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View Full Version : HIV-testing in Pattaya

March 28th, 2006, 00:04
Hello everybody, I wish to know if there are any clinics in Pattaya where they do quick and reliable HIV-tests?

March 29th, 2006, 03:24
SnowViking, i am sorry i do not now, if there are clinics white reliable HIV-test in Pattaya !

But i am surprised, nobody reply on your treat.

Some off this board spend a lot off time to tell me my post is boring. They must feel a lot more satisfaction as to gives you a answer on your question !

I still hope someone will answer you ! :drunken:

March 29th, 2006, 05:36
There are many clinic's 500 bht for H.I.V test. also a free clinic.
for more info contact me on e.mail thefullmontybar@hotmail.com
You can also contact Dr Philippe Seur M.D. on e.mail philthai@hotmail.com

March 29th, 2006, 06:51
I have one done as part of my annual check-up at the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital. The results are given in a few hours. I was put off answering because you asked for "quick". There are some, I read, that give results in minutes and I have seen advertisements for home test kits. As far as I know, they all still only give you the situation as it was 3 months prior and that's only about 99% accurate. If you or friends are going you should know that there is little or no counseling ofered. That being so you should prepare mentally a plan for the worst.

March 29th, 2006, 13:52
Quick tests are now done with a 'litmus paper' style piece of paper that is submerged in the blood and changes colour if positive. There are many such tests supplied from a few countries so if positive have a further test done at a good clinic or hospital this is called a Western Blot test. DNA can also be done to make sure but is expensive.
I still say if you are having sex, active or passive 'safe sex or not', you should have a test at least every 3 mths anywhere in world along with your partner.

March 30th, 2006, 11:15
so exacyly where are some of these 500 baht same day clinics in Bangkok where I think I'll be starting my next trip?


March 30th, 2006, 12:48
Hello everybody, I wish to know if there are any clinics in Pattaya where they do quick and reliable HIV-tests?

Try Dr. Oliver.