT friend who clearly regards my two day trip to Bangkok ALONE with a notable lack of enthusiasm.

Once in Bangkok, I spent the day doing some fruitless shopping, got a massage, downed a few glasses of Cabernet and attempted to cope with a ballooning trepidation over this impulsive adventure. At 18:30 I got a phone call from Mr. J announcing тАЬMr. J here.тАЭ Interestingly in his few attempts at English he now always speaks of himself in the third person. Wonder where that came from. Security calls asking if he can come up.

I stood at the open door trying to formulate a way to escape from the impending disaster. He arrived accompanied (once again) by a friend- interpreter and ye gads Mr. J looked even more delicious than my feeble recollection. HeтАЩs lean but well muscled. HeтАЩs dressed beautifully in an understated way that no straight boy fresh from Isaan should possibly be able to manage and some deft hand has done wonderful things with his hair.

The translator is sent packing and with no further ado. Mr. J starts to shed his clothes in a slow, deliberate and unconsciously provocative manner. No spare tires in sight, only lightly defined, firm brown muscle, beautiful tattoos and that marvelous appendage that screams тАЬsmoke meтАЭ as it begins to rise to attention even before Mr. J is totally naked.

The first round produced the hoped for results after a pleasant period spent tongue-exploring all available surfaces, brushing lips over rock hard abs, cradling his impossibly soft & velvety scrotum and gliding up & down his throbbing тАж (OK possibly a bit over the top, but essentially factual).

Even more startling was his capacity to recharge. During the half-time break he watched a few minutes of some ghastly soap opera on TV and I, with his active encouragement, let my fingers, tongue, lips investigate everything on offer. In less than ten minutes he was fully erect and all systems go. This time the conclusion took slightly longer, which was all the more enjoyable, but was no less impressive. Amazing Thailand for sure. Even more amazing was his repeat performance the following evening.

He carted off an obscene amount of cash as a tip/ for flood relief as well as promises/assurances of future sessions & contributions, but it was money well spent. He definitely lifted my spirits, among other things, and did more for my sense of well being than any spa could hope to achieve. His home-grown elixir was more rejuvenating than any commercially produced and swallowed concoction.

HeтАЩs lost some of his childish spontaneity and there were no na├пve proclamations of love or phone calls at 4:00 in the morning asking to come to my room as happened before, but thatтАЩs fine. HeтАЩs providing a therapeutic service and doing it in spectacular fashion. He said (in fragmented Thai-nglish) he was in town for a couple of months and that life in Isaan was very difficult. I hope what I gave him will enable him to make a speedier return to his home and feel sad that I was the beneficiary of his misfortune, but hey life is what it is. Regardless of where he is staying I plan to see him from time to time for continuing "therapy." Just the anticipation is good for the spirits.

Sometimes acting on impulse (and keeping old phone numbers) can pay off exceedingly well. And if a certain party in Pattaya is overly suspicious of my solo visits to the north, that could be beneficial too.

January 22nd, 2012, 15:49
Sleepless in krung Thep was first posted: Wed 28 Jan, 2009 8:27 pm


Why has this come back to haunt us??

x in pattaya
January 22nd, 2012, 16:58
Sleepless in krung Thep was first posted: Wed 28 Jan, 2009 8:27 pm


Why has this come back to haunt us??

Because I posted a follow-up today regarding the individual mentioned in my original post, something that could easily have been seen if you looked at the last message posted. Sorry if that offends or "haunts" you.

January 22nd, 2012, 17:58
id like to thank *X* not seen this post before and i enjoyed reading it very much ...

January 22nd, 2012, 20:47
Thank you for sharing.

I recently met a boy again (who left the bar scene, all I had left was his phone number) one year and a half after our last encounter (and one year after I last saw him in a bar).

I wonder: why do some boys change phone numbers about once per year and others keep theirs for long time? This can be really annoying: I chat (from Europe) with a friend on gayromeo or elsewhere, we want to meet (when I am in Thailand), I call him on his old number and nobody picks up. So I have to write a message to get his new phone number.

Or even worse: I can't reach a friend from 4 weeks ago on the phone (no connection under this number). I don't have any more information than his phone number, name, home province and that he studies at Ramkhamhaeng!

January 22nd, 2012, 20:52
X wrote:

after a pleasant period spent tongue-exploring all available surfaces, brushing lips over rock hard abs, cradling his impossibly soft & velvety scrotum and gliding up & down his throbbing тАж

O.k, X. NOW you're talking!!

something that could easily have been seen if you looked at the last message posted.

I generally read from the FIRST, not the last, post.

Maybe instead of just posting the old thread straight up, it would have been an idea to preface it with a little explanation.

Anyway, I DID read it and it WAS interesting. Korp kun krap!

January 23rd, 2012, 00:24
I think we can all relate to your adventure. It almost made me feel as if I was back in Thailand right now.

Brad the Impala
January 23rd, 2012, 00:31
Lovely X, thank you. I have a little hoard of numbers for next time in town!