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View Full Version : How is Tawan bar in soi Suriwong so far ?

December 28th, 2008, 11:06
I have been searching the internet, but I can't seem to be able to get more information. May be anyone in here been there recently can input some info about it ? Lot of hot looking boy there ? Usual tip ? Thanks

December 28th, 2008, 11:40
lots-yes, you see them outside just before opening
hot? thats so personal-as you likely know they specialise in the muscle boy/men sector-some soldiers too. not my taste
but why ask? its so near all the other bars there-you can always take a peek and see for yourself
I did remember to have read more elaborate reports recently-maybe on other sites-mainly about the entertainment though (aka as sadaeng or ''shoo'')

December 28th, 2008, 11:53
Over the last couple of months there have been two bodybuilding competitions. The Latchford Classic and the Thai National Games. There are many Tawan boys who competed and so are still in competition condition... near perfection. If you like 'em big and muscly now would be the time to visit.

- ajarntrade

December 28th, 2008, 12:48
I have been searching the internet, but I can't seem to be able to get more information. May be anyone in here been there recently can input some info about it ? Lot of hot looking boy there ? Usual tip ? Thanks

Was in there recently. Same-same. I reckon there were about 30 - 35 boys around 10.30 pm, of whom maybe 25 percent could be competition standard, 25 percent muscleman-wannabes but nowhere near it, 50 percent heavies but without definition.

Also about 30 - 40 customers, but lots of coming and going. Saw some offing, so the boys are getting business... yup, things are same-same.

Most of these farang-oriented forums won't be talking much about Tawan, thus the relative silence; for some reason, the bias is for the slim nellie type.

December 28th, 2008, 13:10
There's been a reporting void on the Tawan ever since Wowpow left us.

By the way Macaroni, great job on your chart review of massage venues, assuming your the same Macaroni that posted on Ting & Tong? Why didn't you post the same chart here? Not that there's anything wrong with TT but it does tend to be Pattaya oriented as do all the rest.

I also agree with your comments on Indra Massage, across from the Tawan. There's a poster on CFS that just raves and raves about the place and I can't see it. I have been three times and all were not good.

I always though it would be a good idea if the Tawan opened a massage venue next door for those who like them muscular. Hero now sort of covers that preference but is closed quite early and those around the Tawan seem to be able to stay open quite late.

December 29th, 2008, 07:59
TrongpaiExpat - please see your pm.

December 29th, 2008, 08:44
-I also agree with your comments on Indra Massage, across from the Tawan. There's a poster on CFS that just raves and raves about the place and I can't see it. I have been three times and all were not good. -

It how you use this place. I go there ever so often. You have to spy a boy outside and chat with him, telling him that you want HIM and not the next boy in order. Also tell exactly what you want done.

December 29th, 2008, 09:19
You are right that with good chemistry, you are likely to be satisfied. My opinion of Indra is an opinion of Indra - the massage establishment - not the boys. The establishment charges a certain rate for a massage... but what facilities and ambiance does it offer? The fee ("tip") for the boys is a separate matter, for a separate transaction, which in the table that TrongpaiExpat referred to, I did not discuss.

December 29th, 2008, 09:50
Here is a link that might show what has been on offer (2006)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/saranyu_ld ... 339460917/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/saranyu_ldn/sets/72157594339460917/)

It is a bit hit or miss in there in my opinion depending on the season and how close to a bodybuilding competition.

December 29th, 2008, 12:15

You have me intrigued. You seem to imply that the boys at Hero these days are "Tawan" types. Is this true? My past experience is that Hero is the best massage facility in Bangkok by the widest possible margin. I have written on this forum in the past that my idea of heaven would be the Tawan boys at a Hero type facility. Has my dream come true? I should be in Bangkok in the new year after a 4 year absence and your thoughts/observations would be appreciated.

x in pattaya
December 29th, 2008, 12:31
Here is a link that might show what has been on offer (2006)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/saranyu_ld ... 339460917/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/saranyu_ldn/sets/72157594339460917/)

It is a bit hit or miss in there in my opinion depending on the season and how close to a bodybuilding competition.

I suspect most of the "talent" in those photos were not regular Tawan boys but guys who just entered the competition.
I've been to Tawan twice in all the years I've been visiting Bangkok. As someone else said, there were some truly muscular guys, but the rest were either just large or not much different from what you'd find in any bar.

Once I offed someone from Tawan. He said he was preparing for a Mr. Thailand competition. His arms dwarfted my legs in size and (almost) everything else was equally large & muscular. He was a really nice, polite guy and it was an experience I'm glad I had once, but I discovered that muscle-bound was not the turn on I thought it might be. If you like that sort of thing, Tawan is probably one of the better potential sources, but don't let those photos mislead you. Unless things have recently changed radically, the guys available are nothing like those in the Mr. Tawan contest.

... seem to imply that the boys at Hero these days are "Tawan" types. Is this true?

I've also visited Hero a couple of times (I'll try almost anything twice), more recently than I've visited Tawan. There certainly were a lot of big guys by Thai standards and many of them appeared to have dabbled in body building, but not all that many were really muscular. Since ( I believe) a number of them are students who come & go depending on their schedules, it may depend on what day and what time you show up.

If you're into the massage experience and like well-built guys Hero is definitely the place to go. I saw a couple of guys there (too late unfortunately) who had to be of photo-model-make-you-weak-in-the-knees standard, but they were not typical.

December 30th, 2008, 21:38
I have been searching the internet, but I can't seem to be able to get more information. May be anyone in here been there recently can input some info about it ? Lot of hot looking boy there ? Usual tip ? Thanks

Was at Tawan over Christmas period twice. As what the other posters said, there were 2 recent competitions and some of the boys are still in good shape. The muscleman posing show was good - I liked the muscle definition on those boys. I was there on the 26th and 28th Dec night actually, and noted that some of the boys in better shape were in demand. There were many customers and all the chairs were taken up. I heard from one of the staff that it was a much better week, and everything is back to 80% normal for peak period.

In fact on the 26th Dec night, the boss of Tawan gave out cash prizes and the medals for the boys who won in the National competition. Nice touch I thought. Also, that night the "elves" were out - 2 boys wearing Christmas hats :santa: handed out some simple toys (rattles, shakers and poppers) as small gifts. On 31st Dec, they are having a special contest for muscleman, and something about a sexy man contest also in conjunction with Count Down.

There was a nice sexy dance the 2 nights I was there, but otherwise, the usual "big cock" fashion show and "f**king" shows were in order. There is one erotic dancer on the sexy dance whom I quite like. They are dressed in chains and masked, but no thongs, and exposed and like, cocks pumped up. There are 5 boys and one central dancer with the others pairing off to suck each other. I like the central dancer as halfway, he would step off the stage and slowly straddle one leg across the table and step onto the sofa, so that the lucky (or unlucky depending on what you like) customer could see his 8 inch dick up close and personal.

On the 2 times I was there, I noticed a "high-end" customer sitting near the stage, who offed 3-4 boys at the same time. Some guys have all the ca$h. :scratch:

Got to say that its nice and cool to walk at night in Bangkok then - mid-twenties degree C feeling.

December 30th, 2008, 22:59

You have me intrigued. You seem to imply that the boys at Hero these days are "Tawan" types. Is this true? My past experience is that Hero is the best massage facility in Bangkok by the widest possible margin. I have written on this forum in the past that my idea of heaven would be the Tawan boys at a Hero type facility. Has my dream come true? I should be in Bangkok in the new year after a 4 year absence and your thoughts/observations would be appreciated.

Hero's massage staff are not quite Tawan types but a few are approaching that status. Get there early to get your pick.

Tawan does not run a massage venue, I was just musing and thinking that there would be a customer base for such an establishment. I guess you could off a Tawan guy and ask for an oil massage but I doubt they would be very skilled unless you got lucky.

Hero by the way has had some renovations and upgrades in the facilities recently. Albury and Senso might have your type as well, check them out.

I hope you have a nice time.

December 31st, 2008, 07:14
I was just engaging in some humorous musing when I made the comment about "my idea of heaven would be Hero and the boys from Tawan". My point was that I do like muscle men and that I have encounted relatively few Tawan "types" at the massage venues. I do however like the set up at Hero and have had some pleasant experiences there which is more than I can say for Albury where I have never had one positive experience. Senso has opened since my last visit and will be worth exploring.

December 31st, 2008, 09:41
Personal taste is a funny thing, and as mine turns out, they're the opposite of what you've just said. I like the type that is offered at both Albury and Hero, bmuscular without being too obsessive-looking. At Tawan, I find myself attracted to the big boys who have "poor" definition; for whom a bit of fat rounds off their muscles (I find those of championship build at Tawan too "hard" for my taste). And I've generally had great experiences at both Hero and Albury, but Tawan boys, I find, seldom deliver after they've been off'd.

In other words, Vive le choix! There's a customer for every kind!

January 3rd, 2009, 00:17
I agree with Macaroni21 wholeheartedly. I also have varying tastes. I am predisposed to the 'stocky' types though. They need not be ultra-lean or defined but must have a bit on their bones and must also have a moderate shape. I also like them a bit on the mature side. Or if they are young-ish, they'd have to have a swimmer's body but not thin.

I will be back in January and I am anxious about finding time to visit my favorite haunts - as the people I will be with are not the kind that one would take to such places. :geek:

I am planning to visit Albury and Tawan (my favorite places), and from what I've read on this thread, I'd also like to explore both Senso and Hero Now.

Can anyone tell me more about these two places?

Kop khun krap. :sunny:

January 3rd, 2009, 09:25
On the 2 times I was there, I noticed a "high-end" customer sitting near the stage, who offed 3-4 boys at the same time. Some guys have all the ca$h. :scratch:

Was that guy wearing a cowboy hat. I was in Tawan last year chatting to a guy and he sent the waiter over and told him to join the "cowboy" I noted when the cowboy left the boy I was chatting to did not leave with him I would not take him after that insult

x in pattaya
January 3rd, 2009, 10:39
Can anyone tell me more about these two places?

I strongly recommend you spend awhile going through the massage thread on Cruisingforsex in the Thailand forum.

http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/thaila ... ssage.html (http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/thailand/325783-massage.html)

and a later thread

http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/thaila ... enues.html (http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/thailand/331556-massage-venues.html)

There were a fair number of favorable, informative posts on Hero as well as step-by-step directions on how to find it.

x in pattaya
January 3rd, 2009, 21:33
After getting those links for CFS and the massage places, I spent some time reading the newer thread. I've copied three of the messages that related specifically to Senso.



Maybe should be called Senso-sational!
I was walking around in the rain last night around 8:30 and decided I'd rather be oiled up than drenched so ducked into Senso on Sala Daeng. Really nice space, very modern and dare I say it, elegant. About 15 men on display, the choice was extremely difficult as I would have happily gone with any of them. I've not been to all the joints in BKK by any means, but this IS the first time 100% have been very, very handsome. That said, if your type is small, slim, very boyish, this is probably not the place for you. Most of the guys were quite well muscled, not the Tawan steroid type, but the workin' hard at California Fitness types.
Ended up choosing khun Chai, Issan guy, 21, very serious-butch look, maybe 5'7" and perfectly sculpted body. And speaks very little English, perfect for me, I like 'em beautiful and quiet. Chose the 90 minute relax massage (850 baht/minimum tip 1200)
Chai took me up to the room, again, very nice and modern, with a great mirror that allowed full on viewing of what was going on.
The massage was, really pretty good, a nice mix of the sensuous and the practical. He actually worked some knots out of muscles in my calves that most regular masseurs have not done as well.
Without going into ALL the details here I'll mention that one of the reasons I chose K. Chai was the fact he appeared to be 100% straight. During the massage, he was particularly attentive with his fingers to areas that led me to believe I would be on the receiving end of spicy Issan sausage.
Imagine my pleasant surprise, when at the end of the work part of the massage, this lovely man knelt down and kissed me full on the lips and with tongue. Then he proceeded to smoke the hell out of me. After a few minutes of this he looked me in the eye and asked if it was ok? I allowed that it REALLY was.
Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and I smoked him to a full happy ending, and then he went back and returned the favor.
Didn't mention before, but prior to the massage, as well as after, Chai was in the shower with me making sure that every square inch of me was squeaky clean.
So on the one hand...the cost is higher than most. However, the look of the place is nicer than most, the massage was better than most, the guys were by far a cut above the rest (that I've seen) and the sex was surprising and excellent. And frankly, I'm going to do everything in my power NOT to go back tonight, don't want to appear like a total slut.

If you read messages at CFS, you'll know who posted the following message.

5/8, Soi Saladaeng,
- hrs.: 12.-23.oo.;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S2.),/Silom;
- tel.: (02)-636 3535.;
- web.: http://www.sensomenclub.com
- source: advert. in freebie mag. MAX Magazine, #76..

-- This a'noon., (sun.), I walked thither: it's right on Thanon Saladaeng, and is approx. 145yds. from Tnn. Si Lom, (en route thither you will pass Soi Convent 2 - RHS.; & SALADAENG PLACE HTL. - LHS.), and on one's LHS.; look-for a pr. of natural stained and wood doors and a discreet sign on the RHS..
- I met the Mamasan, an elegant looking young man who goes by the name of Tea, who enquired if it were my first time? I mentioned that a couple of web-acquaintances had visited, and I came in response to their Word of mouth, (the best PR.),.

So to start my yatra I went to Senso Men's Club today and was quite impressed with the dig. An effete thai guy walked up to me and made me sit down while the line up of boys (or should I say HUNKS!) removed their shirts for my benefit. The effete guy sat next to me whispering the various tips for the different masseurs. He asked me to select a masseur, and as I looked up, they all were looking straight at me.
Now to be honest, I am not the most flirtatious person and neither am I bold and to to top it all having all those hunks looking at me with that look "pick me and I'll rock your evening' made me go pink in the cheeks and weak in the knees.
But I did quick glance and the one standing the furthest had this warm smile and a lean well toned physique. But he was the only one who looked at me and gave me a smile that wasn't cocky and call me old fashioned but that worked for me.
His name was Neng and he led me upstairs to a nice clean room with a modest but clean bathroom where he first showered me and then asked me to go lie down while he cleaned himself up.

Neng is around 5'8-5'9", wheatish complexion from Issan with sculpted body and a healthy endowment thats uncircumcised.

I had taken a two hour massage and he spen around 45 mins massaging both me legs and feet and worked every sore spot. Honestly, while I did go there for a good time on the basis of what I have read here, I must say, the massage was so good I was thinking to myself 'to hell with sex....I want this done to me for the next two hours'

After 45 mins he worked my butt for like 15 mins kneading, and using his hands very well to massage the soft spots. I knew he was trying to turn me on and ordinarily I would have responded and I did almost get to that point but I was greedy for the massage. He then sensed that and worked all my back rather well for a long time.

He asked me to turn around and asked me if I wanted to cum. I was feeling all heady and relaxed from the massage and said I wanted to watch him cum instead..... so he sat on top of me and put on a fantastic show and shot all over my stomach, chest face and the first spurt actually went beyond my face.
We still had twenty mins left, he asked what I wanted to do and I told him just to lie with me and he did that. He kept kissing my face, neck, nipples...I felt the guy was trying to hard and asked him to just not worry about it and just lie there with me and then he relaxed. He finally got what I wanted. Just a nice handsome man to lie next to and cuddle up with. We chatted using some sign language and broken english. His english is kinda weak and my thai is limited to swasdee

I told him I was traveling all over thailand and he asked me if I was going alone and I said I was unless he wanted to join me at which he got very excited.
Lying there in those arms, I was the perfect sucker buying my dream vacay but at the moment I did not care. I gave him my number and he gave me his.

As I walked down and paid for my massage I noticed another masseur who looked at me and smiled and lowered his track pants a bit until I could see a bit of his pubes and then he flexed his muscles looking into the mirror at me. The slut in me took over and I forgot all about my magical two hours upstairs. I made a mental note to book this strutting wizard and wondered how big his wand was.

There were also several raves for White House Spa http://www.whitehouse-spa.com/

and a certain guy there named ...xxx... Based on the hymns of praise sung about this guy, his massage technique must be a divinely inspired gift.

I removed the link to the photo of the masseur in question. All photos of masseurs at the site have been removed. Obviously some people used the information/photos inappropriately. Sad, but not unexpected I suppose.
Between the three, Senso would be the easiest to get to for those staying in the Silom-Surawong area. Hero is right off the Skytrain at Nana, but can be a little confusing if you're not familiar with the area. Unfortunately getting to White House Spa sounds like a major undertaking.

January 21st, 2009, 23:02
On the 2 times I was there, I noticed a "high-end" customer sitting near the stage, who offed 3-4 boys at the same time. Some guys have all the ca$h. :scratch:

Was that guy wearing a cowboy hat. I was in Tawan last year chatting to a guy and he sent the waiter over and told him to join the "cowboy" I noted when the cowboy left the boy I was chatting to did not leave with him I would not take him after that insult

Sorry, I missed this question before. Nope, he was bald, caucasian about 40-ish. Apparently, he would be very generous with the guys, and would off a couple at a time. They would jerk off in front of him in the room, and only if they cum would they be paid handsomely. Up to 3000THB per guy. Its a strike or bust game, meaning, they go back empty handed if he didn't see them cum, so I guess they would take as long as they needed to ejaculate.

Actually, my original comment was more of envy that he has a lot of money to spend on his entertainment... Well, he deserves to spend the money he makes. Sigh...

February 24th, 2009, 06:22
Was in Tawan last month: a quick trip report.

I went in about 10.20.
Bar was about half full. A good few Asian customers, as there usually seems to be in the bars with well-built guys on the staff. I sat down beside a rather cute Japanese bear. I had not been there long before before a guy came over to say hello (do not want to give his name, I will call him the Burmese guy - he is originally from Myanmar...I would say most of the Tawan regulars would know him).

I had hired him last year and he remembered me.

He sat down and we began chatting. He is a charming guy with reasonable English.He encouraged me to feel his muscles. Like Macaroni above, although I like well-built guys am not usually a fan of really ripped guys. But I find something fascinating about feeling of rock-hard bicep muscle under soft skin(it feels particularly good under velvety Southeast asian skin. And Burmese guy had some nice biceps and abs...)

We chatted for a while and Burmese guy encouraged me to hire him again. I was a bit unsure - was thinking i would like to try something different. I didn't want to let him railroad me but in the end I said thought "what the hell" and i agreed to off him.

There followed some slightly strange behaviour. He went to get dressed. While he was gone another Tawan guy - a friendly mixed race guy (mixture of African-American and Thai) came to sit beside me. We chatted awhile - I have talked to him several times but I have never offed him. Then the Burmese guy sat down again. He asked me did i like the mixed race guy. I said I did and Burmese guy suggested I off them both! I wasn't very enamoured of this idea, as based on what i have read on these boards before i suspected offing two guys from the same bar (particularly the Tawan, where they have a masculine image to uphold among their peers) would not work out too exciting on the sex front.

The Burmese guy was anxious to leave the bar. I wanted to stay for a bit more of the show. He said "Okey, I will wait outside".

Then he got up and walked out!

Thought this was a bit strange and unprofessional. The mixed race guy continued to sit with me. We fondled a bit and chatted . He was pusing to be offed as well. But I was having none of it - I wondered perhaps did the Burmese guy leave to give him more of an opportunity to ensnare me?

So I left the Tawan. The Burmese guy was standing just outside the bar. He asked me what hotel i was staying. When i told him i was in the Tartawan Place he smiled broadly. Not far to go!

It was then i gave him the unfortunate news that I wanted to go to another bar first. I wanted to see the second show in one of the bars in Soi Twilight. It was about 11.30 by this time.

"Show finit" he informed me. I said no, I wanted to see the second show at one of the bars. However, he insisted that all the shows were over for the night.

I told him I thought he was wrong. He insisted he was right.

"Lets go to the Soi anyway" I said "have a look"

"OK, up to you." he answered then, with a somewhat petulent tone..

We headed up along Silom. When we came across a policeman, the Burmese guy hailed him. The policeman stopped and the had a bit of a chat for a minute or two. I just stood there - I was wondering was there a problem ...no, it seemed to be a friendly chat.

When Burmese was finished we resumed our progress. I asked him if the policeman was a friend of his. He replied that he knew all the policemen in this section of Silom. "I am friend with all policemen in Silom...Know them all!" he replied. Then added in a conspiritorial tone "It good idea to be friends with police here"

Wasn't sure if he meant in the Silom area or Thailand in general.

So we got to Soi Twilight.

To be continued....

February 24th, 2009, 06:47
Can't believe you are leaving us in suspense like that!

And the board demands a full report on your trip to Samui, Singapore and KL! :king:

February 24th, 2009, 22:06
Absolutely brilliant concept for a place, I like Tawan as you see it and go into it, but the guys are just a waste of money, they want 2000 bht, some 1500, and do very little, you get the odd one who is good. But when you speak to them, "they can do" but then can't get hard or whatever. They rely on their bodies to turn you on and you shoot your load and that's it.

Although I love these type of guys, all are mostly straight and useless. Although I did meet one guy a few years ago who was good, 1 out of how many though.

February 26th, 2009, 06:34
Part 2...

The Burmese guy and I went up Soi Twilight. We were assailed by the touts, and ended up going to BBB Bar, where we were assured that the second show would be starting "soon".

We went in and sat down in the first row. Once he was actually in the bar the Burmese guy cheered up a bit. When the drinks arrived he clinked glasses with me and started pointing out guys he knew among the gogo dancers.

One guy in particular stood out. He was a rather tall and well built guy with a couple of tattoos, a shaved head, a taut body and a rather fierce looking expression.

Burmese guy informed me that the guy had once worked in the Tawan bar but had moved to BBB a year or so ago.

"Why did he move?" , i asked.

"In Tawan bar have many big buys and he offed only two or three nights a week. But in this bar he stand out! He offed nearly every night a week!"

"Sounds a good business decision!" I replied.

"You like him?" Burmese guy enquired with a slightly crafty expression.

"He is nice but...he looks a bit angry!"

"He good boy..he very good heart!" replied Burmese guy, a bit defensive on his part.

"He good to customer...he tell other boy to be good to customer, because it important to make customer happy.Good for business!"

A rather MBA-style attitude i thought for a bar-boy, but admirable all the same, of course.

The guy had got to the front of us now in the line-up. When he saw Burmese guy his previous rather surly face lit up with a big, genuine smile. He came down off the stage to shake hands . When Burmese guy introduced me I got a big smile and a vigorous handshake too. He spent a lot of the rest of his time on the stage smiling and winking at me.

The Burmese guy went back to singing his praises after he left. "He very good to customer...." Burmese guy then leaned into me conspiratorially: "He suck customers cock without a condom!"

This information was relayed with a rather wide-eyed expression as if it was an unbelievably rare sexual technique. It was then I remembered that Burmese guy had got me to wear a condom for oral sex the previous time we had been together, which is unusual, even for Tawan boys.

Then the Show started. There was the usual stuff in it...Trannies with big cocks, a scene where boys with luminous body paint writhed around. I have to say whoever does the body painting is pretty artistic.

It tended with a "special show" where the protagonists went around the laps of the audience. Quite amusing but rather ghastly at the same time.

Eventually the show ended and we made our exit.

We strolled up Silom. I asked Burmese guy if he wanted any food. He didn't, in fact he seemed to be anxious to get to the hotel to get down to business - I wondered did he have a busy schedule for later on in the night.

Suddenly we came upon a farang guy sitting on the ground begging. He looked pretty rough and i was a bit taken aback. As we passed I couldnt help staring at him - he looked as if he was off his head on drugs.Burmese guy stopped in front of him. Then he looked at me "Maybe you have 20 baht?" he asked, and nodded at the farang.

I was a bit surprised that Burmese guy seemed to care. Perhaps he thought farang should be helping farang? I gave the farang beggar 40 baht I think. He mumbled something about not having the money to get home and his embassy not helping him. I nodded but i wasn't really listening - I knew from looking at him that any money he got would go to buying ya-ba or heroin, if not methylated spirits.

As we continued i said to Burmese guy "I think he will use my money to buy drugs".

"Not drugs - whiskey" he answered. "His problem whiskey".

"Do you know him, then?", I asked, surprised.

"Oh yes, - he beg there often. I know him. I met his wife - he has a Thai wife."

"Jesus, she picked the short straw in the farang husband distribution" I thought to myself.

"And he have children - two or three" said Burmese guy.

"Oh God, the poor bastards." I said.

WE reached the hotel in a somewhat subdued mood, as you can imagine. I was trying to envisage a happy outcome for the luk krung unfortunates - perhaps their farang grandparents had taken them off to live in Farangland, away from their waster father?

The Burmese guy and I went in to the Tarntawan. The Boys In Brown sitting in the lobby got a cheerful salutation, which they returned, with a smile of recognition i thought. The staff were all well known too, obviously.

The ID proffered was an international driving license, which seemed acceptable.

Up the lift and into the room.

To be continued...

(I hope colmx isn't too tantalised - will finish it tomorrow, I promise) :joker:

February 28th, 2009, 10:15
Was in Tawan last month: a quick trip report.

There followed some slightly strange behaviour. He went to get dressed. While he was gone another Tawan guy - a friendly mixed race guy (mixture of African-American and Thai) came to sit beside me. We chatted awhile - I have talked to him several times but I have never offed him. Then the Burmese guy sat down again. He asked me did i like the mixed race guy. I said I did and Burmese guy suggested I off them both! I wasn't very enamoured of this idea, as based on what i have read on these boards before i suspected offing two guys from the same bar (particularly the Tawan, where they have a masculine image to uphold among their peers) would not work out too exciting on the sex front.

I think what happened was (and you need to think of it in terms of the Burmese guy's perspective) was that he was surprised to see you sitting next to another guy, and he was afraid that you had changed your mind. They know that not all customers would stop a boy to sit next to them, even if they didn't fancy the new boy out of courtesy or you feel bad about telling them to go away, although another boy was chosen. That's why he asked you if you like the guy and wanted to off the other guy. And anyway, it is not uncommon for a customer to go for "second dipping"...and off 2 or more boys at the same time unless you are a regular there and they know that you don't off more than one boy at a time. The mixed race guy I remember is more muscular and bigger than the Burmese guy. Since most customers at Tawan love the bodybuilder type, it was quite natural for him to be concerned if you had changed your mind.

But it's also somewhat lost of face to get dressed, and later, if the customer changed his mind to off another guy to dress down again. But, it would be even more face-losing if after a long time sitting with the 2 boys, you change your mind much later, so that is why he asked you when he came back. He also doesn't have a chance to prospect around other customers, and the other customers may think why you changed your mind - was the boy impolite or pushy they may think to themselves. Also, I think now times are bad and offs are quite few to come buy for him, so he was anxious to get it away to prevent further risks.

The Burmese guy was anxious to leave the bar. I wanted to stay for a bit more of the show. He said "Okey, I will wait outside".

Then he got up and walked out!

Thought this was a bit strange and unprofessional. The mixed race guy continued to sit with me. We fondled a bit and chatted . He was pusing to be offed as well. But I was having none of it - I wondered perhaps did the Burmese guy leave to give him more of an opportunity to ensnare me?
To be continued....

Sometimes, the boys don't know if the customer is undecided and may feel bad to tell a boy they want to change, especially after a boy has changed their clothes. However, he needs to make a living too. By leaving the seat, and going outside, he makes it even difficult for you to change your mind (bearing in mind you already said you don't wish to change). However, he is also trying to accommodate you by giving you a chance to off the other boy as well. He also does want to deprive the mixed race guy from getting a chance to make some money as they are friends at work. It is the Asian way. Remember, that if he sat next to you during the show, and then you changed your mind, it would be more face losing and he lost his own chance to make some money that night. It is assumed that you have more money, and therefore, spending more money to get the best of both worlds is better than compared with leaving an somewhat awkward situation. I think if you think in this context, his actions are not strange. But it does show why sometimes westerners find Thailand "weird" compared to back home because westerners are more direct and more decisive. You should have reassured him by saying that "don't worry, still off you and I want you to sit next to me to see the show together".

Of course, for some westerners they may still go ahead and change the boys even when the boy is outside (making things worse, but even more confusing).

March 1st, 2009, 08:30
seems strange to me-tipically boys only go putting on street-clothes when the off has been sealed and paid for.
also that begging farang is known among local expats since some 5-6 years at least now. He often changes venue-Ive even seen him ob some faraway footbridge in thonburi-with that same sign in Thai. On the thaivisa forum there has been some extensive discussion about him-a long time ago. Myanmar guy has found out more as farang on that forum though....

March 2nd, 2009, 07:20
Your theory is an interesting one, ThaiFan.

I am not so sure myself. When the Burmese guy came back to my seat in Tawan after getting dressed, the mixed race guy was sitting there with me. I stopped chatting with him and and turned my attention back to Burmese guy. I was hoping that the mixed-race guy would wonder off, actually (not that I had anything against him, just I didn't want him getting his hopes up that I would off him as well). It was then that the Burmese guy brought up the idea that I would off them both. I tend to feel that the Burmese guy was reasonably confident that I would off him, and tried to get me to off the mixed race guy as a favour to the mixed race guy.

But it is indeed hard to know what they are thinking.

Anyway, back to my account of the night with Burmese guy...

When we got to my room, he promptly suggested showers for us both. He went in first, me later. I was kind of hoping he might join me, but he did not.

When I got out of the shower, he was lying on the bed in a towel flexing his muscles and smiling .

I went over and kissed him and we got down to business.

I will not go into too explicit detail about what we did, except to say that it was all a bit mechanical, to be honest. As expected, a condom was produced for oral sex, which was a bit of a passion-killer.

Afterwards, we had a bit of a chat. I asked him how life was like in Myanmar. I meant generally speaking (I was wondering what his view on the regime would be)but he seemed to think that I meant the bar scene.

"Myanmar very different Bangkok . No bar like Tawan bar in Rangoon!" he explained

He laughed uproariously at the thought. "Farang in Myanmar no find muscle man."

"Are there no muscle men in Myanmar?" I asked.

"Yes,some, but farang in no meet them. Muscle men in Myanmar not have customer"

He then smiled wryly. It was almost as if he was regretting all the lost revenue the authorities in Burma where losing by not organising a Tawan-style bar for the farang tourists there.

He continued: "No boy bar at all in Rangoon. Just some beer bar with gay boys. Not easy for tourist. But if you bring me as guide to Myanmar, in help you meet many boys. Bring you to beer bar with many nice boys.. I good guide to Myanmar, I show you good bars and best temples, too."

He smiled hopefully at this idea.

I smiled back a bit awkwardly. "Err, maybe on my next trip to Asia".

Inwardly, I was thinking - how many things have you tried to hustle me since i met you - the second guy in Tawan, the gay in BBB Bar, now your tour guide services in Burma!

That is probably a bit harsh on him, in retrospect, but the constant salesman pitch was beginning to annoy me.

"I have friends in Burmese embassy" he added. "usually take two days to get visa. I can get visa for you in one hour".

"Well," I replied, "if I know somebody who needs a visa for Myanmar in a hurray, I will know who to recommend".

Then he said he had better be going...he lived a long way away, it seems.

So we said our goodbyes. He was sweet, and kissed me and hugged me at the door. "You nice man", he said.

"You are a sweet guy too", I said. And I meant it. Underneath all the hustle and bustle I got the impression he is a decent guy, although maybe not the best in bed.

He certainly gave me an interesting night.

March 4th, 2009, 23:06
Inwardly, I was thinking - how many things have you tried to hustle me since i met you - the second guy in Tawan, the gay in BBB Bar, now your tour guide services in Burma!

That is probably a bit harsh on him, in retrospect, but the constant salesman pitch was beginning to annoy me.

"I have friends in Burmese embassy" he added. "usually take two days to get visa. I can get visa for you in one hour".

"Well," I replied, "if I know somebody who needs a visa for Myanmar in a hurray, I will know who to recommend".

Then he said he had better be going...he lived a long way away, it seems.

So we said our goodbyes. He was sweet, and kissed me and hugged me at the door. "You nice man", he said.

"You are a sweet guy too", I said. And I meant it. Underneath all the hustle and bustle I got the impression he is a decent guy, although maybe not the best in bed.

He certainly gave me an interesting night.

Thanks, Ronan. It was a nice story.

The last time I was there, one of the guys told me that business has dropped as much as 50% or more now. Perhaps, the Burmese guy was really trying a bit too hard. I also remember that 2 chaps had approached me and sat next to me to solicit my off (a first for me) while I was sitting by myself the last time I visited in January. Usually, they just sauntered past when they are off the stage.

I'm just wondering however, if the lean business times has made these Tawan guys more customer-friendly and accommodating?

Hope that other readers can share their experience.

December 8th, 2009, 05:54
Thought i might bump this thread.

I see that the Burmese guy I wrote about on this thread has a page on a Bangkok male escort website.

You can see my hunk here:


He is a nice companiable guy but don't expect too much in the bedroom. According to the website he charges 7000 baht an hour. I gave him considerably less than that the night I offed him from the Twan and he didn't complain. so I suggest you find him there if you are trying to save your baht!

December 8th, 2009, 06:04
7000THB for one hour!! Who would pay that!?! Anyway, the guy named Erick on that site works at Dreamboys too.
I suspect they all might work in the bars.

December 9th, 2009, 21:01
Thought i might bump this thread.

I see that the Burmese guy I wrote about on this thread has a page on a Bangkok male escort website.

You can see my hunk here:


He is a nice companiable guy but don't expect too much in the bedroom. According to the website he charges 7000 baht an hour. I gave him considerably less than that the night I offed him from the Twan and he didn't complain. so I suggest you find him there if you are trying to save your baht!

Thanks, for the pics! I saw him about 2 weeks ago in Tawan on a weekend. He looks in great shape still, huge arms and broad smile as usual.

Field report of Tawan:
It was one week after the bodybuilding competition, and most of the guys were in buff shape. The night I was there, Tawan bar was packed. The waiters brought out extra chairs and they lined the aisle fully. Good mix of tourists, Asians and Caucasians with possible a Taiwanese tour group. The bar was totally full.

I noticed a few young faces - lean-muscled guys who walked the platform, together with those bodybuilding old guards who were in good shape after dieting for the competition. There were no ladyboy shows, thank goodness, and although they started at 10:45PM (15 minutes later than usual), the show was in full force. :hello1: They had the usual muscle show (all the guys where black leather with metal studs on their groin, wrists and knees. Kinky! There was a full parade of cocks, fucking shows, fire-breathing show, SM performances and the chuck-wow show.

I'd say most of the guys were keen to please for an off, and I had a very good time myself with one of the bodybuilding champs. :thumbleft:

December 9th, 2009, 21:31
which of the boys has the biggest endownment in tawan?

Brad the Impala
December 10th, 2009, 01:04
which of the boys has the biggest endownment in tawan?

You go to Tawan looking for investment policies?! Most people go for the muscles and the cocks.

December 10th, 2009, 20:29
which of the boys has the biggest endownment in tawan?

Hi, they almost always have the big cock parade show every night, so do check the show out and see for yourself.

A few have thick cocks, above 8" so they look formidable rather than super-hung.

Have fun!

December 17th, 2009, 22:57
Ok, I found this on the Internet and it does shed light on what Tawan guys are willing to do with the right motivation, or perhaps, the sign of the bad times. :8(


December 17th, 2009, 23:02
Ok, I found this on the Internet and it does shed light on what Tawan guys are willing to do with the right motivation, or perhaps, the sign of the bad times. :8(


Different strokes for different folks, but looking at that guy reminds me of a silver backed gorrilla without the hair...........

December 19th, 2009, 20:55
Different strokes for different folks, but looking at that guy reminds me of a silver backed gorrilla without the hair...........
Actually, I did quite like the silver back gorilla character in the Planet of the Apes remake starring Marky Mark. I guess for good measure, here's another fine specimen. :rolling:


Enjoy those who enjoy their beef!

January 1st, 2010, 22:12
Was in Tawan last month: a quick trip report.


To be continued....

I went to Tawan once at the end of November/early December period, and a second time again over the Christmas week. I'd like to share my experience.

Over the Christmas week, there were many muscled guys in Tawan - a highlight that night was one of the "veterans" 30+ years old national champion came back to work after a 2-year absence. There was a Tawan muscle competition on the 31st Dec, so some of the bodybuilders who are dieting for the competition looked really cut, and their abs and muscles were clearly defined. The show started late, around 1045PM but they had everything in full force - big cock parade, musclemen posing shows, fucking shows, chuck-wow show, and even a fire breather. I was treated to a 9-guy pose down in the opening muscle show which was good (these days only those in some decent shape, i.e. not off-season training plump are allowed on the posing show).

I asked one of the national champions (who wasn't joining in the muscle competition) to join me for dinner the next day, and we had a good time but we were so stuffed that night, we didn't do much. I found that the bad economy has also affected Tawan, but in December, the customers were all coming back so things improved. On both occasions I was in Tawan, they've had to add chairs as all the regular seats were taken up. I saw more guys coming back during the show (meaning they were OFFed earlier or went to a regular customer, and just arrived at the bar). There were definitely more guys (some new and some the old regulars) but they are definitely more accommodating to customers these days. The mininum rate is now 1,500THB (has always been, actually but they're less inclined to ask for more unless you did "more" with them, or it was more than 3 hours). The guys are also sensitive that times are bad, but year-end is a good time to try get more business, so they are watching their diet and training to look good.

Mix of Asian and western customers as usual, but most of the "OFF" are before the show, although I did see a few guys dressing up after their performance.

I didn't go back there on New Year's eve night to check out the muscle competition. Maybe someone who seen it can share a picture or story.