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January 14th, 2009, 01:24
Thinking cautiously with all the falangs recent happenings;

thinking about the hotel i stay at near sunee that has entrance cameras, should i be concerned, as although i always check ids, we all know how age judging can easily foul us in los.
what if the boys in brown were to ask for the camera recordings here & then see falangs enter with a guy whose they think/assume is lower than the consent age, or my guest borrowed his friends ids who looks very similar, being just short of the consent age, & as in some kind of related happenings with falang in pty, the boys in brown decide to act upon this!
is this also worth concidering with guests houses that have no reception or daytime reception, but cameras also present?

January 14th, 2009, 03:03
i agree, now back to the posting

January 14th, 2009, 04:20
Just pick someone who looks over 18 AND has an ID card that shows he is.

What I must do next time is pack a small torch, so the ID card can be inspected closely whilst in the bar.

January 14th, 2009, 04:36
If your a ped you deserve to get caught.

BG will you never stop beating that ped dead horse issue, everyone by now knows how you feel. how long must you dwell on the issue. As stated before people who constantly make a lot of noise about an issue ae lileky the ones with the most probblem in that area in thier persoanl life. I think you are a closet ped


January 14th, 2009, 05:12
If your a ped you deserve to get caught.

BG will you never stop beating that ped dead horse issue, everyone by now knows how you feel. how long must you dwell on the issue. As stated before people who constantly make a lot of noise about an issue ae lileky the ones with the most probblem in that area in thier persoanl life. I think you are a closet ped


And I think the word "closet" is being over-generous


January 14th, 2009, 05:30
............What I must do next time is pack a small torch, so the ID card can be inspected closely whilst in the bar.

Why don't you also bring a magnifying glass, a ruler, and a calculator?

That way you could count the pubes on your prospective shag, measure his pubic area, calculate the ratio of pubes to skin and thereby make a judgement on the true age? If that proved inconclusive you could maybe inspect his teeth like you would a horse?

Alternatively you could just get real and make a sensible judgement without all that malarkey with your wee torch.

Let me tell you this - if I was a bar owner in Thailand and there was some weirdo sitting up the back of the bar inspecting the ID cards with a bloody torch, I would physically eject them from the bar AND I wouldn't even let them finish the lemonade they have probably been sitting nursing for 2hours.


January 14th, 2009, 06:05
Well how the hell do you spot a fake ID if you don't check it carefully?

January 14th, 2009, 06:08
Well how the hell do you spot a fake ID if you don't check it carefully?

Well theres is also another apportunity, to stay in a hotel or guesthouse, where they check and keep the ID. :bounce:

January 14th, 2009, 06:18
Thinking cautiously with all the falangs recent happenings;

thinking about the hotel i stay at near sunee that has entrance cameras, should i be concerned, as although i always check ids, we all know how age judging can easily foul us in los.

In consideration spy camera are used to ID and apprehend culprits, then there is reason for concern for misuse. I think cameras at hotels are not a problem, but at other, un-staffed guest houses,etc then they would be useful in a scam or setup.

January 14th, 2009, 08:29
I don't think someone from a sexually fascistic country like Norway would be very happy to have his activities recorded on camera considering the fact they are criminals for even paying for play with anyone of any age anywhere in the world.
In instances such as this, the cameras may in fact prove to be the SOURCE of new "setups" and blackmail schemes.
After all, the NGOs and anti-sex fascists keep telling us that "the law is the law", that "slavery is slavery" and "human trafficking" may be as simple as taking the bus from Issan. And we all know that the more laws there are the bigger the profits are all around, and that is the real engine keeping this movement in high gear. :cheers:

I now understand that there is an NGO in BKK which is in the process of setting up a hotline expressly for reporting "sightings" of guys from Norway and other countries that have similar laws so that they can be tracked and persecuted more effectively. I am going to publicize this as soon as I get details so all of the hysterics on this board can have a field-day!

This is a very slippery slope we're on and the real fun has yet to begin. This is a real growth industry in these otherwise difficult economic times. :joker:

January 14th, 2009, 08:35
I don't think someone from a sexually fascistic country like Norway would be very happy to have his activities recorded on camera considering the fact they are criminals for even paying for play with anyone of any age anywhere in the world. In instances such as this, the cameras may in fact prove to be the SOURCE of new "setups" and blackmail schemes. After all, the NGOs and anti-sex fascists keep telling us that "the law is the law", that "slavery is slavery" and "human trafficking" may be as simple as taking the bus from Issan. And we all know that the more laws there are the bigger the profits are all around, and that is the real engine keeping this movement in high gear.

I now understand that there is an NGO in BKK which is in the process of setting up a hotline expressly for reporting "sightings" of guys from Norway and other countries that have similar laws so that they can be tracked and persecuted more effectively. I am going to publicize this as soon as I get details so all of the hysterics on this board can have a field-day!

This is a very slippery slope we're on and the real fun has yet to begin. This is a real growth industry in these otherwise difficult economic times.Brandon I hope you are taking note of this!

January 14th, 2009, 09:01
"Just pick someone who looks over 18 AND has an ID card that shows he is."
So simple -- and just how do you ensure the boy in a 12 millimeter photo takeken several years ago with a different haircut is the boy you wish to off?

x in pattaya
January 14th, 2009, 10:31
what if the boys in brown were to ask for the camera recordings here & then see falangs enter with a guy whose they think/assume is lower than the consent age

To avoid causing suspicion you could both wear balaclavas and dash furtively from shadow to shadow as you approach the hotel.

January 14th, 2009, 12:50
Some here can come up with the most weird scenarios for posts
so they can bring up their *agendas*

January 14th, 2009, 15:22

I now understand that there is an NGO in BKK which is in the process of setting up a hotline expressly for reporting "sightings" of guys from Norway and other countries that have similar laws so that they can be tracked and persecuted more effectively.

Bearing in mind the existance of a hard core of self-admitted NGO and Police wannabees on this message board who will undoubtedly want to jump on the bandwagon which Annan has flagged up in his post, I will attempt to assist:

Spotting a Norwegian will not be easy, even for the Hercules Poirot's of this board - therefore please follow this link to find out what the average Norwegian will be wearing as he trawls around Sunee Plaza of an evening. Please note the photo is posed by an Asian to protect any innocent Nowegians from being reported by board members as potential accessories before the act.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _bunad.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/17mai_flagg_og_bunad.jpg)

If you see anybody like this, please contact Khoma Tose, or Chow Mine (aka The Colonel) as soon as possible. Additionally, should you see them smoking in a bar, please drop an email to the Cat's Arse.

The Norwegians must be stopped!


January 14th, 2009, 20:44
entrance cameras catch them in their room having sex and paying

is there a bounty on Norwegians?
what do they look like?
get fucking real

January 14th, 2009, 20:59
Why are U attracted to "guys" that look so young that they could be your grandson or great grandson. I guess I can't relate since I want my guys to look like young men; thus, I don't have that problem.

January 14th, 2009, 23:56
"Just pick someone who looks over 18 AND has an ID card that shows he is."
So simple -- and just how do you ensure the boy in a 12 millimeter photo takeken several years ago with a different haircut is the boy you wish to off?

Sometimes it's difficult to be sure with the ID card, that's why I make the 2 checks.

January 15th, 2009, 01:05
Why are U attracted to "guys" that look so young that they could be your grandson or great grandson. I guess I can't relate since I want my guys to look like young men; thus, I don't have that problem.

And your age is?

Truth please!


January 15th, 2009, 17:08
Some here can come up with the most weird scenarios for posts so they can bring up their *agendas*

The second most perceptive I have read today (the first being TOQ's).

1. If, as Shuee says in his original post "...my guest borrowed his friends ids who looks very similar, being just short of the consent age, & as in some kind of related happenings with falang in pty, the boys in brown decide to act upon this" then the quality of the video recording would make differentiating between the two boys in question impossible and, consequently, the entire post academic.

2. If brandumb is 53 then he could have been no more than 15 in 1970 when a bomb went off at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he "was speaking out, loudly, against the war". Maybe he was on a schoolchildren's visit.

January 15th, 2009, 17:29
тАЬSometimes it's difficult to be sure with the ID card, that's why I make the 2 checks.тАЭ

The word тАЬdifficultтАЭ should be changed to тАЬimpossibleтАЭ. I always check the ID two times in good light, then have the guard at reception check it. I have still had under-age boys slip through.

While holding a boyтАЩs card so that he can not view it I ask the boy his birthday. Many times he doesnтАЩt тАЬrememberтАЭ his birthday. I have now done this so often that boys know to prepare for it. I have thought of asking the boy the serial number on his card, but my BF tells me that many legitimate boys donтАЩt know their number. I have even thought of carrying a tape measure to compare their height with the card, but discarded the idea as ludicrous.

I find it outrageous that we pay good money to boys, mamasans, managers, and bar owners who, with impunity, conspire to deceive us so that we violate laws which expose us to horrific consequences.

January 15th, 2009, 17:45
Some here can come up with the most weird scenarios for posts
so they can bring up their *agendas*
Indeed I see BG written all over this one. If you are not doing anything wrong then what difference does a camera make. It's a world full of camera's now days from outer space to the traffic cop to the dash cams on police cars. It's a world constanly being monitored. My guess is it is not going to get any better, just as well get use to bg brother watching you and your date.


x in pattaya
January 15th, 2009, 17:59
. If brandumb is 53 then he could have been no more than 15 in 1970 when a bomb went off at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he "was speaking out, loudly, against the war". Maybe he was on a schoolchildren's visit.

Hey, the Queen of Boyztown spoke out against the Crimean War and she just turned 50.

I find it outrageous that we pay good money to boys, mamasans, managers, and bar owners who, with impunity, conspire to deceive us so that we violate laws which expose us to horrific consequences.

Don't know you well enough to tell if this comment has been made with tongue in cheek. I'm pretty sure you've been around long enough to know that the good money we pay "to boys, mamasans, managers, and bar owners " in order to have sex is in itself a violation of law, although horrific consequences are rarely the result, at least in the legal sense.

January 15th, 2009, 23:06
I won my first oratory contest at the age of 8

You might just win the Newbe Verbosity award here too. And, if that doesn't come to pass, perhaps the endless touting will win you something (if this board were the American Idol's version of singing one's own praise, you wouldn't be going to Hollywood with my vote).

x in pattaya
January 15th, 2009, 23:22
My protest speeches were probably more attention-getting than most because of how freakish it was to have some kid talking about important issues. Truly a wonderful world.

If you'd confine yourself to important issues now, or at least interesting ones, it would probably be less freakish.

In Thailand when farang go on and on and on about some inconsequential thing, they are often told " you think too much."
It's a polite way of saying: "Give it a rest."

January 15th, 2009, 23:54
If I were you, I would not be so quick, especially as a newbie, to dismiss out of hand Gone Fishing, I like you ; in past times wasn't sure about him, his posts his Latin and Greek all of which I am relatively familiar with. At first, I thought he was on a self-involved ego trip. I later found him to be a bit long winded at times only to find myself doing the same as he at times, although not as often as you. Therefore, I like to think of something my dad once told me of an old preacher who in my Rustic Atlantic Ocean of North Carolina home was considered one of the best. Told of a story. He once picked up a little black boy hitchhiking, this was an era of Southern plantation living when Blacks of any kind were not to be friends or play mates or even to eat together or such things we take for granted now days. The preacher made the statement that in the short trip with the young black boy of the poor southern heritage was able to tell him things he could never learn from anyone else. Stating that all of us can, at times, learn from other people and we should not be so quick to dismiss out of hand remarks of people, kids, intellectuals, even Homiturn. Everyone seems to have his purpose. All of us no matter how smart or, how well educated or, how far we are ahead of the rest can learn something from everyone we run into. Just today a school kid (18 before BG begins beating his ped horse again), was able to teach me some things I had long forgotten. His first time with a guy and he chose me. Why I am not sure. I let him take his time explore my white body while he kept his clothes on, I lay there totally exposed to a person who was simply curious. In the 6 hours, we spent together while he was skipping school to be with me, I discovered he was of one of the well to do political families here and as he wondered if he should confess to the priest what he had done today with a man of 57, being from one of the elite catholic schools here. Well I never got to cum, he was so terribly bad even at a hand job I never could get off but I suspect as he mentioned, and I was his first. Moreover, as such he would never forget it. Therefore, by now you are wondering where the punch line is.

Gone Fishing has a great heart, although you may need to look for it, he has information most people have never bothered to read and generally has opened up several doors of interest for me. To put him on the foe list so quickly would be a mistake. I personally even keep BG off the ignore button because I can learn something even from him. Although he declares me, a bit dense he does not know me. In short, we can learn something from any one. A little black boy, BG, (to you, Thonglore55), you will find that O'booze often in his short snippets often lines his post with a tongue in cheek wisdom that few of us possess. Smiles can teach of or commitment and the need for the first amendment, declaring everyone, maybe with the exception of Hedda, has a right to speak out, so from gra45 to George, we learn things w could never know had we never met them, read their opinions and checked their facts. Something I do little of since I believe in the best of people, not the worst. I assume things posted here are at least in the mind of most posters intended to be the truth as they see it. Of course, there are with us trolls who do not even take themselves serious like curious, and if he cannot take himself serious, then why should I. A true troll if there really ever was one.

Therefore, before you hit the foe button keep in mind we have a forum not just to hear idea's but, to learn to share what you know and to assume everyone has a voice. In that vein, Smiles and I agree. It was with that it thought in mind he began this forum. To give stage to the well written the poor the great (at least in their own eyes) and to see to it that this forum is a place where idea's information and yes even a quiet kind of love for each other develops. Be sure Even X in Pattaya has much I can learn from, you just need to know how to read his work as with Smiles. He is usually tongue in cheek and when not, be careful. As far as I know I live in peace with all men, and if there is a god, whom I greatly doubt, I am at peace with Him too, although he may not like me very much.

So, hit that button carefully as you as a newbie join this strange group of people you will find that Gone Fishing has more to say than what you have seen and I personally do not plan to miss anything he has to say.

All the best my friend!


January 16th, 2009, 23:36
Wesley, many thanks for the character reference but I really find I hard to be so generous and to keep such an open mind as you, and so I find it difficult to imagine that brandumb will have anything more valuable to offer than his contributions to date.

Some of what he says is undoubtedly true - having "a large number of psychiatric problems" is pretty obvious, for a start.

His claim to be "hyperintelligent", however, is demonstrably just another ego trip - the term is limited to such as Gauss, Newton, Galileo, Darwin and Einstein and brandumb is clearly not one of those. If he were he would know that Universities are required to publish readily available records of graduations, including by age in the US (and none of those for the U of W-M could apply); he would have an eye for minute detail, and not make the mistake, for example, of saying that 3 people were killed in an explosion at a campus he was on when it was actually one; he would have the intelligence to realise that publishing his photo and his field of expertise (if true) would compromise his anonymity; with his medical "expertise" he would have far more basic medical knowledge than he has; he would know his parents would not live for ever and that if they are likely to off-handedly give him a $1,500,000 car ($2-3,000,000 if you want to avoid the 2┬╜ year waiting list!) as a present they would probably feature him in a will, making his worries about his financial security groundless; he would know that any medical tests still in the trial stage in one country could not be readily available in another; he would know тАж.. sorry, the list could go on - and with as many posts every day as I average in a month it probably will.

I do not consider myself particularly "smart" (and if I did I hope I would be "smart" enough to make sure that I could back up any claims I make), neither do I post here to insult all the boards members (I try to be more selective). I simply consider that posting the utter garbage that brandumb has done and assuming that anyone here will fall for it and take him seriously (although apparently a few have) is insulting not only to my intelligence but to that of every member of this board, consequently I see nothing wrong with pointing it out.

January 17th, 2009, 00:33
If I were you, I would not be so quick, especially as a newbie, to dismiss out of hand Gone Fishing,.......
So, hit that button carefully as you as a newbie join this strange group of people you will find that Gone Fishing has more to say than what you have seen and I personally do not plan to miss anything he has to say.
All the best my friend!

Very eloquent post Wesley! Quite a different style then your other posts, even I could understand it.

January 17th, 2009, 01:32
Web Strategist - you can't even find the ignore button!!!

Neither can you read or comprehend basic English:

I never mentioned "IQ, moron".

You have as little idea about hyper-intelligence as you do about medical matters - your therapist may have told you this to humour you, but I suspect it is your imaginative ego again.

Lloyd Wright understood the consequences of his extra-marital affairs perfectly, as he did other people's views, he simply ignored them, which is why he left the US for Europe where he could continue to practice as an architect (sorry, but having been trained as an architect myself I studied him at length and had no need in this instance to resort to the internet).

A lack of interest in detail is very different from a lack of ability in detail; when it suits you, you are very keen on the minutiae - when it doesn't you go for the big picture. A sign of desperation, rather than intelligence (hyper or otherwise).

I think you'll find that I explained at some length about a Veyron being available without the wait if you were willing to pay for it. Maybe if I had drawn a picture it would have been simpler for you to understand that a mark-up is charged by "car brokers, dork" - but, of course, that would not have given your ego sufficient rein.

I thought most people would understand that posting your photo and naming a university you claimed to have attended at 15 would not have been conducive to anonymity - maybe that is beyond a "Web Strategist" to understand.

Wealth (real or imagined), or the lack of it, has nothing to do with unpopularity although again this is something your therapist may have told you or which you may have convinced yourself of to avoid the reality that people just don't like you.

"Just go" would be the easiest course - your all important ego will be less hurt that way, as it could hardly be clearer that you don't care about your credibility.

Khor tose
January 17th, 2009, 02:10
If I were you, I would not be so quick, especially as a newbie, to dismiss out of hand Gone Fishing,.......
So, hit that button carefully as you as a newbie join this strange group of people you will find that Gone Fishing has more to say than what you have seen and I personally do not plan to miss anything he has to say.
All the best my friend!

Very eloquent post Wesley! Quite a different style then your other posts, even I could understand it.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: Sorry Wes what Francois is saying is both funny and true. I really wish you would write this way more often.

January 17th, 2009, 03:41
WTF have all the above comments ( well most of them) got to do with the original post.

GET A LIFE !!!!!!!

:argue: :argue: :argue: :argue: :argue: :argue:

x in pattaya
January 17th, 2009, 09:43
I've mentioned here many times that details and credibility are unimportant to me and, indeed, they are.

And yet you fill pages of message board space with details that can best be described as excruciatingly minute (or possibly just excruciating), with no other apparent purpose than to defend your credibility.

I'm afraid you're going to be very lonely in Thailand, as you probably are now, because your verbal diarrhoea, which is directly or indirectly focused solely on self-promotion, will clear a room faster than a dysenteric fart.

Thais, even those who are in your company for cash, simply wonтАЩt endure listening to you blather on and on and on, and only desperate farang cadging drinks will pretend to listen to you as they sink into their alcoholic comas.


January 17th, 2009, 10:03
Brandon wrote:

My car broker, Concept Automobiles in La Hoya, CA

Brandon what a faker you are. You claim to reside in San Diego and yet you don't know how to spell La Jolla. It may be pronouced La Hoya, however, no self respecting San Diegan would ever spell it that way, I guess you are in fact a major troll.

January 17th, 2009, 10:32
Most fun parts underlined, bolded, and in red. Main points only ... too many highlighted may well be seen to be damaging to one's case. Editorial comment in underlined, bold, blue.

" ... How am i seeing a message from you? Oh well,
You are right, you are not a smart individual. I suspect you are an Internet Instant Expert, knowing nothing and talking about it in great detail.

Hyperintelligence is entirely unrelated to IQ, moron. Einstein was a Genius, not hyperintelligent. Frank Lloyd Wright is thought to be hyperintelligent. Einstein, an amazing genius of the first order, took work that was being done and extended it in new and unexpected ways. Lloyd saw architecture as it had never been seen before, and his building didn't look like others; he couldn't understand why people got upset when he left his wife & kids to live with his mistress (a long time ago, when this just didn't happen) and it's often been said that "Frank Lloyd Wright never build a building with a roof that didn't leak.) Typical of this kind of individual.

Hyperintelligent people usually have very poor skills with detail (and very little interest in them, which is why so many of them end up in money trouble, among other trouble). What distinguishes people in this category is that they can look at the world very differently and relate and shift huge concepts to understand the world in a different way, and are usually used as long-term strategists, if able to work. I've only met one other hyperintelligent individual, going for deep brain therapy in Masachusettes, and he's considered permanently disabled because he's so fucked up. I've mentioned here many times that details and credibility are unimportant to me and, indeed, they are.

The only million dollar car I mentioned was a Veyron. My car broker, Concept Automobiles in La Hoya, CA, has a Veyron that could be purchased today, although it's the red and grey one and I wanted an all grey one. I've received e-mails about 2 grey Veyrons that are available but it would be the first time I've asked the family for something for a very long time. No one with money goes through normal channels, or waits for things, when there are so many people who will expedite whatever you need, though for a price. True, the initial run of 100 cars sold out immediately, but some of those sales were to car brokers, dork. If you had money you'd know the biggest pain in the neck bunch of people on earth to deal with (present company excluded) is Ferrari, who is way too precious about who gets their cars (especially the Enzo, which was not sold to anyone who didn't already own another Ferrari) and who is "unworthy." Passports currently take 2-3 months in the US but when I want one it'll take a day or two. One of the longer-term members of the U.S. Senate was my debating partner and if I called him I would quickly get whatever I need. In return, he's send me speeches to punch up. Waiting in line is for idiots, present company included.

My experience and deep belief is that people who expect to inherit money are probably in for a surprise. My attitude toward inheritances is that I didn't earn the money so it is best used for philanthropy. I haven't taken a cent from my parents . . . It's why Mom(my) gives me cars, it's because I return the money and send flowers in return. Oh, and the reason I don't "tear up her checks" or something melodramatic like that is because sums of that sort are wired into my accounts, which is information I did not provide to her but she got it anyway. Hmmm. I wonder if there's a waiting line for that? I'll have to ask someone who's poor. Is there?

I haven't been in the sciences for a very long time. My current field of Web Strategist will not allow you to find me. My name is not brandon, nor is it any name you'll find if you think to do a WhoIs search on the domain names I mentioned (did you think of that, Detective?) that I owned, although you will find a name that's different than Brandon.

You are more the type you have in mind. A small person with a narrow focus on entirely unimportant details (talking about not red, but grey Veyrons) Was it one person killed and 2 injured at UW-Madison, not 3 kiilled? Well good for you. Did you score points there? The world is full of accountants, smug in their knowledge of detail but not able to see their company is bankrupt.

Now i've got to go figure out why you're not being filtered out, or maybe just go. It is the case that people of wealth are almost universally unpopular (except with those who live on tips), and now I suspect I've done far too much damage to my own case. Dork
Oh dear!
Where is HL Mencken (the Unltimate Pinpointer of Bungkom Barrages) when you need him?
Henry Cate is a rank amateur compared to this dude.
But do carry on Brandon, yer doing nicely. (Please pardon the multiple edits. This post was just too good to be true).

Cheers ... (Did you ever meet Angela Davis? I think she may have played Wisconsin :rr: )

January 17th, 2009, 10:39
Brandon what a faker you are. You claim to reside in San Diego and yet you don't know how to spell La Jolla. It may be pronouced La Hoya, however, no self respecting San Diegan would ever spell it that way, I guess you are in fact a major troll.

Troll clue number 1: Joined: Sun 4 Jan, 2009 10:43 pm
Total posts: 209
16.08 posts per day

January 17th, 2009, 15:39
If it was not for his post that, unless they have a visible cut on their penis, gay tops (and, based on his reasoning, any straight men engaging in conventional heterosexual sex) cannot catch HIV from their partner by engaging in unprotected sex, I would simply ignore braindead. As it is, however, he is dangerous (and I use the word literally, Smiles!) and I apologize if discrediting him and any credibility he may have has become tedious.

January 18th, 2009, 01:28
Please Brandon, Stop boring the shit out of me, and i guess most of the people that read this board.

Would it not be better to get yourself over here, then you can answer your own inane questions.

x in pattaya
January 18th, 2009, 07:22
just ignore me.

It's impossible because, as this thread on hotel entrance cameras clearly shows, you insinuate yourself into virtually every thread like a virus. Even without your posts one is left with all the annoyed reactionary posts and a topic that's ceased to have anything to do with Thailand.

So why would people take time to edit my posts, find appropriate cartoons, count my posts, or correct irrelevant detail?

For the same reason you take time to swap mosquitoes, scrape dog crap from your shoe or stare in disbelief at some 90 year old woman at Dongtan who's walking around topless.

January 18th, 2009, 07:45
[quote="scottish-guy".........The Norwegians must be stopped!

Can I both quote myself and post a correction?

BRANDON must be stopped!


January 18th, 2009, 07:55

Whats the scene in Sunee these days ? I'm planning a visit in June.

I felt safe last year , but what about the security cams?

And what about the Police raids , same as last year ?

January 18th, 2009, 09:17
" ... Have you no lives? Why don't you start another post like that terrific "First visit to Thailand" topic that was so enjoyable? Or that moving post about falling in love with a bar boy? Wes has several that were enjoyable and memorable. Why don't you do those, if you're able? ... "
The "have no lives" spin is an age-old tactic, often mistaken as a reasonable, or even witty, come back. As part of a general critique however it's about as lame as they come.
If you have not noticed, folks come on a message board to ~ duh ~ "post messages", which is to say they spend a half hour, or an hour (usually the most amount of time) doing that ... to all manner of differing types of posts, with all manner of different subjects. Yours just happen at this small moment in time of Sawatdee's history to be easily the most pretentious and fabulously assailable. They receive notice ... just human nature.

Secondly, I think if you take the time by clicking on 'certain member's' Profile, you'll probably find (there are exceptions) that said members post on a whole range of topics, your's being only momentary ~ but delicious ~ diversions.

Cheers ...

January 18th, 2009, 10:09

Whats the scene in Sunee these days ? I'm planning a visit in June.

I felt safe last year , but what about the security cams?

And what about the Police raids , same as last year ?

the scene in Sunee is the same as it has been in the past. By all means make your trip in June!
The security cams are a joke. Many are already non functioning.
View the police raids like an airplane crash: untold millions of people fly safely every year but if one person dies it is headlines. Your chances of running afoul of any police action are statistically near zero. Your chance of being killed while crossing the street is far greater, but I'll bet you still cross streets, don't you?
Forget about all the self-righteous hysterics who write here. Things in Sunee are just fine. Come in June and have a great time!

January 18th, 2009, 10:38
The "have no lives" spin is an age-old tactic, often mistaken as a reasonable, or even witty, come back. As part of a general critique however it's about as lame as they come. If you have not noticed, folks come on a message board to ~ duh ~ "post messages", which is to say they spend a half hour, or an hour (usually the most amount of time) doing that ... to all manner of differing types of posts, with all manner of different subjects. Yours just happen at this small moment in time of Sawatdee's history to be easily the most pretentious and fabulously assailable. They receive notice ... just human nature.Is that any better than posters who make generalisations such as "based on what I hear, what I read on the message boards and the never-ending parade of pathetic, ridiculous farang who make the local newspapers, I'd say a clear MAJORITY of them do not make the transition very well. They turn into bitter old bitching nuisances who spend their day complaining about everything in Thailand and reminiscing about how wonderful everything was back in farang-land" and "I would say the probability that someone settles in and is perfectly, permanently happy here would be about 10%. Maybe another 30% will muddle through, most likely in an alcoholic haze, feeling happy at times and pissed off at other times. Everyone else will either cut their losses and run or remain here nursing a simmering lunatic rage that will periodically boil over to fill the pages of the Pattaya People newspaper and/or lead to bungy jumping off a balcony without a cord attached." written by someone who on his own admission has no friends in Thailand.

January 18th, 2009, 10:59
Would it be more appropriate for Brandon to use the handle Walter Mitty?

January 18th, 2009, 12:18
So what happens to farangs in these raids, anyway? I mean, if they're just sitting there not doing anything wrong? From what I've read, the raids are just the police coming in and taking pee tests from the boys and checking their ID's. Or is something else going on that we should worry about?

January 18th, 2009, 12:35
Or is something else going on that we should worry about?If you stick around here long enough and read the outporings of our resident drama queens you'll find there's ALWAYS something going on we should worry about.

January 18th, 2009, 16:36
good to see the thread turned into a good old slanging match!

thanks very much to those who contributed positively

i think i will just wear a big mexican hat as i walk into the hotel lobby next time, with 'hello' written on the top of it

January 18th, 2009, 22:42
From what I see on TV they installed about 1,000 cameras throughout London last year .....

Accurate as ever. There are already approximately 4,000,000 CCTV cameras (official and privately owned) covering public areas in London.