View Full Version : Tom Yum Gogo Bar in sunee plaza

January 2nd, 2009, 16:25
Read that this new gogo bar (tom yum) opened up in Sunee P. and they had no boys on the opening night , thats a new twist to the gogo theme. Anyone been there ? Any comments ?.
Also has Cocktail gogo reopened yet.? Thanks. :salute: :salute: :salute:

January 2nd, 2009, 16:45
Tom Yum opened but advised the punters that there were no boys
yet. They are waiting for the busload from the hinterlands where
all the new boys wait for the chance to make it big on the golden
sois of Pattaya..
I thought they might have used some of the boys from Nice Boys but
this holiday season, it appears that many boys went home to their villages and most of the boy bars seem light on staff..

Cocktail is open and one friend reported he was pleased, especially after he had stopped by at another Sunee area gogo boy bar, where a lone lad stood on the go go stage and was more bored than my friend.. Other boys were sitting around and it was early in the evening..
Euro Boys was closed and in the recent past Cocktail and Euro Boys have shared boys when one was closed.

On a last note about the Sunee boy bars, Minou has been closed over a week and it seems very queer during high season to stay closed unless they had no choice. Bung kum may know more on this one.. :cat:

x in pattaya
January 2nd, 2009, 16:49
it seems very queer

Isn't that the goal of most boy bars?

January 2nd, 2009, 18:59
Cocktail and Euroboys have the same owner so i guess they move the boys around, as for minou think they had problems with the police re underage boys mid december when i was in Pattaya so maybe its a knock on from that.

January 2nd, 2009, 19:33
Walked by Cocktail last night and the mamasan, indicated that Euroboys would reopen tonight. I think the outdoor area of Euroboys had remained open.

January 2nd, 2009, 21:52
Euroboys still closed tonight at 8.30 pm

January 3rd, 2009, 00:04
A mamasan in one of the Sunee Plaza go go boy bars overdosed and
died very recently.. I can't remember his name but I believe he might have
worked at Euro Boys.. Perhaps someone who can remember might
update if they knew the man or which bar he worked in.

Another well know mamasan is floating around Sunee Plaza after leaving
JJJ to work at Cocktail and there was no place for him when Cocktail reopened.
I don't normally follow the careers and lives of the mamasans but some of the farangs get to know them over the years and form relationships of sorts.

By the way, Tom Yum still waiting for the bus to show up as of early this evening..

January 3rd, 2009, 00:28
Took this pic of the mamasan on duty at the opening of cocktail 27th of Nov.
After cocktail closed down he no longer seems to be involved.
Think he used to be at JJJ┬┤s
Hope he isnt the one that overdosed he was NICE.[attachment=0:t7d1ajab]mini-mamasan.jpg[/attachment:t7d1ajab]

January 3rd, 2009, 11:58
He is alive and he is the mamasan who is floating around Sunee
after his brief time at Cocktail. It turns out there was an incident
while the bar was closed and he was blamed for the incident.
The mamasan who ODed was a much larger framed man.. :cat:

January 3rd, 2009, 13:53
Catswampuscat - On a last note about the Sunee boy bars, Minou has been closed over a week and it seems very queer during high season to stay closed unless they had no choice.
Spoke with a connected party to Minou Bar and he said it is closed as there is a lot of trouble with the police. I am not sure but the 4 western guys who were arrested recently and the Thai procurer may have been as a result of their use of some of the under-age boys sourced through Minou Bar.

January 3rd, 2009, 14:35
Spoke with a connected party to Minou Bar and he said it is closed as there is a lot of trouble with the police. I am not sure but the 4 western guys who were arrested recently and the Thai procurer may have been as a result of their use of some of the under-age boys sourced through Minou Bar.

No this is not the story. They are not have anything to do with any arrested guys. It is very simple and they MINOU will be open soon. Do not worry. No police story at all! You know all the good places until MINOU opens soon.

January 3rd, 2009, 16:24
does this newbie have 3 new handles in last few days? :scratch:
and he knows everything too.. :cat:

January 3rd, 2009, 19:45
i hope what andre says is true, it would put some speculative posters minds at rest if you were to elaborate more on what you believe are the correct findings

welcome to the board

January 4th, 2009, 00:12
Well, some friends went to Tom Yum after dinner tonite and there were boys working.. about a dozen or so and also last nite as well.
They are still waiting for the bus from somewhere and another 5 or 6 new lads to try their luck on the golden sois of Pattaya.. choke dee. :cat:

January 4th, 2009, 01:20
Any idea of the prices guys in Tom Yum thats drinks (beer) prices not boys
Mind you I guess the offing price is prob the usual 3oo baht ? :salute: