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View Full Version : A potentially dangerous Board glitch ...

January 5th, 2009, 09:49
This happened to me during the composition of a PM, and then once again in testing the regular forum posting:

I pasted a URL address into the 'Compose Message' pane as part of my message ... then I finished the message ... then I clicked 'Preview' where I checked to see if the message was as I wished it to be. As I have done a million times on the Old Board Version I clicked on the URL in the preview to check that is was a good link, then I hit the back button (as I have done a million times on the previous version) to go back to the Preview/Compose window ... and GOODBYE MESSAGE. Lost the whole thing, and quite unrecoverable.

This did not happen on the old phpBB version . . . it was always possible to check the link and then click back into the message to complete and send it.

So please be careful. If you check a URL link in 'Preview' mode, do yourself a favour and copy the entire message first. This will ensure that you can at least start again in a new 'Compose' window with your saved post intact.
This is especially annoying when it is a long and/or important post.
Not sure if there is an easy fix to this ( I hope so ), but if not then at least you can accomplish the second-best option by using the copy&paste feature.

Cheers ...

January 5th, 2009, 10:10
"dangerous" is a strong word...

January 5th, 2009, 10:23
"dangerous" is a strong word...

I like the new version it even rejects and says goodbye to his shit!!!!! :clown:
Yep ... almost as good as the Board's great version of the 'Ignore' feature ... which you just got yourself on (I'm sure you're wounded).
I've always advocated ignoring trolls but up to now have not always done so: they're pea brains are often educational. But you buster are my one-and-only 'Ignore' member.


Cheers ...

January 5th, 2009, 12:52
I've always advocated ignoring trolls but up to now have not always done so: they're pea brains are often educational.

Cheers ...

Pardon? Do you mean persons employed in education. I have rarely seen a more troll like expression than that.

Further your use of the word "dangerous" rather than "inconvenient" above might be considered trolling.

January 5th, 2009, 13:33
Jeeze louise! I didn't mean to upset you so much! (Not that you will be able to read this since I am on "ignore" ... which is a button I wish I had in grade school).

It's just that when you say "dangerous" -- I think, what? A virus? ID theft? A case in which a pedophile is amongst us and we are all under investigation? Yikes? What could it be??

In any case, my apologies. I wouldn't come to a board just to cause drama, I come to read interesting stories and get to relive my wonderful Thailand trips for a few minutes.

Adios. :salute:

x in pattaya
January 5th, 2009, 16:02
You could always right-click the link and opt to open it in a new tab so that the page with the long and/or important post remains visible.

I've definitely posted some long messages, but would be hesitant to describe any as long and important.

What exactly were we all deprived of reading?

x in pattaya
January 5th, 2009, 16:25
you be the next wounded and on the little boys ignore list

Over the years, on numerous message boards, he's wounded me often, but I can't be ignored since I have his mobile number. :clown:

P.S. I should add that the man is a saint, an absolute saint, who would far rather turn the other cheek :pottytrain2: than resort to retaliation.

January 6th, 2009, 15:49
you be the next wounded and on the little boys ignore list

Over the years, on numerous message boards, he's wounded me often, but I can't be ignored since I have his mobile number. :clown:

P.S. I should add that the man is a saint, an absolute saint, who would far rather turn the other cheek :pottytrain2: than resort to retaliation.

Perhaps, but an explanation of his apparent abuse of those engaged in education might be timely.

As I understand it, canonisation takes about 300 years. Are you sure we are talking of the same person? His avatar does not show him as that old?

January 6th, 2009, 16:26
you be the next wounded and on the little boys ignore list

Over the years, on numerous message boards, he's wounded me often, but I can't be ignored since I have his mobile number. :clown:

P.S. I should add that the man is a saint, an absolute saint, who would far rather turn the other cheek :pottytrain2: than resort to retaliation.

Perhaps, but an explanation of his apparent abuse of those engaged in education might be timely.

As I understand it, canonisation takes about 300 years. Are you sure we are talking of the same person? His avatar does not show him as that old?

His cell number so, now I understand the return of X


Lunchtime O'Booze
January 6th, 2009, 16:56
it's happened to me several times !

I spend hours composing these brilliant messages to educate the great unwashed on here..only to have them disappear into a void. :scratch:

It's enough to drive one to drink.

x in pattaya
January 6th, 2009, 18:04
I spend hours composing these brilliant messages ..only to have them disappear into a void. It's enough to drive one to drink.
You may be confusing cause and effect.

His cell number so, now I understand the return of X
No, you don't.

Perhaps, but an explanation of his apparent abuse of those engaged in education might be timely.
You say "abuse," others call it "tough love," the indictment mentioned "sadomasochism." It's all semen-antics.

As I understand it, canonisation takes about 300 years. Are you sure we are talking of the same person? His avatar does not show him as that old? That's in the Roman Catholic church. To date his sainthood has only been recognized by a somewhat obscure sect whose rites involve vacuum cleaner attachments.

January 7th, 2009, 00:20
[quote]I spend hours composing these brilliant messages ..only to have them disappear into a void. It's enough to drive one to drink.
You may be confusing cause and effect.

His cell number so, now I understand the return of X
No, you don't.

Is this about the Amercan vernacular for mobile phones or the domiciles of Christian monks

As I understand it, canonisation takes about 300 years. Are you sure we are talking of the same person? His avatar does not show him as that old? That's in the Roman Catholic church. To date his sainthood has only been recognized by a somewhat obscure sect whose rites involve vacuum cleaner attachments.

Is this a latter day saints thing then. Aren't their followers called something like Morons?


The dangerous following.

:albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :crybaby: :director2: :director: :dog: :dontknow: :downtown: :duckie: :evil1: :evil2: :evil3: :evil4: :evil5: :female: :fish: :glasses1: :glasses2: :glasses3: :glasses4: :glasses5: :glasses6: :glasses7: :glasses8: :glasses9: :glasses10: :glasses11: :grommit: :happy1: :happy2: :happy3: :happy4: :happy5: :happy6: :happy7: :happy8: :happy9: :happy10: :happy11: :headbang: :hello1: :hello2: :help: :hiding: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :crybaby: :director2: :director: :dog: :dontknow: :downtown: :duckie: :evil1: :evil2: :evil3: :evil4: :evil5: :female: :fish: :glasses1: :glasses2: :glasses3: :glasses4: :glasses5: :glasses6: :glasses7: :glasses8: :glasses9: :glasses10: :glasses11: :grommit: :happy1: :happy2: :happy3: :happy4: :happy5: :happy6: :happy7: :happy8: :happy9: :happy10: :happy11: :headbang: :hello1: :hello2: :help: :hiding: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue:
:albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :withstupid: :knob: :la: :blah5: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :crybaby: :director2: :director: :dog: :dontknow: :downtown: :duckie: :evil1: :evil2: :evil3: :evil4: :evil5: :female: :fish: :glasses1: :glasses2: :glasses3: :glasses4: :glasses5: :glasses6: :glasses7: :glasses8: :glasses9: :glasses10: :glasses11: :grommit: :happy1: :happy2: :happy3: :happy4: :happy5: :happy6: :happy7: :happy8: :happy9: :happy10: :happy11: :headbang: :hello1: :hello2: :help: :hiding: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :crybaby: :director2: :director: :dog: :dontknow: :downtown: :duckie: :evil1: :evil2: :evil3: :evil4: :evil5: :female: :fish: :glasses1: :glasses2: :glasses3: :glasses4: :glasses5: :glasses6: :glasses7: :glasses8: :glasses9: :glasses10: :glasses11: :grommit: :happy1: :happy2: :happy3: :happy4: :happy5: :happy6: :happy7: :happy8: :happy9: :happy10: :happy11: :headbang: :hello1: :hello2: :help: :hiding: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue: :albino: :bigsmurf: :blackeye: :bounce: :cat: :cheers: :cheese: :cherry: :clown: :colors: :compress: :cyclops: :cyclopsani: :faroah: :crybaby: :director2: :director: :dog: :dontknow: :downtown: :duckie: :evil1: :evil2: :evil3: :evil4: :evil5: :female: :fish: :glasses1: :glasses2: :glasses3: :glasses4: :glasses5: :glasses6: :glasses7: :glasses8: :glasses9: :glasses10: :glasses11: :grommit: :happy1: :happy2: :happy3: :happy4: :happy5: :happy6: :happy7: :happy8: :happy9: :happy10: :happy11: :headbang: :hello1: :hello2: :help: :hiding: :flower: :geek: :joker: :king: :monkey: :pale: :pirate: :profileleft: :profileright: :pukeleft: :pukeright: :queen: :rabbit: :reindeer: :rr: :salute: :santa: :scratch: :shaking2: :shaking: :silent: :smurf: :smurfin: :spiderman: :study: :sunny: :thumbright: :thumbleft: :tongue: :angryfire: :argue:

January 7th, 2009, 00:38
I knew there was a way to post a bazillion smilies! :laughing3:

Show Bob that trick!

January 7th, 2009, 03:41
Wow. All I can say is: Where the fuck is Waldo?

x in pattaya
January 7th, 2009, 07:16
[quote:36qfgsxy] x in pattaya wrote:... but I can't be ignored since I have his mobile number.

and then Wes wrote

His cell number so, now I understand the return of X

Is this about the Amercan vernacular for mobile phones or the domiciles of Christian monks?

No, Wes has prison fantasies and reinterprets everything in that context. It also explains his posture. One can only spend so long bent over picking up the soap before it takes its toll.

January 7th, 2009, 09:54
Of course my dear, although I am sure you are right , it would be unthinkable that you could be wrong. However, Its nice to have you back. You keep us all enthralled with you brevity and witt.
