View Full Version : Wesley in Manila: A hell of a guy

January 13th, 2009, 20:37
I would like to thank Wesley for his hospitality to a Manila newbie.

We met, he introduced me to some interesting people, and showed me around. We laughed, had drinks, oggled the lads, and had a good time together.

There really is a gay community if folks are prepared to be kind to each other.

Again, Wesley, thank you.

January 14th, 2009, 09:20
Why thanks,

You as well left quite an impression on me and the guys that met you. Although I don't get out much in the week it was a pleasure to meet you as well as your hospitsality.

I would certainly do the same for anyone else who decided they wanted to come friends are such a treasiure I would hesitate to help anyone find their way Around. I plan a trip to Makti are this next weekend put on at Govermnent bar there

Thanks My friend for leaving such a great impression on me my freinds and employee's

All hte best!


January 14th, 2009, 15:14
Does this refer to John or Charles?

January 15th, 2009, 05:41
Does this refer to John or Charles?



January 18th, 2009, 08:35
Does this refer to John or Charles?


Who John or Charles ?

January 20th, 2009, 14:47
Does this refer to John or Charles?


Who John or Charles ?

The founders of Methodism.

January 24th, 2009, 18:05
The Methodist, Don't like Charles very much, he believes in Predestination,,however arminianism is accepted by them and assumed to be the truth, Simply stating, that If there is a God, assuming of course that he is anything similar to the Judaic Christian Theology if one does exist at all, then they would state that God being all knowing does not predestinate, As the Baptist and John Calvin assert. Simply what he knows who is and who is not by his omniscience.That once saved always saved no matter what life style you live. They would say that you were never saved if lost. Believing once saved always saved. The Methodist and most all other evangelicals other than the Baptist believe in Americanism that you still retain free will, and can at any point choose not to serve Him, if he exist at all. If I had to go with one way or the other I would say that the Armenian thought process makes more sense. To say that we have no free will or all are "elect" does not align with the central themes of the Bible and that once can loose out with God, assuming the Bible is infallible in which I do not, and never have. So, I would say that you have your Methodist and Baptist mixed up and would assume you stick to what you understand.

January 24th, 2009, 22:27
The Methodist, Don't like Charles very much, he believes in Predestination,,however arminianism is accepted by them and assumed to be the truth, Simply stating, that If there is a God, assuming of course that he is anything similar to the Judaic Christian Theology if one does exist at all, then they would state that God being all knowing does not predestinate, As the Baptist and John Calvin assert. Simply what he knows who is and who is not by his omniscience.That once saved always saved no matter what life style you live. They would say that you were never saved if lost. Believing once saved always saved. The Methodist and most all other evangelicals other than the Baptist believe in Americanism that you still retain free will, and can at any point choose not to serve Him, if he exist at all. If I had to go with one way or the other I would say that the Armenian thought process makes more sense. To say that we have no free will or all are "elect" does not align with the central themes of the Bible and that once can loose out with God, assuming the Bible is infallible in which I do not, and never have. So, I would say that you have your Methodist and Baptist mixed up and would assume you stick to what you understand.

Duh? I merely asked whether he was referring to the horse rider or the hymn writer. If God is omniscient he will understand what you mean. No other intelligent entity has any chance of that. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Helluva Guy".

January 25th, 2009, 13:24
Actually I really dind't look to see it was you 555 sorry about that. I was still a bit pissed at once in a whiels accusations about my whoreing around Manila and that I need to stick with what I know. Well I happend to run into what I know here. Actually I was almost out the door and really should not have posted at all. it was a rush to get it done and I was already late for a date.

Sorry again 555, not intended to be persoanl, I was just in a bad mood with once in a While. I hate to admit he bothered me but I guess a guy with no conscience would never apologize for the gutter trash he spewed out at me for no intelligent reaon that I could see.

Sorry again,


January 25th, 2009, 17:31
Read Smiles. Allowing the hydrangia to wind you up is like like putting manure on it's roots.

In two thousand years "The Book" will be scholarly interpretations of those fragments of "Family Guy" episodes as can be reconstructed with the technology of the time. :study:

You may now celebrate Rabbie's 250th Birthday

""Then let us pray,
that come it may,
(As come it will for a' that,)
That Sense and Worth
o'er a' the earth,
Shall bear the gree an' a' that,
For a' that and a' that,
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that."

January 27th, 2009, 20:43
Read Smiles. Allowing the hydrangia to wind you up is like like putting manure on it's roots.

In two thousand years "The Book" will be scholarly interpretations of those fragments of "Family Guy" episodes as can be reconstructed with the technology of the time. :study:

You may now celebrate Rabbie's 250th Birthday

""Then let us pray,
that come it may,
(As come it will for a' that,)
That Sense and Worth
o'er a' the earth,
Shall bear the gree an' a' that,
For a' that and a' that,
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that."
Absolutely kool, and oh so true,

All the best,


February 11th, 2009, 13:18
Tas, are you still in the Phillipines? I would like to hear from you.
If you are setting up home there, I would consider a visit later this year.

Wesley made an open offer and kept his word. I hope his critics
can see beyond some spellings errors and move on. :cat:

February 14th, 2009, 03:58
I hope his critics can see beyond some spellings errors and move onQuite so

February 17th, 2009, 17:17
Yes still here until March the 13th , the bf and I will take a week in Cebu then I will go on to the USA for a 3 or 4 month business trip then back here for two years or more, now that I am registered as a business here, I can get a one or two year visa with out all the usual hassle, Until then, I did not want to set up a permanent home. So, when I come back I will be prepared to settle here as well as retire here I hope. I love the weather the long walks the rain and even the heat is nice after 20 below in Kyrgyzstan for ten years. I hear they are running the American out of Kyrgyzstan which I predicted two years ago and no one in the USA would believe me. I saw it coming. It's good to be where you are welcome. Living among that many Muslims and Russians was like a high wire walk.

So, any time before I leave or as soon as I get set up when I am back you guys are welcome anytime. I did put George off but me and the Bf were having a hard time changing over my life style to a more monogamous life. And it is is harder than I anticipated with so much fruit to choose from here. But I am moving along nicely. I have two guys and both are great and both are happy knowing the other guy in my life completes a part in my life the other cannot provide. So, I suspect it will naturally end up as one, but right now I still have two, one older, one younger, The older is not willing to commit or I would already be single. he has a 60 year old guy he likes to have sex with but likes the emotional side of our relationship the younger guy in my life cries every time he has to go home. Its really nice to be loved. Both are from good families and good jobs and require no maitinance from me. Im a lucky guy .

All the best.
