View Full Version : Condoms

January 5th, 2009, 20:30
Here are a few thoughts on your post...

IтАЩm not sure what your news sources are that feature condom usage by active partners in Thailand тАЬa lotтАЭ but it sounds like you may be better served by doing a search on http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/thailand/ as itтАЩs much more carnally based than SGT.

May I suggest you consider the wording of your questions and comments here just a tad more closely if you donтАЩt want to come off as one of the low-life posters. тАЬFu*king their boysтАЭ might give people the idea that youтАЩre just going there for meat, and thatтАЩs the biggest problem with tourism there, in my opinion.

To answer your question, though:

100% of the people (with anywhere close to half a brain) having oral or anal sex with someone they are not in a committed relationship with use a condom, regardless of where they are.

(EDITED to delete the knee-jerk response I posted initially! Sorry Brandon, but that one hit a nerve this morning.)

January 5th, 2009, 20:37
Are you 4 real dude !!!!!!!! ( or u got a death wish)

January 5th, 2009, 21:41
Sorry for the death wish remark sure if you are in a one to one long time situation and you are both healthy guys then bareback is fine, but your Question was directed at F+++ing in Thailand and that is what I commented on.Anyways give thailand a spin Im sure you will like it. Just bring a pack of 100.

January 5th, 2009, 22:18
Sorry for the death wish remark sure if you are in a one to one long time situation and you are both healthy guys then bareback is fine, but your Question was directed at F+++ing in Thailand and that is what I commented on.Anyways give thailand a spin Im sure you will like it. Just bring a pack of 100.

Brandon has already said "I don't and won't wear condoms". He has gone on to say: "Actually, for a 100% exclusive Top in a situation where neither partner has any breaks in the skin, open sores (including oral) or venereal warts (a problem in SD) my chances of contracting HIV or HepC are essentially zero."
And if that wasn't enough his doctors "agree that not wearing condoms is reasonable in my situation". Can any of you read?

In another thread he made this comment "I just wonder if you can have a cute guy anytime, at your convenience, for whatever amount of time, an hour, a night, a week, you want him, and a different one anytime you want one, why do so many people have long term partners?" In that same thread he has provided statistics of the number of guys he has fucked since he was 15: "I naturally go for a decent number of sex partners; about 2 new guys a week since I was 15 (so around 1,500+ guys, which is not a big number for a 53 y.o. aggressive gay male in America". One can only assume that once he gets here he will be fucking non-stop since I don't think he's coming for studies in Buddhist meditation. He considers 1500+ different guys over 38 years "is not a big number".

Look guys... if Brandon is serious to begin with, then he is a real hoot since he has to be one of the biggest loons to find his way here. And if he is playing you all like a harp, then you are all giving me big laughs at how seriously you are taking him. Either way... chumps all around! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

January 5th, 2009, 22:31
I won't play if are under 18 (I actually card them if I'm not sure & have caught some 16 yo's, but it's the Dom/sub thing so it's natural a sub might be younger). They go home!

Oh shit Brandon! Why didn't you tell us that to begin with. You're OK after all! Welcome aboard! :cheers: :cheers:

Brad the Impala
January 5th, 2009, 22:44
I won't go into why it's safe doing this because it's a way long (and unbearably dull) set of facts, but if you're a Top who doesn't bottom or reciprocate anally or expose yourself to blood, sores (like herpes) warts, or cuts from your partners, you are safe not wearing condoms.

Yeah right, like you can SEE whether someone is bleeding INSIDE their arsehole.

TROLL or ARSEHOLE, either way not worthy of further response from our esteemed experts, IMHO!

January 5th, 2009, 23:07
Look guys... if Brandon is serious to begin with, then he is a real hoot since he has to be one of the biggest loons to find his way here. And if he is playing you all like a harp, then you are all giving me big laughs at how seriously you are taking him. Either way... chumps all around! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

That thought crossed my mind, too, Andre. I still suspect a carefully crafted chain-tugging here.

If he is for real (and a тАЬHealthcare executiveтАЭ as his profile claims) he certainly sets a fine example... I wonder how many people his company would cover if they behaved in the same manner he does. The guess from here would be zero.

Looks like an old friend of mine who also lived in a bubble of denial.

Chok dee to him тАУ he may well need it тАУ and my condolences to those he тАЬusesтАЭ in Thailand.

January 5th, 2009, 23:21
In a different thread, Brandon from San Diego speaks of moving to Thailand, a country he has never visited. In this thread, he speaks of being into domination and submission, and of never wanting to use a condom.

I think Brandon, you're in for a great disappointment. Almost all Thais I have come across do not do anything other than vanilla sex. Most commercial Thai boys are straight and rather than role play with you will probably beat you up if you try the Dom/Sub thing - a concept they do not understand. Even if they know what you're talking about, they will be shocked given their cultural aversion to face-to-face interpersonal conflict, even if only as an act. If they are too small to beat you up themselves, watch out for the gang they have at their disposal. Revenge is very big in this country. Your non-familiarity with Thailand may be leaving you blindsided about the huge cultural differences between the US and here.

The HIV prevalence rate among MSMs in Bangkok is now like 30-35 percent... and you still believe you won't be at risk?

Bottom line: I doubt if you're going to get the kind of sex you're looking for, and if you do, it may well be a death sentence.

January 6th, 2009, 00:52
Personaly i think you area a complete arsehole,thinking the way you do ,come on get a life if you want one and use a condom, not only are you putting youir self at risk ,but other people also ,so THINK Wrap it before you use it .

January 6th, 2009, 01:18
Personaly i think you area a complete arsehole,thinking the way you do ,come on get a life if you want one and use a condom, not only are you putting youir self at risk ,but other people also ,so THINK Wrap it before you use it .

Personally, if someone who is fully aware of the risks is foolish enough to play with a loaded gun then he/she deserves what coming. To endanger innocent bystanders; criminal, not to mention promoting ignorance and sending mixed messages.

Hi bao-bao --
My comments about condom use in Thailand being in the news a lot referred to the news about Thailand having one of the most effective "safe sex" campaigns" then during the military coup it became less effective and has not returned to its older rate, though it is still considered a model for promoting safe sex. That's the context I read about condoms in Thailand.

You praise the Thai campaign of promoting condoms yet you would travel into a country where not only language and cultural barriers exist, but where HIV is still a major threat, and undo what has been gained by their campaign?

Not only do you demonstrate ill will towards your sex partners and their sex partners and the Thai people, but to anyone, including the many members of this board who make an effort to teach the boys safe sex.

I will even venture so far as to say that you really only care about your own pleasure, rather than the welfare of the greater community at large, straight or gay.

January 6th, 2009, 01:25

January 6th, 2009, 01:35
Maybe, but if you want anal sex without condoms, please stay away from Thailand.

January 6th, 2009, 01:51
I dont think that 100% of guys use a condom when giving or receiving a blow job, any where

January 6th, 2009, 02:37
I thought Thailand was about happiness & acceptance & entered the board saying I didn't know very much & was looking to learn

So throw common sense and respect out the window. Really, you're a waste of time!! You don't care and you're always reaching for another branch.

I don't know you, you don't me, my world won't change with or with out. However some guy you've just f***ed has just given you HIV. Three months later when you test positive, you've already F***ed X number of guys and infected all of them. You luck ran out not to mention the new cases out there, some thinking it's ok to F*** without a condom, all based on your reasoning that you were lucky up until that point in time. Brilliant

I think you thought Thailand was an easy score for you, any maybe it will be, but at what cost.

I'm not here to educate you, you can learn your own life lessons. If another board member wants to make a go at you he's welcome to waste his time. If you want any advice from me, it's $200 US/hr, send a money order first.

I'll say this again, 'play with a loaded gun, you get what you deserve'.

You're a stark reminder of the selfish ignorance that exists in society, the one that takes humanity one step back.
There is a positive side to this, hopefully with out you around, we can make up that extra step.
So, really, thank you and the sooner the better.

January 6th, 2009, 02:38
I dont think that 100% of guys use a condom when giving or receiving a blow job, any where

Oral sex has a lower risk factor than Anal sex, although a condom is still recommended.

January 6th, 2009, 03:31
Brandon, I too can't decide if you're for real or not. But you don't say WHY you won't wear a condom. Whatever you think about the risk factors to YOU, surely you have a responsibility to the 'boys' in Thailand (and elsewhere). I simply don't understand how a man of your age can still be living in the "it can't possibly happen to me" world.

January 6th, 2009, 04:08
Thonglor, I'd rather not be called a fool, thank you. I'm a smoker who knows that my chances of dying from lung or other cancer are immense - I'm not in denial about the harm cigarettes are doing to me. Brandon seems in denial about the risks he poses to himself and others.

January 6th, 2009, 05:01
At the risk of doing a GoneFishing there are a few things to address before I brush this nonsense off my table:

...I've run my list past David Ho at the Pasteur Institute (we've worked on projects together) and he's OK with it. Please. Namedropping doesn't elevate unsubstantiated claims into the realm of believability - especially on something as anonymous as a message board. I ran your list past my mailman a short while ago and he says youтАЩre a looney. Carries as much weight here.

But unless you can cite the medical experts behind your assumptions, they remain just that -- assumptions. Let's go that one better and say unless there is substantial proof by way of multiple accepted scientific studies, the best information available to the public as of today all points to the distinct probability that you are wrong, wrong, wrong.

I would never risk giving someone an illness; I'm not sociopathic. soi-toi previously hit this one on the head: who knows how long you yourself may be infected before one of your "checks", and how many would you be infecting during that window? Jesus wept.

Stop trying to justify your selfish and irresponsible behavior. It's insulting.

Troll or no troll, this kind of thinking needs correcting before someone takes you seriously and puts themselves or others at risk as a result of your silliness. It's not even an interesting debate if you're going to spout such foolishness.

I'm kind of sorry I softened my original reply this morning in an effort to give you the benefit of the doubt. There's something seriously wrong with you. I hope you get help.

January 6th, 2009, 06:01
I fear if you're only billing $200 US/hour it may be an indication of what your opinions are worth, as you don't seem to live in the world of facts or analysis but rote memory in this area.

Hopefully this discussion's about done & we can talk about more enjoyable things. Thanks as always.

1 What people pay for opinions is not a measure of their accuracy, but just a measure of how gullible the customer is. That's why people like you are really dangerous.

2 This conversation's not done. If you intend to circulate on the same planet as me, shag as many young men as possible & adopt unsafe sex practices, without forwarding any credible scientific data to justify them, then your views will be challenged.

3 What scientific data do you have to justify your theories? There are obvious problems determining HIV transmission risks, as conducting controlled experiments to determine transmission rates would be unacceptable to society. For this kind of issue, your opinions from medical professionals are completely worthless if not backed up with data. In fact, the opinions are evil and dangerous if not backed up with data.

January 6th, 2009, 11:11
Infrequent or non use of condoms is far more common than most of us
believe. It is politically incorrect for many of us veterans from the early days
of HIV-AIDS hitting gay men many decades ago, to admit..

Many men I knew died and many others survived and remained negative
even after countless encounters with positive men and even having years long relationships with positive men..
I believe that some men have some partial immunity to HIV and some men are
don't have any immunity whatsoever. I have no scientific basis for this but only
decades of experience and observation..

Men that have oral sex with condoms are the same as those who wear belts and suspenders and wash their hands many times an hour. If you want
to suck latex, it is up to you but it not for this homo..
I also believe topping is far safer than bottoming without condoms.

I applaud our new friend brandon for his honesty and his good fortune, at least so far.
Of course, it is risky and probably foolhardy, but it is his choice.

I am suspicious of Thai boys that don't want you to use condoms and it
is probably out of ignorance and lack of knowledge of the dangers.
brandon seems responsible to me and gets himself tested frequently.
The reported 30% of Thai men being HIV+ in the sex business figure is startling and
should not be ignored..
This is a hot topic and for many of us who have lost many friends, it is black and white but like most things in life it is in between and each of us sets our own level of risk and what we think is safe with different partners. The holier than thou set love this topic and I hope brandon doesn't lose interest in this forum as we need fresh and honest posters with different viewpoints to keep the forum an interesting place.. :cat:

January 6th, 2009, 12:37
At the end of 5 years of TV advertising about aids awareness in the UK in the 80s, the Advets changed and Said.

Now you know the risks the choice is yours. Nobody will die of ignorance.

At this time I would say that no corner of the world is without information about Aids and its causes so the choice to play this dangerous game is up to the individual. The Thai boys all know whats going on but in my opinion a great deal seem to wish it away and ignor it. They have in fact pushed their ignor button. Most people who will die from Aids will die of stupidity not ignorance.

January 6th, 2009, 12:42
Many men I knew died and many others survived and remained negative even after countless encounters with positive men and even having years long relationships with positive men..

I believe that some men have some partial immunity to HIV and some men are don't have any immunity whatsoever. I have no scientific basis for this but only decades of experience and observation..
I could well have written that. When HIV/AIDS first appeared on our planet, I was sexually active with many men who died within years from HIV, and performed a variety of so called "high risk" acts with them. I was definitely exposed, repeatedly, and did not acquire AIDS. Why? Who knows?

But, I can say a similar thing about drugs. In my younger days I would smoke marijuana and snort cocaine. I could do it several times on consecutive weekends and then go weeks or months without partaking. Why didn't I become addicted? I could literally take it or leave it.

Methinks there are some yet-to-be-discovered factors in HIV/AIDS infection methods just like there are with drugs. I've read "theories" about "addictive personalities" regarding drug usage. Is there a corresponding "infective vulnerability" with AIDS/HIV? <shrug>

Whether sincere, or a troll (and my odds go wit the former,) Brandon has stirred up a passionate debate here, and I congratulate him on doing so.

FWIW, these days I'm basically sexually inactive. So, it's all an academic discussion for me.

January 6th, 2009, 14:32
This has got to be a joke..
Anyone who thinks they can examine someone's ass and determine what the heck
disease they may or may not have inside their body,,,,it cannot be done..
It is utterly foolish, and to me at least, no common sense at all,,,to perform anal without a condom with all the
guys who might be willing partners who you don't know,,and never will know,,,death wish ,,,certainly...

January 6th, 2009, 17:33
Blueskytoday Wrote:

This has got to be a joke..
Anyone who thinks they can examine someone's ass and determine what the heck
disease they may or may not have inside their body,,,,it cannot be done...[quote:fz51peq2][/quote:fz51peq2]

Bluesky...I beg to differ.

If this Brandon guy were to purchase a pair of military night-vision goggles, and stick his head up the boys ass, it just might work. Then, once his head was fully inserted, he would just have to rotate 100 degrees to get a full view the entire inner cavity. Of course he would need to put plugs in his nostrils and ears to prevent shit from getting inside in the event that he did spot any signs of internal bleeding or warts, etc., although these plugs could be removed once the coast is clear to enhance the overall pleasure.

Brandon, if by chance you're reading this and decide to give it a try, I suggest you remove any head jewelry, e.g., ear rings, nose rings, etc., before sticking your head up his ass, as this may be a little painful for the boy. It's also advised that you get a clean hair cut, especially if you sport one of those spiked hair do's. And, in the event that your head gets stuck up his ass, don't panic. Just hand him a note asking him to please take a crap.

Good sailing...

January 6th, 2009, 22:09
Yet Brandon's friends at the CDC dont seem to agree with him:

It is possible for either sex partner to become infected with HIV during anal sex. HIV can be found in the blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, or vaginal fluid of a person infected with the virus. In general, the person receiving the semen is at greater risk of getting HIV because the lining of the rectum is thin and may allow the virus to enter the body during anal sex. However, a person who inserts his penis into an infected partner also is at risk because HIV can enter through the urethra (the opening at the tip of the penis) or through small cuts, abrasions, or open sores on the penis.

And if Brandon's assertion that insertive anal sex was safe as long as there was no open sores on the penis, one might wonder how straight men contract HIV from vaginal sex, one of the significant sources of new HIV infections in Africa. Do all of those men have open sores on their penises?

January 6th, 2009, 23:54
I do wish you'd not say I'm name dropping or the opinions of medical researchers are worthless, because these people are also my friends, and I wouldn't use them for such a petty reason. I've worked with them all, which is why I cite them, as I took the opportunity to talk about AIDS transmissibility with them and they actually came up with that very specifically worded phrasing I used.

Anyone with a respectable scientific background will learn to question "opinions" & ask for data to back them up. Science is based on data -opinions not backed up by data are worthless in scientific terms.
I asked if you have any data to support your theories & you have not taken the opportunity to provide such data.
So if you practise unsafe sex based on theories with no supporting data, I can only conclude that you and your circle of friends are clueless.

If you want to take risks with your own life, fine, PLEASE DO SO (maybe Russian roulette?), but whatever you do don't try & take risks with all the young Thai guys you may meet. It's both ignorant & immoral.

January 7th, 2009, 00:00

You are taking on some of the toughest nuts on this board and are giving them fits. My compliments to you!
Keep it up. I am getting more and more interested in this thread and your comments.
Something outside the usual knee jerk responses and morality ridden crap that often pose as insight here.


January 7th, 2009, 00:07
You are taking on some of the toughest nuts on this board and are giving them fits. My compliments to you!
Keep it up. I am getting more and more interested in this thread and your comments.
Something outside the usual knee jerk responses and morality ridden crap that often poses as insight here.

I'm trying to talk science, but Brandon has offered none to back up his theories.
Quite reprehensible, considering the severity of the issue.

January 7th, 2009, 00:15
Stop trying to justify your selfish and irresponsible behavior. It's insulting.

Troll or no troll, this kind of thinking needs correcting before someone takes you seriously and puts themselves or others at risk as a result of your silliness. It's not even an interesting debate if you're going to spout such foolishness.

I'm kind of sorry I softened my original reply this morning in an effort to give you the benefit of the doubt. There's something seriously wrong with you. I hope you get help.

Thanks, bao-bao, well said. I think Brandon should urgently see a qualified analyst. Why the hell is someone advocating such esoteric sounding, irresponsible theories? If he were such a genius he would keep it for himself. Sick!

January 7th, 2009, 01:14
There are several possiblities here, he is actually stupid, he actually doesn't care about himself or others or he is a wolf in sheeps clothing and needs to stick with sex with sheep. I persoanlly do not care what he does to himself , but to infringe on the health of others for the reason of it feeling better bareback is as selfish as I have ever seen. Some one should ask Georges young man who killed him. Obviously, I see you as a murderer and worst. sooner or later you will kill someone. If you want to kill yourself that is yoru bussiness but, people who do that, get sent to insane asylums to recover. Your in denial of the truth and you can quote 500 doctors and surgens then try going to africa and tell them why they are dying by the thousands almsot daily. Lack of education about comdoms. simple and true. play sooer or later you'll pay

I do not wish you all the best,


January 7th, 2009, 01:21
Brandon, do you have any experimental data which shows the transmission rate for an unprotected but healthy top having sex with a HIV+ bottom?

No, just an opinion, some reasoning & no evidence whatsoever to back any of it up.

You don't even appear to realise there's a massive life threatening difference between reasoning & opinions (which you have) & facts & data (which you don't).

January 7th, 2009, 02:04
There are several possiblities here, he is actually stupid, he actually doesn't care about himself or others or he is a wolf in sheeps clothing and needs to stick with sex with sheep. I persoanlly do not care what he does to himself , but to infringe on the health of others for the reason of it feeling better bareback is as selfish as I have ever seen. Some one should ask Georges young man who killed him. Obviously, I see you as a murderer and worst. sooner or later you will kill someone. If you want to kill yourself that is yoru bussiness but, people who do that, get sent to insane asylums to recover. Your in denial of the truth and you can quote 500 doctors and surgens then try going to africa and tell them why they are dying by the thousands almsot daily. Lack of education about comdoms. simple and true. play sooer or later you'll pay

I do not wish you all the best,


I'm not sure you're aware, but since Thailand has an excellent health system I'm thinking that many people with HIV are being treated so it's OK to say this, but here in the U.S. the life expectancy for a person with AIDS who is on medication is the same as for a person who does not have AIDS. I know, another inconvenient fact. And everyone should wear condoms. All the time. Even women. But still it is true. The tragedy, as far as I can see, is that so many are not being tested and treated for so many reasons, but reasons we could change. It would help if the US redirected our efforts from running around preaching abstinence to diagnosing and treating people. Perhaps under our new president we'll get it together.

I have no idea whether that is true or not but I'll lay a pound to a penny that the condoms are cheaper than the medications and have fewer side-effects. If you are genuine Brandon, I think you should reassess your literature review process in the light of my suggestion that you are perhaps selecting sources that you hope are right.

January 7th, 2009, 04:04
Of course, you need the medical knowledge to know the possible routes of transmission and viral concentrations in the fluid being discussed.

Right, no facts and data to back up your assertion that unprotected sex is safe.

Do you have any data to show transmission of HIV is limited to cases with damaged skin? No.

Just an idiot with some half baked & unproven theories.

Your intention to have unprotected sex with many young partners & expose them to the infection risk makes you easily the most objectionable participant on in this forum.

January 7th, 2009, 04:40
Methinks there are some yet-to-be-discovered factors in HIV/AIDS infection methods just like there are with drugs. I've read "theories" about "addictive personalities" regarding drug usage. http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/news/2005/01/66198
Interesting article, but it's over 4 years old, and not common knowledge? From the sound of it, there could/should be a test to see if one has the mutated genes or doesn't have the CCR5 receptor.

January 7th, 2009, 05:50
I'm tired of this too.
Just stop bullsh*tting & post some proper data, if you have it. Fat chance.

January 7th, 2009, 06:24
II am absolutely HORRIFIED by the ignorance, lack of knowledge, pure stupidity, inability to think, utter lack of understanding.Welcome to Sawatdee Gay Thailand.

January 7th, 2009, 06:49
I am wondering if how many men in general know if they have a skin damage on their penise. It could just be a l ittle scrats┬┤from a nail or shawing your down there. Some poeople like to do that, especially going to Thailand, so their partners dont get to much hair in their meal, Some of these small small damages would only be able to see under, I dont the name, a loope?, well like very strong big glasses one can hold in your hand, reading some small text. I know you all know what I am meaning. Maybe you need a microscope to see it.
Brendon do you really examen your cock so much before you practise bb sex. Or do you say I feel nothing there, so therefore there is nothing.

January 7th, 2009, 07:11
Just stop and think for one second about what you are doing.

You are telling a young, impressionable boy that it is OK to let someone who claims to be HIV- top them.

You may be honest, and know 100% that you are HIV- (even that is impossible, though, of course -- even if you have a test every day). But the guy after that, and the guy after that one, may not be. Actually, will certainly not be.

It is inevitable that your lovely young bottom, having been conditioned by you to be fucked bareback, will become infected.

Your behavior may be safe enough for YOU, if you want to look at it in a completely selfish fashion. But you ARE encouraging behavior among your young bottoms that could be their death sentences.

Yes Colonel you are so correct.
We have to take care of the people we are together with. Learning young guys that it is okay to be bb topped because yourself is HIV- is a discrase. We all have to take it into a consept. I have been together with a lot of Thay guys who asked to do it without protection, I have always declined, telling always to use condoms. I tell them I am HIV-, but only because I always I use a condom. I also dicline because I dont know what other deseases he has.
But to the botom of the line, most of us have so much pleasure being in Thailand and the guys, we could at least learn them to protect themselves.

January 7th, 2009, 07:58
If there was ever a good reason why the US Congress should, with all due haste, pass a law outlawing Americans from paying for sex while abroad, Brenda is it! Add to that America's legion of kiddie fiddlers and one should be asking Nancy what the hell is taking so long?

January 7th, 2009, 08:12
" ... I am so confused at this point. I'd heard the Thai's were charming, warm, gracious, and thought of sex, like most things, in any easygoing manner. Based on this discussion, getting laid would be almost impossible, and boring, and vanilla, and argumentative with hostility/aggression/revenge thrown in with a list of things the other guy won't do that's a mile long ... "
I take it to mean that you've changed your mind about coming to Thailand? I hope so.

Look Brandy, forget all that pseudo-intellectual hogwash you've spewed over 20 posts or so (and no, I don't find you an " ... interesting, provocative breath of fresh air on this inbred and kneejerk Board ... ").
The bottom line is that the minute you make your entrance into the hotel room from the walk-in closet to confront your first Thai off of the holiday dressed up in a black leather Batman mask, studded chains across a grizzly bear chest, nazi jackboots, a leather codpiece with an optional plastic banana in front and an attached (non-optional) dildo stuck up the rear, biker gloves gripping tightly to your whip, a designer dental dam stuffed in your mouth, and a little pink ballet tutu to round things off, screaming " ... who's yer daddy, bitch!? ... ", the Thai guy would ~ and most rightly ~ burst out into howls of laughter loud enough to be heard as far away as Udon Thani if the wind is right. (Am I turning you on?)

And after he's left (which is very close to your entrance), in 10 fevered minutes he'd be telling all his friends down at the local GoGo bar that he'd just had contact with the biggest and most hilarious ting-tong Farang he's ever had the good luck to witness. Just walk by later and watch ... they'll all be outside: " ... Mai owww, kup! Mai owww kup!! Mai owww kup!!! ... ". (This scenario probably plays out in San Diego as well ... but you just don't see it).

And that sir, would be a perfect example of deductive reasoning.

Cheers ... and happy holidays.

January 7th, 2009, 09:48
I find myself in agreement with Smiles, what a wonderful day.

All the best,


January 7th, 2009, 10:10
If there was ever a good reason why the US Congress should, with all due haste, pass a law outlawing Americans from paying for sex while abroad, Brenda is it!
Or perhaps they are one and the same person?

The State Department is proposing a new Bill for the next Congress. State already asks applicants for a Green Card whether they've ever paid for sex. That principle is to be extended. A new crime - paying for sex while abroad - is proposed. police-smash-child-prostitution-ring-arrest-642-people-t16278-15.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/police-smash-child-prostitution-ring-arrest-642-people-t16278-15.html)

January 7th, 2009, 10:37
I give credit to Brandon for netting so many fish with his trolling. A job well done.

January 7th, 2009, 16:52
I give credit to Brandon for netting so many fish with his trolling. A job well done.




January 7th, 2009, 20:34
Use your imagination, dear. If you were into getting fucked, would you allow a perfect stranger to do it to you bareback -- solely on the basis of his assurances that he was HIV-negative? An honest answer, please.

I think you have him squirming there col.

Next shot.


January 7th, 2009, 20:49
Use your imagination, dear. If you were into getting fucked, would you allow a perfect stranger to do it to you bareback -- solely on the basis of his assurances that he was HIV-negative? An honest answer, please.

especially when that stranger has his own unique concept of what constitutes safe sex, in conflict with everything you had ever been told by the qualified medical people in your own country and everything you had ever read about safe sex?

January 7th, 2009, 21:02
"Accident kit"? Do tell. Mine contains some baby wipes and an extra set of undies.

Oh how perfect,


January 7th, 2009, 21:29
I admit I am absolutly stupid about it, I just stick with what works, condoms. Now there are others who have more experience. maybe you should talk with Geroge, he has quite a wonderful story to tell. I would definitly PM if at all possible.


January 7th, 2009, 23:03
Usually when I'm around someone speaking with expertise in their fields of study, I shut up and listen, and ask constructive questions. On this Board, the reaction seems the exact opposite.

You've figured out this gang attacking you pretty well Brandon.
I am amazed at the energy you have to take them all on! :salute:

January 7th, 2009, 23:06
so which FAST test are you using? how recent can the infection be for it to pick it up?

I did a quick look around at a few reputable websites, appears that some tests claim to be able to pick up an infection as recent as 10 days before the test, another one 28 days. i couldnt find any test that can pick up an infection less than 10 days prior to the test.
at my last test in sydney, the nurse told me they are now using a new test which can pick up an infection as recent as 6 weeks prior, an improvement on the previous test which would only be able to pick up an infection 3 months previous.

and can you provide just one reputable source to support your claim that insertive anal sex without a condom is safe if the partner is HIV?

January 7th, 2009, 23:21
Use your imagination, dear. If you were into getting fucked, would you allow a perfect stranger to do it to you bareback -- solely on the basis of his assurances that he was HIV-negative? An honest answer, please.

I think you have him squirming there col.

Next shot.


Squirm? Hardly, because I know what I'm doing & why I'm doing it. This is one of my 4 or 5 fields of expertise, just as all of you have several fields of expertise and I would defer to your superior knowledge, so we all learn.

Usually when I'm around someone speaking with expertise in their fields of study, I shut up and listen, and ask constructive questions. On this Board, the reaction seems the exact opposite.

I cannot say I have always been a condom user, or in the hast of sexual heat or, moved on if I trusted the partner. I do not think threre is anyone here that has not engaged at one time or another if, they are over 40 and have been with hundreds of guys. Sometimes condoms are forgotten, not purchased in time, all sorts of things happen. However, in times like those, vanilla sex as you call it is an option less likely to infect. I like you prefer not to bottom and will do so if I really like the guy I am with or we are lovers long-term. I have blasted and joked along with the rest. You are starkly honest and I suppose we here are not too use to that sort of thing. Nevertheless, I will stick with the formula that has worked for me. I have seen too much pain hurt and had one lover who died with HIV. I have no desire to see that ever happened again. He lied to me for years about his HIV positive condition and it was only on a trip to Key West that he came up with an obvious HIV related symptom and I found out his status. I thank god, if there is one, that during that time I played safe. He never took any medication for this and I guess one reason he died so early in life, being only 24 at the time. However, I had another friend who purposely infected other guys that he wanted to pay back for some injustice he thought done to him, at one time or another and admitted it to me. He after 30 years of the diseases has now passed on as well. The death sentence was not good enough for a confessed murderer.

I view your lack of condom use or concern for your partners much the same way in being as honest with you as you have been with us. Therefore, should some of your partners start falling out like flies someday, I would hold you personally responsible and the evidence being clearly archived here that you are deliberately having sex with guys with no forethought for their personal well being. I am not trying to make you squirm or anything else. It would be nice if you took a moment to reflect on the possibility,that is if you could live with the possibility that you caused the early death of any individual and if so, Why not begin now to invest in the lives of the partners you sleep with.

If, after you have reflected on these things and continue with your life style; then I find you shamelessly selfish and lacking in one of the greatest qualities you or I could find in any human being, compassion for your fellow human beings.

All the best, :argue:


I'm still amazed that none of you have sex very often (at the risk of being a sex tourist), wear condoms 100% of the time (surely the only population ever studied to do this), think 1,500+ sex partners over 40 years is a lot, or think a U.S. law against sex tourism would have any effect (except for a show case "breaking the sex ring," like they show on TV with drugs, proving that no drugs get into the U.S., which we all know to be true) FYI there are hustlers on most of the street corners where I live, which is the gay ghetto, even though that's completely illegal too. Live & learn, I guess.

January 8th, 2009, 00:23
I do get a kick out of the fact that I can lecture to 500 MD/Ph.D. at a top 10 medical school and they listen, applaud and invite me back because of whatever I've put together for them, but this group doesn't buy anything I say. This is going to make a great story (no names of the board or pseudonyms, of course) in my next presentations, although I do them very seldom (lazy and they don't pay much).

That seems quite odd.
I have never known intelligent science students or graduates to accept wild theories from lecturers without good supporting evidence.

January 8th, 2009, 00:38
Usually when I'm around someone speaking with expertise in their fields of study, I shut up and listen, and ask constructive questions.

Most people with genuine expertise easily demonstrate it by their technical explanations, rather than having to continuously state they are experts.

January 8th, 2009, 00:41
I hope you'll add some lithium back to your 'accident kit', Brenda. Have you told your doctor you've stopped taking it?

January 8th, 2009, 02:19
How would you know what we understand?

So far we're onto the 9th page. I understand you have offered theories and reasoning, but no data to prove this is correct.

Despite the lack of proof, you propose to have unprotected sex, possibly with numerous young Thais.

It's not relevant to consider how may years research you claim to have done, earning millions of US$, whilst advising presidents & earning rapturous applause from lectures at the finest medical schools.

What would be relevant is data to give credibility to all this and most of all PROVE your proposal to have unprotected sex with multiple partners in Thailand is safe. Wild theories just aren't sufficient for something of this significance, I'm afraid.

January 8th, 2009, 03:02
Thanks for the link to the Early Test, interesting reading.

However something still not right for me. You state that you have a test which will pick up exposure almost immediately, with instant results.

On the website they talk about the test being in 2 stages -
1. a rapid antibody test which gives results almost immediately, but being an antibody test will be unable to detect an infection until the body develops anti-bodies, up to 6 weeks.
2. the Early Test which is a blood test, which is sent away to the lab to be analysed. This is the test which they state will pick up an infection as early as 7 days prior (or virtually immediately if they are plied with alcohol), but the results from the lab are not available for 2 weeks.
So neither of the tests are able to give you an almost immediate result to say that somebody have not been infected with in the past 7 days (or less).

Also, you talk about a saliva-based FAST test, yet the Early Test website states that the Early Test is a blood test.

And before anyone dismisses me because the old blood-based HIV test can't pick up a positive result until 3 days after the sex occurred, that's why the test has to be the saliva-based FAST test, which can not only tell you almost immediately if you've been exposed (well before you generate antibodies or seroconvert) which is why I keep asking if you have the FAST test in Thailand but no one answers.

January 8th, 2009, 04:19
Aftert 9 pages of this drivel i can only presume that ElephantSpike is paying or colluding with this "cnut" to drive up AD revenue on this website...

Besides that i can't see why this thread is still alive... i have seen threads closed for a lot less than this on this website and with a lot more pertience to the supposed purpose of this website (C/F the 2 threads on being present in a bar with some underage boys when he BIB come for tea money)

ES -if you don't like my comments - i don't care - do your job and moderate fairly - elsewise let jinks continue his (excellent) work...

January 8th, 2009, 04:49
How would you know what we understand?

So far we're onto the 9th page. I understand you have offered theories and reasoning, but no data to prove this is correct.

Despite the lack of proof, you propose to have unprotected sex, possibly with numerous young Thais.

It's not relevant to consider how may years research you claim to have done, earning millions of US$, whilst advising presidents & earning rapturous applause from lectures at the finest medical schools.

What would be relevant is data to give credibility to all this and most of all PROVE your proposal to have unprotected sex with multiple partners in Thailand is safe. Wild theories just aren't sufficient for something of this significance, I'm afraid.
How about the single datum that he's still HIV negative?

Or, that I am still HIV negative after considerable exposure to the virus in the beginning of the AIDS/HIV epidemic several decades ago?

What if his theory is not valid, but that he is merely an HIV-resistant person? Would that change the discussion?

Perhaps a barrier to importing his lifestyle and practices to Thailand would be the (un)willingness of Thai men to submit to medical screening before sex? That's not something often done currently, or so I hear.

January 8th, 2009, 05:18
I hope you'll add some lithium back to your 'accident kit', Brenda. Have you told your doctor you've stopped taking it?

I could almost think you don't like me. After all, although Lithium is a useful drug in conjunction with other drugs for depression and manic depression, but taken alone it doesn't do much. As you know, Abilify is largely replacing Lithium anyway.

No I didn't know that, but then, as I don't have a psychiatric disorder, why would I? You on the other hand seem to be much better informed on the matter. 80-odd posts in 4 days, why am I not surprised.

January 8th, 2009, 06:04
Thanks for pointing this out because you've completely stumped me. I have no idea why there is this discrepancy. I guess I've had 4 of the tests and all were done identically: an oral swab that was inserted into an automated machine for analysis. By the time I got home, I went to that Web site, entered my code number, and got my results. It wouldn't make sense to think they were trying some new way or they would have drawn a control (blood test I assume) which they did not do. I'll find out when I go next time, but I had an STI panel today when I took a buddy to the hospital so it will be awhile. I have no idea why the information they give me to read (that site does not match their procedure. I am sorry I have no answer and caused confusion here instead of being helpful.

not sure about causing confusion, but it doesnt help your credibility.

the crux of your argument over the past 10 pages about not needing condoms seems to have been based on 2 premises:
1. you said that it was not possible to get infected if you had unprotected insertive anal sex with an HIV+ partner (as long as the skin of your penis was intact)
2. that you were able to have unprotected receptive anal sex, as you had access to a test that could confirm a person was HIV negative

for point #1, you cant offer any evidence, and just give stories to discredit the multitude of contrary opinions, even ones from sources that you previously quoted to support other points (eg CDC). you just say 'trust me', they are all wrong or oversimplifying things.

for point #2, the information on the website of the clinic you attend contradicts you. of course that could be a mistake, but other sites indicate that an NAT test is a blood test done in a lab.

maybe i am not a very trusting person, but i think i will follow the advice of the rest of the HIV 'experts' and stick to condoms thanks

January 8th, 2009, 07:09
I run a business in Thailand and Malaysia -- I'm an IT professional -- the boys had no bearing on my decision to locate here, though they are a fringe benefit.

Any more questions?

Or perhaps in the case of those who aren't hairless down there a "fringed" benefit? :cheers:

January 8th, 2009, 07:28
Condoms are irrelevant to me since my entire sexual repertoire consists of having boys sit on my face. I run a business in Thailand and Malaysia -- I'm an IT professional -- the boys had no bearing on my decision to locate here, though they are a fringe benefit. Any more questions?Sure. So it's you (boygeenyus) and homintern both have common interests?

January 9th, 2009, 01:07
My credibility here has no meaningful consequence

That much, Brandon, is painfully obvious. I had missed this 10 pages of garbage and assumed that you had some mental difficulties distinguishing fact from reality from your other posts instead.

I am not an expert, or even well informed on such matters, but I must confess to finding it difficult to understand why it is 100% safe for a "top" to BB when having gay anal sex, where the chances of an internal rupture and consequent internal bleeding for the "bottom" are far from non-existent, but not for a man to BB a woman when having conventional (straight) sex - or is it the hypothesis that only those men who have "bottomed" and the females who sleep with them are susceptible to the HIV virus, and that all exclusively straight men are also 100% safe? Maybe I have misunderstood something .....

Dave_syd has pointed out the technical deficiencies of your posts very well, so there is no point in my adding anything to that particular side of things. Instead I will simply point out a few things you have said in this thread which indicate a remarkable ignorance for one who claims to be so well informed and so scientific. I could pick more, but there would be little point.

Remember, I'm a non-reciprocating Top. Even if my partner's seminal fluid and semen were pure HIV, that's not getting into my urethra unless you fuck really differently than I do.

Strange that a medical expert would have overlooked the possible presence of blood.

I'm not sure you're aware, but since Thailand has an excellent health system I'm thinking that many people with HIV are being treated so it's OK to say this, but here in the U.S. the life expectancy for a person with AIDS who is on medication is the same as for a person who does not have AIDS.

Your knowledge of Thailand's health system is based on what, to substantiate your statement? You are evidently woefully ignorant of the limitations of the Thai health system which is improving but far from "excellent", particularly in the field of treatment for those infected with HIV whose life expectancy, even under treatment, is often measured in months not years.

I am so confused at this point. I'd heard the Thai's were charming, warm, gracious, and thought of sex, like most things, in any easygoing manner. Based on this discussion, getting laid would be almost impossible, and boring, and vanilla, and argumentative with hostility/aggression/revenge thrown in with a list of things the other guy won't do that's a mile long.

Confused, misinformed, misled, deluded - any and all of these could apply. Thais are no more and no less "charming, warm, gracious, ... easygoing" etc than any other nationality. Thailand has, for example, the highest rate of gun related incidents (shootings) in the world, with the possible exception of Columbia, where statistics are not readily available.

Hard to figure out how the U.S. 7th fleet, during a port of call in Thailand, spend $8 million on sex in 48 hours (the Chief estimated 22,000 f*cks) not so long ago.

Very hard indeed - not only would this have worked out at a very generous 12,000 baht per time, but also as the USS Blue Ridge was the only vessel given the shore leave you refer to this would have meant 11 times per person per day (for all members of the crew, including females) and around US8,000 each.

I tell the medical people about safe sex, not the other way around. I am one of many people, but my opinion still is a credible one. I no longer actively research the field, but I use myself as an example & can do epidemiology and other medical reporting. I appear at several medical conference per year (and they don't pay much). I have prescription-writing priveledges in the U.S. .....I do get a kick out of the fact that I can lecture to 500 MD/Ph.D. at a top 10 medical school and they listen, applaud and invite me back because of whatever I've put together for them .....

As some of us have some reservations about America and Americans (and I have made my opinions on both very clear at religous-homophobia-bangkok-post-t16303.html?hilit=Americans#p162968 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/religous-homophobia-bangkok-post-t16303.html?hilit=Americans#p162968) ) maybe you would be more credible if you could tell us of some of the international conferences you have appeared at, or even those you have been invited to attend?

January 9th, 2009, 15:29
Well, in retrospect that was one of my mistakes, the reference thing. Since like many I'm not using my real name, I don't have the ability to direct you to my publications, awards, etc. even if they would have been of interest.

Aternatively there is a simple and obvious solution, Brandon: direct us to any published works by any of those undeniably pre-eminent doctors and research scientists whose names you have mentioned here which agree with and support your own conclusions, namely that (and I am repeating what I wrote as it is so divorced from anything else I have read, apart from decades ago when knowledge of HIV was minimal and prejudice and fear ruled) "only those men who have "bottomed" and the females who sleep with them are susceptible to the HIV virus, and that all exclusively straight men are also 100% safe" (although I should have added the rider "unless they have a visible cut on their penis"). A few links to some of your "peers'" publications agreeing with you would give you all the credibility you could want and put us all firmly in our place, if it is available.

The internal bleeding which is often the cause of HIV transference, according to most references and as I would have thought would be obvious, has nothing to do with blood "from the intestines...", etc, which would be apparent before sex, but is blood resulting from injury during sex, which may or may not be readily apparent. If you have never experienced this, despite all your sexual partners, I can only presume that it is not only your brain which is below normal in size.

As you have responded to all my points except that concerning your appearing at any international medical conferences, or being invited to appear at any, I can only assume that this has never happened with the obvious conclusion. Failing that, maybe you could tell us some of the recognized international qualifications you have which make you an "expert in 4 or 5 fields" - presumably relevant ones, rather than something concerning the installation and cleaning of a double syphonic toilet.

Although many Americans are and have been amongst some of the world's most eminent in many fields over the last 200 years, from human rights to scientific research, from sport to medicine, they are continually let down by some of the most bigoted and ill-informed people in the world who are always amongst the first to try to bask in the achievements and reflected glory of those whom they fondly imagine to be their peers. Nowhere else in the English speaking world do traffic wardens and park keepers call themselves "law enforcement officers" or do the unemployed and unskilled describe themselves as "independent management consultants". As Harry Callaghan said "a man's got to know his limitations" - yours are blindingly obvious.

January 10th, 2009, 02:46
Nowhere else in the English speaking world ... do the unemployed and unskilled describe themselves as "independent management consultants".

When were you last engaged in personnel appointments in England?

January 10th, 2009, 03:12
I think this one's pretty much run its course. Sorry for blinding you.

Ah, time to quit when people start asking awkward questions where you don't have the answers?

January 10th, 2009, 20:34
..... the self-proclaimed expert .....


You have the time to respond to a minor point, but not to find or post any links to articles from your "friends" which would not only support you and give you some credibility but which would prove all of us wrong and educate us on a subject about which you feel so strongly??

I was tempted to add "unbelievable", but after reading the absolute rubbish you have posted here and elsewhere, and your total misunderstanding of basic medical terms and practice, it is all too believable.

I am not, as I have said, an "expert" of any type. I have some basic medical training, although I have never worked as a medic: I was a B2 level trained medic - St John's Ambulance level - with further specialist certified training for SAR (Search & Rescue) and advanced emergency expedition medicine. All fairly basic. You, on the other hand, claim to be an expert when very clearly you have been, at best, a lab technician - dress it up how you will, call it a "clinician" or a "researcher" (and there is nothing wrong with either of those - a cousin of mine is a lab tech and earns far more than many doctors), the only "award" you are capable of winning is that for Bullshitter of the Board.

I am not sure which aspect of your personality I find more unpleasant: Dom or Dumb. If you can give any of those links I will apologize and give you the credibility and respect you deserve; if not, you are not worth wasting any more time on.

January 10th, 2009, 23:16
So weтАЩre right back where we started, arenтАЩt we?

1) You claim to engage young men in receptive unprotected anal sex, but also claim there is a zero percent chance of them catching a disease from you, life-threatening or otherwise.

2) You claim you know with absolute certainty that youтАЩll be disease free when you mount your next conquest, based on regular STD/HIV checks on a timetable you (or your un-named stable of experts) have established as тАЬsafeтАЭ.

3) You claim to know тАУ somehow тАУ that you know secrets nobody else seems to be privy to but will only allude to them here with nothing more than a used-car salesmanтАЩs тАЬtrust meтАЭ to back it up.

4) You intend to go on about your merry way and continue in the above practices wherever you wish to deposit your semen around the world... a philosophy of life just to the far left of "whoopie", in my opinion.

Have others made errors while dating and having sex in their lifetime? Perhaps so, but they don't make a regular practice of it.

I respect your anonymity on the board, but if that is truly your stance you might consider taking down your avatar. If it ISNтАЩT you, itтАЩs not only deceptive but disrespectful (and perhaps litigious) to post someone elseтАЩs photo to represent such unsubstantiated and potentially lethal nonsense. If it IS you, say so; that way I can avoid you if I happen to see you out in public somewhere.

If your theories CAN be proven they certainly must have been the topic of other published studies that you do NOT have your name on. Link to some of those, please.

I would think a good 99.9% of the intelligent world classify your position and opinions on sexual behavior as outrageous and irresponsible. IтАЩm not slamming your preferences for sexual play - itтАЩs FAR more than I want to hear about but entirely up to you and your consenting partner тАУ but weтАЩre talking the risk HIV infection, you silly gooseтАж regardless of how slim a chance it might be.

What disturbs me most is that if you DO visit Thailand youтАЩd be attempting to provide information to the locals that тАУ even IF true тАУ could add exponentially to the infection rate there; if not by you directly during your тАЬmagic windowтАЭ timeframe (with the sheer number of partners you claim on a weekly basis) then by others who wonтАЩt know what the hell youтАЩre lecturing about while you put the collar on them. Unless, of course, you just pay them enough and let them believe the probable truth - that they've just spun the cylinder and pulled the trigger to bottom for you, as some Thai will.

By that I mean that a young man who speaks little more English than тАЬwhere you from?тАЭ is not going to understand your smoke and mirrors approach to safe sex and will more than likely get it wrong, and thenтАж that blood is on your hands, gloved or not.

By the way, I would like to think you ARE correct in these matters, but since not a single source can be cited, you yourself seem to have made mistakes in your statements and no one else has popped up to back you up leads me to think that the wealth of published and accepted information in place for the last couple of decades is more reliable than you and your anonymous sources.

It's a shame, too... your ideas in a couple of other threads lead me to think that you're probably a decent sort of guy in some circumstances.

I donтАЩt want a reply тАУ your opinions arenтАЩt going to prove anything тАУ but go ahead and post another 10 pages, I donтАЩt care: youтАЩre one weird puppy. PleaseтАж stay home. Get some lube. Pay some attention to your long term partner. SOMEthing.

тАжor at least pull off the mask and say тАЬJOKING!!тАЭ

That would be SUCH a relief.

January 10th, 2009, 23:47
No, that's me. I had actually though most people used their own pics as avatars.
I'm not sure how you got that idea if you've looked at ANY of the gay Thailand boards.

About what constitutes safe sex practices,I'm willing to agree to disagree, but I do sincerely hope you're joking about your alleged facts and behavior. It just means those of us who wish to help folks in Thailand will have to do a little more to undo the misinformation!

By the way, the "insanity" line isn't a joke.

January 10th, 2009, 23:48
If anyone were to ask me "Should I wear a condom," I'd say yes, every time," because even though there's an exception people hear simple messages better, so I would of course tell them to wear condoms all the time. Plus it's the more responsible thing to do. And I'm not recommending anyone follow my example. In fact, I encourage you not to.

As long as there is no vaccine or total cure, wearing a condom is the way to go. Whatever justifications you give, they are all just justifications. Further, they seem to be based on the most selfish one - that it does not feel good wearing a condom. You are basically telling the receptive person to "trust" you because of the way you practice sex. I am not a conservative, but as Ronald Regan once said, trust and verify. Unless there is a test that instantaneously can prove 100% right before the sexual act that you are negative, everything is just based on trust.

Good that your avatar is your actual picture. At least now the Thai guys can know what kind of beliefs you hold.

January 11th, 2009, 04:14
And I don't see the advantage of citing papers by co-authors, as once again this would compromise anonymity, which is respected here. As you know, scientific papers usually have several authors, and anything relevant to what I'm saying (and nothing has been published at relates to the one point I tried to make), would have my name as a co-author.

Well I am a scientist, Brandon, (in the medical sciences) and of course I both write, and peer-review, manuscripts for publication in medical and the life sciences journals. And as you would expect I have full electronic access to databases that contain all the papers published by the journals as well as a whole bunch more besides that.

I would be more than happy to do a search to establish your publication record (with your name) with a view to verifying your claim that you are a co-author on papers for the forum. I will be more than happy to read some and if you agree, I can provide a brief report back to the forum of the sorts of areas your work has been published in. I will also report back, again if you agree, to members' to let them know:- the number of papers you have published, the number where you are the first or second author, the number where you are the senior author, what time frame does your publication record span, how many of your papers are original research articles, and how many are review articles. I give you, as a fellow scientist, my absolute word that I will protect your anonymity and will at no time divulge to any member of this forum your true name.

All you need to do is to PM me with the details and I will take it from there. Don't let this chance pass you by. I promise to do this with complete impartiality and to the highest standards I can. This is the perfect opportunity for you to establish your credibility on these matters and your bona fides! Don't let it slip through your fingers.

January 11th, 2009, 04:30
Well I am a scientist, Brandon, (in the medical sciences) and of course I both write, and peer-review, manuscripts for publication in medical and the life sciences journals. Before you do that you should take a peek at one of the Forum's Blogs, known as Aunty's Mensa Moments.

blog.php?u=85 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/blog.php?u=85)

January 11th, 2009, 05:42
really, if a poster comes along making all sorts of claims, many of which contradict what they previously been told is true, and the poster is unable to provide any independent evidence to support those claims, can you really be surprised when they are cynical?

in countless other discussions on this board (and others I assume), people are called upon to provide some supporting evidence or other sources to back up their claims. those people who try to say they are right just because they say so and that they are an expert dont get taken seriously.

I am not saying you are right or wrong, but just like in science you have to provide evidence to support your claims. and in something as important as HIV transmission, people will be even more sceptical to unsupported claims.

if as you say nobody can prove clinically or statistically, that unprotected insertive anal sex is unsafe, neither can it be proved to be safe. certainly there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to indicate its unsafe, but scientists dont like anecdotal evidence. anyway i would have thought it better to be safe and wear a condom, rather than do you own 1-person research at the risk of finding out that its not safe.

January 11th, 2009, 16:54
And I don't see the advantage of citing papers by co-authors, as once again this would compromise anonymity, which is respected here. As you know, scientific papers usually have several authors, and anything relevant to what I'm saying (and nothing has been published at relates to the one point I tried to make), would have my name as a co-author.

Well in that case you must be blind as well as dumb. Since we do not know your name (maybe you are not quite as well known as you imagine) and you would only be one of "several authors" so not readily identifiable it would "compromise anonymity" far less than publishing your photo - which you have already done. The one thing I do believe, however, is that "nothing has been published at relates to the one point I tried to make" and that no-one, eminent or not, doctor or research scientist, has written anything that agrees with your "point". If you had admitted before that there were no papers to cite, whether you wanted to do so or not, a lot of time would have been saved.

And other than your usual denegration, which I don't mind, I do disagree with you on one point. I still don't see how you you fuck guys guys and causing them to bleed internally.

Do a search in-putting "anal sex blood" and you will find 8,220,000 references which will explain it to you, at varying length and with varying detail and medical expertise (8,220,000 more than can be found to support your point). I doubt if all are totally relevant, but there is no need to read them all (though you may enjoy the experience). In-put "anal sex blood hiv" and you will find over 125,000 references explaining that although the "bottom" is more likely to do so than the "top", both partners are likely to catch hiv from unprotected sex with hiv+ partners and explaining why; the same criteria apply, but it is 125,000 more than side with you (where you are very evidently in a minority of 1). That does not mean you are wrong, but it does put the probability pretty high.

I could say that I am surprised that you, as an eminent research scientist, etc, would be unaware of this, but I am not. As none of your fellow dumb doms have noticed this either I can only assume they are either as blind or as poorly equipped as you.

I could also say, to demonstrate your lack of medical awareness and logic, that I am surprised you would imagine that applying Betadine and surgical swabs before and after shaving your partner and yourself, front and rear, would help prevent the transfer of HIV or any other virus (it would do little other than kill surface bacteria already present), but as this shaving would have the opposite effect and irritate the skin, inevitably resulting in small abrasions and cuts which may not be visible to the naked eye, making both of you far more susceptible to the transfer of HIV or any other virus, there would be little point.

Very cool work that you do. I imagine rescuing people must be dangerous, but very fulfilling work. I imagine you have some great stories to tell.

I am a similar age to you; I retired over 15 years ago. That was a minor part of my work and I do not tell stories, great or otherwise - I leave that to you and your ilk.

January 11th, 2009, 17:27
Im just wondering has this troll made history ? I do think so ..it has to be the longest post how many times he replies in it joined this year way over 100 posts ...I read his opening report and thought what a complete IDIOT no condoms we suppose to educate the future and this clown braggs and says dont wear one...One question Brandon when the circus leaves town?

Brad the Impala
January 11th, 2009, 18:49
One question Brandon when the circus leaves town?

Soon hopefully. It's like getting stuck with a bore at a dinner party with a loud voice and idiotic points of views, who monopolises the conversation.

January 11th, 2009, 20:51
One question Brandon when the circus leaves town?

Soon hopefully. It's like getting stuck with a bore at a dinner party with a loud voice and idiotic points of views, who monopolises the conversation.

Brad, I am forced to agree with you - I am celebrating the technology of the new board by ignoring brandumb - anyone who makes so many posts claiming so much, making so many excuses for not providing anything to back them up, and is then stupid enough to finally admit that there never was anything to back them up with, simply does not deserve the courtesy of being read, let alone acknowledged. Even Curious has not got this treatment - yet!

January 11th, 2009, 22:13
Ah Brandon stay a while, i have not had this much fun here, since... well since Hedda lost her marbles :clown:

January 11th, 2009, 23:44
One question Brandon when the circus leaves town?

Just what I was thinking.
Thankfully the latest ignore function works very well.

Khor tose
January 12th, 2009, 04:07
One question Brandon when the circus leaves town?

Just what I was thinking.
Thankfully the latest ignore function works very well.

Z909, while I am on your side where this subject is concerned, and frankly admire the outstanding job you, Bao-Bao and Dave_syd, did in pointing out the weaknesses in Brandon's arguments, I hate to see him go. After all, he is not really a troll, and I admire his obvious intelligence and his extensive knowledge, even if I disagree with him. My hat is off to all of you and Brandon. I have enjoyed reading this whole thread, and I find it very positive overall. MORE PLEASE__BUT ON A DIFFERENT SUBJECT.

Brandon, please return and continue to post.