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View Full Version : How to get non smoking law enforced in Pattaya

January 8th, 2009, 16:27
I posted this on GayThailand but believe there are many here that might not read that site so posted it here too

Last night a friend and I were out and about in Pattaya and noticed that more and more bars are ignoring the no smoking laws .

I have tried to talk to some bar owners and managers where it is occurring with no results.

So I thought today I would call the city help desk 1337 and find out how to report violations. The person that took my call after putting me on hold for awhile to check came back on line and told me to call the police at the following number:

038 420 802...5

She also told me to call the city managers office if the police did not go to check. So with this information and the names and location of some of the Sunee Plaza that are violating the law, I called.

No answer. I tried for 10 minutes redialing all 3 numbers. No answer.

I thought the call center must have given me the wrong number. So I went on line to check. The number was correct and I found additional numbers 038-428-223, 038 429- 371. I tried those numbers. Same thing. Despite my redialing each number for 10 minutes, No answer.

Not giving up, I thought ok I will call the tourist police. I saw that they have a special 4 digit number 1155, but that number seems to be out of service.

So after 30 minutes of trying to get someone to answer the phone I remembered that I saw a number on a no smoking sign that was in Thai. I went to check that number 025903342. Some one answered. Apparently is was the Alcohol and tobacco control number. Problem for me was they only speak Thai.

So I decided that I would make up a petition. Get some people to sign it and submit it to the Mayor's Office and also see if I could get the press involved.

Are there any other ideas? "Vote with my feet" is not an option. It is my hope to bring these violators to their knees!!

I am serious about trying something. If anyone willing to help it would be great!

January 8th, 2009, 17:21
Slightly off topic, but relevant to your comments about contacting the police.

My friend had a boy force his way into his house and refuse to leave....locked himself in a bedroom. I was there at the time, and we tried all the numbers we knew for the police and tourist police - ones published in the local papers, in the gay mags, in the expat traders mag, the one i had stored in my mobile - not one of them was answered. In the end, drove down to a local police box where a Thai volunteer had a mobile phone number that produced a swift response.

January 8th, 2009, 17:30
Are there any other ideas? "Vote with my feet" is not an option. It is my hope to bring these violators to their knees!!

I am serious about trying something. If anyone willing to help it would be great!

Become a Thai Tourist Police Volunteer. You can then deal with this blatant law-breaking and wear a rather attractive uniform as well. Here is a link to an on-line application form . . .

Also you can tackle that other awful crime that takes place in many bars here in Pattaya! Yes prostitution!
Or maybe that one is ok with you.

January 8th, 2009, 17:31
Pattaya Male Wrote:

No answer. I tried for 10 minutes redialing all 3 numbers. No answer.[quote:1k3bh2jg][/quote:1k3bh2jg]

They were probably out back having a smoke.

January 8th, 2009, 18:52
I take it you are a smoker?

January 8th, 2009, 18:53
Last night a friend and I were out and about in Pattaya and noticed that more and more bars are ignoring the no smoking laws .

I have tried to talk to some bar owners and managers where it is occurring with no results.

Please let the board know the names of these recalcetrant businesses ...
I for one would like to patronize them.

January 8th, 2009, 20:08
Two male voices overheard on a plane:
"I think everyone's asleep, let's go"
"This one's empty ... no-one's looking... you go in first"
"It's a bit cramped - let me sit down"
"Have you got the condom? Quick - put it on"
Sniff sniff
"Ah perfume - you think of everything"
"This is great....." (long sigh)
Static on the loud speaker then a new voice.
"This is the captain speaking, to those two people in the rear toilet. We know what you're doing and it is expressly forbidden by airline regulations... Now put those cigarettes out and take the condom off the smoke detector!"

January 8th, 2009, 20:11
Pattaya Male Wrote:

No answer. I tried for 10 minutes redialing all 3 numbers. No answer.[quote:xxzrzg8r]

They were probably out back having a smoke.[/quote:xxzrzg8r]

That was a good answer!!!! :blackeye:

January 8th, 2009, 20:16
i only smoke because i don't want to die healthy..
and if smoking is so bad for you how come it cures kippers?

January 8th, 2009, 20:52
Slightly off topic, but relevant to your comments about contacting the police.

I had similar experiences (amusing only in hindsight!).

When living in Pattaya my house painter was away and his "girlfriend" came to the house and refused to leave. After over an hour and trying all the numbers you did I finally got through to the tourist police - they told me I would have to come to the police station to register a complaint!

When living in Naklua my neighbour was away and his drunken ex-girlfriend came to the house and proceeded to smash all the windows. After trying the police for 30 minutes I gave the motorbike taxi driver back his keys, which I had relieved him of when it was clear that he was waiting for her to finish, and told the caretaker that I was leaving it up to him to continue doing nothing.

Amazing indeed!

January 8th, 2009, 23:34
It will come as no surprise to those who keep track of my postings,
that the lack of enforcement of the no smoking laws is a major irritation.
I was sure that the opportunites for financial gain by
the authorities would be a big incentive to enforce the law and fear of
enforcement would be a big incentive for the bar/restaurant owners.
I am still hopeful that this will be a reality but I guess we have to take baby steps..

Alas, many of the bars ignore the laws and even thou they lose lots
of business, they continue to allow cigarette and even cigar smoking inside
a/c bars. I have stopped going to many bars because even if they insist
that cigararette smoking is no longer allowed, they lie thru their teeth and
run if someone asks for an ashtray..
I support reinstating wowpow's list of bars that ignore the no smoking law but fear I have made enough enemies. I have been yelled at in boy bars and made uncomfortable several times, by die hard tobacco addicts. Fortunately, I can take care of myself and know how to deal with assholes.

Pattaya Male: it is a thankless task and you will face abuse by the tobacco addicts and they will twist logic and make any absurd statement to justify what they know is a bad habit. Denial is very strong. My vote is a
list of bars that violate the laws and to vote with our collective feet/wallets and
boycott all bars that allow tobacco smoking..
I will add to the list but
as I have already stated, as enough 'characters'
already wish me ill for my other pet peeves as well as this one.. choke dee. :cat:

January 9th, 2009, 01:31
Boycotting bars is a good idea.

Trouble is it gets a bit difficult in places like Phuket where it seems all of the gogo bars permit smoking.

So I figure a campaign of boycotting bars, writing to newspapers, the TAT etc is in order.

Otherwise we will end up with no smoke free options at all.

January 9th, 2009, 03:12
I'm with you on no 1.

Regarding point 2, I don't believe paying a company to allow it's staff to leave the premises is an offence

January 9th, 2009, 06:11

...............I am serious about trying something..............

Try getting a life.


January 9th, 2009, 06:15
It will come as no surprise to those who keep track of my postings...........
. :cat:

Does "keep track" include those of us who just groan every time we see a post from the Cat's Arse, because we know that it will be yet another litany of complaints and miserable moaning?

Just change your name to Victor Meldrew and be done with it.

(In my most humble opinion)


January 9th, 2009, 09:38
In the past year that the Krazy Dragon has been a smoke free zone. I can honestly say that I have had one seriously upset customer complain and he said he would never set foot in the place again, for the rest a few not so happy to start with but most people seem happy to pop out side for a quick cigarette there check bin and place are saved for them for when they return, and it seem to work for majority on both sides of the argument .

January 9th, 2009, 11:23
I am one of those who thanks Mark for running his bar Krazy Dragon in this way, and keeps it smoke-free inside. :thumbright:
Don't think that I'm alone in it by a long stretch, but who's to know?

Seems to me that most reasonable persons who are smokers can work to the way Mark suggests, without too much inconvenience.

My observations, based only on what I notice and which have zero evidence to support, are that a significantly higher percentage of Thais smoke cigarettes, compared to falangs. Could this be a factor in the non-compliance of those bars which have Thai management?

January 9th, 2009, 16:03
Fortunately, I can take care of myself and know how to deal with assholes.

5555!! That's not what I have heard!!

January 9th, 2009, 16:10
I'm with you on no 1.

To do so would be extraordinarily short-sighted, providing anyone who wants it with a ready-reference of where to go for such fare - as some posters already do, regularly, wittingly or not.

January 9th, 2009, 16:46
Assholes use personal attacks to
deflect attention from their disgusting personal habits and vile
Assholes use 'idiot logic', like if prostitution is illegal and
smoking is illegal, these are both the same thing. Of course, they
ignore that murder, arson, kidnapping are also illegal and using their
illogic, these crimes should be okay too. Arguing with assholes is
like spitting into the wind..you just get wet and it is all a waste of energy and
time.. Ignoring them is bliss and only fools waste their time with dirtbags..

It is my own fault as I knew the same group of assholes would make their same lame attacks.. I was lazy about adding them to my foes list and
read their crap. Well, time to add them them to the foe list and if they
find my postings so painful, they have no excuse and should add my handle to their foe list.

Don't you love the coward who claims to know me and how cheap I am and therefore because I am a non smoker, it is very logical to him.. 'Dumb shit logic' and I hope Pattaya Male gets the picture of the shit that will be flung against him if he continues to post negatively about the tobacco addicts..
The pedos are even worse but that is another story for another time.. :cat:

January 9th, 2009, 19:24
I believe there is some good news for all of us. I have been told that enforcement will start soon and it will be coming from Bangkok. The 2000 baht fine will be charged smokers and the 20,000 baht Bar fine will be levied. I did not know but the 20,000 baht is per customer. So let us say 2 smokers are in a bar smoking, the fine for the bar will be 40,000 baht.

Apparently there have been several complaints from Sunee Plaza customers and that area may be the first area "visited".

It won't be like drug raids but just undercover agents from Tobacco and Alcohol control.

I hope this will be the beginning of enforcement in all areas of Pattaya. Now that there is a new government they have been asked to start enforcement.

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 9th, 2009, 20:07
"My friend had a boy force his way into his house and refuse to leave....locked himself in a bedroom. "

I'd love to hear you explaining this to the Judge ! :thumbright: