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View Full Version : Where oh where is TopJohn?

January 13th, 2009, 01:24
Remember TopJohn, the one with the avatar of the cute guy, the one who posted obsessively of his pending trip to Thailand. And now nothing; no follow up or reports of his visit? Or am I wrong?
Perhaps TJ was reincarnated as a newbie poster? The ones who post an innocuous inquiry which escalates in number, length, complexity and bizarreness, sucking in forum members like a black hole. They seem to be from the USA, never been to Thailand, and pose question after question, response after response, ad nauseum, in an unquenchable thirst for information or rather, attention. They even have similar avatars, photo images for themselves. Eerie!

January 13th, 2009, 02:58
Remember TopJohn, the one with the avatar of the cute guy, the one who posted obsessively of his pending trip to Thailand. And now nothing; no follow up or reports of his visit? Or am I wrong?
Perhaps TJ was reincarnated as a newbie poster? The ones who post an innocuous inquiry which escalates in number, length, complexity and bizarreness, sucking in forum members like a black hole. They seem to be from the USA, never been to Thailand, and pose question after question, response after response, ad nauseum, in an unquenchable thirst for information or rather, attention. They even have similar avatars, photo images for themselves. Eerie!
While there in December I briefly met a man who I understood to be topjohn5, and my first impression of him was of someone who would be nice to visit with over coffee or dinner.

He was full of enthusiasm, but not annoyingly so, in my opinion.

If you're implying he's the newbie I think you mean I'm QUITE pleased to say I think you're off the mark.

January 13th, 2009, 03:09
Remember TopJohn, the one with the avatar of the cute guy, the one who posted obsessively of his pending trip to Thailand. And now nothing; no follow up or reports of his visit? Or am I wrong?
Perhaps TJ was reincarnated as a newbie poster? The ones who post an innocuous inquiry which escalates in number, length, complexity and bizarreness, sucking in forum members like a black hole. They seem to be from the USA, never been to Thailand, and pose question after question, response after response, ad nauseum, in an unquenchable thirst for information or rather, attention. They even have similar avatars, photo images for themselves. Eerie!
While there in December I briefly met a man who I understood to be topjohn5, and my first impression of him was of someone who would be nice to visit with over coffee or dinner.

He was full of enthusiasm, but not annoyingly so, in my opinion.

If you're implying he's the newbie I think you mean I'm QUITE pleased to say I think you're off the mark.

I think we all know who Francois' suspicions are directed at - I won't name the poster, and I have no idea or indeed care as to whether he is TopJohn or not. All I WILL say is that from reading his recent "contributions" I have formed the opinion that if he were to contemplate taking a shit it would require several months of detailed planning and multiple/endless threads about the best straining techniques, best time of day and day of the week to have a crap and quite possibly a tissue versus spray hose debate.


January 13th, 2009, 04:00
and keep calling themselves newbies even after 150 post. like i asked the other one "are you a policeman"

January 13th, 2009, 10:56
At last sight (waving away in his taximeter) he had a big grin on his perpetually smiling face. What a nice guy.

We had been atop the State Tower (Bangkok) for a drink at Sky Bar on the 64th floor and a chaser at Breeze Bar on the 52nd floor.

TopJohn5 is not any other poster, as some suspect but just a very busy man currently. I wouldn't expect to hear much before February. Don't quote me, but I think he has to extend his trip.


January 13th, 2009, 14:22
Met topjohn on his travels too... Exposed him to his first Mowlam concert and to X-ray
From our last contact I believe he will be back in Pattaya today...

January 13th, 2009, 17:53
Met topjohn on his travels too... Exposed him to his first Mowlam concert and to X-ray
From our last contact I believe he will be back in Pattaya today...

Correct you are. It is about 645PM here now and have just had a gin tonic with him.. I believe he will post a little something tonight or tomorrow..


January 14th, 2009, 03:52
Met topjohn on his travels too... Exposed him to his first Mowlam concert and to X-ray
From our last contact I believe he will be back in Pattaya today...
Correct you are. It is about 645PM here now and have just had a gin tonic with him.. I believe he will post a little something tonight or tomorrow..

I am pleased to read the topjohn is enjoying the sights and delights of Thailand. I was concerned he was detained by Customs for trying to sneak in an extra bottle of wine as he posted.
Also relieved that he had not suffered a horrible cloning accident which transformed him into some sort of troll like cr├йature.

January 14th, 2009, 04:17
I seem to recall Topjohn's posts were perfectly reasonable in content & frequency, which is more than can be said of the excessive quantity of cr*p posted in the last 2 weeks by a certain newbie.

January 15th, 2009, 13:35
From my short meeting with TopJohn in Pattaya (we joined him and Colmx at Memories and then the Isaan music concert) I would agree that he's undoubtedly been too busy to write anything on the Board.
I hope he does because by now he probably has a lot to tell: Before we were 5 minutes into meeting at Memories he'd already offed some guy ~ I think it was a waiter ~ and had him in tow to the concert.

Colmx (himself!), a self-described notorious slut and offing maniac was sitting with us, leaned over and whipered in my ear that he'd never seen anyone off a Thai guy so quickly in his life.

If that kind of behavior has carried on through his first Thailand adventure it's no wonder he hasn't had a chance to put finger to keyboard.

Cheers ...

January 15th, 2009, 17:41
I am sitting here in Two Guys Guest House with TOQ on my 3rd return to Pattaya after extending my stay through January 22nd.
You are all correct. I have been a very very busy boy :cheers: I have, with the exception of sending a couple of PM's to folks I met in the flesh, been having a blast and relaxing my fingers for the inevitable barrage of posts I will do when I get home. I have not posted under my name or any other name in open forum. I made one post a few weeks ago on another board but not here. I have much to report and even some of it may be interesting to a few of you! You'll all get your chance at me soon!
I have had no reasons to ask questions of folks on the board as I have had very few questions and any I have had I have asked people "live". I truly love to just experience the country and people contrary to some folksтАЩ impressions of me as not able to "live in the moment". After I do my prep work for a trip I just do what I feel like doing (after taking in the good advice) and pretty much just enjoy myself.
On the trip here I have off-ed a few boys for long times (6 days) and short times (an hour). I spent 2 weeks with my friend from the Philippines and also 2 different university boys (one for a trip to Koh Samui and then a few weeks later a trip to BKK).
I have done gay things, cultural things, touristy things and just NO-things...........
I loved meeting and talking to many of you and many of you I still want to meet! I'm certainly not hiding......just on holiday.....
If you are in Pattaya drop by Two Guys and say hi.

January 17th, 2009, 15:18
Francois, I am a little surprised at you confusing TJ5 and braindead. Although both are American, had not been here before and sometimes asked rather odd questions there the similarity ends. One appears pleasant, well-educated, articulate, well-informed, well-travelled, rational (if occasionally gullible, which is not necessarily a fault) and intelligent; the other does not.

Your post actually made me wonder (briefly) whatever happened to pascal, who last posted that he was about to visit the "luxurious holiday residence for homosexual elderly or disable men" in Phoenix golf course ( anybody-know-this-gay-resort-t15493.html?hilit=phoenix#p151596 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/anybody-know-this-gay-resort-t15493.html?hilit=phoenix#p151596) )and was going to report on his visit but was never heard from again. That was "eerie"!

January 18th, 2009, 02:17
Francois, I am a little surprised at you confusing TJ5 and braindead. Although both are American, had not been here before and sometimes asked rather odd questions there the similarity ends. One appears pleasant, well-educated, articulate, well-informed, well-travelled, rational (if occasionally gullible, which is not necessarily a fault) and intelligent; the other does not.
That was "eerie"!

Because of similarities in posting (never been to LOS; beaucoup/odd questions) I worried that a nice guy did metamorphose into something ugly.
Like others with these similarities, they are Americans. 5555

January 18th, 2009, 02:38
Like others with these similarities, they are Americans.Some (well one) of my best friends are Americans. To my amusement (and his discomfort) boygeenyus currently has his hooks into him

January 18th, 2009, 04:24
Like others with these similarities, they are Americans.Some (well one) of my best friends are Americans.

Moi aussi, many of my friends are Americans. I did not mean American as a pejorative; not like frog ,yob or wog.

January 18th, 2009, 06:56
[quote=francois]Remember TopJohn, the one with the avatar of the cute guy, the one who posted obsessively of his pending trip to Thailand. And now nothing; no follow up or reports of his visit? Or am I wrong?
Perhaps TJ was reincarnated as a newbie poster? The ones who post an innocuous inquiry which escalates in number, length, complexity and bizarreness, sucking in forum members like a black hole. They seem to be from the USA, never been to Thailand, and pose question after question, response after response, ad nauseum, in an unquenchable thirst for information or rather, attention. They even have similar avatars, photo images for themselves. Eerie!
While there in December I briefly met a man who I understood to be topjohn5, and my first impression of him was of someone who would be nice to visit with over coffee or dinner.

He was full of enthusiasm, but not annoyingly so, in my opinion.

If you're implying he's the newbie I think you mean I'm QUITE pleased to say I think you're off the mark.

I think we all know who Francois' suspicions are directed at - I won't name the poster, and I have no idea or indeed care as to whether he is TopJohn or not. All I WILL say is that from reading his recent "contributions" I have formed the opinion that if he were to contemplate taking a shit it would require several months of detailed planning and multiple/endless threads about the best straining techniques, best time of day and day of the week to have a crap and quite possibly a tissue versus spray hose debate.


And even though he puts in ultimate strain he never gets piles because contrary to all modern research he has found that overstraining actually improves rectal resilience and now every time he goes to the bog he pushes at Mack Ten truck pressure...

Sorry but couldn't resist

March 17th, 2009, 06:47
Has anybody seen or heard of Topjohn since his last post?

Last time i saw him he was sitting in a gogobar with a boy under each arm and contemplating having a 3rd... with just hours till he had to leave for the airport.... :cheers:

And it looks like he hasn't been online since 02 Feb 2009

Where are you topjohn?

March 17th, 2009, 10:15
Not a word. Vanished into the ether. Strange as he is one guy I thought would keep up his posting. maybe he just got Thailand fatigue after such a prolonged and busy time.

Have checked my phone for messages and PM's here and my email but nothing since the time you mention and before.

I will have to post photos if he doesn't turn up soon!


March 19th, 2009, 01:44
I can tell you that topjohn5 is alive and well. The rest he will tell in due course. Your eyes will pop! when you read the goings on.

krobbie :tongue9:

March 19th, 2009, 06:31
Hi Krobbie
Nice to know he is still alive!
Tell him i said hi if you speak to him again and looking forward to hearing about his goings on!

March 19th, 2009, 06:42
Like others with these similarities, they are Americans.Some (well one) of my best friends are Americans. To my amusement (and his discomfort) boygeenyus currently has his hooks into him

My God, gone for a week and Homi is resurrected, I think I will die fora while too.


Khor tose
March 19th, 2009, 09:13
Like others with these similarities, they are Americans.Some (well one) of my best friends are Americans. To my amusement (and his discomfort) boygeenyus currently has his hooks into him

My God, gone for a week and Homi is resurrected, I think I will die fora while too.


Wes, I hope you had a good time in Cebu, but now you need to sober up and get back to reality. Homi's post is dated 17 January and so in Francois's reply. Look in the upper right hand of the post and you can see the dates. So far we have not heard from Homi, as Homi, since that date.

March 19th, 2009, 15:43
Wes, That would actually be the upper left hand side to view date of posting.

March 19th, 2009, 17:01
Wes, That would actually be the upper left hand side to view date of posting.
Or, upper right-hand corner, if you are using subsilver board style.

March 19th, 2009, 19:48
I must admit I had just got off a 50 hour trip and a great time in Cebu, I actually went scuba diving and para sailing,

Guess that happens when you get a 22 year old for a lover, yep that's right I am down to one guy now finally after 6 months of looking around everywhere.

All the best,


March 20th, 2009, 01:38
Wes, That would actually be the upper left hand side to view date of posting.
Or, upper right-hand corner, if you are using subsilver board style.

Sorry about that. I thought the time marker would be same on all board styles. I will check first in future.

I am using Prosilver Special Edition. Great layout, easy to read.


March 20th, 2009, 01:44
I must admit I had just got off a 50 hour trip and a great time in Cebu, I actually went scuba diving and para sailing,

Guess that happens when you get a 22 year old for a lover, yep that's right I am down to one guy now finally after 6 months of looking around everywhere.

All the best,


Cebu looks beautiful. You will have to write a post/thread about the place. Is the water really that crystal clear?

Glad you had a good time.


March 20th, 2009, 02:48
How dare you? How very dare you? Gay sir? Me sir? No sir.

It's actually: "How dare you? How very dare you? Who dear? Me dear? Gay dear? No dear!

March 20th, 2009, 08:04
How dare you? How very dare you? Gay sir? Me sir? No sir.

It's actually: "How dare you? How very dare you? Who dear? Me dear? Gay dear? No dear!

If you say so.


March 20th, 2009, 09:42
I must admit I had just got off a 50 hour trip and a great time in Cebu, I actually went scuba diving and para sailing,

Guess that happens when you get a 22 year old for a lover, yep that's right I am down to one guy now finally after 6 months of looking around everywhere.

All the best,


Cebu looks beautiful. You will have to write a post/thread about the place. Is the water really that crystal clear?

Glad you had a good time.



Actually, it is that clear, the coral reefs and fish were so clear you could actually see the bottom of the coral reef from the top of the water, once you were in and down it was beautiful and so clear you could feed the fish with bread and they would eat out of your hand. Some were big enough to eat your hand.
I had a great time and Cebu was every bit as great as I expected and more. I have a bunch of vides and pictures that Oogleman is going to post for me on T&T. as soon as I have time to separate the pictures I want to send . I promised my bf I would not post him on a gay site so, I need to go through them and try to get as much of him out as possible. He comes from a good family and I hate to out him or post anything he would not want posted. The resort I stayed at was 75 USD a day, but it covered 3 resort areas and probably 10 pools. We danced in the pools at night and played like kids on the water slides all day. We spent one full day on a banana boat parasailing and island hopping as well as some snorkeling and scuba diving. I am a bit too old for all that but I pushed myself to the limit and enjoyed myself as much as any of the rest of the kids. The resort was perfect. The rooms were not all that nice and it was a straight resort but they did not seem to care that Richard and me spend most of our time holding hands and making the Google eyes at each other and waltzing in the pool in the moon light as the live string band played at the dinning hall. Therefore, as soon as I have opportunity I will send Oogleman and some pictures for him to post and a brief post on the island. I would say it was the highlight of my stay there in the Philippines and can honestly say I am as happy as I can remember in my life with the way things are going. My bf can cum three to four times day and I try to see to it he got all he wanted while I was there. I was not sure I would ever be this happy again in my life but it seems I cannot remember being this happy since I was 17 with my first lover. He cried all the way home from Cebu to Manila then sat with me until my flight out to come home to the USA and every 20 minutes or so he would loose it again and cry for a while. Keep in mind, he has never asked for a dime and he paid for all the parasailing, banana boat, and Island hopping. So he was not crying over my checkbook going home with me. He is a good-looking Chinese Filipino. He looks more Chinese than Filipino. It feels good to be in love again. Happy am I. All I need now is not to mess up. I am sure if there is a screw up it will be in my part not his.

As to Cebu, if anyone has an opportunity to go, they should make sure they take the time to enjoy the water and the resorts available in the area. I was only 20 minutes from the airport from the resort so, not a lot of time was wasted traveling from the airport to the resort. If there is a complaint, it has to do with the beach. Although they have tried to bring in white sand they just can't make it white on that side of the island and the stuff they had brought in hurt my feet so bad I had to stay in socks and sandals, I know Smiles would not approve. However, it was too painful to walk without a lot of cushion on the beach without a good pair of sandals, flip-flops just would not do it for me, and the socks were for some extra cushion. Other than that one incident, I would rate it a nine on a scale of 1-10 as far as beauty and convenience and fun things to do. It really was a tropical island resort and we both will never be the same. Therefore, it is his plan is to take me to Boracay when I return, if I will take him to Palawan white sand beach later in the year. It is nice not to feel like you are paying for everything. In addition, the sex is like static electricity. Just the right look will set off another hot session and often in public, we are walking around with boners while holding hands. Well, I guess I have said enough about Him and Cebu. I will post more in Ting and Ting as soon as I can get some pictures to Oogleman. You can see it all for yourself. I bought a new camera just for the trip and I think Oogleman may have a good time posting it for me. Doing things like that with pictures are not my strong point but, he did such a great job with my birthday party I thought I would let him work on this as well if he doesnтАЩt mind.

All the best,


October 17th, 2011, 16:50
2.5 years of a bump on this thread!

I bumped into Topjohn in Dave last night - so he is alive and well & living in BKK

He no longer participates on the online forums but seems to be getting on really well in his new life in Bkk

Again he was with a gaggle of boys - so things have not changed there! :alc: :alc:

October 20th, 2011, 01:44
2.5 years of a bump on this thread!

I bumped into Topjohn in Dave last night - so he is alive and well & living in BKK

He no longer participates on the online forums but seems to be getting on really well in his new life in Bkk

Again he was with a gaggle of boys - so things have not changed there! :alc: :alc:

colmx, glad you bumped into my old friend Topjohn and even better to hear is is still up to his old tricks. All is well with the world.

Even I only get sporadic e mails from him, as he insists his schedule is quite full. But I also am able to inform that he is well and not some other here. That's really not his way.

Cheers colmx.

October 20th, 2011, 09:36
Met topjohn on his travels too... Exposed him to his first Mowlam concert and to X-ray
From our last contact I believe he will be back in Pattaya today...
I remember that evening Colmx ... we were there as well, (and I remember that hang over as well).
Topjohn is a real person and a decent dude, though I am a bit surprised he has decided not to post here anymore: I'm sure he's had lots of experiences in these last 2 years which would make good copy.
I'd like to meet up with him again and hear about his Black Hole.

On the other hand, lots of new members disappear like that after a short bout of good posting. Becoming addicted to a message board is a minority occupation ... and probably not a particularly healthy one.

October 22nd, 2011, 10:12
I had forgotten my post on TopJohn. I am pleased that he is a real person and still active in Thailand. It would be nice to read of his adventures.

Maybe I should not be as skeptical regarding the authenticity of posters on this forum?

Does TopJohn look anything like that cute avatar he used?